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One x One Smoke and Mirrors (Amaranthine & FirePolaris)


Dreamer of Impossible Dreams

"He's the heart breaker...

who is about to get his
heart broken.

She's up for a

This will be a night that
no one will forget."

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I found it! I have a midterm tomorrow so I won't be able to get things up until the weekend.
Hey! What do you think should be the character sheet?

I was thinking maybe...






Others: (Likes, Dislikes, Petpeeves)

Oh, sorry! I missed this! I'm going to use a CS that Fivn (or Raphael?) created for his roleplay Off Path.

Here it is:


  • NAME:











Also, how old do we want the characters to be again? @FirePolaris
Sounds good! I think we can randomly just use whatever CS then. ;D

I think it'll be easier if they're college students so from 18-22. If you want them to at least recognize each other, then 20-22.
Party sounds good? Like a frat party that Dante goes to?

Also, can I have a little information about Dante's friend?
Yup! ;D They'll just be normal parties but thrown by frat boys. Everyone is invited and it's held at their fraternity house. I'll post his relationships later today. A small CS and picture on who they are and a few sentences on their personality.
Oh! Good to know! I can do that for Aurelia as well. I added a bit more to my CS and may I just say that I LOVE Dante? He looks like so much fun.
That sounds awesome! Thank you! Lol I tried hard to make him and hopefully I can delve more into him than just a random heart breaker. I'm in class at the moment (lol so bad) but I'll get it done at night when I get home. :)

I finished reading Athene and she's really awesome. >.< I'm so excited for this role play. It'll be so much fun. So I'm assuming Aurelia and Dante's friend are dating? They're probably doing this to screw Dante over LOL.
Yes! I am so excited! Once we get the friends up, I can start working on a post. In fact, I might start one up right now once I get Aurelia done.
I'm good, lol! Sorry it took so long for me to reply. Lab reports took longer than I expected. >.< I'll get working on a post now. :)
Oh my gosh. >w< You're a great descriptive writer. I'm so excited to get started on this post. Let the gammee begin.
What? You are so amazing with your posts! I literally love Dante so much. And you brought Michael back in? Pure genius.
Haha! Thank you. Anything to start drama. Dante won't see what's coming at him until it's too late. So I could see their friends spinning the wheel already.

Oh okay so the plan is that Harrison probably will challenge him to do his usual hit it and quit it but obviously going into her pants will take more than some charming whispers.

And her friend dares her to play the player.

And they'll have a month to do it. (; Harrison wants his friend to settle and Aurelia wants Athene to explore. Win win situation. Heh.
That's fine! I'll get a post in tomorrow night if not today! I'll get Dante to move some things along.
Hey hey! I'm almost done with summer school. >.< Things are always getting crazy the last week for school. But I think I will find time tomorrow to post so hopefully I don't make you wait too long. I'm so sorry.
Hey Pola, don't worry yourself! Finals are hard and real life takes priority over this stuff. Good luck on everything!

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