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Fantasy Shura Academy: How Strong is Your Punch!? (Martial Arts/Super Power/ School RP) OOC

YungJazz YungJazz i was wondering if i could add a few more abilities to ikal? nothing overpowered but something to make her a bit stronger , at least on par with everyone else lol
YungJazz YungJazz i was wondering if i could add a few more abilities to ikal? nothing overpowered but something to make her a bit stronger , at least on par with everyone else lol

Haha, I feel you though. Eric's pretty low on the metaphorical tier-list as well. He's strong and durable (but only on levels comparable to most characters it seems) and that's about it. He has a really good gun, but that's his biggest ace in the hole really.
Not gonna lie, I love how Contractors are described as the more law-abiding, civil types while the Martial Artists are supposed to be the rowdy, show-offy 'who needs pants?' types, and yet so far it's been almost the exact opposite (barring a few exceptions). Got a contractor making a scene as a fuck-mothering dragon, who then tries to pick a fight with the Contractor Disciplinary Officer. Then another contractor comes hopping out of a helicopter to railslide on a cruzerboard tossing out fliers for some mansion party.

Meanwhile the Martial artists are being rather civil and not causing a lot of problems.

Shenanigans, I say!
Well, Yoru just made a friend. xD

Polite + multilingual = good start

Giving Dante food = Instant friendship

Now to decide how big of a reaction he will have, because this is a big deal to the guy that relies on supermarket discounts to survive the month. lmfao
YungJazz YungJazz

I'm surprised Shen's perverted side hasn't kicked in yet, especially surrounded by three of the top 5 males mistaken for girls XD
YungJazz YungJazz

I'm surprised Shen's perverted side hasn't kicked in yet, especially surrounded by three of the top 5 males mistaken for girls XD
Probably only because it'd be 3 on 1 xD

Also.... I think Dante would cry if he saw that cash roll being handed over so simply. BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
He can barely afford enough food to get him through the month and Bakuto's over there making it rain xD
Probably only because it'd be 3 on 1 xD

Also.... I think Dante would cry if he saw that cash roll being handed over so simply. BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
He can barely afford enough food to get him through the month and Bakuto's over there making it rain xD
BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Ken's family doesn't even love him (except for his brother). Let alone provides for him. And then Bakuto just *plops* it out of nowhere.
I wouldn't mind having Yoru be an acquaintance, especially since she's omnilinguistic, (All spirits don't speak the same language so her powers as a medium cover for it) She could probably also help him out of his current situation.
I'd be down with that. :)
Actually, how good is Vasek at studying? He could be one of the students that William is helping out. Perhaps William might even go easy on him for disrupting the school given that they are friends of sorts.
Vasek is smart as hell actually. His grades are in the top 3 in senior year. Yeah that'd be awesome dude.
Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais i wouldnt mind rp with your OC, Bakuto is cool with Contractors and Martial Artists
I'm down bro.
Just a little headsup but I am going to be really busy tomorrow with a school archaeology day so Idk how often I will be able to post. I should be able to post in the morning but from 9:45 AM PST- 6 PM PST I am going to be really busy.
Also a heads up to everybody who is and are gonna be involved with the Vasek situation, I'm currently overseas right in Jordan so if you are PST I'm 10 hours ahead of you and if you're EST I'm 7 hours ahead of you. On the 27th of Oct, we're moving the clocks back 1 hour so I'll be 6-9 hours ahead of you guys depending on which timezone you guys are in the U.S..

Dante Verren Dante Verren Kloudy Kloudy YungJazz YungJazz Webs Elk Webs Elk
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I'd be down with that. :)

Vasek is smart as hell actually. His grades are in the top 3 in senior year. Yeah that'd be awesome dude.

I'm down bro.

Okay, well then perhaps Vasek isn't a pupil of William, but they are instead study partners on equal terms. It would make way for a better friendship anyway if they were on the same level of intelligence.

Speaking of Vasek, what exactly is the protocol for rule-breaking contractors? YungJazz YungJazz
Okay, well then perhaps Vasek isn't a pupil of William, but they are instead study partners on equal terms. It would make way for a better friendship anyway if they were on the same level of intelligence.

Speaking of Vasek, what exactly is the protocol for rule-breaking contractors? YungJazz YungJazz

Oh, that's simple! Knock his ass out!!...Or explain the rules and if not followed, restrain and take them to the holding cell (That's right! We have jails!) After knocking them out of course
Oh, that's simple! Knock his ass out!!...Or explain the rules and if not followed, restrain and take them to the holding cell (That's right! We have jails!) After knocking them out of course

Well, I've done the explaining part. A light warning should suffice for now. ^u^
Oh, that's simple! Knock his ass out!!...Or explain the rules and if not followed, restrain and take them to the holding cell (That's right! We have jails!) After knocking them out of course

Same for martial artists?
Hmm.... Maybe I should get Dante some friends.... He's got his adorable Kohai but he's got no preestablished friendships yet.....
Hmm.... Maybe I should get Dante some friends.... He's got his adorable Kohai but he's got no preestablished friendships yet.....
I'd be down for Vasek and Dante knowing each other. Vasek is known for going against the grain so him having a friendship with someone who's not a contractor is right up his alley.

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