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Fantasy Silva (always open)


(Valyria S. Melpomene)(Siren)(True-Neutral)(Location: The Docks)

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Valyria’s satiny textured countenance gingerly continues to radiate with a delicate coruscate as the moon’s chalky reflection, scattering its multitude of brilliant lunar rays throughout the expansive bodies of water which encompass a great majority of the populated harbor. Her ferocious blackened stare shifted silently as she cautiously scrutinized every single detail of the environment around her as she maintained her voyage throughout the ocean’s mesopelagic zone, attempting to find any shoals of fascinating fish that have the utmost displeasure to swim by her. Despite it being an active time for fishing, it seemed as if something was a bit unorthodox especially due to the fact that most of the aquatic creatures had been either completely dormant or have surprisingly vanished from her sight although this wasn’t concerning in the slightest as she had already managed to catch a mediocre school of fish only a few miles off from the sandy shoreline. Not wanting to waste anymore of her time chasing down hidden fish, Vayria sporadically oscillated her scaly tail fin back and forth before venturing onward towards the busy pier which had already been occupied by numerous sailors and fishermen alike who had been eagerly awaiting the youthful woman’s imminent arrival. A sense of exhilaration overcame her as her mind was inhabited by many self-obsessed thoughts and one of them being how she’ll be congratulated for her efforts as well as being admired for her breathtakingly surreal appearance. Valyria silently crept further up to the surface while as she closed in her distance with the wharf, gradually exposing her gentle skin to small gusts of wind which sweep carefully across the cobalt colored waves which causes them to slightly ripple from the impact. An overly complacent smile brushes against her feminine complexion as she manages to adjust her slender stomach up over the glossy edge of the wooden deck and finally positioning her lower-body up onto a mooring bollard which had now been surrounding by her adoring admirers who were engaging in glorifying Valyria in their usual stereotypical seafarer diction.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]“Ah yes! Thank you, all of your compassionate words always manage to make my heart palpitate with such overwhelming affection. Unfortunately it pains me to announce that there is only a fair share of you that are able to witness such true beauty but nonetheless I am content with all of you, as only the most marvelous of sailors would await to see someone like myself! Please, everyone take this opportunity now to ask the wonderful Valyria any questions that you so choose to ask!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She boisterously announced in her average narcissistic attitude, tenderly gliding her fingers through her silver strands of hair which inaudibly situates itself back down over her bosom as she avidly awaits for any interesting questions that may present themselves. Suddenly her moment in the spotlight was suddenly interrupted by a painful shriek that had echoed throughout most of the pier, resembling that of someone being slowly torn apart limb from limb just from the terrifying sound. She swiftly swiveled her head over her left shoulder as her eyes quake with uncertainty, Valyria’s face sluggishly turned pale as she speculated the return of Melpomene whom might of not been completely satisfied with exiling Valyria. However this had not been Melpomene but something completely different as the figure revealed itself several feet away from her. This ‘thing’ was unlike anything she had ever witnessed before, not a siren but a gruesome abomination which had three contorting heads atop of its broad shoulders and canine like appendages that were dangling loosely from the creature’s body. Sickening snaps erupted out from its frame as it violently stumbled its way towards Valyria, slaughtering any helpless fool with its deformed bone-like blades which protruded from the disgusting beast’s arm. Despite this being ruthlessly slaughtering her once adoring crowd of devotees, she couldn’t help but become engrossed in discovering what type of monstrosity which stood before her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]“This should be rather interesting.”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Valyria stated underneath her breath, shedding off her scales and decorative fins before finally having her enlarged caudal fin detach and lop off into the murky waters below, revealing her bare lower half as she stood herself up off of the mooring bollard and placing the bottom of her feet onto the blood soaked boards of the wharf. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]“My-my, i’ve never seen anything like you before! What exactly are you?”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She uttered from her lips as she nonchalantly sauntered over to the grotesque creature, being completely unaware of the alarming danger that may present itself from this encounter as she attentively examines its unorthodox appearance while being only a few feet away from it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]( @Olivia Acerbi Referring to one of your thralls :P )[/SIZE]
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Rizal Flemming

       "No matter what abilities this sorceress has you should an armed escort, and do it during the day," Rizal hisses, internally wanting to strangle him. Her hair was raised like a guard against his foolishness, and she had to clench her hand to stop herself from harming him. But before she could berate him, (or anything else for that matter), the bloody djinn that served as the king's footstool materialized and then banished with the royal heir in a span of mere seconds. 

        Rizal could feel the tug of his presence grow fainter, and most certainly within the castle. Almost three miles in the opposite direction. That was gartered with hellfire and demons. Bloody fantastic. Well, scratch that, it seemed something had calmed the field somewhat, but still. She'd think the dastard would at least take her with him. Now she had a trek through a demonic wasteland to look forward too, great. 

Rilaz sets off, dust and ashes curling around her bare feet, and looks towards the castle with the a grim look.


(thAT Akward moment when you thought for sure you posted and didn't, so you're left sighing and rubbing your temples cause notifs are being stingy.)  
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With the heir secured and his Master's will achieved Dantalion began the evacuation process of all noncombatants within the city. Creating a large portal at the foot of the Castle Dantalion spoke to the citizens. " People of the capital. As some of you may know I am Dantalion the teacher of the royal bloodline. As my master just explained we cannot guarantee your safety this coming night and we ask you to please gather your essential belongings and move in an orderly fashion through the portal. This will take you to a remote mountain fortress far removed from the coming battle. Once everyone is situated I will be bringing in regular transports of food and other necessities. Again please gather your belongings and walk through the portal."

