Journal so... just my thoughts on what's happening in the world.

defenderofberk defenderofberk
1. Thank you for proving my point. You are an outsider trying to tell someone with lived experience they are wrong. Which is exactly what I was warning against by talking about looking at information from the source.

2. You might want to check your own first paragraph then. Cuz you are showing some heavy bias because what I am saying doesn’t fit the narrative you want to believe.

2b. America is racist. Full stop. This is objective reality. Please stop trying to muddy that issue.

3. I was talking about fandoms actually. It’s how I met people outside my bubble. But as that was not clear I will edit the post.
defenderofberk defenderofberk
1. Thank you for proving my point. You are an outsider trying to tell someone with lived experience they are wrong. Which is exactly what I was warning against by talking about looking at information from the source.

2. You might want to check your own first paragraph then. Cuz you are showing some heavy bias because what I am saying doesn’t fit the narrative you want to believe.

2b. America is racist. Full stop. This is objective reality. Please stop trying to muddy that issue.

3. I was talking about fandoms actually. It’s how I met people outside my bubble. But as that was not clear I will edit the post.
One persons experience doesn't make it true for the entire country or community. Also, if it's that dangerous, why do you stay?

One fringe group doesn't make every republican racist. If 46% of the country (or even half, so 23%) honestly believed that 12% of the population were less than human, the numbers of blacks in America would plummet. Especially as a lot of republicans have guns.

Also, following the logic that a lived experience of meeting a fringe group makes everyone associated with that group whatsoever terrible, the grooming gang victims have EVERY right to hate all muslims, and we should all do so right along with them.

I'm showing heavy bias? The entire post is about thinking objectively, something you didn't bother to mention. The closest you came to it was not to pick a side.

That is a case of opinion being presented as fact. That's like me saying blacks commit the most crime.

It wasn't clear, but thank you for changing it.
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defenderofberk defenderofberk you are not American. Kindly stop trying to explain American politics to me.

I was giving civil advice to a young person who was asking questions. If you want to argue about politics your welcome to do it elsewhere. I will not engage you further on the topic.
Let's chill out and not assume things/point fingers peeps. While it is apparent we have two opposite standpoints in term of alignment, I don't think anyone is trying to put all the right wing in one box, and all the left wing in another. I am sure everyone who is conservative does not share fascist or capitalist values, similarly no one who is democrat shares communists or socialists values.

No one is talking about a genocide either, and I find the fact that you attribute that much power to Donald Trump a bit concerning. There has been a civil war before in the States, and as far as I know it did not wipe out most of the black population. While a lot of people seems to think that he has access to a big red button with : NUKE, written on it, access to military force is not as simple against it's own population (or any population in general).

Also if your criteria for a good movement is not to ask for a genocide of a population...I mean it's kind of a low bar. But yeah, a lot of minorities existence and rights IS a point of debate even today in the US.

Examples :

-Can you refuse to serve a gay couple at a bakery? - Big debate over this
-Police stop and frisk policies against minorities and in particular Black people
-The right to speak your mother tongue in public without facing discrimination
-The right to serve in the military to defend his country (transgender ban in the military)
-The right to a fair trial (immigrants) and to be treated without excessive force by the police of your country (current protests)

These points are debates that are pretty current in the US. And while I am not the best placed to talk about them, since I'm simply their friendly Canadian neighbor, I do like to keep myself informed of what is happening there. I personally like Philip DeFranco on Youtube (while he has some opinions I do not agree with, his research is usually thorough and is for a me a great example of independent news source)

I would also point the ten stages to genocide that you can find here (source : Montreal museum of Holocaust), and you can see that for Black People and immigrant, there has been a LOT of steps towards the steps 3 and 4 of the ladder.

And guys...when you have Amnesty International condemning the actions of a government...It may be a sign things are going south? Like it is the same organization that loudly protests against crimes made by China's, Russia's and a lot of power hungry governments...(the source)

EDIT : Sorry I did not see your post Rae! Did not want to add oil to the fire x.x
defenderofberk defenderofberk you are not American. Kindly stop trying to explain American politics to me.

I was giving civil advice to a young person who was asking questions. If you want to argue about politics your welcome to do it elsewhere. I will not engage you further on the topic.

I'm obviously the wrong type of person to comment on this.

Just as a side note, white people in Britian hit four of the genocide points.
Certainly I wasn’t saying all conservatives are bad. Just that rights are a politicized thing in America. For gosh sake we had people hang the Kentucky governor in effegy outside the Governor’s mansion because he dared to tell them to follow basic health advice. That is politicizing (he’s a Democrat in a Republican state) an issue that has nothing to do with politics.

That’s all I meant. We take issues that are at best common sense or basic decency and attribute them to one side of the political divide over the other. (And it is a t wo way street. Apparently Republicans are the only ones allowed to care about white working class people for instance).

Not saying Democrats don’t care. Or that all Republicans are racists. I am saying basic rights have been reduced to a Democrat vs. Republican talking point.
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Hey there, internet person. I'd like to share my perspective on this.

A person here commented that you are too young for 'politics'. I don't think you are, I don't think anyone is too young to pick up books, read, and get a head start. My friend's younger sister is very smart for her age because of this, she was interested in academic subjects from a very young age and used the resources she could get to learn more about said subjects. I will not disclose her age, but let's say that people her age should not be attempting to write papers to be published in journals, or trying to register for high-level programs that offer research opportunities which look incredibly good to universities.

I think thirteen is an age where you start to come into grips with the world around you, and realize that there are many issues which beset society, and you will unfortunately have to confront said issues eventually. Maybe you making a thread about this is an example? I dunno, I sadly can't read minds. What I can do, is recommend you to pursue a subject which interests you, even from an early age. Another person on this thread told you to read books, and you should, they're the one of the best tools to learn.

So, I'm going to recommend a book series which covers a broad range of topics. Not only are all the books in this series beginner friendly, they are very cheap, short and offer good introductions. You'll be able to find them at your local library, and if not I suggest requesting your library to order some of these books.

The book series is known as very short introductions. The link will take you to the website where you can find a book which offers an introduction to a topic or subject you're interested in :). My suggestion is checking out the one for logic by Graham Priest. Hope my post helped.
Also. I do not mean to hijack the thread, but I'd like you all (and any readers) to check out something called Campaign Zero.

It's a campaign which pushes for research-backed policies that can tackle police brutality within America, and ensure that police officers are serving and protecting the community.
Also if your looking for ways to donate but don’t have any money there are several videos on YouTube which are donating all their ad revenue to various bail funds for protestors.

Just do what I did for my work training. Mute the video but let it play out through all the ads. You can then just listen to random five videos (any length) and then go back to playing the video again on mute. It’s an easy thing to do that can help a little bit. (If you don’t like that one there are others of a similar vein).

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