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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

(they are the ones teaching the fighting, arent they?)
"Then again, i wonder if she's a good fighter..." He whispered. Leonardo stood up, getting a good view "Is this like a pretest or something?"
(They're very strong, very close to Op, but not. Only the Headmaster/Mistress is Op, which I haven't made that character yet...)

Fallon waved her hand and a dagger appeared in her hand. When Elch was in the process of turning around to face her, she waved her other hand, and disappeared. Then she appeared behind Elch after he fully turned and slashed three times at his legs. She then
teleported again to his left, a few feet away. She waved the dagger in the air, and it morphed into short sword. Fallon took a battle stance again, her free hand a ball of blue fire.
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Asura was standing in the back of Elch's class watching the battle that was taking place. As he stood he bounced the sword or his shoulder up and down. "I wonder what's taking Lucia so long?" He mumbled to himself.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Leonardo turned to look at Asura "Nice blade." They way he looked and sounded made it hard to tell if it was Sarcasm or a legit compliment. He turned back to the fight.
Elch smirked and lunged towards Fallon, pushing off with his uninjured leg, he was way too fast for her or anyone else to register. He flatpalmed the bottom of her throat, knocking the wind out of her, then a solid punch to the gut, finally ending it with an efficient blow to the back of the head. Elch stepped back watching the result of his attacks.
"You may take your seat." Elch said gently to her as if he hadn't just attacked her.
After having searched for Iria to no avail for a while Lucia quickly headed to her first class...which actually surprisingly wasn't too far from where she was. In fact she'd literally just passed it while searching, so she basically just turned around, walked a few feet, and headed into the classroom, sneaking over to Asura and hoping that nobody had noticed her come in just now. "I'm not late am I? Did I miss anything?" She whispers to Asura.
zenreaper zenreaper
He just stared at the teacher, mouth dropped in amazement. "And here i thought only Swords would be allowed." He was excited for whatever the teacher would bring to the table
Fallon coughed up blood. Her knife and fire were gone. Her first attempt had been good, but had still failed. It was time to go all kray-kray magic kitsune on this man. While she was down, her eyes flashed white for a moment, and no one knew. She now knew she needed her strength and speed. She stood up, turned around and waved her hand. She started to glow a faint green. Fallon's injuries were gone in an instant. She waved her hand again, and she jumped high over Elch's head, did a filp in the air, touched the ceiling, and landed with a force that knocked some of the other students out of their seats in front of him. "I'd really rather not, sir," she said kindly. "I'm ready for another run."
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Fallon coughed up blood. Her knife and fire were gone. Her first attempt had been good, but had still failed. It was time to go all kray-kray magic kitsune on this man. While she was down, her eyes flashed white for a moment, and no one knew. She now knew she needed her strength and speed. She stood up, turned around and waved her hand. She started to glow a faint green. Fallon's injuries were gone in an instant. She waved her hand again, and she jumped high over Elch's head, did a filp in the air, touched the ceiling, and landed with a force that knocked some of the other students out of their seats in front of him. "I'd really rather not, sir," she said kindly. "I'm ready for another run."
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Elch snickered. He squeezed the nightstick he had in his hand and a blade appeared out of the top. He pulled out a second nightstick and did the same. He lunged again and slashed twice still too fast for the kitsune to percieve. Both of the slashes weren't meant to damage but to distract. He jumped up and brought his leg down on the Kitsunes head, hard. He backed up and got in a defensive stance hoping she'd still be able to continue.
"Cmon... Sit down..." He was already getting impatient and a little angry when he saw Fallon get destroyed a 2nd time, hoping she'd return to her seat.
Asura looked to Lucia "well....besides the teacher beating a student half to death in a battle...no" Asura spoke turning his head back to the battle "again? Man he's laying it on thick...anyway what took you so long?"
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
"My pet managed to get out of my dorm room before I got there somehow. I was searching for them." Lucia simply shrugs. "At least I didn't miss anything important." She glanced at the fight for a mere moment before letting out an irritated sigh. "How long has this fight been going away anyway?"
zenreaper zenreaper
"This is the third round" as Asura spoke he lowered the comically large sword and leaned on it. Being almost 2 feet taller than him it was hard to carry it around but if he didn't keep it in him it would just keep appearing behind him, and he didn't feel like backtracking all day.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
