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Fantasy Sorcerers' Tower

Windows98 said:
Damn I was hoping Maev and Kaldar would get a little romance going there.
Well SOMEONE interrupted his shirtless moment with a TIMESKIP.

And Vin said she wants Maev to be a lone-wolf type. xD I think it would be fun for Kaldar to fall for a mage but there aren't any chicks. Oh well.
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Lmao Maev is whatever she wants to be in that moment. Maybe they'll have a romance. Maybe she'll be a slut. Maybe she'll be a pure mother who takes care of every one. The world may never know.
VintagePopPunk said:
Lmao Maev is whatever she wants to be in that moment. Maybe they'll have a romance. Maybe she'll be a slut. Maybe she'll be a pure mother who takes care of every one. The world may never know.
Maybe she will be all of them and confused the hell out Kaldar constantly...
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