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Futuristic (Social) OOC

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He deserved to be the first loser, dude was an absolute piece of shit and got overhyped like Adam did. Though, Adam likely would have won his match normally given what he could do.
But Adam was an absolute chad. This guy was just a condescending asshole.
Like. Who knows where to get good pictures? The switchover from hosted project to regular thread destroyed me. I’m rebuilding Death’s Corner but can’t find a death corner. Come on.
Like. Who knows where to get good pictures? The switchover from hosted project to regular thread destroyed me. I’m rebuilding Death’s Corner but can’t find a death corner. Come on.
Pinterest is decent for photography. You might be able to find something good drawn on Artstation. Try searching for cyberpunk or victorian streets or street corners.
Death’s Corner is moving along nicely. After it, I’ll be able to make the opening post y’all. The RP will slowly start congealing together and it’ll look like something. Thank you for the patience!
It's real. Galarian regional forms - Linoone even gets a third stage evolution for being a hooligan.

Ah Linoone. They need to do a reboot. Even more than what they're trying out now. Give the legendary birds another level. Tundruno. Hurridos. Desertres.



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