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Fandom [Simple] Ace Attorney - Endless Courtroom (Ace Attorney Roleplay!)

Amadeus Thaddeus








Sexual Preference:




Prosecutor/Classical Music Connoisseur



Amadeus developed a love for classical music at a young age, his most revered maestros being Mozart and Beethoven.  As a young man, he wanted to become a maestro himself, but as the times changed, Amadeus believed that people's views on music had devolved into nothing but blind worship of pop and hip hop, which caused him to lose faith in others.  The young Amadeus had discovered that whenever he got into a heated or intense argument with others, he could hear beautiful classical music playing in harmony with the argument.  Inspired by this discovery, Amadeus became a prosecutor, hoping to create beautiful music from the drama of the courtroom.



Amadeus has no interest in getting a guilty or non-guilty verdict so long as he can create a masterpiece of music that comes from the drama of the courtroom.  He has a very flamboyant personality, as he will say whatever he wants with the utmost confidence and without fear of what others will think.  He is very refined and would like to think of himself as a man of good taste, often styling himself in his own image of fashionHe has no respect for those who cannot appreciate the wonder and feeling of class that comes with listening to classical music, and will often go out of his way to enact his own special brand of revenge on them.


Special Powers:

"My Grand Expressionism!!"

Once a trial has begun to get intense, Amadeus himself and those he sees as his enemy (i.e defense attorney, tight-lipped witness) will begun to hear classical music playing.  The music doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere, and only the music will only end if the trial is on recess or when the trial has ended. The volume and dynamics of the music will change based on how dramatic or shocking the trial gets.





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