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Realistic or Modern (Post-Anarchy/Apocalyptic RP) Waking Up


Traveling Adventurer
You, and several other wake up on one of the many hospital beds laying around the large room. Your recent memory is foggy, and so is your eyesight, however you can make out a older teen boy looking out the broken window. Before you can speak, your eyes close, and you fall asleep.


Basically everyone is a group of people who somehow, in some way ended up unconscious at a hospital for several days. While they were out of it however, all the world governments ended up ripping apart, causing anarchy around the entire world. After these several days however, things quickly calm down as the human race realizes they have destroyed the very thing that protected them from themselves, and now the world has gone to chaos. You guys/girls/everyone wake up, only to find a male teen who had not only protected you and taken care of you, but also survived the entire time physically unaffected. It's still a WIP, so gemme yer ideas ppl \>w</
Looks early in the creation process. I would consider myself a master at everything Post-Apocalyptic so I would be interested in helping you in any way.
I would be interested.

It definitely sounds like something that could develop into a wonderful RP.
Fun idea: The military's have gone rouge, and the group must survive the many random gunfights the rouge military squads have with each other. I'm pretty interested though.
If this happens to be of a moderately high literacy level, you've got me interested.
It sounds really interesting!

But... I have a question. Wouldn't it take a long time for ALL of the world governments to fall into a state of anarchy? O_o?
Huh... I suppose that in a certain situation, governmental collapse could occur worldwide... Like in a situation of international crisis where people worldwide had organized an international coup of the governments... Especially if caught off-guard, the masses could probably overpower the governing parties.

It might not be all that far-fetched... In a world where communications worldwide were extremely simple.

In the world we live in, countries such as North Korea and China would be difficult to make contact with along with countries with no means of communicating with the outside world via the internet... Or perhaps if individuals in-the-know about this event could send message to these lands? There is still the issue of language barriers and the impenetrable fortress that is North Korea...

How would that work?

Huh... It would take more than seven days in our world.

It could take decades in our world!

Good question... Good question...
I mean, I really do love the concept of the entire world falling in a global government crash (I actually have a rp running right now where the United States fell within ten years and became something completely and utterly different within 100 years).

But... if there was a universal break in technology or something so shocking that it shook every civilization, then it actually could crash within seven days.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but surely it could be destroyed in one.
Yes, yes... But how would this order-destroying event manifest in our world when there are so many varying civilizations and dictatorships in place?

Illness is the only thing I could think of, illness and worldwide panic...

(I love the dystopian as well, when portrayed correctly. I am currently in the process of reading Emily St. John Mandel's "Station Eleven" for this very reason... And because of school, but y'know. Boring books don't get read.)
Hmm... a mass epidemic could be something. A mutative virus that adapts and spreads much faster than scientists can find a cure for.

...Isn't there an app game about that? xD

I feel like if it was something like the governments falling on themselves, we all would have to go into something akin to WWIII. Maybe nuclear warfare was meant to scare and then quickly end the war, however, it left more damage. And maybe that's where the super-epidemic came from. A radioactive super-bacteria that started to infect the bombed locations first, then spread as people ran and sought refuge. But maybe it doesn't spread through open wounds, but is airborne. The more people migrate to sanctuary, the more sanctuary becomes a hell-box.

And how the cast would be in a clean hospital, alive and well... that would be a great mystery.

But I do feel like it would still take some time. War does take a little bit of time because countries can't just be so gung-ho. As far as I know, there are a lot of weights and balances they have to consider before going into action. But one attack could render several retaliations, don't you think?

And I apologize if I'm scatterbrained everywhere. >____<;;
If I may provide my input: I personally believe illness has been overdone. Every zombie RP and nearly every apocalypse RP on here started because of some infection or virus or illness. I'd like to see something else that is maybe a tad more realistic. I'm not trying to be rude, just giving my opinion. I was thinking of some sort of supply shortage or power grid shutdown. It causes huge riots that continue to grow with each passing day. Governments quickly surrender or are shut down.
(Yes, I have the app... It is very entertaining.)

Mmyes, yes, you can't just declare war for no good reason. The US in WWII is a good example of that...

Perhaps the illness would be spread by use of weapons used in bio-warfare? Mysterious airstrikes using such a technology would raise suspicions and feed paranoia, likely leading to a third world war eventually, though seven days wouldn't be enough for most countries to get trigger-happy with their forces and decide war is the only answer...

Most causes would take a fair amount of time, it takes a bit to drive EVERY country to resort to war.

Only a madman would resort to brinkmanship so soon in a fight.

Kordxna said:
If I may provide my input: I personally believe illness has been overdone. Every zombie RP and nearly every apocalypse RP on here started because of some infection or virus or illness. I'd like to see something else that is maybe a tad more realistic. I'm not trying to be rude, just giving my opinion.
I don't disagree, however, I don't see many ways of going about a seven-day collapse. If it were a longer period of time I'd say it could happen, but it's difficult to knock down the brave and stubborn of our modern-day world...

What would you suggest?
I don't think its rude. I think its pretty accurate. xD

@Kordxna, what do you think would destroy the world in a short amount of time?
((Just edited my post but I'll explain a bit more))

When I say huge riots I mean ENORMOUS. Let's use the US as an example. There's about 319 million people in the US. In 2008 it was counted that about 1.1 million of those people are law enforcement. 318 million > 1.1 million.

There's only 2.7 million in the US military.

315 million citizens > 3.8 million police and military combined.

((totally reversed signs because I'm a dumbass. excuse that))
Mmm... I mean, that could make sense, but also realistically in places like China... I believe if people tried to create an uproar like that, they wouldn't hesitate to rely on their firing squad. They already use them against their own as severe punishment for breaking laws. Fear can cripple large amounts of people and keep them in line. So riots could work for certain countries to break them down, but I can't see is happening within several days. I feel like if the riots were going to be so massive, it would take at least a few months.
Mm, I see. That is actually quite plausible when I remember the riots going on in the US. Never thought I'd here the word "Police-State" used outside of history class, but there it was!

But how would this effect everyone?

Once again I shall bring up remote areas and disconnected countries, how would they be affected? Dictatorships don't always get the same reactions from the general public as other governments, and there are civilizations don't rely on power and things commonly used in other, more populated countries.

Am I making any sense?

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