Idea Something different im slowly making, come tell me what you think


The one who made Aerth
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Had this idea i randomly wrote up recently that was very different to what I usually make and I think its got some potential as a group rp. However while I could bang up lore and a story rather quickly... I think this would be better if I kept it in a different direction to my usual attempts at fiction. I'd like to get some ideas and opinions from others in terms of the check I've written thus far. But I admit I'm not concrete on much of the tone and direction as it could go multiple ways, the most apparent to me is this idea would be either...
A dramatic slice of life in a fantasy world, or a medieval fantasy adventure with the cast moving about the lands attempting to complete a quest forced upon them.

So if you have something to say after reading this don't hesitate to post below or pm me.
The title would probably be something like
the Fairy Queen conundrum
Have you heard the tales of fae? Most end in tragedy, some result in prosperity.
(this would be a fae, a small ball of light with wings. They come in multiple colours)

A fae is a source of natural magic that grows to have life. With enough mana, experience and emotion... A fae can become a larger more human version of itself known as a fairy.
This is where the stories of fae diverge.
(A fairy is a humanoid with wings. While most accounts or sightings of fairies appear to be young females, male fairies are about just uncommon. It's probably more the case that most are androgynous in appearance)

When a Fairy falls in love, they eventually offer their mana to the one they love. This gesture is inherent to a fairy and subconsciously they know it grants power to their beloved, those who accept a fairy's love become greater then they once were. But in doing so, become cursed for the unforgivable crime of killing a fairy. For accepting a fairy's confession, kills them... a fairy's mana is its lifeforce after all, as beings of magic they are not mortal in the way other races are.

But when one refuses this offer of love, when one refuses a fairy's confession and the mana of a fairy returns to themselves.
That fairy transforms into a Fairy queen, capable of immense change in the world thanks to their grand power.
(A fairy queen or king is a full grown fairy. They have massive amounts of magic power and control the environment of the domain they rule aswell as the wildlife within it. Fairy royalty these days is uncommon and the world naturally suffers because of this, also because many who acquire a fairy's power become drunk and corrupted by it, most go on to become powerful causes of chaos.)

Though the world is full of people who would gladly accept love or power, It is that reason why so many fairies die. That is why a fairy queen soon to pass, has enacted a way to help remedy that situation. She has done all in her power to track down those who have murdered a fairy. Be it intentional or unknowingly...
Said queen has gathered as many as she could and gave them a way to repent for their crime. They are to bring about the birth of a new fairy queen to remove their own curse. They must watch over fae kind and work towards the goal given to them.

But this task is difficult. Those cursed by a fairy or who know how a fairy queen is born cannot share this information with others, be it spoken written or conveyed by other means. To attempt speaking of the method required for a fae or fairy to become a queen results in curses for all parties involved.

The queen has gathered all she could in the effort said people will guide fairies into becoming Queens. Though put short this means ensuring whoever a fairy is infatuated with refuses love and power offered to them. Without revealing why.
The fairy queens forces somehow have to ensure a fairy queen is made, but they can't say
"oi refuse that beautiful thing pledging undying loyalty to you for the greater good of the land"
Under penalty of death and torture of ones soul. It would be so easy if one could just tell the object of a fairy's affection "taking that from them results in death but they don't know that"
So letting fairies and those they love know the implications of a fairy's confession is a very touchy subject. Especially with how legends tell of how a fairy's love can grant strength to mortals... It has become a goal of many to seduce fairies for power.
The two big plot points im trying to get across would revolve around fairies in some form or another.

1) most of the cast would be trying to turn a fairy or multiple into royalty: a fairy queen or king.

2) most people to kill a fairy via taking its love become empowered aswell as cursed. These cursed people eventually cause chaos and are difficult to stop.

The cast would most likely be cursed indviduals be they fairy or a mortal race. Their goal being to chaperone/guide/watch over fairies to ensure any confession made fails. The problems being the easiest answers lead to failure.

A fairy confession happens, what happens if you kill the recipient before a answer occurs?
That fairy sees the one they love get murdered and most likely take back their mana and turn into a sprite thanks to the overwhelming negative emotions.

One could simply tell the recipient in secret of the consequences, but that would curse the one saying the truth and the one who hears it.
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So, from my understanding they are playing "anti-cupid" - so to speak. Correct?
It didn't occur to me to word it like that aha but yea that's sorta the deal
I'm not huge on this concept despite loving fae, fantasy and romance. So, this is me trying to be unbiased as possible;

1. You are going to have to explain to others this main role "the fairy queen/king" and why it is important. Perhaps set up a structure of status and a life cycle of the fae.
Me reading this, I went: "Okay, we have to make a Fairy Queen. But, why? Would all fairies die otherwise?" I understand they control an environment but doesn't really explain why controlling this environment is beneficial. Are they the balance of the ecosystem?

