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Fantasy Sinful Knights


Sophisticated Sea Dweller
This is were you do the actual RP. Feel free to be violent and swear to your heart's content, but fade to black if something becomes erotic.
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Chapter 1: Introductions

Siegfried quickly walked through the dank hallway. Despite the light that gleamed from the torch in the hand of the warden in front of him, he still felt a permeating darkness surround him, seeping through his pale blue robes. Beneath his cloak, he clutched the the sigil of Luma and spoke a soft prayer. The symbol was cold.

"So your the new caretaker, eh?"

Siegfried looked up, startled. "What? Oh, yes, I am to be the new guardian of these poor, lost souls. I've heard the reports, and I am well aware of the danger, but I think that with the right guidance they-"

"Aha! So you think some notes scribbled on a piece of paper by some pompous cleric can prepare you for this lot? That's rich! Real fuck'n rich!" The man took some time to laugh. The sound of his amusement echoed throughout the hallway. "Anywho, ya seem like a nice young lad, so I'll give ya some advice. Yer job is to make sure they don't cause too much trouble. If they do, ya just send a message to the church, and stay outta their way. Do ya hear me? Don't try 'n stop 'em, don't help 'em, and fer Luma's sake, don't try to save their souls or any o' that bullshite. There's a reason they keep these 'Knights' down here."

Siegfried nodded at the man's words. "Thank you.... Ah, sir, I don't believe I learned your name. I am-

Again, the warden interrupted him, much to Siegfried's annoyance. "Let me stop you there, lad. Don't want ta get too close to ya now, 'specially if you last as long as the last one" he added under his own breath. Reaching the end of the hallway, he began to fiddle with the many locks that were fitted onto a thick, wooden doorway "Now, if luck is on yer side, maybe not all o' them are home at the moment."

The young cleric turned to the jailer "That cant be! the Pontiff specifically ordered them all to be present for the mission!"

The warden sighed, opening up the door, and gently pushing Siegfried to the other side. "Listen, lad, this lot don't give a rat's arse what some pontiff wants 'em ta do, unless he's having his guards hold swords to their necks. If they were ordered to get ta'gether, once their done doin' whatever their doin', they'll catch up ta ya. Now get in there, and do yer job." the jailer shut the door in Siegfried's face. He was about to say something, but he heard the man walking away already. Siegfried walked down some spiral stairs, and began to here some noise and warmth emanating from below. He walked into a large, circular chamber with a fire pit in the center that currently held a pot cooking some unknown stew. lining the walls were thick doors, similar to the one he went through before, that most likely lead to private chambers. However, Siegfried only noticed the men and women before him, the Sancti Ordo Pecatores, the infamous Sinful Knights!

(There, I got a first post in, like you guys wanted. Simply post what you were doing in your chamber when the new guy showed up. To get the most out of this moment, I advise you simply do not notice him for a bit. Since some of you might not be able to respond as of now, I have written it in a way were you will be able to jump in soon if you miss the introduction. Good luck!)

One, two, three.
The trio of smoke rings rose through the room and blended with the fire's own, spiraling gray hues floated above the man sitting around the fire. His gaze fluttered from each of his fellow new 'Knights', making quick judgements of them as he returned to more casual smoking. He focused upon the burning plant in the bowl of the pipe, holding a still lit match over it as he lost his gaze in it. He took careful notice to the burning, each suck of the pipe leaving it with more ash as he took in the smoke, releasing it effortlessly. It was not long until it had all burnt up, the orange glow coming to his pipe turning into a dull grey, Aldwin heaved out a small sigh as he took in his surroundings once more, muttering to himself under his breath. He finished with a quick turnover of his pipe, the ash floating to the ground slowly before he rested his boot upon the newly formed residue.

