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Slave Stories (searching for f)


Charming Hero
Hello and welcome! 

What's this you ask? Well, it's exactly what it looks like! I need practice with authoritative characters so I decided that doing this theme would be best. I'm searching for a qualified writer to play the female "slave" of this story.

The qualifications you ask? Relatively simple, really. Just be capable of providing at least (and I use this loosely, two or more would be best) one descriptive paragraph, and be comfortable with adult themes. Violence, gore, you should know the deal.

As for the universe, I was thinking a medieval setting. Horses and castles and kings, the like. So if your interested, and beleive you match the standards, than swing on in, drop a post! We can discuss the details. Much love fellow writers! !
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I would be super interested in this. I've been roleplaying on and off for years, and I'm just now getting back into it again. I think it'd be cool to try to play a submissive character since I usually play pretty fiesty women. I like the medieval setting, too. Let me know if you're interested in roleplaying with me!

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