2. Something I noticed is this doesn't really explain what I am doing. Okay, I have to stop fairies from falling in love. Are they NPC? What about my character, what would an average day look like? How would I interact with others, or what purpose would there be? What prevents me just posting every single time of basically beating down a potential lover before confession until a queen/king happens?

You could most certainly get interest. But, players are going to have no clue how to live out their characters lives in your world and interest will fall if there isn't enough of an idea forcing them to create it themselves. You need a path where players can go, "Oh, yes. I live in this forest - and my daily tasks are these things. These are my friends. These are the things I can do." etc.

This overall check needs cleaning and a lot more structure for the type of concept this is. As it stands, there is just no interest in something that I don't understand what my character is specifically suppose to be doing and how I am suppose to be doing it.

You have a better chance splitting roles of those trying to be queen/king and mortals. Possibly pairing them up to each fairy player having their mortal guide. Then, slice of life the situation with daily tasks to care for the fae. OR, have a more aggressive tone and have people completely protect the outskirts from wanderers into the forest. Ensuring no one leaves or enters. There's different ways to go about this - it's just really confusing as it stands.
Thanks for taking the time, I probably can't answer everything brought up in one go. As I said on the first post it's just something I wrote up randomly and would need alot more effort. It's kinda a elevator pitch if anything aha

To have a crack before I go to bed though...

1) i haven't put much thought into the importance of the fairy queen or king beyond the cliche sorta shit like
"they help keep balance in the world"
With the story starting with the world unbalanced due to a lack of fairy royalty.

2) is trickier to answer as this is more of a idea then a interest check an I haven't figured out much of it. Like what's the tasks/goals/activities the player's characters would be doing for a day in game.

if player's make fairies or cursed people or both would be determined by player count and the amount of characters each wants to play. Though it could certainly work with fairies as npcs and the cast being the cursed lot to guide them.

I think it would be best done as a mix of players taking the role of fairys and npc fairies being about aswell. But in general those assigned to make sure a fairy confession fails probably couldn't rely on beating up the fairy's love interest any time they approach each other. The fairy would probably try to intervene aha

Though I may not have made it clear enough in the post, a fairy only becomes royalty by having their greatest gesture be rejected by the one they offer it to. If a fairy offers it up only for a sniper to take the persons head off before giving a answer then it wouldn't result with new fairy royalty.
I am aware it's an idea. This wasn't meant to be like "your overall interest check, sucks." These are just some things to think about as you work on it. Good luck, though. Let me know if you need another thought on something.
Either way I appreciate input, your post helped as I find it easier when someone asks questions or compartmentalise parts of it.

Moving on though whenever I have free time I'll probably write some shit here. I'm always happy to hear on it but I understand if you want to unwatch the thread aha

giving a bit of thought to "the importance of fairy royalty in the world" i already said fae are sources of magic in nature that grow to have life. So fairy royalty would be responsible for keeping natural mana in motion on the grandest scale which in the fantasy story essentially means keeping the world turning as its supposed to.
Makes the seasons occur naturally, stops undead growth, keeps monsters in check, flora and wildlife being decent.

Most from mortal races wouldn't understand this but scholars and those who study magic would find connections between fae kind and the more fantastical sides of nature. Like a territory without fairy royalty has dangerous monsters and higher chances of undead popping up.

Should a rp start from this I see the world already being unbalanced and fairy royalty being almost extinct. The last of them having exhausted so much power attempting to do fulfil the work that requires many more to complete normally.

Another plan of the dying royalty could be to gather cursed mortals who know the secret due to killing a fairy or seeing it happen and having them raise Fae for the purpose of rejecting them as a fairy. Though that requires trusting the cursed are still sane and good natured enough to follow orders for the sake of bettering the world and wouldn't just abuse their position to gain more power.
I suppose that works better as a 1x1 or small group focused on interaction between characters with bits of action thrown in.

I think the gist of my original idea was the rp would deal with the struggle of figuring out how to make more fairy royalty reliably and safely for all involved. Which i think works but has never been my sort of thing to GM. Might be it requires rules established beforehand and more set up than id like to fuck with while also having it vague enough to allow players plans or methods so it isn't each character doing a uniform action I've spelled out or written between lines.

