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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

"No problem. Compliments are my specialty" Asura chuckled barely hearing her remark "well they just aren't smart enough to realize when a person shows true intelligence"
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Smoke looked between the two before standing up and trotting towards the Kitsune.
"Office. Ok." Smoke said folding his wings in to make it easier for the other two to ride on his back.
"Hmmph. Those kinds of people just inferior, that's all. They simply refuse to accept someone that is quite obviously better than them and instead choose to berate them." Lucia practically mumbles, obviously seeming a little irritated. "In other words they're nothing more than mosquitoes. Annoying, an absolute chore to get rid of, absolutely everywhere, and persistent."
zenreaper zenreaper
Lucia sighs. "Let's move on to another topic, alright? I'd rather not get myself all worked up over something so...erm...I suppose I could say inconsequential." This topic was obviously getting her in a rather bad mood.
zenreaper zenreaper
Eris laughed a little as he read the bird's mind again. She was capable of speech and wanted to zap them. That's good to know. Maybe he'll just speak to her mentally if she didn't want to speak verbally. I know you can speak, but if you prefer it, we can converse inside your own thoughts. They tilted their head in a playful manner. Also, could you not zap me again? I just don't feel like it right now. Eris conversed naturally, yet to a passerby, it look like he were just staring at the bird who hovered in front of him. So anyway, you didn't really answer my first question. What's your name? He traced the seal along his arms, and took on a tempting tone of voice. If you want, I'll be something you are more willing to talk with.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Iria was, to say the least, a little unnerved. Who was this person? How in the world could they speak to her in her mind? Were they able to read their mind? Is that how they knew she could speak? What were they implying? She wasn't quite sure what to do. Either way she wasn't entirely comfortable with speaking out loud with them really...especially not somewhere where other people could listen in. There didn't seem to be many people around, or at least not that she could notice, but, still, she didn't like the idea that someone could just eavesdrop. Also this person was just kind of freaking her out at the moment, for reasons she couldn't quite figure out, which is why, even if she could converse with them in her thoughts she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to. For a moment she was tempted to make a break for it and just try to get away from them, but, she realized that she was probably overreacting just a little bit. This was just some...really strange person after all. Iria decided to at least attempt to communicate with them through her thoughts...however that worked. She wasn't entirely sure whether she wanted to tell them her name or not though. She decided that she would probably just give them a fake name. After all, what were the chances she'd run into them again? I'm...erm...Lucia. Yes, uh, Lucia. That's my name. That probably wasn't too convincing, but Iria tried her best not to think of that.
Spice Spice
Eris grinned again, one that shows as both sadistic and knowing. To answer the questions you have unknowingly asked me, I am the demon, Eris. As I have shown I am capable of reading your mind, although I call it telepathy. It is how I know you can speak and all the actions you have planned out beforehand. Just like the fake name you've chosen. If you prefer it that way, I'll just call you Lucia. Feeling pleased with the confusion he caused within the thunderbird's mind, Eris sat up against the wall as a way of showing he wasn't going to go a bit crazy, yet. For now, all that there was to entertain them was confusing a bird. Not the best, but still fun.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Iria was rather startled. So this person really could read her mind! Wait...this person was a demon?! She'd never seen one before. Now that she thought about it this person looked a lot different than what she'd heard demons looked like. Then again she'd also heard a lot of rumors about demons, most of them rather unpleasant. Gah! No, no, my name's not Lucia. It's actually Iria, okay? Iria Volt. Iria felt that it was probably a good idea to clear that issue up, since only know did she realize that she'd ended up using the name of her...well...technically her owner. The fact that she hadn't noticed it at first was a bit strange. S-so. You're a demon? An actual demon? Wait, so if you're a demon does that mean you kill people and eat their corpses? I've heard that that's a thing demons do. And if you're a demon does that mean you're a creature of pure evil who only exists to destroy everything that people care about and love? I've also heard that rumor quite a bit. Although Iria was trying her best not to make it apparent, she was quite nervous.
Spice Spice

