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Fantasy Slayers: Fantastic Freakshow

(@Crazycake get to the board, bb!!!)

She smirked. "Your mistake!" She said and bolted. She managed to get 20 feet away within 3 seconds. Faster than she looked. She ran straight ahead to the nearest building. Roy didn't specify, so she ran to what looked like a cafe. There was small platform-like things she could use, so she'd have it easier. She managed to get to the building in the 10 seconds and already started climbing. She hopped onto a windowsill, giving herself leverage to hop up to another one. She...didn't really come off as a free runner. And she wasn't...she was a girl just running up a building for fun. "You're already way behind!" She called back to Roy.
Roy smirked and muttered to himself, "She is fast... But I'm faster." He ran after her, reaching the building in seven seconds. He went up a different way, with the same amount of windows, which he grabbed and jumped from each ledge to the other one. He was lucky that he was a gymnast, he was stronger than most people who stay fit, but he was beyond fit. As an old coach of his said, ""There is no fine line between a human and a gymnast. The line in made up of intense training and hard work."" Roy loved that coach. He continued up the building until he passed Jane. He screamed over to her, "C'mon, Jane. Are you just messing around or what?"He continued to jump from windowsill to windowsill to ledge until he made it to the roof. He laid down a few feet from the edge and waited.

((Sorry if you wanted to win, but in all honesty, Roy has done this a lot more. :D Please don't get upset!!! ))
(S'alright xD Makes this part a little more interesting, I think xDD and I don't think Eclipse is joining us.... :( so I assume we should press on? and @Trundle @Alice Ivy Macintyre @Refaulted @DergTheDergon )

Jane snarled as Roy made his way to the top. "Whatever!" She called up to him. She was still determined to make it to the top...until something happened. The wind came again, bone-chilling and cold. She shivered, and as she grabbed onto a windowsill, a piece of the concrete just snapped! Jane lost her grip and fell...all the way down a building, landing on a trash can, the sudden weight (even as small as she was) crushing the plastic bin. She rolled onto the ground, her back aching in pain. "Ugh...damn." She groaned to herself. It was weird...the wind keeps coming...and just as t blew, she fell due to a snap in the concrete...that wind wasn't normal. Something was up.

(dundundun plot xD )
Roy had heard a noise when he felt another gust of wind come by, this time giving him the chills. He thought it had been a bit since Jane wasn't that far from the roof. He looked over the edge and saw Jane hit the plastic bin. "Shit!" He said out loud over and over again. He quickly jumped from the top of the building and landed on another, smaller building's roof, before he started to jump from windowsills again, this time going down. When he reached the ground, he broke his fall with a roll and ran to Jane, almost tripping. When he reached her, he asked her, "Are you ok? I'm so sorry! I should have never challenged you to something so dangerous!" He started to pick her up and said, "I'm going to go get some help... Is that ok or no?" He just made sure she would be ok with him getting help because some people like her don't want help from doctors unless it is really serious.

((I have to go for a few hours at some time tonight. I don't know when yet but I will let y'all know.))
Jane just pushed him away. "I'm fine, douchebag." She said, standing up on her own. She had a high pain tolerance...but that still hurt. She shook it off. "I'm alright...but what's with that damn wind?" She asked, glancing back over at Lucas, Jayce and Sam, wondering if they were hit with this wind as well, or if they were even looking over this way. She shivered again...the strange wind was still blowing, becoming almost too much for anyone to handle.

(alright! nobody get too into this wind yet, react to it though. I've got a plan xD )
Jayce watched the 'challenge," shaking his head. he had a bad feeling about this... not just that jane was climbing a building and didn't seem to know what she was doing, but... everything. The wind, the chill in the air... something was wrong. What something was, he had no clue... it was like he sensed dread from absolutely nowhere but everywhere at the same time... am I going insane? he found himself thinking... that's when he saw jane fall. exactly how she fell made him freeze in shock. Did a light breeze just... knock a piece of concrete off? Snapping out of this, he ran up to her, making sure she was okay, and at about that time Roy had reached her as well. he stood silently for a while, then just spoke up, slight fear in his voice. "Did everyone else see how that fell, or am I just going insane?" He pointed to the piece of concrete.
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Jane rubbed the back of her head. She took note of what Jayce was saying as he approached them. "Yeah...it was weird. I mean, it just broke off like it was a piece of Playdoh!" She said, gesturing to the chunk of concrete laying on the ground...which seemed to be...smoking? She tilted her head, taking a few steps closer towards it. She knelt down beside it. The part where it broker off...was jet black, as if it were burnt. The wind...burned the concrete off the windowsill? "What the hell..." She asked herself.
(Wow I missed alot.... )

Sam sighed as she watched the group go about their business. She had felt the cool breeze but didn't feel like speaking up.

She had already talked more today than she had in a week at her highschool.
Alexander was just about to head off to work but quickly ran down to the main bulletin board on campus in order to put up if of his jobs help wanted signs like his boss asked him to. As he made his way there he noticed a group of kids had already gathered there and seemed to be staring at whatever looked like a piece of concrete that had fallen from somewhere but it looked different from all the rest, as Alexander made his way over he felt a strange breeze brush past just as he approached the group. "Um..hey guys, if you're new around or just looking for a job..and well like video games." He cut himself off by just simply holding out the flyer where they all could see it and placed another one in an empty space between a soccer team flyer and a band audition form. "So uh..what's going on over here?" He looked at the black concrete which looked like it was burned. "What the hell is that? "

((Sorry I'm late, hope I didn't cause too much trouble. ))
Jane noticed the new guy join their group. "We don't know...just this weird wind keeps coming, and it looks like...it burned the concrete? It's totally crazy, but I swear that's what happened!" She exclaimed. She wasn't exactly sure as to what was going on. Maybe it'd be best if the group disbanded for a bit and got back to reality...but she didn't want to ignore this weird stuff.

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