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Some Ideas I got


That Guy...
In advance I usually only use anime pics for my chars, and I only play the male...sorry not sorry. :P

#1: A man or girl doesn't matter are in college, one of them get into a serious bad accident care accident or something and loose their memory. And they are dating the other char. They wake up in the hospital and see their SO, but do not remember them. So basically the SO has to make the person who forgot them fall back in love with them.

#2: Basic high school plot popular girl or guy go for the not so popular. Chessy as fuck ik, but like sometimes really fun to rp if done right.

#3: A human experiment, well the man guy or girl has superpowers and were in government imprisonment for all their lives till they escape. They get to a city and break into or something to find the other char. Since they made contact with this other char, the government wont hesitate to use that person against the super powered char. So they pretty much kidnap the other person. They will be on the road on the while and they both will come to like/love one another

#4: uhh this one is more far fetched. A witch hunter goes to a town in which they have a witch or think they do. The witch hunter will run into her while investigating or something and so on. He will try to capture her and shit, but shit hit the fan and the the witch hunter get seriusly injured. Feeling bad for him the witch treats his wounds. And blah blah they like each other.

#5: Just a regular romance story, two ppl in college meet in a class start to talk a lot, either in person or over text/call. And then they start dating etc...Could be fun if done right.

#6: Best friends, male and female obvi, are best friends they tease each other and hang out a lot. One of the best friends like one another, can specify later if you choose this idea. One of them has a bad break up. The one that likes the other one is there to comfort him or her. Eventually the other friend realizes that he or she likes the other friend and start to date idk I legit just came up with this xD

#7: Zombie romance whoooooo, so sarcastic, so zombie apoc, two chars are stuck they end up liking each other...have done it once it was fun but it has to be done really well to be fun.

#8: Native American romance whoo....sarcasm....Anyway, Either my or your char can be the native american, White man has settled not too far from their tribe. And one day while your or my char is hunting they meet the other char. They are hesitant of one another but end up becoming friends, then liking each other and dating. But white man and native's eventually start to fight etc...pretty much Romeo and Juliet with out their deaths.
#1 seems like fun.

Although, you would have to wait (sorry) because I need to have10 posts and be a 24 hour+ member before I can do PMs. xP

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