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Fantasy Simmeria Sanctuary For The Supernaturals

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
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" Welcome. You have been selected to come to the sanctuary of Supernaturals. Here in Simmeria, We have a base to offer protection of all unique kind. We will not accept humans, Unless they contain a gift. We welcome all of you with open arms, in hopes you will accepted are refuge from the humans that are killing us. They fear us, For we are unknown to them. Come to the Simmeria sanctuary, Located in the hidden town of Gerisa , Only seen by Our kind." ~Founder, Ms. Kalta.

The year is 2025, Humans have discovered supernatruals and Myths are real. The world broke out into war, Until finally Humans ceased fire. The werent many remaining on euther side. the remaining super natruals broke up and scattered, Some formed together and are working hard to create a safe place for the Gifted Kinds, Simmeria Sanctuary. Hidden in the illusion forest, The town of Gerisa, holds many safe places for uniques. The best place is the sanctuary, it takes up a majoirity of the town.

Do Not Join Unless Your Going to Be apart of this!



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Tal walked quietly through the town. Heading to the sanctuary. She smiled at the other supernaturals. She reached the big building. She stodd there, Stunned such building exsited. She glanced around and walked into the large building. She walked into the main romm and stood directly in front of the desk that had been placed there.

@The Endergod @Ldybug123 @kaito9049
Milo walked through the town as well. He soon found the place he was looking for, the sanctuary. He hesitated for a moment before walking in. He stood at the main desk beside Tal. @LilyannaGaming

Tal looked at the new comer. She took a step to the side and gave a small smile. "Hey, Im Tal." She said extending her hand. She looked around the room as she waited taking in the grand Sanctuary.

Ms. Kalta made her way to the front slowly. She smiled as she looked at the other members of staff. SHe came around the corner and looked at the two newcomers. She smoothed her white dress, and made ehr way to the desk. Taking a seat. She smiled. "Welcome, To simmeria Sancuary!" She said sweetly.
Min-Jun Fletcher was not one known for being timely. One could argue that it was his disease that forced him to slow down, but really, the boy was just the sort who couldn't keep track of time. Once, he had sat down to write a few lines of code for a simple UI, and three hours later found himself trying to hack into the emails of a major video game corporation because, in his words, "They had cooler textures." His parents, of course, quickly put a stop to his legally ambiguous attempt.

Ah, but back to the moment at hand. Min-Jun wasn't really sure at all what was to be expected of him in the Sanctuary. In fact, he knew very little at all about the mysterious place. His few Supernatural contacts that he had online refused to divulge any information (causing him to wonder if the Sanctuary was known of even in Mythical circles), and most humans either dismissed it as a hoax or spewed out false information. Which, he supposed, was the point; this wasn't exactly a place that was meant to be public. A shame, as the city was quite beautiful. If only nonpowered humans were allowed. Unfortunately, the political climate did not allow for such a policy. Indeed, Min-Jun, being human himself, was lucky to be invited to the Sanctuary.

The young man carefully walked the streets, idly gazing at whatever caught his fancy. In the back of his mind, he remembered that he was due for some sort of sign-in at the main office, but surely that could wait. He wanted to get acquainted with his surroundings first.


Vix was walking around the city not really paying attention to anything in particulate. He was expected somewhere, but that didn't sound like fun to him. He figures it would be more amusing to explore the city and see what creatures are here. He is in his usual attire and had a friendly face on. He knew that with the recent conflicts with humans and supernaturals that it was best to come off as nice as possible. He kept his tail behind him the best he could as to not bump into anyone. That when something strange caught his eye.

He wasn't sure if his eye were playing a trick on him or if he was going crazy, but there was a human right in front of him. His smirk and figured he would go have some fun. He sneakily made his way behind the kid and made sure that he didn't know he had someone behind him. Then when he taps on his shoulder and whispers "it is very usual for a human to be in this place." he wanted to slightly frighten the kid and have a laugh. @kaito9049

  • Ansilikus


    Sure Ansilikus had to go and check in at someplace first, but "he" felt it would be nice to go people watch for a while."He" watched as a kitsune man was attempting to mess with a random kid, who appeared to be a normal human, from a nearby alley way. "He" quickly studied the man's features and polymorphed into him, clothes and all. Then he silently stalked up behind the man and mimicked what he had done to the kid. "It is very usual for me to be in this place." "He" whispered into the kitsune's ear as he tapped him on his shoulder. "He" thought it would be hilarious if he had a taste of his own medicine.

