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Fantasy Slayers: Fantastic Freakshow


The Faint Light In The Dark Tunnel Of Life
It's 2015. The current year. Modern times have passed monsters on as myths, legends, all make-believe. But little do they know that the creatures that go bump in the night are very real. It's been years since the last band of monster slayers were brought together.

A form of peace has covered the world for the past few centuries. Vampires, werewolves, other undead, spirits, and all other...monstrous things have lurked in the shadows for all that time. Now, they've arisen and will try to take over the world, and they will make the humans remember why they're supposed to fear them. They feel as though they should be more than just nightmares, they should be considered REAL threats. Because they are. Led by dark forces of magical entities, the monsters will turn the streets of any city into a bloodbath.

Only one thing seems odd...the slayers, destined to save the world...are mere college students. And they're the most unlikely heroes. Not even friends, really. Totally unaware of what destiny lies before them. Will they accept destiny and save their world from destruction? Or will they fail? And let chaos and destruction reign...

(this is based off an older RP of mine, however, it's not a reboot. it's a re-do! the original was so wonderful, and I've been dying to recapture the magic of it, so here it is! some of the original players in this have long-since left the site, and the others show no interest, or have moved on, so come one come all!)

My expectations! As generic as my prompt was, I have a few specific things I look for in my RPers:

The characters are in college, aged 18-22.

I'm looking for people who post often, and post with decent detail (at least 1-2 paragraphs)

Maturiry: try to get along with everybody in this RP and make sure you can properly write in 18+ situations.

All RP Nation rules apply!

Have fun!
( @Trundle @Crazycake @DergTheDergon @Refaulted my post is long...but it's my intro! my future posts will be shorter, I promise!)

The fresh fall air filled Jane's nose with delight. Hilltown University...her dream school. Four years of attending that dreadful high school of hers...finally, it's paid off! It's Move-In week, the week before all classes start for the fall semester, allowing the students to settle in, unwind for a bit, get to know their roommates, and sign up for activities and whatnot. She had just said goodbye to her mom and her sister, waving goodbye to them in the car. She decided to take her bags up to her room by herself, for she only had 3 suitcases and a couple of boxes. Her mom continued to scold her from the car, offering help. "Mom, it's alright! I've got this! Just get that rental car back to the airport and catch your flight! It leaves in 15 minutes! Now go!" She called to her mom, making her roll here eyes. "I love you honey!" Her mother called. "And your sister loves you, too!" Her older sister called. Jane smiled. "I love you both! Now get going!" She called to them. She waved one last time before they were finally gone. She sighed. Jane already felt homesick...but she was looking forward to this. Just as she turned around to start taking her things up, 2 big, muscled men walked up to her. They were dressed in uniforms...movers! The University had hired movers...how convenient. Jane smiled at the men and allowed them to take her things up for her....she could have done it, but they were heavy....she suddenly felt like she could be lazy. After she gave them her room number, which she had received in an email, she took the opportunity to wander off.

Jane walked away from her dorm building, passing b multiple girls and their families as they all struggled to take stuff in and shared emotional goodbyes. She was dressed in a Black Veil Brides shirt, black skinny jeans, multiple rubber bracelets, and converse. Her brown hair was parted to the right, straightened and smooth. She made her way to the center of campus, surrounded by many students...each of them dressed in Hilltown University clothes, preppy attire, and varsity jackets...and she stood out as a punk. She shivered...high school all over again. "Great...it's like I'm back home with that snooty Amelia chick who always picked on me...and that loser jock, Luke...ugh!" She said to herself, thinking back to the past. She sighed, collecting herself and passing another herd of people, a giant fountain, a statue of the school's founder, and a huge board. The board had flyers, signs, and posters galore on it...each one advertising for a team, club, sport, or store. She instantly grabbed a few of those little things with numbers on them, feeling as though she'd get a job if she called them all. She continued to browse the board...being the only one standing by it. She took particular interest in the Gaming Club, the only girl...as well as the Music Club...so many things. She already had a bust class schedule to work with, but she wanted these clubs...she had to meet people!

