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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

Lucia woke up after a moment or two, much to her alarm, and attempted to turn her head, before remembering that last she'd checked it wasn't quite attached to her body. She also vaguely remembered...being on fire? Oh, right, she'd been fighting Asura. Everything after she'd gotten hit in the temple was a little hazy really. She couldn't quite remember how she'd ended up caught on fire by actual, burning flames, but she had a feeling it had something to do with plasma, specifically Asura hitting her with it. After all plasma tended to be incredibly hot in terms of temperature, so the likelihood that something like that would catch her on fire didn't seem all that far fetched. She sat up, fumbling around and eventually grabbing onto her head, attaching it to her neck once again. "I'm going to guess that I lost that fight. Would this assumption be correct?" Lucia asks Asura, who seemed to be, well, right next to her.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura averted his eyes. "Um...yeah...that would be right but I think you should go Change before anything else..." As he spoke he pointed at her, specifically her clothing which was particularly singed and missing multiple pieces.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Elch nodded twice and looked his student over. He took another drag of his cigarette and smiled once more.
"I know a bit about magic. And imbuements. I could help with it." Elch offered. "However I'm no expert." Elch saw another student sitting alone he waved the student over making sure they saw him. He whistled loudly just to make sure.
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard .J. .J.
Lucia let out an aggravated sigh. "You know, considering that I was just on fire I probably should've seen this coming. This is your fault you know. After all, practically everyone understands that plasma creates immense amounts of heat, which usually will culminate in starting a fire, and usually a fire would end up causing anything flamable to burn. If I were human, I'd probably have been dead by now, instead of just mildly humiliated. Keep that in mind next time you're fighting someone. I mean, honestly, I have half a mind to assume that you did this on...purpose..." She suddenly glares at Asura for a moment before quickly laying back down and adjusting the torn cloak to cover herself better. She was personally starting to think that he did do it on purpose, even though that was likely not the case. "In any case, I'm in no condition to go grab a spare change of clothes from my dorm room. It's quite a ways away, after all, and there is no way I'm walking through the halls like this. You'll just have to retrieve a change of clothes from my dorm room for me. Just grab a hooded jacket and some jeans, I know I have those in there. They should be in a large travel backpack, lying on the floor. The door is open and unlocked, but, I'd advise being careful. I have a pet thunderbird, after all, and if it catches you in my dorm room, you can bet it will try and electrocute you." She glared at Asura as she gave him this information. "After all, you caused this problem, so you're going to have to be the one to fix it."
zenreaper zenreaper
Frey heard a whistle, his attention shot from his palm and into the direction of the sound. He closed his hand and stood, approaching the instructor as he was told and coming to a halt when he made it, "Sir?"
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
"I..uh..." Asura had no reply to what she was saying as most if it was true. Except for him intentionally setting her on fire. "Alright.. I'll be back" as Asura stood he ran a hand through his silver hair and quickly made his way to her dorm room. It took him a moment but after looking at the paper she had written down her dorm room number on he found it. Asura cautiously opened the door recalling that Lucia had a pet. He kept his word about him as he spotted her duffel bag and looked for the cloths she had specified.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Inside the room, Iria Volt the thunderbird was hidden under one of the beds, peeking out at the odd intruder to the room. Through her head ran a few quick questions. Was this person someone who she'd seen Lucia with? No. Was this person someone she knew? No. Was this person Lucia's roommate? No. Would it be funny to zap them? Probably. She discharged a bunch of small bolts of electricity aimed right at Asura from under the bed. Meanwhile, Lucia was just waiting impatiently on the bench Asura had left her lying down on, hoping nobody would notice her.
zenreaper zenreaper
Unaware of the time the young man made his way out the library with his nose shoved in a book and a hunger in his belly. He peeled his eyes away from the pages every few seconds to pay attention to where he was moving. Ensuring that he didn't run in to anyone or thing as he wended his away along the corridors to the mess hall. Gabriel used his free hand to open the door to the mess hall once he arrived, oblivious to the foreign presences already present there as he made it to the back of the room. He grabbed himself a plate, placing a few different foods onto it and putting the book away half way through the table. At least until he got to the bread section with the intent of grabbing a slice when he finally noticed the other two that were there and quickly side stepped to prevent running in to one of them with a surprised and apologetic "excuse me." noirfox5 noirfox5 demiSpirit demiSpirit