A greatsword rested at his side, leaning up against a high wall, the scratched yet still imposing steel reflecting the orange and yellow lights flickering in the flames. With a smile pulled over his expression he took a small glance toward the door, awaiting the assumed man to come inside. His gaze flicked back to his new companions, taking each one of them in with one final deep breath, landing his eyes back on the door as he heard the people outside. Aldwin casually brought his hand on the flask that rested around his belt, taking it off the wrapped leather and bringing it up to his lips. One, two, three.
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Leona had been in her chambers since the start of the day and had not wished to leave. She was enveloped in a book of poems. They were dark and eerie but she enjoyed them greatly. She had heard some news of a priest, bishop person or another coming to see them or something like that. When the message was gave out she wasn't listening very much nor did she care. New people came to see them everyday like they were a freak show. Not that they weren't though. Everyone here was different, but in the eyes of the church..well they all appeared the same. Probably. Who knew.

As the day went by, Leona still remained in her room with that book. She was determined to finish it regardless of how..sizable it was. Once it was likely closer to the time that priest person was coming, she decided to leave her room for once in a blue moon. As she walked out of her chambers, she stole a glace at everyone in the room. No one caught her eye, but the rings of smoke seemed..interesting. To say the least. With a very slight shake of her head, Leona would go back to reading her book of poems, walking toward the fire so it was somewhat easier to read.

As she approached, she didn't hesitate in taking the farthest seat away from anyone. The luminescence of the fire still reached the pages of her book, effectively making it easier to read. She was aware of the foot steps coming but again gave not a care. Leona wasn't really even dressed properly to meet the person; she was still in sleeping clothes with her hair tied back into a tight ponytail. She wore men's pajama bottoms and a tight fitting long sleeved shirt that showed a little more cleavage than she would like. The only scars visible right now was the burned upside down star for her old clan and the one across her face. As precautionary measures, her dagger was strapped to the loose fitting pants.
Iris had arrived to the center chamber early in order to prepare a meal. She felt it was appropriate, after all they wouldn't be meeting there if they weren't going to get some news. And getting news without a meal? That's practically unheard of.

This stew is going to be excellent...

She took a sip from a spoon, the stew was hot as it slid down her throat. It tasted nostalgic to her, as it was a meal she had made with stolen ingredients for herself and her sister whenever one of them came down with something.

It's actually not that bad for the ingredients that they 'give' us down here. I had to improvise a little, but it's okay.

She poured some into a small bowl and sat cross-legged, facing the cooking pot. The warmth from it comforted her, and she held her hands out to it like a bonfire.

After her meal, she got up and stretched. It was about to be the time that they were instructed to meet. She stepped back from the cooking pot and re-positioned herself near the back of the room.
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While the others were doing their own thing, Gary was doing something important. Or well, important to him. With several chemicals laid out in front of in front of him, he was hard at work. Feeling adventurous, Gary combined several. A small flash could be seen from his work station. A satisfied smirk stretched across the madman's face. "Careful what you ask people, Aldwin. When people have too much to drink, their hands might... slip," Gary grinned while a loud 'POP' sounded in front of him, almost like a firecracker. He looked back at the aforementioned man, his grin spread wider across his face, his cigarette clenched between his teeth. "Nice pipe you have there," Gary casually mentioned. He left it to the man's intelligence to decide whether it was a threat or he was simply changing the topic.

It wasn't easy setting up a hot bath in her room, but Elena managed to get it done with proper dedication and a fair bit of 'hassling.' Warm mist filled the room and gentle ripples rocked the waters as she slowly sunk into the wooden tub. There was a certain displacement from reality that she felt when she wasn't around water for a long period of time and now, she was feeling very refreshed. There was something going on outside, but she'd give herself some more time to soak before she actually got up to see what all ruckus was. As her eyes shut, visions of the violent seas entered her mind, sounds and images from her past adventures and battles, memories of her father when she was just a little girl on her first boat ride. At length, she emerged dripping wet from the bath and wrapped a towel around herself, deciding she'd head back in and put some clothes on once she was done drying off. She was trailing water as she entered the main chamber, brushing her hair back out of her face as she pulled in a stool to seat herself.

"Hm? What's up?" she yawned, stretching out her arms and surveying the faces of the others that had gathered. And the bowl of food. "Whoa, smells edible," she laughed heartily, casually wiping her wet hands on the towel as she glanced toward Iris and showed her approval with a wide smile. "Good timing! My stomach was starting to sound like an angry Leviathan."