(okay, guys, have your characters end up at this board! this is where our characters will meet. wither they're signing up for stuff, or putting things on it! and note, my posts probably won't be this long in the future...just my intros are always long xD )
Jayce casually sauntered about the courtyard for a bit, looking around for friends, before deciding to look at the board, maybe try and recruit some new music club members. He was the vice president, so his music professor practically required it of him. He had moved into an apartment over summer so he didn't have any moving to do, which was the most wonderful feeling in the world. Sure, move in week was fun for the last two years, but now he had so much more free time, no heavy lifting to do, and no restrictions on what he could have in his own home for once. He sauntered over towards the bulletin board, hands in the pockets of his jeans, wearing a Pink Floyd T-shirt. He saw a girl taking nearly all the flyers, and looking over the board. probably a freshman, from the looks of her. he walked up and looked at the board for a bit, before speaking to her. "Hey. Haven't seen you around before. Looking for a club to join? Name's Jayce by the way, nice to meet ya."
Jane looked as the guy strolled over to her. She merely nodded at his introduction, more focused on the board. "Sup...I'm Jane." She said, halfway into her words. She wasn't feeling very social, more just wanting to get herself together and whatnot. She gave Jayce a half-smile before returning to her regular, antisocial self and gazed around on the board.
Jayce nodded back, taking the hint that she didn't really want to talk right now, and looked back to the board himself. He got a text right that moment, and took out his phone.

Hey bro. Just got some new weed... the good shit. Meet me this afternoon for a toke? ;)
...Dude, how many times do i have to tell you not to text me about that shit? If a professor confiscates my phone, we could both be expelled! I'll talk to you later, aight?
Okay, man... jeez. You're so paranoid. See ya later.

Jayce sighed heavily and slipped his phone back into his pocket, shaking his head, before looking back at the board, taking a few flyers and reading the new stuff.
Samantha licked her lips as she pulled up to the school, her mother and older brother right beside her.

"I don't wanna do this," she spat out, her eyes wild with fear.

Her mother smiled sweetly and laid a gentle hand over her own.

"It's fine, sweetie. It's just like highschool."

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

Her older brother, Dean, laughed from the back of the car.

"Dont be such a wuss, Sammy."

Sam turned around in her sear and glared at him, before pushing open the car door and stepping out. She motioned for her mother and Dean to get out aswell, smiling as they did so.

Her eyes began to fill up with tears as her mother hurriedly wiped away her own.

"Mommy..." Sam whimpered. She was still a child; there was no way she could do this.

"Oh, Sammy," her mother sighed sadly and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you, sweetheart."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Mom."

She glanced at Dean before pulling away from her mother. She held out her arms and smiled at him.

Dean smiled back and pulled her into his arms.

"Be careful, Sammy. You got that? No drugs, no booze, and no unprotected sex."

Sam blushed and shoved him away.

"God, you're such an idiot, Dean."

Dean chuckled and ruffled her light pink hair.

"Be a good girl, Sammy. Do all your homework, and listen to your professors."

Sam rolled her eyes and grinned at Dean.

"Will do, Mr. Worry-wort."

She turned back to her mother and smiled before grabbing her bags from the trunk- which had been open the entire time ( Thanks, Mom!).

"How many bags is that?" Dean scoffed. "30?"

Sam grinned.


Deans eyes widened before her started to pile them into his arms.

"Uh, Dean..." Samantha started as two burly began walking in their direction. One of the men tapped on Dean's shoulder and pointed at the bags.

"We'll take those."

Dean nodded and sat down the bags that he was holding.

Samantha's eyes widened in appreciation as the two men picked up the largest bags as if they weighed nothing at all.

"Oh, uh, thanks!" She called out after them as they walked away. She turned back around to face her mother and brother.

She bit her lip slightly before blurting out, "You'll take care of Rocko, right?"

Her mother smiled at the mention of the Labrador puppy.

"Of course, sweetheart. And we'll bring him up everytime we visit."

Sam smiled at her mother before pulling her into a quick hug.

"Thanks, Mom. For everything."

Her mother shooed Sam away as her eyes began to fill with tears.

Sam turned towards Dean and smiled slightly.

Dean rolled his eyes before pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you, Sammy," He murmured, his voice shaking slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Dean." She hugged him tighter and buried her face in his shoulder to hide the tears.

She pulled away and smiled at the both of them.

"You guys should probably get going.... Don't want to miss your flight."

The two nodded solemnly and got into the car.

"Bye, Sammy!" Dean grinned and waved at her through the open window.