He went around them and grabbed a slice to put on his plate, leaving the food to take a seat at one of the tables and begin eating. Gabriel was a little embarrassed with himself for not noticing them, lodging his head onto his palm as he propped his elbow on the table. He could feel his slightly risen heart beat through his hand, mumbling something to himself about something incoherent as he let it quickly ease by. After a moment Gabe placed the book on the table and continued to read while he munched on a slice of pork.
Frey heard a whistle, his attention shot from his palm and into the direction of the sound. He closed his hand and stood, approaching the instructor as he was told and coming to a halt when he made it, "Sir?"
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
"Excuse me, I need a participation grade from you. So if you'd do a couple of jabs I'd appreciate it. Please. Just 10 and then you'll be good for today." Elch said kindly. He smiled softly at the younger boy and took a drag of the cigarette careful not to blow it in anyones face. He turned back to Leo.
"Sorry. Please continue." He said oblivious that one of his students was essentially nude.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird Esper Alucard Esper Alucard .J. .J.
"Not when another student can hear it... it's personal, Sir" He looked around and saw the nude student, staring until the teacher began to talk to him.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
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Lucia sighed, looking around from her position lying on the bench. She quickly noticed someone staring at her rather rudely and simply glared angrily at them, struggling to use the torn cloak that Asura had left with her to cover herself up better. "I will figure out who that person is and once this is idiotic situation is over with I swear I will kill them." Lucia mutters to herself.
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Jaya spoke with a partially filled mouth. "'oor 'ite 'ut..." She swallowed deeply then took a smaller bite of another piece of bread. "I'm freakin' starved here. And while I should be eatin' more variety, its hard to resist this assortment of delectable bakery goods." The adventurer then stuffed the rest of the piece into her mouth, enjoying it thoroughly before swallowing.
noirfox5 noirfox5

Jaya didn't notice the shorter student at the dining table until he side stepped around her and Mikage. She didn't flinch at the sudden appearance of the figure, and responded to him with a "No problem."
Alfred Alfred
((pardon my lateness. I do have work so i may be slow at times. But I will post when I can!))

She really wasn't sure exactly what this note implied, 'generic studies' was the title, perhaps it was a review from last year or more a study period between. Either way she turned the note this way and that a frown creasing her features. Of course if it was a study hour perhaps they met in the library? she'd seen several classes taken place there, after all it was the best place to go for papers and what not, but then most of the classes she did see there had to do with central cities political views and she for one was not keen on any of that subject, lest it get her in trouble. Politics was the main reason oracles at all where employed if power could be gained through visions any form of person or government would of course snatch it up.
Puffing a bit she had to shake her head the mask knocking about on her face she thudded into a students shoulder,
"sorry my bad"