Aldwin settled his drink down by his side, letting the flask stand open should anyone have an unquenched thirst. A small shrug began to form as the man finished his statement, before the pop suddenly sounded, Aldwin's gloved hand reaching behind him and grabbing the blade of his large greatsword, his eyes flicking to Gary in the same instant. Though, after the scene was nothing more than a small pop, he sighed with a small chuckle, "Well, aren't you the wild card.." He said this with a finishing relieved chuckle, his eyes taking note of the woman across, sitting alone with her book at the end of the dark room. He rose a brow at her, a sudden curiosity driving him as he felt an odd nostalgia wash over him. "Yeah, I won it in an.. Something. A moment, kid." He stated rather offhandedly, his attention completely shifted as he began to slowly stand, taking a step forward as he tried to catch the woman's attention before going any further.

@NekoQueen49 @xEmoBunnehx
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Aeros was sitting by the fire pondering how many chains and restraints the church needed in his room. When had been in there, there were more chains then bed, how useful were those chains if he was to become a full sized wolf? Luckily he was wearing his collar which was far more effective than any else he had used before.

His train of thought was broken when someone addressed the man walking towards them, their new care taker if he was correct. Well the man would have to take care not to get himself hurt, especially when it was a full moon and the boy wasn't wearing his collar. If he was a wolf in this small space, everyone would have to be careful. However, the more he thought about it, the more he thought they might have a means to defend themselves.

He slowly got up and walked up to Iris feeling a little flirty. Good thing he wasnit in the phase of cycle were he would try to get her to bed. "So hot stuff what are you making? It smells so good." He smelled at the air taking in the scent. "Maybe later, if your up for it you and I can make something together if you understand what I mean." Well, he still had to try, if you found him before he was turned, he wouldn't have tried.

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Merek sat down close to the burning fire with an irritated look on his face. Of all the Sinful Knights, it was Merek who didn't understand why he was locked up. He was hero! He took care of all the bad guys that roamed around. Sure, he killed a kid, but it was for a good reason, he practically liberated him from a life of hunger. If anything, he should have been awarded for his deed. Damned Church. Everyone here was ungrateful. He stared at the cooking stew with an odd look. He was kind of a pick eater, and stew definitely wasn't one of his favorites.

He took an exaggerated breath, laying his bare upper body against the wall. He had taken off his armor for the moment, there was no need for it, and truth be told, Merek absolutely adored his own body. He had worked hard for it. He deserved to show it off. His eye opened and looked at the boy flirting with the woman that had cooked the questionable stew. He couldn't help but let a smirk make it's way on his face. If he wanted win to her over he couldn't do it with words like "hot stuff." He closed his eyes again now leaning his head against the wall as if he were sleeping. He had no interest in conversation, while he wasn't exactly the silent type, he found that talking right now was pointless. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned down a bit. "Maybe if I pretend I'm sleeping they'll ignore me." He said quietly.
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"Ah, yes." Iris said, smiling warmly at Elena. "It's a beef and cabbage stew. I had to, er, 'borrow' a few things from the kitchen, but it actually turned out alright!" She chuckled a bit. "Anyway, as for why we're here... I think we're supposed to be getting some fresh meat, a new caretaker. Apparently the bloke's going to be a priest or some other godly type. Quite typical for a church, if you ask me," She explained, while idly examining her fingernails.

Iris glanced at Aeros and scoffed. "I'm afraid you're barkin' up the wrong tree, mate. That's not going to get you anywhere. Oh! I have an idea. Go chase your own tail, that will be more useful than what you're doing right now, and it will definitely be more entertaining." She looked him dead in the eyes, signalling him to back off.

@Wyatt @AtlasAtrium
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As Leona sat in the main room, her ears listened to the conversation around her. It was odd. Though the popping sound made her glance up to where it was made. Gary. That guy was a wild card, but she wasn't concerned with that. When Gary had said the grizzly man's name who was blowing smoke rings. Aldwin. Where have a heard that? She pondered as her eyes flicked over to the man. Something about him was familiar but she couldn't quite place it. He looked as though he was going to approach her, so being the curious person she closed her book and patted next to her. Being social wasn't something she was really good at..but might as well deal with it. Still, Leona couldn't get quite get over the fact of where she'd heard his name and seen the man before. Where? She asked herself as her face remained black and expressionless, her eyes still laying on Aldwin.