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Vix turned around and was shocked to see a copy of himself standing behind him. he was kitsune so he knew illusion but this didn't seem like one to him. he figured he would go with his instincts and go into defensive mode. he extend his finger nails into sharp claws and head them to the copies neck. "I would be very careful with the next couple of movies you have. if i sense the slightest threat from you, copycat, and i will not hesitate to cut you throat." he no longer had a amused look on his face. instead it was placed with caution and stoic look. he didn't want to hurt anyone but if he had to he wouldn't mind. he gave the copy a smirk "the last thing you should do, is try to trick a trickster. we find that very offensive." he kept himself as cal as possible and let the copy explain itself. @The Endergod
If Min-Jun had a camera, took a picture of this scene, and put it on the Internet, he was certain that most people would accuse him of using Photoshop. There was a man with ears, snapping at someone who looked exactly like him. As intriguing as this situation was, the human knew that he would have to get used to them. This probably happened all the time - there was no need to make a fuss about it. "As positively bizarre as listening to this conversation is," he said, "I have somewhere to be. Probably." He was little surprised that one of the creatures said that humans were a common sight around here. Unless it was a error of tongue. Those seemed to be a somewhat common occurrence with Supernaturals.

  • Ansilikus


    "He" cocked "his head to the side and looked down at Vix's fingers. "Interesting..." "He" said as "he" morphed his fingertips to look just like Vix's and put them to his throat. "Most would think getting tricked is offensive. I just wanted to see how you liked it." "He" said rather matter-of-factly in the kitsune's voice.

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Zal crashed through streets of Simmeria as she chased a very fast doge. She had been at it for quite some time now, starting off from her nesting place and now all the way to somewhere in the middle of town. She roared playfully at the little dog, as they continued their chase down the street, when she suddenly saw a couple of people standing in the middle of the street, having a conversation of some sorts. She bolted over there, roaring once again as she nearly crashed into the trio. She noticed that two of the people there looked exactly alike, and so she stopped, walked over and sniffed at the two twins, confused.

@The Endergod @kaito9049 @loyalwolf

Vix turned around and hs e the kid a look that said now is not the time. That's when he took in what the copycat said and let out a loud laugh. He couldn't contain his humor about the situation, plus with that reply he could tell that the clone meant no harm. " that may be true, but I'm a trickster spirit so I can't really help myself. I appreciate a good joke but at the same time I didn't know you intentions." That when he notice a play supernatural sniffing him and the copy. He smiled and looked at the girl. "Hello there!" He said in a happy tone. "I am Vix" he direct it to everyone in the area. @The Endergod @kaito9049 @PeteTSs
"Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better," Min-Jun said, only being half-sarcastic. He was beginning to doubt the true safety of this "Sanctuary", if they allowed the Supernaturals to just roam around with no apparent restrictions. He hated to think what would happen if an especially powerful being unleashed its full potential onto the city. Surely the administrators had some sort of regulation or safety protocol, right?

Winking slightly at the girl, who appeared to be at least a few years older than he, Min-Jun spoke flirtatiously, "So, you chase just any dog that catches your eye?" Mm, not his best line. But what the heck, he wasn't feeling too creative at the moment.


Zal looked curiously at the boy. She walked over and put both her hands on the boy's shoulder and sniffed him everywhere, from his head to his chest. She looked at the boy, a confused look on her face. "What type of creature are you?" she said in a surprisingly raspy voice. "You don't smell like any other species I've encountered...yet you smell so much like my dad..." She cocked her head at the boy, blinking her slitted brown eyes a couple of time. She then looked at the kitsune person, and her mouth watered a bit. "Y-You smell so much like fox..." she said, her mind on some other planet, daydreaming of meat as she drooling a bit. "BBQed meat taste so damn good..."

@kaito9049 @The Endergod @loyalwolf
Ms. Kalta handing the two their room assignments and smiled. She stood up and her tail swished. She twitched her ears at the younger Neko. "Their are maps around the building. (I will be posting a more in depth map in the settings tab.) The rooms are on floor two-three." She said sitting back down and smiling her simple smile.

Tal nodded. Twisting her hair in her hand. Taking the paper after having a shy, Akward handshake with the Neko. "Nice to meet you both." She said sweetly. She pulled at her sachtchel and smiled. Looking down at the paper. "Room 5, Floor two..." She mumbled before slipping the paper in her pocket. @Ldybug123 (Sorry it took so long)
Lydia Senneck

Lydia Senneck had finally decided to come. She had spend a couple of hours in conflict about going or not to Simmeria Sanctuary today. She wasn't sure other supernaturals would like her and she was quite aprehensive about meeting them as well.

She picked up her staff but, instead of the usual riding it, she simply held it in her small hands. The young witch had decided, even though flying there was faster, it attracted too much attention and would make her presence known from meters away. So, Lydia decided to walk this time.

She walked for a half hour or so and saw a rather interesting scene before her. There were two Kitsunes, something she didn't really recognize and...w-was that a humAN WITH THEM?

