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Fandom So You Want To Be A Pro? CS



The Abyssal Aubade
A place for the character sheets to go.


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Just handle one setback at a time. You'll get there... eventually.
Alli Serci

  • Name;
    Alli "Amor" Serci




    Hair Colour;

    Eye Colour;

    Current Persona:
    The Black Hole Bomber (Unwanted)

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(Credit of picture goes to Kuvshinov-Ilya)

: Norisa Hiragashu
Twin of Nagisa Hiragashu

Third Year at UA
; Shota Aizawa ( Eraserhead )

Hero Name; The Maritime Hero; Nautinori

Age: 17
Weight; 110 pounds when not using her quirk, 2 tons when using her quirk

Quirk: Deep Sea; Nori’s quirk involves the control of and ability to use water. This is not a normal water element type quirk though as the name itself probably gives away. She can adjust the pressure in which the water itself is at, all the way down to the pressure found at deep sea levels. The flexibility of this allows for a more solid foundation when fighting, whether offensively or defensively. She has a limit to how much she can produce on her own and will become extremely fatigued if relying on her own water creation in comparison to using readily available water. Nori prefers using her abilities defensively in ways such as shielding an ally with a bubble that absorbs an attack, though it can only be used on one person at a time if using her own source of water and not for a lengthy duration. Offensively it can be used to surround and crush things, flood them out, or even suffocate to a point of unconsciousness. The fun part of this quirk is that her body is conditioned to withstand drastic pressures and while petite in size she is actually physically insanely strong and acts as a human tank. A giant anchor connected by a thick retractable chain is usually heaved around effortlessly as part of her hero suit add ons and she's usually seen wielding it when in combat. A mild headache will form when using deep sea, one that only grows in severity as the pressure is increased so she really needs to balance it out and try not to go overboard. Once a full blown migraine level is reached she's pretty much useless, unable to see and crippled from pain.

Aqua de Vida; A mysterious part of her quirk and not something that she has any control over. In extremely heightened emotional scenarios, her tears have the ability to heal physical wounds. They can't replenish stamina or energy but it's said that it is a treasure that is given to those whom protect the waters. It's as though the sea answers her calls and pleas. The act itself will knock her unconscious once it happens, as if her own life and energy went into healing said person.

Personality: Nori has a free spirit, the type to jump face first into everything that she wants to without hesitation. She's fearless and brave, leaning more towards steering the ship rather than be the crew working aboard it. She will always be the one to get back up after being knocked down, often doing so even when injured to extreme points and shouldn't be able to stand. Sometimes her selflessness and desire to protect others can get her thrown off balance mentally, but she quickly recovers. She's a rational thinker and even though a lot of her actions can be seen as careless or reckless; there always is a reason behind them that usually doesn't make sense until later. It takes a while to get her to open up to others but once she truly does, you've made an ally for life. Between the twins, Nori is the physically slow one, but that doesn't slow her down from chasing her goals and dreams. She wishes to be the wall that stands tall and protects those whom stand behind it. An impenetrable wave that spans very high but crashes with the force to sweep evil away. Thankfully she has remarkable navigational skills because getting lost is something that scares her, though the reason for this is unknown. Quiet and reserved at first, one might think that she has a more cold outlook on things but that's simply due to the fact that she needs to warm up to others. She does get extremely excited over small things that she enjoys, such as food presented in a cute manner or being near the water.

History: Nori, the twin to Nagisa; Daughter of Shoyuga and Nira the number three and four disaster maritime heroes. It's in her blood to become a disaster hero like the famous Thirteen but this isn't the path that little Nori wanted to walk. Ever since she had been a little tyke, after her quirk manifested, she sat in front of the tv screen past her bedtime to watch the news. She watched heroes do unspeakable things, fight scary villains, save one another and those whom couldn't save themselves. And she watched… with glistening eyes, and a conviction that only grew and grew. Nagisa, her twin, more suitable to be a villain fighting hero, would usually find her asleep and curled up against her anchor in front of the tv, every morning. It was more used as a bed compared to her actual bed, but all she knew is that she always woke up covered in a blanket that she didn't remember having. Nagisa always looked out for her, even if it was something as small as putting a blanket over her. And Nori wanted to look out for her, so when the time came to apply for schools, they both set their sights on UA. They were both accepted, Nori through recommendation, and her sister Nagisa through passing the exam and tests which didn't come as a surprise to her. Nagisa was always naturally talented and fast, so very fast. Keeping up with her and fighting alongside her to make the world a better, as well as safe, place soon became an oath that she clung onto.

Being near water
The sound of waves/rain
Protecting others
Seeing the efforts and hard work of people

Taking the train
Tight Spaces
Those who are intentionally cruel
Feeling Helpless
Dry Heat

Very Tanky
Changes the pressure of water encased on her limbs so each successful hit packs a shock-wave type punch
Versatile uses with quirk
Can breathe underwater
Can use anchor as a shield or weapon, can move it quickly despite its size and weight
No limits around bodies of water or when an outer source of water is involved ( except with the pressure headaches that worsen )

Being Subdued by means of encasement will send her into a blind rage, which usually results in an instant migraine
Has terrible eyesight out of water, NEEDS her specially made glasses to see normally otherwise it's completely blurry
Extremely sluggish and slow movements on land ( is usually forced to take a hit instead of dodging it )
Can absorb/inhale water

Power: 5
Speed: 0
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 3
Cooperativeness: 3​

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