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Request SliceThePi comes up with names


caked in resin and vile to behold
So I like to come up with names- it's kinda a weird obsession. If you're struggling to name your creations/characters, post a description on this thread, optionally with a name you've come up with but don't quite like. I'll see what I can do! I accept, but do not require, something in return. :D Here's a few of the things I've named, starting with my OC stuff:
  • The Gods of Olhan
    • Kelas, the Frozen King
    • Miamos, the Tidelifter
    • Gelhea, the Clay One
    • Jao, the Soul of Stone
    • Onket, the Flamelord
    • Seur, the Lightbringer
    • Hwiuke, the Windbreather
    • Dusma, the Stormcaller
  • The Races of Olhan
    • The Shu'dal, an intellectual race with small horns and weak telekinesis
    • The Pwaa, an aquatic, rather socially-inept race with gills and an extra digit on each hand and foot
    • The Kechak, a tree-dwelling race with tails, slit pupils, and elvin ears
    • The Tinnik, a race of slightly goblin-like people who are obsessed with metal and love to create things
    • The Bruth, a race of massive people with ram horns and chameleon-like skin.
    • Three types of fairies, growing to about two feet tall
      • The Khogett, also known as imps or dark fairies, are vampiric and have bat wings
      • The Gliss, also known as sprites or golden fairies, consume insects and plants and have bird wings
      • The Wryx, also known as pixies or azure fairies, are omnivorous and have insect wings
And other people's stuff (small right now but I'll hopefully be expanding it):
  • Souldymono Souldymono
    • The Caglamura, a race of small red panda people with a bloody history
    • The Myllop, a race of "mushroom people" (I had a bit of help with this name; the -llop was my idea but the My- was someone else's)

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