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At the werewolf's rejection, Gary let out a cruel, barking laugh. Even if he was trying to focus on his work, Gary still found it damn hilarious. "If you want 'hot stuff', I would be willing to set you ablaze," Gary said, shaking some clear liquid contained in a large vial from side to side in his direction. "I think that would be the most entertaining, madam," he continued, addressing Iris. Setting the vial back down, he took a puff from his cigarette while giving her a sly wink. "However, I just don't understand his interest in ya. But I'm actually interested in attractive women, so what would I know?" He teased.

Aldwin still well remembered the woman, his face overgrowing in deep concern as he looked around the room once again, blinking rapidly. He muttered a few slurs under his breath as he passed through the groups of people, stepping by Elena with a quick nod as he went over. His steps were rather slow and steady, taking a final glance behind him as he closed toward her, dropping to a knee next to her as he marveled at the sight in front of him, leaving his sword unwatched. His gaze fixated on her face, only needing a quick look at her eyes for his own confirmation, his own expression now growing more and more perplexed as he looked upon the woman, his mind flashing back to the young girl clad with blade. He pulled a small smile over his face, forcing the now odd expression. He took a deep breath, taking a few moments to look her over in silence "Leo?" He muttered ever quietly, settling down into a sit as he bit his lip. How did she end up here.

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"I see you're still being yourself," Elena said with a squinting glare as she turned to face Gary, toweling off her soaking hair as she did so. "When this place inevitably burns to the ground, everyone's going to know it was you," she added. One of these days, she was certain that an 'accident' was going to wipe out at least half of their crew and she'd make damn sure to be as far away as possible when it happened. And it was already bad enough when they thought they only had his running mouth to deal with at first. I didn't start conquering the seas to end up bound to this pyromaniac loon, or to this shit stain of a city for that matter.

"Bah, one of those dusty old relics?" she said to Iris with a shake of her head. "Whatever, it's about as much as I expected." To Aeros: "Ha, looks like somebody's gotta take care of their morning wood," she snickered, though it was more playful than anything. "But ye gotta try harder than that if ye don't want to look like a little bitch in front of your dame."

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Aeros checked his behind for a tail, not finding one and looked back at the women. "Tisk, tisk, my beautiful maiden, you should know that I don't have complete control over myself. Now if you want to get funky, we can go back to my room and role play. You can be the helpless women and I can be the big bad wolf."

He then turned to Gray and stuck his tung out at him. "No one asked for your opinion, now get lost." Aeros then looked to see Iris's reaction. He did feel back for trying to get her to bed, but he couldn't help it. He then eyed, his next target who had addressed his morning wood. Did she mean to help him with his problem.

@Ceros @AtlasAtrium @NekoQueen49
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Iris chuckled as she eyed Gary. "Well, obviously you don't know much. Good for you, though, that you've realized that about yourself and come to terms with it. Tell me, how does it feel, living in such a fast-paced world with a mind as... slow as yours?" She asked the boy, feigning curiosity.

She turned back to Aeros. "As for you," she said. "That whole role-playing thing won't work out. You're not even as bad as these lines that you're spewing. And most women? They're far from helpless."

She continued, "You might want to think more about what you're saying. It's not wise to have a mouth so unfiltered. Especially in a room full of people that are perfectly capable of defending themselves. I do agree with you about one thing, though." She waved Gary away with her hand. "You need to get lost." She did the same to Aeros. "Both of you."

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"I would be offended if they didn't think it was me," Gary said to Elena. He was very much proud of his pyromania. If anyone stole his title as the resident pyromaniac, he would promptly burn them to the ground, and that was that.

As for Aeros' insult, Gary could only smirk. If that's the best he could do, he certainly had a long way to go before he could reach Gary's skill. "If you mean to insult me, you'll have to do a lot better than 'get lost'. But this is coming from a dog, so I guess you get what you expect," he said, peering at him out of the corner of his eye before looking back at his station. "But I don't know what your excuse is, madam. Perhaps you can't make up for having a repulsive body? Or did you just give up hope on having an attractive anything after the aesthetics never seemed to work?"

