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Fantasy Slayers: Fantastic Freakshow

Jane's eyes instantly snapped at Roy. Her eyes instantly squinted. "Listen here, hotshot. Never. Ever. Call me princess. I will rip you limb from limb." She said, a true threat in her voice. She stepped closer to Roy and looked up at him. "I. Will. End. You." She said, her nostrils flaring, a death grip no on Roy's shirt.. Her attention then turned to Sam. She raised a brow. "Oh...nice. So did I." She commented, her tone normal again.
Jayce nodded towards Jane in unsterading. "Ah, good. I know what you mean about new people... I got used to it, though. And hey, i'm a gamer too. don't know about these guys though. I play all kinds of stuff, got most consoles in my apartment, a Steam account chock full of games, and my 3ds right here." he patted the front pocket of his jeans where something rectangular was outlined. That's when roy's comment happened, and he jumped a little in surprise when Jane snapped back at him, pursed his lips and kept quiet.

(guys I'd like if you slowed down just a little... a lot of times I seem to go slower than most other rpers and when fast interactions like this happen I end up responding at a later/more awkward time then my character usually would.... like right now.)
Roy laughed and said to Jane, "Just messin around. No need to kill me. Yet." He took her hand off of his shirt and smiled at her. He put his hands in his pockets and remembered that didnt know her name. "What's your name?" He asked her, raising his right eyebrow and brightening his face.
Jane didn't even hear Jayce, somehow. She snarled at Roy. "Jane. What's it to you?" She asked Roy, still looking up at him, already not liking this guy very much...but little did he know, this is how she is. Fun, right? She huffed, looking at the athletic guy like she knew him already.

(Yeah, let's slow down a tad. Crazy and Eclipse haven't even posted yet xDDD Plus, I gotta go do some outside work. back in maybe an hour?)
Lucas rolled his eyes, walking over to Roy and placing a hand on his shoulder. "From me to you, maybe watch what you say before you say it. Just trying to help you out, you know?" He then patted his shoulder and turned back to the entire group, rubbing the back of his neck, looking at the ground. "I mean...I do have a PS4, but I don't have any games for it...money's a little tight for me at the moment." Now that was a lie. He had plenty of it from his past works, but he wanted to save it for when he really needed stuff. Of course, there were some games coming out that he wanted, but weren't going to be out for a while. He shrugged his shoulders. He shouldn't have spoken up on the topic of gaming at all. "I like games, I just can't find any I really want right now. None of my other friends play games on the PS4, so I never thought of buying any. Paying for an apartment is pretty taxing as well, especially where it is." He paused, then shook his head. "Uh, nevermind. I'll stop talking, huh?" He backed up more from the group, feeling like he did in high school all over again. He shifted his eyes to glance at the board, looking for nothing, really.

(I'll slow down. I apologize if I was going to fast. I'm used to long, detailed posts, so I usually take about 1-3 hours to make up a post for an RP. Sorry.)
Jayce sighed, and stood back, frowning slightly. Jane either wasn't paying enough attention or was ignoring him, but it didn't bother him that much. He was used to it. Somehow he was always that guy that faded into the background of conversations. He thought it was because he was just not interesting, too strange, too ugly... something like that. Either way it was just the way things happened for him.

(Yeah that sounds good. We really should wait for a bit for the others to respond methinks.)
Sam sighed and backed away to talk to Lucas one-on-one. Some drama was great, but it was getting to be too much.

"Hey,uh, this is gonna sound weird since we just met and all.. But I have entire box full of games in my room. If there are any specifics that you want, I could see if i have them, and you could, uh, you could borrow them?"

She glanced at Jayce and grinned.

"Same goes for you."

@Refaulted @DergTheDergon

(I'll slow down.. Even though, I wasn't going very fast to begin with xD .... And Sam is just trying to make friends btw. x3)
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Roy smiled at Jane and said, "Because I'd like to know the name of everyone in the world. Especially the cool ones." He really did like this girl. She was fiery, and Roy liked fiery. Started to look around and said to Jane, "So how about a little competition then? See who has the right to call themselves the best on campus? You in?"
Jayce sighed, and looked to Sam. "Sounds good to me. Lucas?" Honestly, he wanted to get away from this drama himself... and feel less like a complete idiot for what he knows is an illogical reason, but can't help it.
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(I got a little break from outside work xD But yes, slow down so @Crazycake and @EclipseRising can post for the first time pweeeease!)

