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Sick of it (Closed)

She glares at him "You seriously going to do this to me? Ofcourse you do this to me! You're a horrible person Sans! Stealing candy from a kid like that!"
Sans held where his heart would be if he had one, "Oww... that hurts worse than that knife o' yours kid" He said his bony finger clutching his chest just to add some dramatic flare.
He laughed, "You know my tricks don'cha kid... Follow me i'll bring ya' there" He said continuing to walk now.
"Well I suppose you would... after all, there's nothing coating me from it" He said still smiling before he went off of the pathway and out towards the woods in an odd way.
"Why would I prank you about this... That's like me saying my blue eye was marker or something" He said as he approached what looked to be a small shed in the woods.
"Oh really... I was thinking about making it purple" He said smiling again as he went to the shed door and opened it where a single box sat in the very center of the room.
"I can't, Just wanted to see a reaction" He said going inside and closing the door before going over to the box and opening it inside the box filled to pretty much where the top of it was. The box's contents were filled with chocolates of assortment from the human world. Due to the cold and underground they had kept really well.
She rolled her eyes "Oh I'm sorry, I hope my reaction wasn't too bad"

She walked up to his side and smiled at the chocolate
He shrugged, "Well it's how you react I don't control you. Anyways, whatever you want there is yours... i'll go annoy Papyrus for a bit" He said smiling as he walked over and opened the door now not actually leaving quite yet.
"Well whoever they are... tell em I said thanks for not killing" He said smiling and in the next moment he was gone just prints in the snow.
She sat down on the floor and took a chocolate bar. "This explains where Ree always got my chocolate..." she sighed, opened it and took a bite
He had gotten back to his house and went into his room which no one had seen the inside of except for him of course.
She looked around the small room, it was as cold here as outside. She sighed and finished her chocolate bar before filling up her pockets with chocolate and standing up. She had to get going.
He was now back to his first post deciding the kid would probably have to come through here sooner or later so he just prepared.
She sighed as she came to the end of the small village, soon she would be in Waterfall and then it wouldn't be so freaking cold.

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