"We have to poison the target with a venom that paralyses the victims body including the tongue and mouth, we then use telekinesis to shake their head to make it look as if they answered the confession with a silent no" I think things like this would be a acceptable but contrived way to make a confession fail should they have the necessary means. If each case can be solved the same way it holds little weight for the narrative. It could work by a game sense but it'd make the world to be more light-hearted then I intended i think haha
I'm not sure how to see the connection between a fairy getting rejected and them becoming magic royalties. Its like saying you can fly if you eat your crush's donuts. Also, I think this is better to be played as one arc instead of what the entire RP is based on, not saying it cant be done but this type of plots relies on the player actually care about the NPC of the week that you're presenting, or else the plots would feel flat and forced.

"Banterbell is kind of an ass. I hope she explodes after she kissed Sir Loin."
Should a rp start from this I see the world already being unbalanced and fairy royalty being almost extinct. The last of them having exhausted so much power attempting to do fulfil the work that requires many more to complete normally.
I think brainstorming the how the whole fairy royalty work could be beneficial. As players would be likely to ask how come this whole systems managed to work for so long despite the conditions needed being quite difficult to replicate. Like where fairy Queen always made like that or is it something recent ? Could open up doors if the players want to researchs alternatives ways to make fairy Queen. Because holy hell the one you described sound so specific I wonder how fairy queen only became near extinct now. Or why none of the last queens thought about ways to make more of them ? I mean if they were multiples before –unless something stopped them– I would find it weird that they didn't try to join force to find a solution or had already try to make more Fairy Queen the usual way. Can fairies even fall in love with other fairies ?
Another plan of the dying royalty could be to gather cursed mortals who know the secret due to killing a fairy or seeing it happen and having them raise Fae for the purpose of rejecting them as a fairy. Though that requires trusting the cursed are still sane and good natured enough to follow orders for the sake of bettering the world and wouldn't just abuse their position to gain more power.
I suppose that works better as a 1x1 or small group focused on interaction between characters with bits of action thrown in.
I would be wary of giving any players this kind of quest. I can already see some making villains that keep the power or make a fuss about wanting a happy ending to their romance with a fairy. And if you allows some players to be fairies you would have to make double sure that they and the mortal players are on the same wave. And that neither are trying to cross the other. The mortal by saying yes while it was agree to say no or the fairy by refusing to make a chara that would fall in love with said mortal. If you want to concentrate on the anti cupid thing then fairies may be better of as npc played by you or someone you trust to follow the plan.
I think the gist of my original idea was the rp would deal with the struggle of figuring out how to make more fairy royalty reliably and safely for all involved. Which i think works but has never been my sort of thing to GM. Might be it requires rules established beforehand and more set up than id like to fuck with while also having it vague enough to allow players plans or methods so it isn't each character doing a uniform action I've spelled out or written between lines.

"We have to poison the target with a venom that paralyses the victims body including the tongue and mouth, we then use telekinesis to shake their head to make it look as if they answered the confession with a silent no" I think things like this would be a acceptable but contrived way to make a confession fail should they have the necessary means. If each case can be solved the same way it holds little weight for the narrative. It could work by a game sense but it'd make the world to be more light-hearted then I intended i think haha
Lmao I'm sorry but I can't stop seeing the comedic potential your idea have. And if I can then chances are that some other players might too. Like the vibe I get is a ragtag lowkey sociopathic bunch that will slowly specialized in anti-dating practices. And become like those super efficient detective agency that investigate cheating allegations except they do it with zero morality. If this isn't your thing def make it clear in your search that it's suppose to be serious. Or that the player cannot hurt the fairies no matter what. Trust me, some (me at least) will have plans that require to put the fairies in dangers or pretend to at least.

For your fears of players using the same method again and again. Hmmm, maybe you could do a monster of the week thing ?
Let me explain :
The fairy Queen inform them of specific fairies that she know are getting close to someone. The group find a way to make the fairy crush say no to the confession. But since each of the crush are diff the players cannot use the same solutions all the time.
Examples :
Like one is a criminal that don't care about the fairy so the player can either bribe him, threaten his life or manipulate him. But no honest method are likely to work.

Another is a knight so threat or violence don't work. But maybe one of the player could defy him in duel and if they win then he will have to say no to the fairy confession without saying why. Or maybe they know he is honest so they pull some strings and make it so he will have to go to a far away country and thus the player convince him that it's for the fairy best interest if he refuse her confession and keep his new assignment a secret.

One fairy have a crush on a lovestruck farmboy that really love her. But the thing is he barely know her and his family is poor. There the players could either try to match him with someone else, try violence by threatening to destroy his life if he doesn't say no, or be more subtle and offer money for his sick mother in exchange for him to refuse the fairy love.