Jane smirked at Roy. "If you think you can beat me. Then you're on. I've got the heart of a warrior." She said, referring to her dad being in the military. Although, nobody in this group knew that. So it must have sounded weird. But she was up for any challenge...but suddenly...she felt as though she was being watched. (mini plot moment) By someone or something....she shrugged it off. She took a stance n front of Roy. "Name the challenge, hotshot." She said. She glanced back at Sam, Jayce and Lucas. She liked those three...they all seemed to be easy to get along with. She smiled at them half-way. Her eyes returned to Roy...who she didn't like, already.
Lucas turned to look back at Sam, who seemed to have decided to speak with him. When she offered to allow him to borrow some games, he smiled. "Thanks. I don't want to be a leech off of kindness, but I appreciate it. I used to play games more when I was in high school, but studies here have been keeping me too busy to really think about it." He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "I can't think of anything specific that I would want, really. If there's anything you don't play anymore and don't mind me borrowing, then maybe stuff like that? I can pay rent for it, too, to make myself feel a little better about it." He looked over to where the girl who he just learned from listening to the conversation happening's name was Jane and Roy seemed to be arguing. He chuckled. "Roy does seem to have a habit of making others angry with his boisterous attitude." He then turned looked back to the other two. "Hey, if you ever need help finding your way around the campus, you can find me or Jayce to help you. I'm sure Roy wouldn't mind helping out as well. Well..." He waved a hand dismissively in the direction his classmate was in. "Whenever he's free of his showing-off schedule. He's a nice guy once you get to know him."

@Alice Ivy Macintyre @DergTheDergon

(I'm trying to space out the time of my posts. Should I slow down even more?)
Sam smiled at his rant-of-sorts.

"Okay, first of all, take any games you want. I don't care. And I don't want money for them. That kind of defeats the purpose. And second of all, my brother used to go here, so I'm okay at the moment. Thanks for the offer. And third of all, Roy is kind of a douche.. Just kind of." She laughed and glanced over at Jane and Roy.
-- Gosh yea speed demons! Haha! Noooo all is well. My first post always takes sooooo long --

The Hobbit. J.R.R. Tolkien, published 1937. Fiction.

The school library was a rather nice place to be. It was air conditioned, kept at a wonderful degree that wasn't too crisp or too warm. Perfect for sitting and reading the day away.

The Art of War. Sun Tzu, Published approx. 512 bc. Non-Fiction

Course, people seemed to still find a way to fall asleep while studying. Propped up in the cubicles, face down in the middle of an encyclopedia, or simply on the ground in a corner some where. It was always strange to think of a library as a place to find sleep, since there was so much knowledge to gather.

Guns,Germs and Steel. Jared Diamond, 1997. History. ~ Lord of the flies. William Golding, 1954. Fiction.

Stopping for a moment, a girl with long orangy-red hair, blinked her grass colored eyes out of the daydreamy, mental thought process she had found herself in. She looked down to the book that was in her grasp, using her free hand to adjust the spectacles that adorned her pale face. Those misty green oculars scanned over the pages of the book, she appeared to have been.... reading.

Hmm..... Faust. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.... published 1808? Fic -!!!!

Just as she was casually slipping back into the routine of returning books to their shelves, a spider decided to reveal it's self, crawling over the hardcover of the piece of literature and onto the pages. The red head instantly tossed the book up in the air, flailing her arms and squeaking in sudden surprise terror. As the book landed on the ground beside the cart of other books waiting to go home, the scaredy cat peeked over her sweater sleeves, just as the arachnid somehow managed to move up on top of the book practically lifting two of it's legs in an action of ' seriously? '. The gir blinked, moving out from behind the shelf she had retreated to, looking down at the little being on it's perch. She knelt down and tilted her head at the creature, seeming now, far more curious about them then afraid. Her hand moved out slowly, turning palm up as she laid it on the book cover for the spider to crawl onto her hand. Which it did practically with enthusiasm. She brought the Spider up closer to her face, shifting her glasses as she inspected it closer.

