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Fantasy Something Strange CS


Have you seen the pits of hell? Pretty swanky...
Roleplay Availability
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I honestly have no preference for how your character sheet is done, you just need to include their spirit, how long ago their stolen form died and how if you want but you can put that in their bio, and a picture or description.

More information on the spirits will be posted later in a Lore tab.​
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Human Name: Cecil Alkanna

Spirit: Misfortune

Died: Pretty recently

Human age: About 17

Bio: Misfortune has only revived very recently, sometime in the past few months, and is still having trouble adapting to his rebirth. His issue lies more with recovering his identity as a spirit rather than adapting to modern life as much of the instinctual actions and base knowledge of the world have carried over from his host body. The boy he wound up taking over lived a rather misfortunate life himself, so prone to bad luck it's almost laughable, thus his unfortunate death drew in the spirit of Misfortune like a magnet. Cecil himself died by drowning in an overflowing river on a stormy afternoon after the bridge he was walking on caved under him due to structural faults. He didn't know how to swim either. Even as a spirit, Misfortune draws in all the bad luck around him, causing him to be either a massive hinderance or a tool-- something of a magnet to divert bad juju from everyone around him-- to the rest of the party. Because he hasn't quite re-learned to control his powers, he's not very good at cursing other with his misfortune, so it just sort of lingers like an aura around him.
Many years ago when Misfortune was a proper God, he used his powers to divert anything bad from him, manipulating the world so everything could go his way, ironically making him one of the most fortunate men in the ancient world. He lived like an emporer in Egypt, filthy rich with as much wine and fine food and women as he wanted.

Personality: As he is still in the process of recovering his old identity, some lingering from the his godly ways in ancient Egypt and the rest deriving from Cecil himself, however the two don't mix well, creating something of a strange personality. Previously, he lived as a bold, boisterous, brassy and brash man, someone with a massive prescense and an ego just as big. The boy Cecil lived alone in a small household from a not-so-rich family with an especially distant extended family. By the time he made it halfway through high school, one of his parents wound up dead and the other estranged. Any friend he made wound up moving away shortly after and he had the unshakable reputation of the "weird kid," thus was generally avoided. All of this gave him the meek and humble personality one would expect.

Hobbies: Cecil enjoyed games of skill and strategy, or really anything that didn't have luck as an element. Usually with those things, he could eventually grind his way to being good. He quite liked to play online MMOs and MOBAs though could never get any good drops, he also grew to enjoy doing household chores and developed a mild intrest in the occult, as well as a few other strange little things like that. Misfortune's hobbies included drinking, women, grand feasts, really anything with pomp and circumstance. He especially had a pention for gambling, which now doesn't serve him so well. In his current incarnation, all these things carry through

Appearance: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...6/466021071150120990/JPEG_20180708_035030.jpg (I can't bbc sry)
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Name: Mio
Spirit: Jealousy
Time of Death: A few decades ago
Cause of Death: Stabbed
Personality: Mio is quite arrogant and narcissistic. She puts on a kind and modest persona when dealing with other people. However, she's a little more honest when being provoked. She enjoys tricking people, especially those with skills or beauty.
Appearance: Mio is somewhat pale, with smooth skin. Her hair and eyes are quite dark. Her face is very appealing, but her figure is very lacking. She wears mostly flowing clothing.
Name: Winona

Spirit: Joy

Died: 4 Months Ago

Human Age: 22

Bio: Winona tries to make the best out of every situation no matter how terrible it may be. She tries her best to make people smile and have a good time. Winona feels that she lacked that type of happiness in her life and she wants to give and spread it to other people. In her previous form, an older lady surrounded by family, she tried to make the best out of every situation always putting a smile on the grandchildren of the older woman. When her form finally died she decided that it meant that it was just time to move on and spread happiness and joy to the next person.

Original Name: Aedh
Current Name: Queenie Nance Bradley
Age: 21
Spirit: Death
Stolen Form Death Date: May 29th
Personality: Queenie is very bubbly and optimistic and this annoys Death as he is very cold and analytical. The two personalities compete for dominance, causing weird reactions to things.
Bio: Queenie was a sweet girl who was in a bad profession. She worked at a strip club to help pay for her apartment. Her roommate wasn't the best and didn't support her dreams. One night while she was at work a man was unsatisfied with her and he strangled her after she left work. He left her body hidden in the back of the strip club, but Death found her and took over her form. Now he walks the Earth as Queenie, spreading death and destruction in his wake.

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