Oh no, oh no. Maybe Lydia shouldn't have come at all. She wanted to turn around and leave but, her fear kept her stare locked at the boy, who was actually meters away from her. What if he approached her while she turned around? What if he was a bad person? WHAT IF HE WANTED HURT HER?

The poor girl stood paralized in place, sweating cold, about to cry and making all kinds of irrational questions to herself. She REALLY hopped the human hadn't seen her or else, it would probably be her end...

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Min-Jun stayed completely still as the girl...sniffed him. "I need an adult," he said quietly to himself, feeling very uncomfortable. He hoped that wasn't something he'd have to get used to. Luckily for him, she seemed to turn her attention away from him and towards the pair of foxes. Well, seeing as how she seemed about to eat them, maybe it wasn't the best situation, but he wasn't about to say anything. The young man slowly crept away from the increasingly awkward situation and looked for somewhere to flee.

A few meters away was a small child in what appeared to be an adorable witch's costume - though knowing this place, it was entirely possible that it wasn't just for show. "Well hello there," Min-Jun greeted good-naturedly, walking over and waving. He bent down slightly to look the girl in the eye. She seemed quite young, at least compared to the beings that Min-Jun had seen in the city. "What exactly are you?" he asked.

Vix was taken aback because first he had to deal with a guy coping his image and now he had to deal with a girl who thought he smell like a snack. He looked at the girl and spoke with a very calm, joyful tone. "Well, I may smell like BBQ, but I can assure you I taste more like spoiled meat. Kitsunes are never the best choice of food. We tend to either bite back or cause you to puke your gut out. Either way I would suggest not eating me, but how about I buy you a meal instead, my treat. That goes for you as well clone." he gave the girl a smile and a thumbs up. He then looked at the Copy of himself and gave the guy a wink plus a smirk. He began to walk towards the sanctuary, not really bother to look back. His fun was ruined and now he was moving on to something a little more interesting and productive. @PeteTSs @The Endergod
Lydia Senneck

The end was here. Not only the human had noticed her, he had decided to approach her as well!

Lydia watched as the boy came closer and started to shake, she looked around but saw no place to hide and ah! he was still coming!

She had no doubt, the little witch had to scare that human away before, he got any ideas... Showing superority worked with some kind of animals... Maybe it'll work with human beings as well?

As soon as he got a couple of feet from her, she turned her staff at his direction, only to keep the safe distance and let out, with tears at her eyes: "G-go away! Don't attempt to get any closer!"

Lydia payed absolutely no attention to whatever was being said to her, and kept going: "I-I'm not afraid of you! A-and I know how to use this!"

That sentence would have caused a lot more impact if, the little girl wasn't shaking like a palm tree by the wind and crying.

It had a higher probability of triggering pity than actual fear...

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The small girl quivering in the witch's costume was just about the cutest sight Min-Jun had ever seen. That being said, she did seem to be quite frightened, though he wasn't completely sure why. Perhaps she believed him to be a shapeshifter? Or, worse, one of those horrible humans Supernaturals no doubt heard about. Ah, Min-Jun was afraid of this; human-mythic relations were chilly at best, and downright violent at worst. Though he hadn't expected that he would be the scary one. Despite the girl's appearance, he knew that he was probably in at least a mild amount of danger. Witches, wizards, and warlocks were feared for their magical abilities.

Attempting to make an effort to soothe the girl's worries, Min-Jun gave his best disarming smile and raised his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, now," he said gently. "I'm sure you're a very powerful magician. But I'm just an ol' human. Nothing dangerous about me. I ain't going to hurt ya." It wasn't the complete truth - he could certainly be dangerous if he had to be - but he wasn't stupid enough to make threatening remarks in a city populated by Supernaturals. "I"m Min-Jun", the young man said. "What's your name?"


Zalivia shook her head and laughed a little. "HAHAHA! GOTCHA! I wasn't actually going to eat you! I was just playing around, you silly little fox...although you do smell, mmm, delicious..." She licked her lips and shot Vix a playful look, and turned around to greet the newcomer, a young witch, it seemed. She looked really fearful of the boy who smelled really like her father. After listening in to their conversation for a few seconds, she finally jumped in. "HA! I knew something was familiar about you! You really are a human! No wonder you smelled so much like fresh meat!" she cried out, a finger pointed at him in mock accusation. "Mmm...meat..." she finished, licking her lips once again.

@kaito9049 aka the donger @Necessity4Fun
Lydia Senneck

Lydia was still a bit skeptical about the boy. However, he had attempted to fix things instead, of chasing her out and calling her names... The young witch decided to give him a chance.

"I-I'm Lydia, Lydia Senneck", she managed to say still shaking. She dried her face at her sleeve and pulled her staff back, slowly.

But, suddenly, a weird looking girl appeared out of nowhere: "Eeep!!", she let out startled, raising her hands to the air and letting go of the staff, that fell to the floor with a 'clang' sound.

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