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Fandom Skittles and Friends

I'm not sure. I think there might be one or two CS's up already.

Refaulted said:
What's the essential info I need?
Hales said:
I haven't made mine yet, so I can't say. Um... make it as detailed as you want I guess...? Mine's probably going to be a bit extreme.
I'm pretty sure Deadgurl has posted hers already.
I have officially started working on my Marvel character! The bio may take me a while, though, so be warned.
Jin has a bio now if anyone wants to read it. Her CS isn't quite done yet, but the hard part is over. Is there anyone else who is planning on joining the Marvel rp who hasn't posted a CS yet? I know there is @CelticHero37 . @BLUR , do you want in?

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