Try as he might, sleep was not happening as long as he was with this crew. They were to entertaining, he was trying his best not to burst out laughing. Silence was no longer an option, he had to many jokes to just keep quiet and let everyone else have all the glory. Though Merek was a fairly nice person, how could he not defend Aeros? "Aw, come on guys. Leave Wolfy alone. Don't you guys know it's mating season? He's just following his animal instincts." He said, still leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. "Though a bit of advice Fido, trying to get a woman into bed the first time you meet her isn't exactly a good idea. Not every woman wants something like that."
As the bear of a man approached, Leona seemed to recognize him. Aldwin. That's right. She did know him and from many years back. Idly she wondered how he got mixed up in a group like this. He was a good man from what she new of him. As he seemed to kneel beside her, her eyes followed him, a very slight curiosity to them. Did he not remember her now after so many years? The answer was likely no. Much had changed from the time he knew her till now, but her train of though was interrupted as he said her name. Or at least the one she preferred people to use. "Adlwin?" She muttered back to him. though she was quiet, her voice was soft and almost melodic in tone. She had a small accent to her, one that she didn't really know how to place but after so many years of suppressing it, the accent was about diminished. As for Aldwin, it seemed he had aged quite well since the time she had know him though it appeared he didn't know how to react to her aging.

Aldwin gave her a brief smile, his look of concern falling into relief as he relaxed back against the wall she sat against, letting out a few soft breaths through his mouth before his attention reeled over to the group suddenly bickering with one another across. He chose to ignore the voices across for now, this ghost from his past was quickly becoming his highest priority. He looked her over, seeing her new attire and keeping the smile he had plastered over for her, trying to seem calm about the entire ordeal. "Leo, how did.." He let out a sudden sigh as he interrupted himself, going to put a hand up on her shoulder as he regained their eye contact. "How did you end up here?" He finished this with a now present frown, the concern washing back over him like a wave.

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"City folk are just too stuck up," Elena grinned, hitting her hand on her knee as she leaned forward to contest Merek's comment. She didn't have to recount all the first-impression hook-ups to know that there were two sides to this, though by now she was slowly grasping that perhaps life inland was more. . . reserved. "You, on the other hand, will never bed a woman with self-respect," she scowled, wagging her finger at Gary. "At least not without using force, anyway. But I'm sure that's good enough for ye, ye damn nutcase."

@Moddy @NekoQueen49
"I am sorry, Iris and I was referring to you being in chains since I don't fell like being locked up right now." He walked away turning a spiteful eye to Gray. "So what's the occasion, going to a funeral? You certainly are dressed for one." He then looked at Merek licking his lips. 'Why just settle for women when I can fun with men to.' He then heard Elena speak again and he walked up to her. He took a sit next to her and wrapped an arm around her. "Well your one heck of a specimen." He stopped talking not wanting to insult her or anger her like he had Iris. "I can't wait for the new moon, then I will be old self." He muttered under his breath.

@Ceros @AtlasAtrium @NekoQueen49
"Maybe I'm not looking for a woman with self-respect," Gary commented slyly before letting out a short laugh. "Bwuhaha, but then, I have pretty high standards, or so I've been told. If bedding a woman requires either kindness or force, it's obvious what I'd choose," he hummed, adding another component to the small dish with grey powder lining the bottom. A component that was a strange blue liquid. "And you say 'nutcase' as if it's a bad thing. I think it makes life more interesting."

Gary paused at Aeros' comment before smirking. "You never know, dog. I always have to be prepared for the inevitable. In fact, I might be going to one soon. You never know who might be visiting the Undertaker next... By the way, how tall are you?"

"'One heck of a specimen,'" Elena repeated to herself, snorting as she giggled to herself. She shook her head, but the smile was still plastered widely to her face. "Boy, ye sure say some things. By the way. . ." She peeled off Aeros's arm, and then casually put her arm over his shoulders. ". . . I'm ahead of ye on the food chain, mate," she winked at him, roughly pulling him closer into her. "Unless ye'd like to throw down and test that."

"Whatever floats your boat," she added, making a small waving gesture with her hand toward Gary.

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