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Fandom Showstopper - Notable Locations

One day, when I find a map creator that I can make completely custom maps on, I would like to make one for the roleplay! Until then, this is a list of important districts and locations within the city!

Yumemachi is a coastal city. Located just off of the mainland, one must travel across a bridge from the mainland via a car, train, or by foot or bike. Boating across the bay is also an option!

Higanbana DistrictKnown as the red light district of the city, crime may be abundant in this area. Love hotels, casinos, and bars line the streets. One does not have to go far in order to find information here, though it may come at a price. Watch your back when visiting Higanbana.

Kenan DistrictExpensive homes dot the landscape of the Kenan District. Here is where most of hte city's rich and famous live. The rent is painfully overpriced in this district, and expensive brand stores are known to open their businesses on the outskirts of the district.

Kinomoto StationThe central hub of the city. Here, there are trains connecting all of the districts in the city. Chances are, if you're traveling more than a short distance, you'll travel through this station. The subway's lines "branch" out in all directions through the city much like the branches of a tree. Throughout the station there are hundreds of businesses of all kinds. Overall, it's a good place to get where you have to go, as well as a great place to waste time. Kinomoto station is located in the Nakaniwa District.

Kuroba Business DistrictFull of office buildings that line the streets, men and women (and everything in between) in suits hurry along to their jobs. The bustle of Kuroba is dense, and the population seems rather unsociable. Everyone's gotta get to work, after all.

Nakaniwa DistrictMuch like it says in the name, the Nakaniwa District is the center of the city. It has direct access to each of the other districts through either the train or within walking distance. This is the busiest of each of the districts and is always teeming with people. The city's mural is located in Nakaniwa's largest park.

Shinkai DistrictLocated along the shoreline, the Shinkai District is the most tourist-centric part of the city. Shops along the beach are filled with stereotypical souvenirs. Restaurants are often seafood based. The beach is packed during the summer time. Located on the docks is a large amusement park that is popular as a date location for young couples.

Yamayuri DistrictMostly a suburban neighborhood, home and small businesses line the streets and fill the neighborhoods. On the outskirts of the city is the beginning of a mountain range filled with dangerous curves. The Yamayuri District is the most laid back of the districts.

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