Slatnemele High

Jung Hwa walked in holding the hand of Ai Min,all eyes on them with either envy or found them simply adorable."Let's sit here,Love",Jung hwa smiled at Ai Min and pulled a chair out for her while she sat down,he quickly sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder,holding her close to him."Jung Hwa",Ai Min giggled,"Stop",she said smiling as he nuzzled her neck.Soul and Tai walked in after and sat with Jung Hwa and Ai Min."I told you they would leave us",Tai sighed,"We turn for a minute and they're gone".Soul chuckled,"They wanted some alone time,Tai.Calm down".Tai just shrugged.Soul's eyes flashed with humor before he began speaking to Tai,he looked at Jessica and waved before turning back to Tai and continuing his conversation,soon joined by Ai Min and Jung Hwa.
Jessica waved smiling, blushing lightly. David sighed as he played with a plant he broght with him from his bedroom. He smiled at the small rose buds.
Ai Min looked at Soul,curiously,"Who were you waving at Soul?".He smiled at her,"My friend".Ai Min looked back and smiled beautifully at Jessica and waved,she excused herself from the table but Jung Hwa pouted and kissed her first,she giggled and walked over to Jessica,"Hi,my name is Park Ai Min",she held her hand out,"Pardon me for asking so suddenly but would you like to sit with my boyfriend and his friends?,once again,she gave another breath taking smile
Ai Min giggled,"Thank you very much",she walked back to where Soul,Tai,and Jung Hwa were sitting and she sat back down next to Jung Hwa,who wrapped an arm around her shoulder,nuzzling her neck.
Jessica picked up her things and followed Ai Min sitting down with the others.

"Hiya Soul, Tai. Whos this guy?" She asked pointing to Jung Hwa.
Soul smiled,"Ahn Jung Hwa,he was sitting with us in Spirit Class.The one going on and on about how fantastic and perfect Ai Min is".Jung Hws smiled,"Which she is~",he said in a singsong voice and Ai Min giggled blushing.Tai merely rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face
Aoibheann entered and took in how dull, blank, and boringly white the room was. It was, sad and quite pathetic but then, the girl didn't exactly have the same background as she did to afford apartments decorated by centuries of family members. She wasn't even going to try and come up with a fake sentiment of how nice the place was. "You can't honestly tell me you're comfortable in this box. Anyway, I think it's time to learn to shield. And I think the best place for you to do that is going to be the Earth, I use fire, personally, but then I'm best with fire but, in all honesty, Earth is always best. You might want to use something with deep roots like a tree or a weed, you'd be amazed at the roots of a simple dandelion or a daisy, or even a mountain, but you are so not ready to use a mountain as a shield. But first, you must get comfortable."

So saying she took a seat on the floor and rested her back against a wall. "When you're first learning how to do this comfort is everything because it takes concentration."
"We wonder how an Earth Elemental and a Wind Elemental somehow start dating...",Tai said smirking.Soul shrugged,"You were the one introduced them".Tai chuckled,"And you were the one who told Jung Hwa to tell Ai Min how he felt".Jung Hwa and Ai Min smiled at the two."Jessica,do you like anyone?",Ai Min questioned,"I can just sense it for some reason"
Jessica blushed

"Well thats none of your bissness is it?" She passed Ai Min the pice of paper she had been doodling on before they had gotten there. Soul's name was all over to paper with little hearts with arrows threw them and her name with Soul's last name. Jessica Christine Eu Min.......Mr. and Mrs. Soul Eu Min........JCT + SEM 4 ever..... Jessica blushed heavily looking at her feet.
Ai Min giggled cutely as Jung Hwa tried to look but Ai Min kissed him and hid the paper in her pocket.Tai looked at Ai Min and then at Jessica and then at Soul,he smirked before beginning to read his book.Soul seemed confused but ignored it and began speaking to Jung Hwa,who stopped kissing Ai Min.She giggled and looked at Jessica,"I've been with the love of my life for six years and I still what you have been doing"
The drive into the small local town was enjoyable and Alistair decided to drop the folding roof down. As he drove, the growl of the engine reverberated across the fields and he drove for the joy of driving. As he approached the school's main gate, he saw a second, ramshackle gate further along. Memories flared in his mind and he drove up to the second gate, the desire for coffee overcome by the urge to revisit an old memory. He stopped in front of the second gate, a wooden one which was now more dry rot and faded blue paint that actual wood. But in his memories, the gate had been a vibrant sky-blue and had lead.... he got out of the car and pushed at the gate. It didn't budge.

