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Fantasy Sorcerers' Tower

@Windows98 I changed your code around to make the image show. Make sure you can expand the sheet before we begin, 1-2 paragraphs is all that's needed per section as most of these characters probably don't have long backstories if they're locked in a tower.

@Savagai your guy looks fierce: see if you can expand the sheet though, at least 1-2 paragraphs for all sections (even if they're small details). We've got some days before we start.
Thanks for letting us know! Currently juggling a few things but I'll try and work on a CS this weekend. :D

The Endergod]Are you still accepting? [/QUOTE] Definitely I don't expect to boot it up until next week! [QUOTE=thistle] Thanks for letting us know! Currently juggling a few things but I'll try and work on a CS this weekend. :D [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17586-archie/ said:
Awesome, thanks!

@Beez nice CS, would you have a face pic for your char?
Archie said:
Definitely I don't expect to boot it up until next week!
Awesome, thanks!

@Beez nice CS, would you have a face pic for your char?
The link is in the text under his physical description, last sentence. Thought it would be better than having another big pic.
Beez said:
The link is in the text under his physical description, last sentence. Thought it would be better than having another big pic.
Yep all good

The Endergod] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17586-archie/ said:
@Archie[/URL] Also, would it be alright if my character is locked up in a separate prison like part because he is able to use forbidden magic?
For sure that's alright, do you have a way he could escape and make it to the tower? Maybe the prison is actually under the tower, plot twist lol
Archie said:
Yep all good
For sure that's alright, do you have a way he could escape and make it to the tower? Maybe the prison is actually under the tower, plot twist lol
I can probably find a way, and that idea isn't so bad. I planned on it maybe being a few floors under the normal living tower or the barracks. The magic I plan on using is blood magic.
Savagai said:
He can be the headmaster?
Well yeah but you're going to have to make him older (usually someone would get this job in their forties)

However there's a lot of magic that can counteract aging so he can still look as if he's 25 but in reality have many more years having studied magic. If you can put that in there it's all good
Archie said:
Well yeah but you're going to have to make him older (usually someone would get this job in their forties)
However there's a lot of magic that can counteract aging so he can still look as if he's 25 but in reality have many more years having studied magic. If you can put that in there it's all good

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