Chitchat So how's school?


One body, many minds
Exactly as the thread title implies, I'd like to know how others are doing in school. Are you in-person or virtual? If you went virtual, how have things changed for you? And if you're in-person, how're you doing?

I went back to school in-person just a few weeks ago and continue to have new classmates showing up. My school, as far as I know, has had no confirmed covid cases, students are all required to wear masks and attempt to social distance (although it's kinda hard to socially distance hundreds of overly social high schoolers...) and everything is being sanitized so at least my school is taking some precautions. Some of my friends are still virtual so that's a little sad but it's for their safety.
Being in-person again has helped me out, it's a lot easier for me to stay engaged in a classroom environment. As well as improving my engagement and grades, it's noticeably helped my mental health as well. I have clinical depression and was really struggling throughout the six months of quarantine, I started out okay but as the weeks went by I went into a downward spiral. The last few weeks of quarantine (the few weeks I was forced to be virtual) had me constantly thinking about ending my life, but I also had a serious lack of motivation to do anything, including that. But as soon as I went back to school I started to feel okay again, I can see my girlfriend for a few minutes every day and that's enough to boost my mood quite a bit.

I also made FRIENDS! I've always been awful at socializing but this year I could finally talk to people and made real friends!! I have a buddy to sit with at lunch! :D

So that's my story, how are the rest of y'all?
Okay, I’m doing okay. Online school is scaring me, I believe I have all a’s so far since it’s like, the second week.
Also yes, I posted this in the middle of the school day xD I'm sitting in the gym right now at my "P.E." class
Okay, I’m doing okay. Online school is scaring me, I believe I have all a’s so far since it’s like, the second week.
I wish you luck in your online classes! They can be tricky sometimes but you can get through 'em!
I’m an on-campus person. Our school gave the parents regulations, but has gone completely against them. We still enforce masks and hand sanitizer, but the entire plan was basically a hoax to get people to send their kids to school. Our school was given extra money this year, and instead of pitching into third lunch or fixing classrooms, they’re just putting neon signs in the hallway. Students who have third lunch resort to cutting in line because there’s never enough food for everybody once it gets that late. It might just be my luck, as I’m told not every teacher does it, but basically our ‘in-class lessons’ are just watching videos and answering questions off the video. If we have any questions about the lesson, it’s on our own time to figure it out.
I’m an on-campus person. Our school gave the parents regulations, but has gone completely against them. We still enforce masks and hand sanitizer, but the entire plan was basically a hoax to get people to send their kids to school. Our school was given extra money this year, and instead of pitching into third lunch or fixing classrooms, they’re just putting neon signs in the hallway. Students who have third lunch resort to cutting in line because there’s never enough food for everybody once it gets that late. It might just be my luck, as I’m told not every teacher does it, but basically our ‘in-class lessons’ are just watching videos and answering questions off the video. If we have any questions about the lesson, it’s on our own time to figure it out.
Sounds... fun
I'm actually considering paying for a VPN just so I can browse the internet while at school. Contentkeeper blocks SO many sites (including this site, which I've accessed through a proxy because screw that), but things like Amazon and other online shopping sites are unblocked with zero restrictions. YouTube is unblocked but has a forced restricted mode that blocks "inappropriate" videos as well as comments...

But of course, being the nerd I am, I will always find a way around whatever they block. I'm in high school now, I'm not a baby, and I'm not trying to do anything illegal so yeah
I'm actually considering paying for a VPN just so I can browse the internet while at school. Contentkeeper blocks SO many sites (including this site, which I've accessed through a proxy because screw that), but things like Amazon and other online shopping sites are unblocked with zero restrictions. YouTube is unblocked but has a forced restricted mode that blocks "inappropriate" videos as well as comments...

But of course, being the nerd I am, I will always find a way around whatever they block. I'm in high school now, I'm not a baby, and I'm not trying to do anything illegal so yeah
At least you have YouTube at all. My school allows it without content restrictions, but for some reason (actually a good reason because I get distracted easily) they took YouTube off and now I can’t watch Damian make a fool of himself :(
And now my knock off serbian YouTube isn’t working! It was working perfectly fine yesterday and now it does the thing where it’s restricted. And I can’t even look up the lion king or it will block it and idk why. Or if I type “how much does top and bottom surgery cost” it blocks it because apparently that’s related to certain adult content even though it’s not.
All virtual, have been for a few years now though. It's pretty boring (except for the writing classes) honestly. Just trying to finish as fast as I can!
I just typed out the lyrics to an entire freakin song IN JAPANESE because the romaji was removed from the lyrics wiki (for "violating the terms of use" aka being disturbing). Just so I can type the whole thing out again in English. Translating dark-themed songs is... fun.

Edit to clarify; I had to type it because any service with the lyrics is blocked on school servers. The song was Kikuo's 'Gomen ne Gomen ne'
Im dying here, english and government has only open ended questions so in actually researching on government Independence treaties and garbage.
I have a crap ton of biology homework again because I've done basically nothing in class all week lmao
Is it school time already? I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that stuff. I graduated 02', worked for a few years then tried the college thing... twice. It didn't work out and all I have to show for it is several thousand dollars worth of debt I can't afford to repay. I DID try. Defaulted not once, but TWICE on my loan repayment. So I'm ineligible for any kind of consolidation plan. I've always hated school, every level of it: From grade school all the way through post-grad. So I'm just glad it isn't a thing I have to deal with passed the notices of debt I get in the mail. Those, I just tear up and throw away. Not much else I can do about it at this point in my life.
I’m excited for you and your buddy. Making friends is one of the worst part of adulthood Imo, that’s a major victory! I’m virtual and in college as a first year for my bachelors in business. I don’t really have any education/career dreams other than not being broke so. I’m just doing it, alone, probably like most of you. Lol.
I haven't been sleeping, my room is a mess, and I'm starting to slip a bit on my assignments. Perhaps it’s because I was so used to doing nothing all day throughout the quarantine/ summer.
Doing minimal work in Spanish class because I'm just gonna test out of it next year...
In my district you have to take 2 years of LOTE (language other than English) unless you already speak another language with basic fluency. But aint nobody got time for two years of a language you don't even want to learn. So screw that Ima just test out with Japanese next year and have a free period/extra elective.
I haven't been sleeping, my room is a mess, and I'm starting to slip a bit on my assignments. Perhaps it’s because I was so used to doing nothing all day throughout the quarantine/ summer.
Same here, I was so used to just chilling out, watching tv and playing videogames and now school has me on a decent schedule and I feel like my mental state of mind is falling apart
okay but like (in my opinion as a mostly straight A student and being mostly independent with classwork) online school is so much easier then in person school. I don't have a million assignments to finish everyday because my classes are set up for 4 periods a day and I have little to no homework. I just miss the social element of it all. And volleyball. Goodness I miss it (district is still holding practice and even started the season but it doesn't feel safe enough. seeing as someone came up positive last month during practice. screams safety I know)
I *wish* we would switch to online classes since covid cases have been rising again in my country. Though I can understand why teachers don't want to since we're studying engineering and we need the first hand experience ^^'' I'm just lowkey freaking out because in the workhall we sometimes have closer to 50 students working at once and if one person gets sick that means everyone has to stay home until further notice...

I'm glad to hear that going back to school has helped you! Being there in-person helps focus on studying and it's nice to have some human interaction. Hopefully you'll get even more lunch buddies as the school continues :D With my class it's quite easy since we all have same work outfit so you can't miss each other lol!

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