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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

Mr. Grey spoke to Jane briefly, trying to get an idea of what happened exactly. "Jane...what happened, really?" He asked her. She lifted her head up. "Your son said hi. And I fucking hate him." She said bluntly.
Luke was sitting next to Jane, feeling completely inadequate for not being able to help her. His head was within his arms, lying almost lifeless at how he could be a failure again. He was a perfect student, perfect athlete, a perfect hunk.. Yet he couldn't keep one girl safe. It was devastating for his old egotistic mind that hadn't left him completely.
"So who was the guy that did this want? Be sides to kill you, and burn down the Pit." Conner asked. Jane had already given him a quick run down of what happened, but he still had questions.
"He...said he was the leader of something called the Dark Order....his name...Vol....Vol....I can't remember." Jane answered. She couldn't remember his name fully. She told the others of the change he mentioned and everything that happened.
Amelia was intrigued. Yes, dark mages having structure and organization was a troubling thought, but she had imagined they were all small-time practitioners, scattered and keen on keeping their isolation. If they had a leader, that meant they had an agenda. What kind of change were they intent on bringing about? Were they trying to create a new world order?

"There are still so many questions without answers," Amelia stated to the others at the table. "Should we focus our attention on the Dark Order? Are they the ones behind everything including the werewolves and the increased creature sightings?" she asked, looking around at Conner and Luke for input and direction. She was eager to begin researching again, but she wanted to know what would be more worthwhile. Concerning the werewolves, she had finally found a lead worth investigating, but still had not seen hide nor hair of the werewolf that had escaped after the game three weeks ago. Mr. Grey had also told them he had no lead on the dark mages, but now that his son was revealed to be the leader, he might have had some revelations of his own.

(Woot! Let's get this going again! @KroNicc115 @Huntrey @Beowulf @CloudKitteh @PenBlade1326 )
Luke sat up on the table, not bothering to put a reassuring hand on Jane next to him. "We can't possibly go after the order considering that only one of them almost destroyed the whole pit. We aren't strong enough." It was hard to think of, but when it left his mouth it sounded right. Maybe he wasn't right, but accepting a small defeat was clearing Luke's head of his inhibitions.
"So now we have super powerful dark wizard to contest with. Great. Well we could all learn magic, if that was possible. Otherwise, when we meet him again, we should play it smart. Hit him when he isn't looking." Conner, at the end there, was thinking of the guerilla tactics used by revolutionary fighters in the War for Independence.
Terra leaned against a nearby wall, watching the others discuss tactics. She studied each of them, her eyes lingering on Takao. Wizards...and magic. It wasn't impossible to learn it, was it?
Jane listened to everyone...how Luke thought they couldn't go after the one who did this...how the Dark Order couldn't be stopped. Bullshit. She slammed her fist down. "I'm not through yet...not until we slay the Dark Order."
Amelia jumped at Jane's sudden outburst, drawing her out of her daydreaming. Again with the talk of slaying, Amelia thought to herself. She had definitely noticed the increase in Slayer activity; for once in her life, she was actually struggling to keep up with balancing her schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. Not to mention she had virtually no social life because of this job. But that didn't change the fact that they were talking about killing people this time. Not just creatures, or confusing werewolf entities, actual real live people.

"If the Dark Order is behind the recent increase in activity, it would make sense to go after them directly; treat the infection, not the symptoms," Amelia reasoned aloud. "But we've witnessed first-hand how strong they are. I don't think we're ready," she admitted with much weight. "Instead, we might try meddling in their plans, annoy them and try to find out as much as we can before conducting a full-scale attack."

Amelia's mind was racing once more, thinking about the various loose threads they had revealed and where they might find more. Pull at enough of those and the Dark Order was sure to unravel.
"Of course we can't attack the. Right out. They have more experience with magic and have all the nasty monsters on there side." Conner stated. "And I know I've said the before, but guerilla tactics would probably work the best. Go in, strike, and get out. But if we could at least where to fight, and when, we would have a much better chance of doing anything to this oranization. Figuring out there command structure might also be useful."
"What if we send a spy?" Terra said nervously, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. "Maybe we could send someone to infiltrate the Dark Order..."
"A spy? That could work...but none of you are ready for that yet. Volmour's power is great, he'd know you were a Slayer." Mr. Grey said. Jane sighed. "It'd be nice if we could just kick their asses and get it over with...but of course, there's got to be limitations..." She whispered to herself.
"Oh, I see. But can't there be a way to bait him? Maybe we could set something up so that the Order brings one of us in." she paused. "Just a thought," she added with a sigh.
"Well, we could let him capture one of us. Pretend to lose the ring, and its a 50/50 chance he'll kill you or capture you. But the problem is, how to keep the ring hidden from him long enough for you to learn useful stuff?"

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