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Fantasy ◢ 𝗦ilver 𝗟eague of 𝗨ltra 𝗧actical 𝗦avagery ◣



a nightmare to you specifically
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

A mysterious sound wakes you from your slumber... It's a low vibrational noise that drives you to annoyance but not enough to stop your tasks for the day. As the hours pass, you start to notice the way the noise is getting louder and louder until you can hear the clear voice that whispers to you, "Go to the Golden Apple of Gardentrove." You are hesitant to follow these instructions, unsure of what magic is targeting you to lead you to this town only a few miles away.
Gardentrove is a quiet town once ten times the size it stands today whose residents have a strange yet endearing superstition. Anything and everything must start with G or it will bring a bad luck upon the entire town once again. Travellers no need to apply this to yourself but it's still strange to see infamous Golden Apple Tavern to have their wood carved sign saying "Ghe Golden Gapple" as you approach the building. The Golden Apple is the center of the town, once owned by the man who saved it a hundred years ago, and a focal point as a giant elder tree covers bares shiny golden apples people believe can cure all ailments.
As you approach the tavern, you notice five other people who have come to the place to end the annoying voice and suddenly... The voice stops for just a moment. "You've come all at once, very good..." You are hesitant to introduce yourself and go for the door first. A scramble to get in first amongst the six of you only to find you've exhausted your powers in the midst of the struggle... Just to realize the front door is locked and a sign on the window said the tavern will open at 6pm. So now you and five strangers have about... Five hours to kill. Might as well stick together.
Your Loyal Dungeon Master

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Important Note:
Silver League of Ultra-Tactical Savagery, also known as SLUTS, is a meta one-liner / one-paragraph closed high fantasy D&D inspired roleplay. This is a campaign played by a group of teenagers in Growing Up in Seattle which is why the title is tongue-in-cheek in nature. Dice are not integrated in this roleplay although there may be "dice results" as if it is.

[comment][font=Reenie Beanie]Reenie Beanie[/font][font=Monsieur La Doulaise]Monsieur La Doulaise[/font][/comment][div=background: #daccbe; width: 100%; min-height: 20em; height: 100%;][div= display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-start; align-content: flex-start; vertical-align: top; overflow: 1; position: relative; gap: 10px;
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--photo1: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/44/76/9a4476328992bca7155751e04b560f7b.jpg) top/cover no-repeat;
[div= width: 21%;][div=  height: 330px; width: 275px; position: relative; background: var(--frame);][div= height: 210px; width: 150px; left: 63px; top: 60px; display: inline; position: absolute; background: var(--photo1); border-radius: 50%; z-index: 0;][/div][/div][/div]

[div= width: 75%; height: 22em; overflow: hidden;]
[div= color: #5F4032; font-size: 42px; margin: 10px; font-family: Monsieur La Doulaise; font-weight: 700;]Name here[/div][div= overflow-y: scroll; height: 10em; margin-right: -17px; font-family: Reenie Beanie; font-size: 24px; color: #5F4032; text-align: justify; margin-top: -20px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt magna nec eros euismod, et tincidunt ex bibendum. Etiam laoreet ex in diam placerat aliquam. Mauris sit amet metus fermentum, gravida dui sed, ultricies tortor. Duis faucibus, arcu sed porta iaculis, est ex facilisis tellus, et egestas tellus orci quis dolor. Curabitur malesuada ultrices mauris, quis ornare nisi consequat quis. Ut porta, lacus ut pharetra placerat, dolor lectus aliquet est, et congue ex ex sed velit. Etiam sed justo luctus magna scelerisque elementum. Phasellus in quam tellus. Maecenas eleifend ante sed porta eleifend. Duis consectetur sem quis pharetra sodales. Maecenas tempus viverra sem sed malesuada. Nam convallis in enim eget feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt magna nec eros euismod, et tincidunt ex bibendum. Etiam laoreet ex in diam placerat aliquam. Mauris sit amet metus fermentum, gravida dui sed, ultricies tortor. Duis faucibus, arcu sed porta iaculis, est ex facilisis tellus, et egestas tellus orci quis dolor. Curabitur malesuada ultrices mauris, quis ornare nisi consequat quis. Ut porta, lacus ut pharetra placerat, dolor lectus aliquet est, et congue ex ex sed velit. Etiam sed justo luctus magna scelerisque elementum. Phasellus in quam tellus. Maecenas eleifend ante sed porta eleifend.
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Gemma of Gardentrove
A sniffling child uses her unbrushed hair as a tissue. Her eyes are puffy from the endless tears as she defeatedly continues to whimper, "Has anyone seen my puppy? Has anyone seen my puppy... She's yellow and very small...." She's desperate for help while the other people in town walk by her and gathers the courage to walk up to the six strangers. "Ca-can you help me?"

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