You see what I mean ? Make the fairies crush with strength and weakness and let the players decide how they could handle this case. Your players could even push the immorality by paying conmen/women (I would make sure they are gay or aro personally but eh could be fun to see the drama if they fall in love with the fairy) to seduce a fairy only to reject her, make her crush hate her by some made up drama, make a potion that make her crush see her as their worst enemies or hold a gun toward his head while in a bush and making it clear that if his lips so much as form the word "yes" he's never going up again.

The possibilities are endless and this is a fertile place for murderhobo and chaotic evil so you gonna have to protect your poor fairies. XD

I love your idea tho !
ragtag lowkey sociopathic bunch that will slowly specialized in anti-dating practices
The queen hiring breakup spec ops team sounds hillarious. For the queen the mission will determine the future of her kin but for the mercs its just another tuesday.
The queen hiring breakup spec ops team sounds hillarious. For the queen the mission will determine the future of her kin but for the mercs its just another tuesday.
LMAO you get it !

I can't stop imagining the whole team holding strategy meeting fully geared up and the leader being like
"Okay boys the target is a 17 years old prince." Look at Murdie."So no threat this time." Murdie open his mouth. "NO. No pretending to hold the fairy hostage either. Queen's given me enough slack about it, seem violence ain't her kind." Murdie roll his eyes. The leader huff and continue. "Jollybell is planning on making her confession on Tuesday 24 so that leave us with two weeks to prepare the offensive." He point at Trapie and Seducie. "You two know what to do." Trapie began rummaging in compromising paper about the prince as Seducie put on lipsticks and Murdie sharpened his sword sullenly. With the might of all combined, Prince Cheatie never stood a chance.
LMAO you get it !

I can't stop imagining the whole team holding strategy meeting fully geared up and the leader being like
"Okay boys the target is a 17 years old prince." Look at Murdie."So no threat this time." Murdie open his mouth. "NO. No pretending to hold the fairy hostage either. Queen's given me enough slack about it, seem violence ain't her kind." Murdie roll his eyes. The leader huff and continue. "Jollybell is planning on making her confession on Tuesday 24 so that leave us with two weeks to prepare the offensive." He point at Trapie and Seducie. "You two know what to do." Trapie began rummaging in compromising paper about the prince as Seducie put on lipsticks and Murdie sharpened his sword sullenly. With the might of all combined, Prince Cheatie never stood a chance.
I know this is all in good humor, but I really enjoyed reading that for a laugh. Lol
Arnalia Arnalia everything you've said applies in some way aha
The spec ops break up team is the most hilarious way to put it but that is basically what the rp is.

Apart from that I get what you mean about players wanting to be "evil" if the option is there but I imagine if this started in some form and it allowed players to be either a fairy or a cursed individual then the rules would state in some way that player killing is forbidden. Despite murder being so easy to happen

As for fairies loving fairies I'd say that's how it used to be back in the day but over time it became rare.
Like when fairies confessed to other fairies they exchange their love/mana to each other and both become royalty. The story can't happen without a shortage of fairy royalty so the reason its rare for fae to pair up now is cause male fairies are less common and over 600 years of tradition of loving other fairies got boring.

Mortals suddenly became way more interesting to fairies.
Arnalia Arnalia everything you've said applies in some way aha
The spec ops break up team is the most hilarious way to put it but that is basically what the rp is.

Apart from that I get what you mean about players wanting to be "evil" if the option is there but I imagine if this started in some form and it allowed players to be either a fairy or a cursed individual then the rules would state in some way that player killing is forbidden. Despite murder being so easy to happen

As for fairies loving fairies I'd say that's how it used to be back in the day but over time it became rare.
Like when fairies confessed to other fairies they exchange their love/mana to each other and both become royalty. The story can't happen without a shortage of fairy royalty so the reason its rare for fae to pair up now is cause male fairies are less common and over 600 years of tradition of loving other fairies got boring.

Mortals suddenly became way more interesting to fairies.
Wait. Sorry if I misunderstand but does this mean that gay pairing aren't common/accepted by fairies ? If the shortages is caused by male fairies being less common then does that mean that female fairies being lesbian/bisexual ect is less common then them being heterosexual ? Or do fairies royalty need to have biological children ? I don't know what else you have planned but I be very very cautious about how you present that to players as even if having to do with the lore. Many fairy players could not like it and be hostile to their chara sexual orientation being restrained.

I would honestly try to find another reason. 😥

Overall I think it may be good if you try to world build the fairies first taking into account if you will allow players to play as them or their role in the plot.
A fairy can confess to who or whatever they like, but i assume most would opt for the opposite gender for biological reasons.

I get the can o worms the subject of sexuality can be can but as this would be on rpn anything adult would be glossed over

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