"Bye, sweetheart!" Her mother chirped as they drove away.

Samantha took a deep breath before glancing around the courtyard.

She glanced down at her outfit and grimaced slightly. She was wearing her favourite pair of skinny jeans- which after years of wear, were beginning to look a little old- and a grey loose-fitting "Supernatural" t-shirt.

She stared down at the dark red Devils trap that was plastered across her chest.

'Fantastic,' she thought sarcastically, 'Now they're gonna think I'm a Satanist...'

She growled slightly before looking back at the courtyard, now noticing a large corkboard.

Sam pursed her lips slightly before walking up to the board.

She stared at the multiple activities before quickly signing up for the music club, drama, and art.

She licked her lips and smiled at the two others beside her.

She grimaced as she noticed they weren't even paying attention to anyone or anything besides the board. She mentally kicked herself and went back to reviewing the board.
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Noticing someone sign up for music club, Jayce looked up from the board at her. "Music club, huh? Good choice... might be a little biased because I'm in it, though." He gave a slight chuckle, then pointed to one of the buildings on the other side of the courtyard. "We meet in the that building by the way, second floor, first door on the left from the staircase right ahead of the main entrance. Name's Jayce by the way." He smiled towards the new girl, probably also a Freshman from what he could tell.

@Alice Ivy Macintyre
Samantha smiled back shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Jayce. My name is Sam. I, uh... I hope y'all have use for a piano player."

She blushed slightly at both her use of the word 'y'all' and at how absolutely stupid she sounds.

Jane glanced over at Jayce at Sam. She grinned softly, yet rolled her eyes. She didn't like flirting...she wasn't sure if it was what they were doing or not, but it seemed like it. She cleared her throat. "And I hope you'll have use for guitarist, pianist, and a vocalist." She said, making herself known as yet another musician. Was everyone at this board into music or something? (odd coincidence for us three xD )
Jayce grinned a sam, then gave a surprised look towards Jane, his grin widening a bit. "Hey, we have use for every instrument you can think of. That's kind of the point, a place for musicians to, you know, make music with other musicians. Doesn't matter what you play, we'll figure something out." he chuckled slightly, then looked thoughtful for a second, scratching his chin. "I play drums myself. Just the three of us could form a band. Sweet."
Lucas strolled through the campus, looking through all the texts on his phone from his pals from his last few years at college. He hadn't spoken to them much over the summer, since mostly they had gone home over the break, while he stayed in his tiny four room apartment not far from college grounds. Some other college students stayed in the same complex as him, so he chatted with them at times during said break, but he never took the time to make close friends with them. He had to work overtime so he could save up enough money for the next school year, which he managed to do with little trouble. Something about being a well known graphic designer on the web really helped him out there.

He passed by the fountain, where he saw a bunch of new students navigating their way around, some confidently making their way to where they knew they had to be from memorizing the map, others aimlessly sauntering about with no clue as to where their dorm was. He shook his head, chuckling. He kept walking until he came upon a male student who sat defeated on one of his bags of luggage. Lucas walked up to him, giving him a friendly smile. "Hey. You seem like you aren't having a good day. Need any help?" The boy looked up, looking like he found his savior. He held out a piece of paper to him, which Lucas took as he spoke. "I'm looking for Piscitelli Hall. You know where it is?" Lucas nodded, giving the boy directions, before sending him on his way.

Happy that he had helped out another student in need, he continued on his way. He wanted to find the activities board, and see if there were any new clubs that were starting this year. He had to avoid anything artistic, though. If someone noticed the closeness of his art and Vincent Dyn's art, then they would get suspicious. And he didn't want that. Maybe chess club, since that's what he and his grandpa used to play when Lucas was younger. Or athletics. He was great at basketball, though he only usually did street basketball with some other college students who didn't make the actual basketball team for the school.

He reached the board, where he saw some student's chatting with each other. He walked around them and glanced over the board, looking to see if there was anything that seemed interesting. There seemed to be a lot of more posters that were encouraging people to join the culture clubs, but none of that interested Lucas. He studied stuff like that in his free time, though he admitted that was a little strange. His eyes continued to scan until he came across music club. He had heard music club wasn't a bad one to join. He was a good bassist, as he had played in a band in high school with a couple friends of his. He also wasn't too bad of a vocalist, and he could even play the trumpet. He grabbed a couple flyers for other clubs, placing them in his jeans pockets, were were loose around his legs and held up at the waist by a black leather belt. He quickly looked down at what he was wearing; the band
Red T-shirt with the Release the Panic album art on it under an open red open button-up T-shirt. Maybe, since he was wearing a band shirt, they would give him bonus points for being in the club. He laughed, knowing that wasn't how it worked.