Lucia thinks about it for a moment. "You know, I can't quite recall actually. I remember hearing...something about this place from a...I suppose you could say a friend of mine, and that got me interested in going here, although I can't remember what they'd said." Lucia thought about it for a few moments, but still couldn't remember what it was. "Well...that and a few other, erm, personal reasons that I'd rather not get into." Lucia looked away for a moment. Whatever those reasons were it was quite obvious she wasn't comfortable talking about them.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura could tell she obviously wasn't comfortable going any deeper into the matter so he decided to tell his own reasons"well I came here because I had to run away..it was the only safe place I could think of..and I was getting tired of sleeping in dark alley...the thing that happen in places like those at night...." Asura shook the though from his mind with a shudder
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
"You actually had to sleep in alleyways? Couldn't you have just broken into an empty building and slept there?" Lucia asks, actually wondering why anyone would risk sleeping in an alleyway. "Also, I must say I feel sorry for you. If this was the only safe place you could think of it must have been rather tough for you before you got here." She says, making her best attempt at showing some sympathy for Asura's plight.
zenreaper zenreaper
"I actually did try to sleep in one abandoned building only to find that the people searching for me are smarter than I thought. I was almost killed in my sleep so I decided to steer clear of abandoned building after that" Asura remembered it clearly if not for the sound of a single rolling can he would be missing his head at the moment."ah...you don't have to feel sorry for me. Times may not be the best but I'm still alive aren't i?" He said this with a barely noticeable tinge of sadness in his voice. Him being alive came at the sacrifice of both his parents lives and it hurt his heart to realize this fact every time he though about them.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
The sudden changed in the demeanor of the thunderbird, now known as Iria, pleased Eris. It was one out of fear, and he could use that to his advantage later on. This year could posdibly be more fruitful than they had first thought. Iria, it's just as lovely as your feathers. His tone had gotten softer, more playful. They also got some more information off of her, being the name of her owner. Then she spoke at a rapid pace as she wondered about demons, and the rumors she had apparently heard were all false to some degree. All demons are different, who they are and how they do things are all up to them. For me, I do have to kill at some points, seeing as I've been a part of the demon army, it I definitely do not eat the corpses. That's what I call psychotic, and that's coming from me. And I guess I am pure evil, but I don't really know nor care. Eris shrugged and continued. And finally, I'm not really one for destroying absolutely everything. For me, it's more so of just messing around with everything. You really do hear a lot of rumors. Eris thought about rumors, furrowing their brow. They certainly would have him achieve more power.

SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia crosses her arms. "You know, if they're so smart and persistent... then what makes you think they won't eventually come here looking for you? Wouldn't it be logical to assume that they'd realize that this would seem like a logical and safe place to go, and plan out some sort of action to retrieve you? Or, uh, kill you I suppose, since that's what it seems like they're more likely to do from what you've been saying." She thought about it for a moment longer. "In fact, what if their plan was to make this the only safe place for you to go? Granted that is something I would consider unlikely, but, it's just a possibility I thought up."
zenreaper zenreaper

Iria was rather surprised to hear a compliment from a demon, but pushed that thought aside for a moment. Well, I am a bird after all. It shouldn't be that surprising that I've hard a lot of rumors. See, I can eavesdrop on whoever I want, and they'll think I'm nothing more than a normal old bird and just ignore me. If they start to suspect something I can always just zap them and fly away, of course. You really can learn a lot just by listening to random people's conversations, even if it's not always true. Iria was a little surprised that most of those rumors seemed to be false, at least in this case. She thought of a few of the other rumors she'd heard and decided not to inquire about them. This was a demon after all, and she didn't quite trust them. Asking a bunch of questions might annoy them and that might cause them to do something. They'd also mentioned something about a demon army? That was a seriously worrying thought. A-although usually they have at least some reason for being spread...
Spice Spice
Asura blinked for a moment"I..haven't though of that actually" he let out a small sigh. Now his paranoia was going to haunt him again "but if it does come to that I just might have to get my hands bloody. I can't run forever and I know that"if the time did come for him to fight he feared what he himself might do he didn't exactly have the best control over himself when in the heat of battle, the same as his father. Not to mention he didn't have much experience fighting in life or death situations.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia sighed. "I'm probably overthinking things. I mean, what are the odds that these people would actually think to do that? Whatever they're doing it's probably not nearly as well thought out as I'm assuming it is, or else you probably wouldn't have survived to make it here." She had a feeling she may have accidentally worried Asura by bringing up the previous few points, so, this was an attempt to sort of rectify that issue. A rather poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.
zenreaper zenreaper
"I hope so..or else everyone here might be in danger..but we'll cross that bridge when the time comes... If it does" Asura opened and closed his right hand the sound of the mechanical knuckles groaning could be clearly heard. He was thinking of a plan just in case Lucia was right. Asura let out another sigh and ran his hand through his spiked silver hair "well I'll just keep it in mind. You never know after all" Asura was trying to think of another subject something to make the mood a little less tense.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia realized that she really probably should've not brought that up. It wasn't exactly a good thing to bring up in casual conversation. She was just awkwardly silent for a little while, standing nearly completely still. This was an awkward situation to say the least.
zenreaper zenreaper
Leonardo looked at the dragon "What?" Leonardo was too focused on training his battle skills to have the luxury of a pet. He had no experience with any animal, and thought pets to be useless
"You can use a piece of paper from my journal if you want" Asura thought for a moment "actually I have to stop by my room too. If were going to a combat readiness class you can't forget your weapon now can you?" Although Asura was a melee fighter he did have a single weapon. A large sword left to him by his father.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia shrugged. "You don't always need a weapon for combat. Of course it's always preferable to have your weapon of choice with you though. Anyway, I was just going to write down the directions to my dorm room for you. That way if you ever wish to talk, you can just leave a note stuck under the door designating a time and a place for us to meet up. You are quite enjoyable to converse with, unlike most people I've met in my lifetime."
zenreaper zenreaper
"Sure, that would be a good idea. I'd feel weir walking through the girls dormitory knocking on random doors" Asura said in a joking manner "I'll give you mine too..if you want it of course"
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird

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