Dantalion spoke into a small portal which feed into other small portals positioned throughout the capital and into the forest. This would ensure that everyone would be able to hear his words.

@SolistheSun @Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @everyone else basically


The wendigo managed to put out the fire of his foot, but not before the flames had managed to seriously burn it, making it extremely painful to walk on. Wheezing in pain, Morris glared back up at the pyromancer, not caring about escaping yet. He needed to have his revenge. With this sort of injury it was unlikely that Morris would be able to actually kill the man, but that didn't mean that he couldn't injure him as well.

Turning to face the fire mage, Morris prepared a powerful leap to which he would then pounce onto him. His jaws were wide open and were aiming to latch onto the man's arm; his claws going for his chest. If everything went well then Morris would have the mage in his grasp with a large gash in his chest, a gash that would most likely become infected. The worst that could happen was for the wendigo to entirely miss the man and go tumbling down the stairs before banging back into the mystical purple wall.

@Destructus Kloud @Taykillz
Seeing that the now infuriated wendigo had eyes on nothing but him, he groaned as it prepared to leap at him. Assessing the situation, there was nothing really he could do to circumvent injuries to himself. With that, he began to run at the monster, his eyes on the only escape from the situation; the hole. Of course, running at something so large as it lunged at you was a bad idea, especially so if you're unarmed and unarmored. The last second, however, he made a rather clumsy attempt to slide under the massive killing machine, and, while being lower got him out of harm's way from the head, the claws what we're meant for his chest was pretty much aimed at his face now. The searing feeling of claw slicing through flesh felt on the right side of his face, the cut barely missing his eye as he strained his neck backwards, there was now a deep gash on the right side of his face, bleeding more than you would expect, the cut deep in flesh. He was half blinded by the blood what had now made it's way to his eye, but he carried on his momentum, sliding under the full weight of the monstrosity as it left the ground for the lunge. He dove through the hole in the wall, bringing down the spell mere seconds before he would've passed through it. He didn't look back as he leaped, hoping that it was a bold enough move to maybe surprise the monster as it, for the most part, missed. Still, though, he felt as though he couldn't summon the power for another spell in time to block the way behind him, however he ran around, as fast as he could, to the front of the house where, hopefully, someone could possibly help a little more. There was a small trail of drops of blood where he had ran, and the blood ran down his face, mixing with the light rain landing on his face. The rain was already beginning to wash away some of the blood left behind.

@Cheryl @Destructus Kloud
Silith looked back chuckling a little as she saw the demon stare at the girl before it reached out with its front hands gently grabbing her cheeks and moving her head around before it screeched a little and quickly climbed onto her head and sat down on it. "He likes you" silith told her as they got to a clearing of black flowers in the night sky of the dimension. "Well the demons just call it haven, so I guess that's it's name." She said to her as she looked around. "Mortis should be here by now." She mumbled as she looked around some more. "Baby?!" She called out figuring he would answer her when she called 


Vala laughed as the demon soon clime on her head and sat there life if it was some kind of tree branch or sort "Aww now i made a good friend! i am so glad..." she said as she soon looked forward as they came to a clearing with black flowers..looked like roses but oddly not...the sky and this environment made it so ominous but a good feeling of it...well something like that. Hearing Sil call this pace "Haven" in witch it was a peaceful place and well Vala cant argue with that for a realm fool of "evil creatures" this was pretty relax actually. Vala would reach up her head and pet the bird demon and would smile as she heard Mortis-..wait hold on MORTIS? THE Mortis? dose she mean the...oh for the love of the walls this is gonna be one heck of a day now was it! Vala looked shock and look around looking for him but soon slowly turn her head towards Sil as she heard her call "Baby" out....Mortis has a lover? wife? Talking about one heck of a shock..."Baby? Wow dint know you where Mortis's Lover...." she said shock looking around wondering where is he...
Vala laughed as the demon soon clime on her head and sat there life if it was some kind of tree branch or sort "Aww now i made a good friend! i am so glad..." she said as she soon looked forward as they came to a clearing with black flowers..looked like roses but oddly not...the sky and this environment made it so ominous but a good feeling of it...well something like that. Hearing Sil call this pace "Haven" in witch it was a peaceful place and well Vala cant argue with that for a realm fool of "evil creatures" this was pretty relax actually. Vala would reach up her head and pet the bird demon and would smile as she heard Mortis-..wait hold on MORTIS? THE Mortis? dose she mean the...oh for the love of the walls this is gonna be one heck of a day now was it! Vala looked shock and look around looking for him but soon slowly turn her head towards Sil as she heard her call "Baby" out....Mortis has a lover? wife? Talking about one heck of a shock..."Baby? Wow dint know you where Mortis's Lover...." she said shock looking around wondering where is he...

Silith looked around as the bird screeched happily at the petting before silith looked back with a small smirk and then sighed. "Well... not technically." She said as she brought her left hand to the elbow of her right and held her arm as she looked up to the sky. "Mortis.... haven't really accepted me as his lover yet." She said softly as she thought it all over. It did kinda hurt that mortis didn't accept her love but that was to be expected by the being of death, but she still longed for him to give her what she wanted. Quickly pulling herself from the thought she turned to her. "Well seems he's busy right now. He will show up later. But for now I'll take you to my home." She said to her

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