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Fantasy Sorcery!!! (Completed)

>> Call for Rhain <<
For the treatment that sorcerers had endured over the years, and for those still to come, Aquila hoped that Xirin would wait a decade or so before rebuilding Mampang. It needed to happen, such was the balance of things in this world, but gradually and hopefully after the fear mongering of magic. Ruven and Shank would no doubt be furious but hopefully Aquila's own disappearance would quiet their anger until she next saw them. Breathing out a low, exhausted sigh -- to say it'd been a long day would be the understatement of her life -- she turned to appraise the woods ahead of her. "Rhain?" Aquila called into the dark.
"I'm here." Rhain spoke, jumping down from the trees. Of course he had been watching her the entire time. "I've been thinking." He said, pacing slightly in front of her as the thing he was about to say was very difficult for him. "My goddess might not need me right now. She would call for me when she had a task. And..." He stopped, looking at Aquila. "You were willing to give up your homeland to follow me. It is only fair that offer the same." He sighed. "Call on your Eagles, let's get you back to Analand. I have never tried to settle anywhere, maybe it is time now."

Aquila could hear the calling of the great birds above the forest, they were still waiting to take her home. She had not seen her homeland and her family in such a long time. Yet, did she still trust her King? And did she trust him not to blame it on her if she told him about the destruction of the Crown?

- Go back to Analand with Rhain.
- Go with Rhain away from everything.
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>> Go back to Analand with Rhain <<

There were still so many questions that Aquila would see answered and to see those responsible held accountable for their actions. If the destruction of the Crown affected her King so greatly as to deny her forgiveness... then Aquila found her answer. If such a cruel and corrupt King should be found sitting on the throne as the Archmage suggested then they should probably not be allowed to rule over Analand. But Aquila would never know unless she returned to her homeland, something she'd been so willing to give up to follow after Rhain.

"Thank you, Rhain." Aquila breathed as she stepped closer to the assassin with a grateful smile, though it turned a little playful at the edges as she tilted her head thoughtfully to the side. "You know that means you'll probably have to meet my father, right? And that you won't be able to call me Analander anymore." With a delighted laugh she turned her face toward the skies and called for the eagles.
"I was never good with people." Rhain sighed, but he embraced Aquila once again, kissing the top of her head.

On her call the Eagles swooped down, picking both of them up once more.


They flew above Kakhabad, over the Horns of Ilklala, above the wilderness that was Khare and then back to the Shamutanti Hills, its greenery looking peaceful now. Such a contrast with the rest of her journey. So many of her steps were now undone.

"Why didn't the Eagles bright you closer to the Fortress?" Rhain asked in wonder.

But, Aquila did not have an answer to that. Maybe because the King wanted them to protect Analand. Maybe because the Eagles were too precious to send with her. It would stay unanswered.

As they landed at the gates of Analand Aquila saw a Sergeantmaster atop the walls. One she did not recognise, yet in the same uniform they all wore. He raised his spear up in greeting.

"Seems you are welcome. Wait until they see that you have brought home an assassin instead of the Crown." Rhain said.

The gates were thrown wide open and Aquila walked into her homeland.


She and Rhain were hoisted aloft on shoulders and carried all the way along the Northern Passage.

She had saved the Old World from the Archmage and destroyed the tyranny of the Crown of Kings. But the Allied Kingdoms will demand justice for the loss of the Crown. The future is hardly certain.

The effect of her journey will be felt from Analand to the Zanzunus. Soon every village and every town will know her name.

The Archmage is dead and his people are now free. They will rise and rejoin the world again.

And when the Baklands are rebuilt, it will be in Aquila's honour.

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