" LEXI?! "

Those green lenses grew wide, as the spider seemed to feel her sudden tension, deciding to abandon ship and jump from her hand to the cart. The girl- Lexi- spun around to the shout of her name, her hands behind her back, shoulders shrugged and head down slightly. It was one of the head librarians, Mr Marsh. " Don't you have class, young lady? "

Nodding sheepishly, Lexi turned and ran off out of the library directly to her locker. She opened it up quickly, then froze, remembering she'd left her papers back in the library. Putting her forehead against the locker, she sighed, trying to think up an excuse of some kind.
(Now we're just waiting on @EclipseRising to post! And Lexi to get to the board xD I'm going to post one more time. If we don't get a post form him within a certain time...we will go on. just to keep things moving. not being harsh, but the show must go on!)

Jane waited for Roy to reply. "Awwwe. Is the big boy to scared to take on a wittle girl?" She asked, mocking him in a baby voice. A cool breeze passed by...the air as cold as ice, sending chills to the bone. It...wasn't normal air. Jane shivered. She glanced around, feeling like she was watched...again. She tried to shrug it off and focus on the lughead in front of her.
(Ummm. Ok then...?)

Roy sighed and told Jane, "Whatever you would like. If I would pick, I would do something too hard for you. Something like who could get to the roof of the building first." He noticed Jane looking around and knit his eyebrows. "You alright?" He asked her, making sure she was ok.
(I lied...I shall post again! c'mooooooooon Eclipse! we need you bb <3)

Jane nodded and shook her head...oddly. "Yeah...just that wind got me down to the bone. Didn't you feel it?" She asked Roy. She turned to the others in this group of practical strangers. "You guys feel the wind, too?" She asked. She was starting to get confused, but she tried not to think to much into it. She stuffed her flyers into her bag and stretched her shoulders. "Sounds like a plan." She said in response to Roy's challenge...she could attempt to climb a building, sure, why not?
(question penblade: did you intended for only Jane to feel the wind, or would the others feel it too seeing as we're all in the same boat whether we know it or not?)
Jayce shivered slightly, thinking he was crazy for a second, then his eyes widened as jane spoke up about the chill. "Yeah, I felt it too... that was.... really weird."
Roy felt the wind and said to the group. "Maybe we should get inside in case there is a storm coming. You never know, but when cool breezes come by, it means a storm is coming." He turned to Jane. "We could make a rain check for the contest if you'd like."
Jane shook head head and pointed at the sky. "But look at that...not a cloud in the sky...sunny...it's warm out. Something's not right, here..." She commented. She looked at Roy. "And oh please, you're just afraid I'll beat you." She replied. A storm wasn't coming...and the feeling of being watched from afar kept eating at her.
Lucas smiled after Sam finished speaking. "I just don't know what I would like. I'll take a look sometime, I guess. And I didn't realize your brother already went here. Sorry about that." He then turned his eyes to look at Roy and Jane, but more specifically Roy. "He really isn't too bad. He just likes showing off. He's really athletic, and he likes proving it to people. He especially likes to flaunt himself around girls." He then stopped, feeling a chilling breeze move it's way over and through him, making goosebumps pop up on his arm. He rubbed it with his hand, frowning in confusion. Hadn't the weather channel said it would be warm today? Well, it was now. What was that? He looked around him, eyes scanning the passing bodies of students. A knot formed in his stomach, and he didn't like it. "Hmmm..." He shook his head, trying to shake the feeling.

@Alice Ivy Macintyre
Roy sighed loudly and said, "Fine. But it's your funeral. I'll even give you a ten second head start. Starting... Now." He started to stretch and waited to win this competition, he knew the campus like the back of his hand and he could get up to the roof in a maximum of six minutes and twenty seven seconds. He was ready to win. He still didn't like the cool breeze that went their way. It bothered him.

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