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Simple Yet Sweet


Fridge Destroyer

Goku Stood at the edge of the roof on one of the massive corporation buildings, Looking down at all the countless people who passed by. It was mid afternoon so there were obviously going to be multiple different crowds located around the opening of stores. It was as so peaceful from up here, it was as if no one noticed him on this sweet summer day. Although that's pretty much what he was aiming for, after all . .you wouldn't really be on the roof of a building if you wanted to be the center of attention. He sighed happily as the soft breeze blew through his spiky black hair, He stood there as if in a daze. He just got done going through one training session for the day and was taking a bit of a break, which is when he felt his stomach start to 'yell' at him and make noises. Pointing out the fact that he hadn't eaten since breakfast ant it was much past lunch time. "..Eh? Alright Alright!" He stepped looked down at his stomach and pressed his right hand over it, as if trying to calm it down.

I Hear Ya'! " Goku sighed and calmed his stomach for a moment. "Lets Go get something to eat then." He looked down as he took a step back from the edge and placed his index and middle finger upon his forehead to teleport himself down on the ground floor. It was as if he appeared out of thin air on one of the side walks, taking a step back and accidentally bumping into someone. He quickly turned around and apologized. "Woopsie! Sorry about that!" He chuckled and gave his signature brightly beaming smile, Reaching his hand behind his head and scratching faintly. Goku stepped back from the person and stood out on the sidewalk, watching the cars go by as he tried to think of what he wanted to eat. " I Don't Know. What are you in the mood for?" He chuckled and looked down at his stomach as it growled softly. "Pork!" He exhaled happily as an expression of excitement took over, his stomach growling loudly as a response. Goku then looked around as if trying to find which restaurant he wanted to rush into.


@chxngx I Did it! Now come find me and eat pork with me! Oh Gosh, Don't make some drastic entrance and scare me.)
Yoona strayed along various small streets in the huge city which she was wondering around it- aimless and lost as if she were a young child. She continued to roam the streets as she'd been doing since earlier today. Shopping at random stores which she ran by and before she knew it- she was starving and had spent ALL her money on her clothing expenses. Almost a typical teenage girl on her summer shopping spree. She too, hadn't eaten in a long time.

As she had eventually tired herself out and was starving, lost as well in the large city. She stood on the left of a sidewalk, against the wall of a shop as crowds rolled by, elderly people, adults, other teenagers and young children running around doing their own business. All of which seemed friendly enough to stop and ask for directions- though, this was hard for a girl who was as shy and quiet as Yoona.

She stood there, watching everyone as they went by- though, sooner or later. A particular male caught her eye. Almost as if she was checking him out, her eyes trailed him. She watched as he bumped into other pedestrians but he seemed to shake it off. She sighed and shook her head- another young airhead in the city. Though, when he was speaking to his stomach, she'd thought he was speaking to her.

"P-pork?" She asked, stuttering as she was shocked by how he spoke- though, it was directed to himself. She took it as if it was directed towards her.

The girl was quiet short and slightly chubby- only at her face but her body figure was quiet slim. She had long dark brown hair, straight but curled towards the ends- all pulled up back by a headband. She then nervously tugged down at the back of her navy floral skirt, lengthening it down whilst adjusting her white frilled top as well, expecting an answer from the male. She was still obviously in shock.

Goku failed to notice the young female at all at first, After all there was always a new face in the city. Usually the people that lived in the city would notice who he was and wave Hello and he'd do the same in return, happily. His ear twitched as he heard someone shout out the same thing he did, 'Pork!', He Blinked. " Huh? " Goku stepped back and turned around to look in the direction this voice was coming from, which he was greeted by quite the small frail looking girl compared to him with his muscular build. He looked at her strangely for a moment , clarifying if she was actually talking to him. "Yeah! Pork!" Goku nodded at her and smiled. " I Was just about to go get some, I'm really hungry." He said, His stomach would growl in agreement with him and would turn as if telling him to hurry up.

Were you about to get some as well? Cool! Would you like to get something to eat together?" He asked ever so casually to the young female and turned his head to point toward the right. "There's a restaurant down there, They sell this amazing Chashu Pork Ramen!" His eyes sparkled when he talked about food, just about drooling over it. Goku motioned her to come along, having no idea that she was out of money. He probably just assumed she was headed in the same direction, after all he had no plans in particular aside from training and eating . .so he had time to blow. Beckoning her along side him as he began to eagerly head in the direction of the restaurants.
The girl was slightly taken back as he began to speak to her as if he knew her very well- like they'd known each other beforehand, though they didn't. She smiled a bit at his offer as he spoke about the Chashu Pork Ramen, one of her all-time favourites and now she'd begun to crave it as he had mentioned so. She decided to go along with him- seeing how he was so excited and seemed to be in a good mood. She had a few small bucks on her, if she was lucky, $5. She'd be able to at least buy herself a dumpling or two. Good enough, she thought.

As they began to walk to the restaurant, she tried her best to keep up with him- they were the only two who were moving down the other end of the street as everyone bustled and hurried to go in the opposite direction to them. For him, it was easy to push them away with such a muscular figure but for her- she tended to get hit a lot at her shoulders and occasionally people stepping on her feet as she was quiet frail and small. As they walked up, the distance between them slowly lengthened out.

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Goku continued to walk side by side with this female, maybe a few steps ahead but after they had gotten to the doorway he took her inside with him. Goku was known around these parts ... every restaurant probably knew him due to his massive apatite. He was welcomed inside just as she was , walking through the semi crowded restaurant. Being a fairly dim place but the hanging ceiling lights kept it lit inside. it was nice and big inside with a great atmosphere. The strong scent of food could almost make Goku go wild with excitement "It smells SOO Good! i cant take it!" He eagerly spoke as he was sat down and handed a menu. He knew what he wanted so there wasn't much of a point in looking at - he'd order basically everything on it.. it although he skimmed it. He ordered a cola to hold him off for the moment, he took the lead seeing as she didn't seem to be as much of a talker as he was. Plus he was eager..and hungry.

Goku pointed at multiple different things on the menu and ordered so..so many things! as much as his finger could point at and lead the waiter to just about fill up the notebook with food specifically for him. Almost anyone would look at him as if he was crazy. His body was outstandingly muscular - but all that food!? impossible. She probably had no clue just like the scattered few people around them that he was a saiyan . .and he could eat ANYONE out of a house and home. He probably worked and ungodly amount to keep his body as good as it looked it seemed. Still . . no one could really, REALLY eat that much? Right..? He inhaled as he was finally done ordering and laid back as he gave her the chance to. "Eheh! I love the food here. Its super good! just wait 'til ya try it. They always have me running back." Goku chuckled playfully and gave her the most innocent of smiles. "
Take your time." He assured her.
The girl had arrived into the store slightly after and had noticed him as he began to point to all the various things on the menu. Easily enough for a huge party or festival. He was well built though. Luckily. Yoonas eyes seemed to go over his body every now and then to feast her eyes as well as wonder how this male was so fit.

She sighed softly as he asked her what else she wanted. She bit her lip nervously as she looked over to him, a slight and sheepish grin forming on her lips as she was about to tell him that she didn't have any money on her.

She gulped nervously and looked to him, taking out her wallet and tipping out only about $2 and a few earrings. She looked back up at him. "I-i dont have enough to eat so i guess ill just keep you company." She said. Usually, she got guys to pay for her when she did this so she was expecting it this time. Though, she barely knew this male.

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