He perked up when he heard the student's next to him talk about music club. He turned his head to look at them, only then noticing the voice of Jayce, who had been in some of his classes last year. They didn't really talk, but they had spoken to each other a few times before in class, so neither knew the other especially well. He walked over and stood a little bit away from the group, looking around the girl with black hair he was talking to, while he was talking about how he played drums. Lucas gave a friendly smile. "
Hey, Jayce. Fancy seeing you on the first day, huh? Are you trying to find some new musical talent for music club? Because...well, I was thinking of joining as well. I can play the bass guitar, and I can sing kind of well..." He looked between the two new girls. "Sorry to interrupt into this conversation, by the way. I really do apologize about that." He noticed the black-haired girl's Black Veil Brides shirt, and pointed at it. "Cool shirt. I have one like it at my place." He then gestured to other girl's pink hair. "Neat color. I would dye my hair, but my parents would probably lose it next time I went home." He chuckled. He always tried his best to make freshman feel welcome, so he hoped it was working. He then turned back to Jayce. He held his hands up slightly to the side, smiling. "Think there's any room for a dweeb like me?"

@DergTheDergon @Alice Ivy Macintyre @PenBlade1326 (I apologize for making this so long. I'll try to be shorter in my other posts.)
Sam smiled sweetly at the newcomer. She glanced at his hair and nearly jumped up and down in the excitement of the perfect potential.

Her mother had taught her to do hair in her free time, and this was the perfect opportunity to continue the practice.

'Thank you, Mother.'

"Well, if you ever do want to dye your hair, I have some temporary dye in my room. It only lasts for about two weeks, or so."

She grinned and held out her hand.

"I'm Samantha, by the way.... You can call me Sam."

Jayce looked over towards Lucas as he approached. "Oh, hey Lucas! Dude, I had no idea you played bass, why didn't you tell me? You aren't a dweeb, either. The more the merrier. Man, it really is strange meeting 3 potential members right off the bat, but Mrs. Norice will sure be happy. She's the Music professor in charge of the club, if any of you guys didn't know. Oh yeah, Sam, Jane, this is Lucas. He's a Junior like me." He smiled, obviously happy that he'd found a common interest in three different people all at once. @Refaulted @Alice Ivy Macintyre @PenBlade1326
Roy had finished performing his parkour and free running routine throughout campus, with flyers for the gymnastics team in his hand the whole time. He had finally reached the bulletin board he was supposed to place the flyers on and grabbed the nearest stapler and started to staple the papers for the team on the board. He had started to listen in on a conversation nearby. Plenty of new freshman and they were all part of the music club. He held onto the last paper and walked up to the group when he noticed Jayce and Lucas, they had met a few times through out their school years and he decided to say, "Well if it isn't Jayce and Lucas. Recruiting some fresh meat are we now?", he turned to the girls and continued, "Name's Roy, gymnastics team captain. I would suggest it but it seems you're already taken." Roy smiled at the newcomers.
Jane glanced at Sam. "Uh...Jane. Nice to meet ya....nice hair." She said, an awkward and antisocial tone to her. She wanted to meet people....but she sucked at it. She grinned at Jayce's comment about the three of them banding together....pun! As the newcomer boy strolled over, her eyes followed his every move. She followed him with her eyes, listening to everything he said. He seemed to know Jayce...he commented on her BVB shirt. She glanced down at it. "Oh...cool. Nice to know someone else listens to my kind of music." She commented.

She looked at Jayce again. "I didn't say anything about being a potential member...and I know Mrs. Norice...she's the one who granted me my scholarship to Hilltown University." She commented, again.

(sorry I'me catching up, I just got out of the shower and read the posts as fast as I could xD )

Jane looked at Roy. She raised a brow. "Who said I was taken? What, ya think these chumps own me?" She asked him in a punk attitude. Feisty! She scoffed. "I'll take an interest in gymnastics. So long as I get show up a punk like you. And I saw you doing parkour...I could beat you." She said and poked his shoulder. The new girl was awfully...challenging with these guys.
Sam squinted at Roy, her usually cheerful attitude fading away.