raising her free hand she waved apologetically to the other student, she'd lost focus on seeing things so her vision had flattered with the mask down. As it faded back into view it wasn't anyone she recognized really so she let the person wander off whomever they where. Her hard heeled shoes met tile and she knew then her mistake, this wasn't the library this was the mess hall. Groaning under her breath she slid the mask up and placed it firmly at the top of her head, of course it was a silly looking mask with its fox-ish face and features but then. . .
Lan looked around blinking, she might've seen clearly beneath the mask too but even then the light in the mess hall always messed with her, especially when she was nursing a headache like this. Grumbling about terrible map instructions and missed classes she moseyed her way into the room and glanced around for an open table. She didn't think any of her friends where out at noon this time but perhaps they'd show around the fourteenth hour. Her clouded eyes wandered the area as she moved to find something, anything to sit at, there was just so many people. She'd never been exposed to much diversity in the central city, well there was a lot of it of course but she'd been raised rather secluded her only friend was another boy and girl at the time and both of them where normal humans. She kinda missed Alan and Rachel, the two siblings where never seen too far apart and they often made up for her lack of talking chattering away like birds.
She moved past something she assumed was a dragon, lizard? no idea then almost collided with someone else who obviously had spikes or spines, she did not want to feel that.
There seemed literally no room here in the mess hall and she could see other students taking there food else where. Good earth you'd think if they where getting this many students and several with something that would hurt more room to sit!
She juggled her books mask slowly sliding back down her face and plopped at the nearest seat that opened up.
"Pardon my intrusion, there's just no room anywhere else"
Mask sliding back down with a bump over her face she scrambled to get it back up atop her head as she shoved the books down between her legs and the seat.
A sudden vibration near him caused his attention to shift and he glanced in the direction it came from to see another student now taking a seat.The girl had said something yet he didn't look up in time to catch most of it. He tried to piece the words 'here' and 'else' together in different ways as the girl shoved her books down. There was nothing that made sense, so he had to go based on assumption,"It's.." His shoulders lifted and fell in a shrug while he spoke, "No biggie." AbsentRaven AbsentRaven
The sudden shocks Asura received caused his arms to clam up a bit. Almost causing him to drop the cloths he had just retrieved for Lucia. He looked down to the space under the bed that the shocks had come from and noticed"..a bird?" Asura said rather confused as to why it was under the bed. He studied it for a second his interest in mystic creatures filling his mind but he snapped out of it realizing that now wasn't the time. He spoke quickly realizing that Lucia would probably try to kill him if he took any longer. "You must be Lucias pet but I can't play with you right now. I need to bring these cloths to her" afterwards he turned and began to leave the room .
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Leonardo quickly looked away, pretending to be occupied. "Welp, time to keep my mouth shut around someone" He thought.
Iria just watched Asura leave from her spot under the bed. She wasn't going to hassle him any more, since, it was obvious that he was probably doing something for Lucia and that stopping him from doing said thing would probably be a very bad idea.
zenreaper zenreaper
"Not when another student can hear it... it's personal, Sir" He looked around and saw the nude student, staring until the teacher began to talk to him.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Elch looked over at what his student was staring at. He saw and his eyes widened and ran inside and brought some jeans and his button up shirt. He appeared in front of Lucia and handed her the clothes.
"You're already showing up after class for being late, so you'll explain this to me then is that clear?" Elch said his voice hard. He turned towards Leo and gestured him to follow him inside.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Leonardo followed, trying to not make eye contact with Lucia. He could already tell he was going to get into a fight later on with her, and decided to make the best out of his time away from fighting.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Elch walked back inside leaving the rest of his students to spar. He'd be back momentarily they hopefully wouldn't burn down the school by then. He walked into the room behind his classroom, it was basically a dorm except for that it had a desk made of sanded oak with a laptop sitting on it. There were two chairs in front of the desk.
"Feel free to sit. Or stand. I don't care either way." Elch said sitting behind the desk. "Anyway what do you want to do about your problem?"
Lucia's first day was already going quite poorly. She seriously hoped that this wouldn't be a trend that would continue through the rest of it. This turn of events had already been humiliating enough. She quickly put on the clothes the teacher had brought for her and stayed on the bench, waiting for Asura to come back and wondering what in the world was taking him so long.
"I'm sure you'll be able to teach me great things with my Magic... but..." *He looked down, shedding a tear* "You... you remind me so much... of 'him'." You wondered who 'he' was, and what he means.
Asura made his was back to Lucia but realized she already had cloths. Which confused him but at the same time he was relieved. "I met your bird.." Asura spoke as he sat beside her
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia glared at Asura. "The teacher noticed me and brought me these clothes because you took too long getting back here, and now I have to explain what happened to him after class. And you will be staying after class with me to confirm that this was your fault so I don't get in trouble for something that was not my fault. Is that understood?" From Lucia's tone it was quite obvious that she was more than a little bit angry at Asura.
zenreaper zenreaper

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