"The third round? They really ought to just give up and move on at this point then. I mean, it's not as if the student is going to win this fight anyway." Lucia says, actually a bit surprised to hear that the fight had lasted three rounds, although she didn't quite show it. "After all, it's a student fighting a teacher. Just from a logical standpoint, knowing nothing about either of them the teacher is likely more experienced and more skilled, and as such much more likely to win this fight. At this point it's just a waste of everyone's time to watch this."
zenreaper zenreaper
"Well yeah but the more they fight the more of both their hands we get to see that way we can get a slight tactical advantage. Better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it right?" Asura smiled a little glancing at the one who somewhat complimented his sword
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Elch frowned and stood up straight. He sighed and put the nightsticks back on the armor stand. He turned towards his student and gave an encouraging smile.
"You're an excellent fighter however we're wasting everyone's time. Please take your seat." Elch said this kindly but it was clear this wasn't an option. He turned to the rest of his students.
"Please cease all previous conversations and face the board. Also the lovely lady back there who showed up late do you have a pass or any excuse what so ever?" Elch projected his voice so the entire class could hear him this time.
h2h0e h2h0e SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia was more than a bit of an embarrassing situation. She had really hoped that the teacher wouldn't have noticed her coming in late. "I do not have a pass, sir. The reason that I was late is that I was looking for my pet. It had managed to escape from my dorm room." Lucia responded, attempting to sound as calm and collected as she possibly could. She really wasn't sure what else to say, after all, since that was pretty much the entire reason she was late. There really wasn't anything else to say on the matter. She just hoped that she wasn't in too much trouble for arriving late.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Lucia was more than a bit of an embarrassing situation. She had really hoped that the teacher wouldn't have noticed her coming in late. "I do not have a pass, sir. The reason that I was late is that I was looking for my pet. It had managed to escape from my dorm room." Lucia responded, attempting to sound as calm and collected as she possibly could. She really wasn't sure what else to say, after all, since that was pretty much the entire reason she was late. There really wasn't anything else to say on the matter. She just hoped that she wasn't in too much trouble for arriving late.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Elch shrugged and sighed. He thought for a moment and decided on a proper punishment.
"Ten push ups then see me after class. Please. Now everyone else please take out your notebooks. Also if the girl in the back would please spit out her gum, that'd be absolutely lovely." Elch said turning towards the board before turning towards the board. The drama diva walked up to the trash can at the front of the class, glared at Elch baring her fangs slightly, before sitting back down. Elch smirked unimpressed and finished what looked like a sketch of a dragons head on the board.
h2h0e h2h0e zenreaper zenreaper Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
"Dragons huh? Well i might actually have to fight one of those on my- wait crap Smoke's a dragon." He whispered, looking over at smoke. He was half hoping he'd have a saddened look, and half not. He thought this could be his first real friend his mind is trying to get rid of.
"Is someone brave enough to tell me what this is?" Elch said pointing to the sketch. Smoke stared at his brother and shook his head.
"Is it a dragon?" Smoke said out loud so everyone could hear him. He blushed and looked away.
"Close. Change one letter in its name." Elch said.
"Wait what? That's totally a dragon!" He felt like the teacher was trying to pull something stupid off, getting steamed some.
"Wait what? That's totally a dragon!" He felt like the teacher was trying to pull something stupid off, getting steamed some.
Elch smiled slightly. He waved the loud interrupting student up to the front.
"What makes you think that? Smoke. Come here too." Elch said to the two students. Smoke did as he was told and walked towards his older brother.
"Is it a trick question? Is the answer a shifter?" He walked up as told. "Please don't tell me I have to fight Smoke..." he thought.
"No to both. This is a Drakon, a cousin to the dragon. Notice that its head is much more blocky where as a dragon has smoother, rounder features. Smoke if you'd transform." Elch said pointing to the sketch when needed. Smoke nodded and transformed into his beastly form.
He just pointed with his hands, speechless, before walking over to the wall, and hitting his head against it, causing the wall to crack a little "So it's gonna be one of THESE schools?"

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