"Taken?" She snapped and crossed her arms. "These boys don't own me."

She licked her lips and sighed.

"Gymnastics does sound fun. I took it for a few years in elementary and high school... It'd be fun to do it again."

She smiled sweetly at Roy, trying to make up for her and Jane's snappiness.
"Sup Roy. Yeah, that's about what's happening," he chuckled. He laughed heartily at the girl's responses. "Hey, hey, I didn't say anything about owning you two. it's your decision." He laughed some more. "Man, this year'll be fun, I can tell," he said almost to himself.
Jane crossed her arms. Sam may have been kind...but Jane was intent on making these guys know she wasn't playing around. She let out a breath. "Well, as much fun as I'm having here, Roy, Jayce, and Lucas...I'm gonna run. Unless you can all pose a reason for me to stay." She said, a fire in her voice.

@Crazycake @EclipseRising
"A pleasure to meet you, Sam." Lucas spoke as he watched Roy, another boy he knew from previous years, walk up to them. Sometimes, his attitude of showing off made Lucas upset, but he was a nice guy more than a bad one. Lucas just didn't think they clicked as friends, which made Lucas mostly avoid him. The two girls didn't seem so happy about how he first addressed them either, obvious from how they responded to him at first, but they both seemed to be interested after a moment in joining the gymnastics club. Lucas decided he wouldn't say anything in trying to keep them from doing anything. If they wanted to do a club, then let them do it. He was fine with music club as one of his options. He may as well take it up, since he liked listening to and making music anyways.


He kept his smile on, nodding at Roy. "Nice to see you after a while, Roy. I'll admit, it's weird not seeing you running around the school everyday. Makes the place seem less lively." He laughed again. He took a small step backwards as he did, feeling like the place was getting a little cluttered for his liking. He tried to do it discreetly so that nobody really noticed, as he didn't want to seem rude.

The girl, who he didn't know the name of, crossed her arms and spoke about leaving. Lucas turned to her and scratched his chin, thinking. "
Aside from us attempting to help you fit into the school here by offering to be friendly, I don't think any of us want to keep you from what you want to go do. At least, I don't." He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, and he quickly pulled it out to see what it was. Email. To his freelance Gmail account. He smiled, quickly putting it away before anyone could see it.
Sam crinkled her nose at Jayce, before laughing. Her eyes widened as she heard a ding come from her back pocket.

She grabbed her phone and smiled as her brother's name popped up. She clicked on the text and laughed quietly.

Dean <3
No drugs, no booze and no unprotected sex! ;)
Yeah, Yeah, I know, you big idiot.
Aw, that's not nice, Sammy. You hurt my feelings.
Stay safe, sis.
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Jayce shrugged towards Jane with a raised eyebrow, and jerked his head towards Lucas. "What he said. If I did something to piss you off somehow, I'm sorry. I have no right to keep you standing around here."
She nodded. "I'm not pissed, it's just I'm getting weirded out by being around new people...you guys seem stranger, but I like strange. At least now I know where to go to for music and free-running. If only you guys were gamers...then we'd be a crew." She said, pausing and facing them all. @Trundle @DergTheDergon @Refaulted

@Crazycake @EclipseRising
Roy pursed his lips when the girls snapped at him. "I meant- you know what? Never mind." He took a deep breath and shook it off. "If you ladies would like to join I have this flyer and the other ones are on the board." He retorted to Jane, "If you can do better then why don't you show me, princess?" Roy snickered obviously joking around. He knew how Jane would take that comment but he didn't really think it through until after he said it.
Sam raised her hand slightly, still focused on her phone.

"I'm a gamer... Kind of." She glanced up at Jane and grinned. "I brought my Xbox and PS4 with me."

She glanced back down as her phone dinged again.

Birthgiver <3
How are you doing, sweetheart?
Good, Ma. I think I've made some new friends :3 They're in the music club with me.
Yes, Mother. Three boys, one girl. Remember that it's only the first day though.
One of them is in gymnastics. The guys are all kind of cute. xD
Watch yourself, Samantha Wesson.

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