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Realistic or Modern Simple School RP

Name: Teyo Perez

Age: 16

Gender (unless it's completely obvious): Male






+Classical Music



-Rock Music

-Anything that would contradict with Likes

Do they like school?: Yes, except when it causes conflicts with his dance

Sports: Competitive Dance, Gymastics

Relationships: N/A(PM)

Crushes: ???(PM)

Extra details: N/A
Abella gave in and sniffled, rubbing her nose again. "Sorry, darling". She gave Samantha a hug back, really needing another tissue.

@Daniel reaving

"Wow, look at you. A bad girl in disguise. I'm surprised". Abi smirked, flipping her phone from hand to the over without looking, knowing she wouldn't tweet about this in case someone of authority found it and busted her and everyone else.

@Deadly Darkness



I interacting with: Anyone I Mood: Annoyed I Location: Walking out of school I

Outfit: Leather Jacket, Black Shirt, Flannel, Ripped Black Jeans, White shoes

Walking out of school later than everyone else was a pain. She had gotten detention. On the first day. Well it wasn't exactly the first day but it was to her. She had been skipping school for a while and she didn't know exactly why she just decided to show up today. Probably because she had nothing better to do in her boring life. She had been wanting to get a few drinks at a bar but whats the fun in going alone? She had to go with somebody. It was just more entertaining and less boring that way. Looking up at the sky, she sighed irritably. She was tired as hell. But she didn't want to sleep. She wanted to go have fun.
Skai Parker



location:Pulling into new new neighborhood

Outfit:Blue T-shirt, black fitted jeans , black miles


Skai and her mother finally pulled into their new neighborhood huge houses surrounded the neighborhood, children we're outside riding bikes or at the nearby park and parents were outside conversing with other parents. 

Skai and her mom got out the car. Their house was huge, a real step up from before but the only reason they got the house was because of Skai's stepdad Micheal who she hated with a passion. He greeted them outside and helped them move boxes from the car to the house.

Once they got everything inside Skai carried her things to her room, which she had to admit was beautiful
(Simple time wrinkle to bring us all to the same point in time. Iris is coming with us ;)

@Rock And Roll Boy


@Deadly Darkness

nathan noticed something that he never thought he would see. A chick who looked fairly metal. She was stunning, her perfect hair falling around her shoulders as she flawlessly walked. Each step seemed to be completely effortless and Nathan had to know who the hell she was. 

He pointed, "who's that?" He didn't care how infatuated he sounded, suddenly zeroing in on his target like a marksman. He slowly drifted over to her, trying to feign casuality. "Hey, I was just about to go get a few drinks with my friends abi and Beth. You wanna come with?" His own leather jacket was billowing slightly, his chains rattling in the breeze. 

He hoped against hope that she would come with, Nathan couldn't take his eyes off of her.
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I interacting with: @akumashioni I Mood: Calm I Location: Walking out of school I

Outfit: Leather Jacket, Black Shirt, Flannel, Ripped Black Jeans, White shoes

When Iris heard someone, she instantly looked back down. Her eyes stopped on a teenage boy who had long black hair. She thought that it looked good against his pale white skin. When he mentioned drinks, she smiled. Its like if he read my mind or something, she thought to himself. "Sure. Sounds like fun." she said, in a low tone of voice. What made her smile even more was that, she did notice that he kept staring at her as if she was a goddess or something. She couldn't blame him for that though. Light colored eyes, black hair, pale skin, and a perfect body can hypnotize a person. 
Nathan smirked eagerly, "you know a good spot? I'm new around here." He hoped she knew where the fun was, cause he sure as hell didn't. 

He caught himself staring at her and looked around every now and again, not hiding it very well. He felt slightly nervous, which was a first for him. "So what's your name?" He asked as they rejoined abi and Beth.

@Rock And Roll Boy


@Deadly Darkness
Yayyyy thank you 


Name: red p, wheeler 

Age: 17

Gender male 


Likes: cars sports knifes and sharp stuff and causing trouble and skipping class

Dislikes: people who make fun of him and bully's  and students who eat him out for skipping class 

Do they like school?: not at all 

Sports:  football and basketball 

Relationships: none 

Crushes: none. Yet 

Extra details: tends to skip class and likes to be a rebel. Has a bad habit of tossing a knife in the air and catching it by the blade. 

Is this good?
Red was walking down the hall. He was the new kid so he didn't know anyone. He looked down at his schedule and sighed. "This is no help at all" he said crumpling up the paper and tossing iit on the ground. We went to his locker and opens it. He placed his bag inside then shut the locker 


I interacting with: @akumashioni I Mood: Calm I Location: Walking out of school I

Outfit: Leather Jacket, Black Shirt, Flannel, Ripped Black Jeans, White shoes

Smiling, she nodded. "Yeah I can name a few cool places here. Got a car though? It is pretty far from the school." she said to him. Most of the cars and clubs here wouldn't allow teenagers there age, but she knew a few places outside of town were the bartenders there didn't give a damn about who they served drinks to. As long as they got there money for it. Taking out her phone she texted the manager from the bar and told them that they would be on there way. Putting away and looking back up at him, a smile still lingered. 
Samantha sat there blushing heavily as the class soon went back to work as she gently ran her fingers through abellas hair to keep her self calm as she worked with her other hand on the assignment letting Abella sleep

@Rock And Roll Boy
Nathan frowned for the first time, only for a second. He didn't have a car. He pulled out his own cellphone and began calling an uber. "No worries, uber on the way." He smiled wide at the group. Abi seemed absorbed in her phone, Beth looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here, and iris seemed like she was looking forward to this as much as Nathan. "Everyone ready? We're gonna get riggedy riggedy wrecked son!" He couldn't contain himself, he hadn't been out drinking with friends in forever and the party vibe was consuming him. 

@Rock And Roll Boy


@Deadly Darkness
A new girl. Cool, another friend to make and tweet at. Abi was then ready to scream as she received another tweet from her ex. She turned off her phone, properly. 



Erielle was at her own locker, about to search for Abella but someone protesting disrupted her plans. 

"Excuse me, are you okay"? She asked this boy, who looked miffed.


Abella continued to hum softly, still smiling. "Love you..." 

@Daniel reaving
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Abella sniffled as her nose ran again, twitching a little. Her nose then scrunched up as she felt another sneeze come, her face looking fearful and disturbed. She hugged Samantha's waist, about to sneeze. 

@Daniel reaving

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