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Fantasy Silva (always open)

@Veno Bruh, you come at me during the night, in my freaking element baby, Ima get so many assassins to mess yo day up. I'll be like: SLASH - CLINK - KABOOM - YEAH! - HADOUKEN! - IKEZOR! - CLANG - MOOO - SENPAI!

That's how that battle will go down, mark my words...

@Cheryl OOOOoooOOoooOOOOOOoooohh, well now I'm just blushing!  :$  <3

No, don;t make an animal related character again! Don't do i- *gazes up at massive hydra/dragon/spider girl in awe*

Fam, Nah. My character is gonna give you a real bad time, he's gonna be like: ....

*silence*, because you won't hear anything before your soul is destroyed. >:D

Oh wait so what exactly happens to the "evil" Creatures once its light time, do they kind of just disappear back into their realm until its night again?

My dude, I will harness yo ass so hard with dark magicks I'll invert your spleen over your elbow!

I'll be like:  [COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] I am the bone of my sword [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Steel is my body and fire is my blood [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] I have created over a thousand blades[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Unknown to Death,[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Nor known to Life.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Have withstood pain to create many weapons [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Yet, those hands will never hold anything [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] So as I pray, unlimited blade works.[/COLOR]

I think you know what my character is gonna be able to do now... xD  
Oh wait so what exactly happens to the "evil" Creatures once its light time, do they kind of just disappear back into their realm until its night again?


basically they are forced back my mortis. Mortis got limited energy, so to speak. So yeah, unless they're freed by a necromancer (etc)

bad explanation but i'm tired lol 
Lolll well, I am far from poetic so i cannot top that.

But i shall try.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Imma wreck you


Good luck fam.
Lolll well, I am far from poetic so i cannot top that.

But i shall try.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Imma wreck you


Good luck fam.


Roses are red

Violets are blue

Warriors Orochi

Ultimate 2

get. rekt.
Roses are red

Violets are blue

ive got a message for you.

Your blood is red

Your face is blue

Demons are here

and they're gonna get you.

Blood is red

War is near

We would all be safe

If Harambe was here :,C
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Roses are red,

That much is true,

I say violets are blue,

Fuck you. not really i love you 

What do priests actually do? I plan for my character to be a priest but I honestly have no idea what he will do.


Perhaps priests are good at keeping demons away? They are super effective?
@Taykillz Can't say I remember you from anywhere specifically, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say: no.

But hey, you can know me now! :D  

@Veno That was a quote from an anime, and it kinda gives away my char's cool power.



@Taykillz Can't say I remember you from anywhere specifically, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say: no.

But hey, you can know me now! :D  

@Veno That was a quote from an anime, and it kinda gives away my char's cool power.




Dammmmn xD

NYEEeeesss, The rainmaker, thats actually pretty cool sounding.


My character wont be up for a while.
You won't like it when I make it rain.

Not one bit. ;)  

*giggles in hysterical excitement*
Well, make sure you make it rain on the right character pls.

Dont need you going around killing my good characters ;3;

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