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Fantasy Silence Among The Roses

"Why can't I kill him now? He's caused so much trouble. I can kill him now, easily, while he's young." She growled softly to Wolfe.
I look at Kate next to me then back at Wolfe. 'Fuck! Love Triangle' I think to myself. 'That's probably why she ran off, to find Wolfe.' I sigh and look at Kate again.
"Because its not his time" he said, and gave a small smile. "Marth here, is still incredibly young. He may be a wildcard, but all the same he's a troubled child" he turned to Marth and put his hands on his hips. "And YOU. I expected better"

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"i know wolfe..." now without my darkside i was more childish. "i-i fell asweep and when i woke i found my sword in kate's neck... i healed her but i still hurt her an i shoulda-!" i tooked short breaths fighting tears. "im sowwie kate and anthony!" i said still in the position.
"Pfft. Whatever." Kate growled as she looked down at the kid. How many times do I have to run into this shit? She thought to herself.
"Stop snivelling and get up kid." Wolfe said, tapping his foot looking unimpressed, with a small shake of his head.
"I'm not the one you hurt" I say to Marth, turning to Kate next to me. I turn back around and look at Wolfe. "So." I say, trying to change the subject. "How was Blue Wolfe?" I grin.
He looked over "Ah, she was good" he smiled slightly "Caught up a little, on the years passed. It was very... nostalgic. She was as close as a sister at one point" he smiled
"You and me, are going to train. You shall no longer be recognised as royalty, but a squire. This is your punishment, till you can control yourself" he said, crossing his arms.

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Kate blushed a furious red and took a slight step away, now standing between Wolfe and Anthony. "Y-yeah."
He raised an eyebrow at Kates furious blush. "...You're not very convincing" he chuckled, shaking his head, while running a hand through his hair to push it away from his face.

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"s-sorry but thats impossible! i can take leave but rules state if it's not leave and im not royalty without family in it i lose it for good..." i looked deep in thought. "fine i will take leave..." i cast my thoughts out and i shook my head a moment later. "awight..." i looked at wolfe. "wha now?"
He raised an eyebrow crossing his arms. "Not good with politics are you? You can place a trusted advisor or family member on the throne till your old enough to accept responsibility. Therefore keeping your entitlement to the throne"

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Kate ground her teeth but stayed where she was. Her werewolf was trying to pull her towards Wolfe while her other half tugged at Anthony. Shit. She thought. Kate clenched her fist and dug her nails into her palm, staying put.
"It makes you look a responsible and knowledgeable king to decide what is best for your people" he encouraged

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'Cate looks confused.' I think. I touch Kate lightly on the arm, getting her attention. "Are you ok?" I ask her quietly.
He looked up toward Kate and Anthony with his molten amber gaze. "Is she alright?" He asked, seeing Anthony's concern for her.

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