He reached out and the ground beneath the gate rippled like water, churning and roiling as if it were fabric and something living moved beneath it. The violence of the ground tore the gate to pieces and the broken fragments collapsed to the ground, leaving a rusty lock and hinges standing out. Alistair pushed through and entered a verdant twilight beyond. The gate had not been opening is so long, small trees and shrubs had sprouted behind it, but another mental exertion made them scuttle out of the way like frightened animals. A path opened before him, it's route determined by the resurfacing memory. He walked the path, even as overturned and disturbed cobbles dragged themselves back into the semblance of the path they had once been. He could sense more than the plantlife around him, small creatures moved through the inches-deep leaf mould and birds moved from tree to tree. There were mammals here as well, squirrels, hedgehogs, a few badgers. Then Alistair broke through the encroaching shrubs and beheld a place from his early memories of the school with a mix of nostalgic excitement and gentle despair.

The old greenhouse. Built in the Victorian Era, it was about ninety feet long and twenty high at the centre of the gables. Steel-framed and brick-based, it was built to last centuries and, indeed, it was holding out well, a bastion of human construction in the epicentre of nature's reoccupation of what had once been a practical vegetable garden. Alistair approached the building and marvelled at it's condition. Every part of it had been created by the staff and upper school students in 1824, in the early years of Queen Victoria's reign and had become a live laboratory for the practice of Earth Warding. Students would come and cultivate plants of all varieties in the gardens and the greenhouse, using their powers to overcome any adversities the plants might face, be they unfavourable soil conditions, disease, pests or damage. The materials of the structure were reinforced by the required Elementals, the glass in the windows worked on by Fire Weavers, the steel and bricks made proof from the ravage of time by Earth Wardens. Now, even in it's years of abandonment and overgrowth, it was still majestic. Alistair remembered the first crop of potatoes he'd grown at Slatnemele, it had taken him three weeks of hard work just to encourage them to grow a shoot from the seed potato, but now he could force-grow a dozen potatoes within a week from a single seed. The lessons in this building had taught him the principles of perseverance and hard-work.

He decided that he owed this building something for what it had given him, so he walked into the centre, among the planting tables and watering racks and stood dead still. He sent his mind out, pressing back the advance of nature and restoring the order that had been within the building. The climbing plants that had encroached across the glass walls and roof fell back, their grip upon the structure undone by Alistair's will. The weed-filled expanse around the greenhouse churned up, dragging the weeds under the surface and tearing them apart to feed the soil. As he looked out the southern windows, Alistair saw that a stand of young trees had grown, blocking the best of the sun from the greenhouse's windows. He reached deep, deep beneath the ground and called upon gnomes beneath the ground who drew up heavy boulders and ground up the roots of the trees, then slowly dragged them down, inch by inch, crushing and shredding the trunks, the branches, the leaves, until nothing remained by rich mulch which rose back to the surface, rich and dark and full of the potential of new life. He relaxed and released his power, then looked out.

Where there had been a riot of weeds, beds of dark soil awaited new seeds. Where there had been scrubby trees, now there was a clear view out to the distant hills southwards, maximising the light into the greenhouse itself. And the interior of the greenhouse was clear and ready to receive potting trays and rows of jolly little terracotta plant pots growing all varieties of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Alistair smiled then leaned heavily against the steel framework. Perhaps he'd overdone it a little after so long not really exerting his powers. He decided to head back to the library, makes some coffee and consider how to encourage the 'Nature' instructor to use the newly regenerated facilities to best advantage.
Ai Min nodded and smiled,"When you really love someone,you still get butterflies every time you see them".She blushed as Jung Hwa kissed her cheek and Soul's eyes flashed with entertainment.Tai just smirked
Jessica sighed dreamily, day dreaming about her and Soul. She had never really realized how much she actually liked Soul until Crystal said something. David stared at Soul in anger and envy. He was falling hard for Jessica, but she was falling hard for Soul, and Soul isn't looking for anyone.
Soul smiled and nodded,"Ah...all right",he turned back to his conversation with Jung Hwa.Tai looked at David with a knowing look,already knowing why David was constantly looking over at their table
Jessica sighed and played with her hair. She missed Crystal. When would she get to class?
"If you're wondering where Crystal is,someone said they saw her go to her dorm",Tai stated."But why?",Ai Min questioned."No idea",Soul shrugged
Jessica. Since you were going to drop out I made you 'disappear'.

:/ But if you're still in the rp then, guys just ignore that. And Soul Eu Min and Jessica.. I haven't got to lessons because fire and nature class has finished and its dormtime. :S So you might as well go to your dorms but if you still want to do the lessons and then go to your dorms then idm.
I shrugged at Aoibheann, then chuckled, "Don't worry it's not that bare. I just haven't unpacked that's all.But if you want to go to your room then... I don't mind. I know this is kinda small." I blushed. "And anyway, I have something to show you. I found something while we were in the library."
(( ugggghh im so confused ))

"She went back to the dorm?!" Jessica squeeked and jumped up "I'll see you guys later! Bye~!" She waved before scurrying off to her and Crystal's dorm room.

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