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Fandom Sky's the Limit: Sign-ups

The Golden General

The "Leader" of the ROBLOX Immmigrants
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    World Map

    The world of this RP is mainly confined to one continent called Terra (original name, amirite?). Terra has a mainly warm climate with exceptions to the north, the west, and the south. The reason for this warm climate in the middle of the continent(which is where most of the population lives) is because of the eastern ocean currents, the two mountain ranges surrounding the area, and the low precipitation that the region in the middle gets.

    The North

    The north of the continent has a cold, Arctic climate. Its lands are comparable to Siberia biome-wise as both are mostly made out of Taiga. Not many people nor creature live here, thus the land is often chaotic and filled with Ice Warriors from an island owned by them near the North Pole Peninsula. Only one major city lies in the North: Velstoka. That city is the only area that is constantly defended by the creatures and humanity that live there. It and the East are slightly blocked off from the central part by the Great Divide, the tallest mountain range on the continent.

    The East

    The northeast of the continent has a similar climate bar Legget Peninsula. That area has a forest at its tip. This part of the continent is even more isolated than the North. Legget, the only major city, has a lower population then Velstoka. It is only relevant because of being both the easternmost major city in the continent and a major port. There is an island containing another major city, but the city is smaller than Legget and only relevant for being the biggest city on that particular island.

    The West

    The west has a similar climate to that of the West Coast of North America. It's rainy and mild in the winter and dry and warm in the summer. It has a higher population than the North or the East but has only one major city where 40% of the people and creatures from the west live: Horizon City. The city was named after the Unseen Horizon. This ocean is what the people and the creatures call everything else aside from the continent. It is the biggest port in all of Terra and is important for trade and supplies. Another city, Grasstongue, is small but an important port. It is isolated from the important central part of the continent by the Castars, the longest mountain range on the continent.

    The South

    The climate of the south varies between places. In the northern parts, it's hot and dry, but the climate is drastically different in the southern parts of the south. In that area, the climate is wet and humid, much like South-East Asia. There are a couple of major cities down in the south (Jaguarville and Unity, both have over 100,000 population), but only Paradise, named after what it's founders imagined the place they were put was in the biggest cities. The area is also the fastest growing area and might overtake the warm, dry center. One river runs through the area: Vermillion River.

    The Midwest

    The Midwest (or Central Terra) is the most populated of the 5 parts of the continent. It has a warm climate, 3 rivers providing growth and prosperity to the cities, and a perfect mix of creature and mankind. This combination resulted in many cities popping up.The area is responsible for 30% of all life. The largest city, Discovery, is a major hub for exploration and business. It is the only city to have more than a million lifeforms within the city. Targo and Aridia are known as the "Gateways of the Midwest" and are the first major cities after the mountain ranges. Delta is an important river port to the rest of the cities.
    Before the finding of New Earth, humans and virtual universes were just a fiction to each other. Soon, a mysterious rift within the skies was found within the fictional universes. At the same time in the human universe, astronomers discovered a new, Earth-like planet. They called it E176389 on Earth. It was discovered to hold liquid water and support human life. The fictional characters were first to the planet and formed Paradise, Discovery, and Greentongue. These three future cities were the first settlements on the planet. One year after the fictional universe characters got onto this New Earth, the New Earth had a close encounter with Earth. The planet formed an orbit of the old Earth just 225,000 kilometers away from the moon. many space agencies sent manned missions to this new planet just 5 years later. By this time, Discovery grew to over 100,000 fictional characters, Paradise grew to 50,000, and Greentongue grew to 5,000. The populations of these towns boomed when the humans came. But, the humans made more settlements and they collaborated with the fictional character settlements to create even more of those. Today, about 5 million lifeforms live on the continent and both universes live in harmony with each other and are united, but how long will it last?
    Starting Information
    Everyone will be starting in the city of Discovery. The city officials will lead you to your new settlement. From there on, you are free to interact until page 5. Then, I'll start replying to separate storylines. These can contain your character or multiple players' characters. Every so often, someone can create an event that will involve everyone in the area. When the first event ends I'll introduce an honour system. I'll probably create a thread for this.
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