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Six Feet Down (DrTrollinski & Becky)


April 17th, 2015.

Rye, New York, USA.


He was apparently out here on strict business, which was rather satisfying. California had been too much for almost the past decade, and this was a nice new start. George's father was from New York, and he was certain that he worked for the same company. Sure, you can think about how many companies gave him a house like this, but, let's not focus on that detail too much. It had been a long drive to get here - He was told, no planes. Go by car. It took... Well, it took over a week in total to travel here, and he'd left his beautiful wife behind in California in their home there. He brought his son with him, though.

George had always been close to his little boy, Franco. Franco, or Frank, or Frankie - It was whatever people preferred to call him. He was George's world, and in the times he was alone, he was one of the only people that mattered to him - Right now he was fast asleep in the front seat beside him - George had been occasionally shooting glances at him to check and make sure he was okay. Franco was a troubled kid at points, but he was a smart one, too. George was wearing a full suit and sunglasses, and today, in today's heat, he was really starting to regret that decision.

His charcoal suit and white shirt were drenched in sweat, he was almost sure of it. When he stopped on the way here a few times so that Franco and him could have something to eat, use the bathroom, whatever, he got some air to his suit so it stayed nice and comfortable, but right now, it was hell and he didn't know what to do about it.

"Ey', Frankie." George reached over and patted his shoulder a few times - Franco was red in the face, and his zip-up hoodie was obviously making him too hot, for now. Franco quickly awoke and slumped over to George's side, leaning against him and closing his eyes again, his arms coiling around his body. George just laughed and took a deep breath after. "Ca'man... We're at our new house..." He said. Franco still didn't seem to care, though.

When they pulled up outside the door, George moved Franco aside and slowly opened up his door. He'd bought a Bentley Continental GT a while back.

How about we don't talk of where he gets all his money? Yes, I think that's a good idea.

He walked around and opened up Franco's side, slowly lifting him out of the car and holding him up so that the boy could rest his head on his shoulder. "I think you need a drink, big man." He chuckled a little. "C'mon, letsa' go inside and get settled down, eh?" He said, gently rubbing the hot-skinned and sleepy-headed child's back as he made his way to the front door.
Everything seemed to be going well for the girl in her new University. Robyn was sitting in class waiting for the lecturer to come in. The young girls body was slightly exhausted by the heat and the frustration of moving into her new dorm room. The lecture room was dimly light as other students made their way to the class.

She met the gaze of a few curious students who seemed to look at her and her best friend Yoyo whom was sitting beside her in her usual position.

See how your already stared at?
she asked herself putting her hands onto her lap and holding her hands together looking down to the front of the class silently. Yoyo must have noticed Robyn's anxiousness because she nudged her owners hand looking for some assurance.

The girl grinned looking down at her canine friend patting her head "Hey girl..." she muttered as the class began.

Her day went surprisingly well apart from the heavy heat that seemed to push down on her body. She kept a two bottles of water in her bag pack, one for her and one for Yoyo. After class Robyn didnt feel like taking part in any activities so she went back to her dorm room turning on the tv flicking through some of the news channels. Her curiosity was sparked when he heard about several attacks on people pretty close to her school.

Looking over at her dorm door she stood up making sure it was locked and secure.
He carried the boy inside and got him set down on the couch while he went off and got him a glass of iced water - Franco had gotten far too hot and was in tears by the time that George got back to him. George quickly handed the water off to him so that he could take a drink, then sat down beside him and pulled him into a small hug. He loved living on this gated estate already, for some odd reason, and he'd only been here for ten minutes or so. "Ca'man, Frankie... Don't cry. It was a long journey - you got too hot, that's all. You were a real good boy on the way here, no trouble at all." He smiled down at him a little.

"I wanna' see mom." He whimpered quietly, George just sighed and leaned over, hugging him once again and holding him close.

"I know, pal." He murmured. "You know that we can't do that though, right? Mom's not gonna' be with us for a little while, because I'm here for work." He said. "I really wanted you to come with me, remember? You'll be going to a new school for a little while, you'll meet lotsa' new friends, me and you can have fun here, too." He explained. "Just drink your water, okay?" He said, patting his back. The child continued to sniffle and let out an occasional sob, even when he was drinking - George was hoping that things wouldn't stay this way, because he didn't need a homesick and heartbroken child on his hands.

"How about you have a lie down for a while, watch some TV?" He asked. "I can put the air-con on for you, you can just chill out and relax - I'll make you some lunch in an hour or so. What kinda' food do ya' want? How about... That spaghetti? Y'know, the recipe mom always makes for lunch on Saturdays." He offered with a smile.

"But it's Friday, dad..." He choked out, lifting the water away from himself before looking at George with the most heartbroken look - his eyes were filled up with nothing but tears, and George just sighed and took the water from him, setting it down on the coffee table before pulling him into a proper hug wit both hands.

"Come here, Frankie..." He said, hugging him close. Franco was crying his eyes out now - This was going to be a long afternoon.
The tv before her flashed images of people running in the streets. She didnt know what was going on and when she heard double sounds of screaming she muted the tv moving her head from side to side trying to locate where the sounds was coming from. Standing up she examined Yoyo who was standing on her hind legs looking out the window off the dorm room which was four stories off of the ground.

Pulling the curtains in alarm she stood in silence before pecking out into the street from her safe height apartment. People ran in the streets acting crazy. Narrowing her eyes "Are they stoned?" she asked to Yoyo in a whisper. The people ran in a strange way too. Their legs seemed strong but their arms were limp as they ran. They sway by their sides. Biting her lip confused she could feel her heart begin to flutter.

Something was wrong with them people and it wasnt drugs. They (a group of five) seemed to be on the look out for something. They ran almost aimlessly as they tired looked into empty cars. Then they found one that wasnt empty. Yoyo barked and she hushed her quickly and sharply. Looking back out between the curtains she watched as the people tried to break open the windows of the car trying to get into the screaming middle ages woman. Robyn woke up from her trance What the hell you waiting for? RING THE POLICE! she yelled as herself in her head as she darted for her phone on the small coffee table.

With shaking hands she picked it up trying to unlock the touchscreen. Eventually her shaking hands did their job and it unlocked. She dialed 911 and waited for the Duh duh duuh sound to stop ringing waiting for a voice to answer.

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