Other Shower Thoughts


So what yeah anyone wanna share? Mine consist of mostly music and the fear of having to step out of the shower into the cold lol wbu guys?
[QUOTE="Dairekor Unwalath]So what yeah anyone wanna share? Mine consist of mostly music and the fear of having to step out of the shower into the cold lol wbu guys?

'Wait a second. I'm standing on a landmass on a spherical cosmic object spinning thousands of kilometres an hour as it orbits around a giant bright ball of gas that's speeding through space at several dozen kilometres per second. And here I am standing under a stream of cool water washing myself off with mint-scented soap. Also, humans have been around for thousands of years, and we all started from a single cell.'
Oh, you know. Thoughts about work, people I've seen, games I've played, what to write or draw next, attempts to fathom the size of the universe.

The usual
Shower thoughts are the same as "lying in bed awake" thoughts for me; constant streams of worries and regrets.
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Being the dork I am, I usually just think about my stories or the role plays I'm in, but sometimes I get all space and think stuff like " What if aliens made movies about us?"
Play through the worst hypothetical situations I can think of, ex. What if that one night stand I had resulted in the conception of a child? What if I never talk to my girlfriend ever again? What if she leaves me when she finds out the kid is mine? Is the kid even mine?

Also usually shit like: "Cars are just wingless airplanes."
I do not want to offend anyone, but like to work through logic blocks in normal reasoning - trying to see arguments from other angles. It tends to drift towards religion often - again. No offence to anyone, but i was thinking of the whole "could god make a rock it can not pick up?" - and while mulling it over i thought about the parameters of traditional omnipotence and i came to a rather startling conclusion - that god should be able to both make the unmovable rock and still retain its omnipotence as it could determine that what logic is - i.e. There would not be a logical contradiction, because logic is subject to god wanting it to make sense. This was already somewhat mindbending when i realized why this becomes even worse, because from this logic that logic is determined by god, then the argument for evil falls flat. The only reasonable arguments for Evil is that we must experience it for us to value good - yet, god could have us know evil and understand it without us ever having to actually come into contact with it... make us understand pain without ever having to let us go through it. That makes the situation all the more disturbing... but at that point the cold water made it's appearance and I had to leave. - sorry again for anyone. It is purely a mental exercise for me. i meant no offence.
Almosegosum said:
I do not want to offend anyone, but like to work through logic blocks in normal reasoning - trying to see arguments from other angles. It tends to drift towards religion often - again. No offence to anyone, but i was thinking of the whole "could god make a rock it can not pick up?" - and while mulling it over i thought about the parameters of traditional omnipotence and i came to a rather startling conclusion - that god should be able to both make the unmovable rock and still retain its omnipotence as it could determine that what logic is - i.e. There would not be a logical contradiction, because logic is subject to god wanting it to make sense. This was already somewhat mindbending when i realized why this becomes even worse, because from this logic that logic is determined by god, then the argument for evil falls flat. The only reasonable arguments for Evil is that we must experience it for us to value good - yet, god could have us know evil and understand it without us ever having to actually come into contact with it... make us understand pain without ever having to let us go through it. That makes the situation all the more disturbing... but at that point the cold water made it's appearance and I had to leave. - sorry again for anyone. It is purely a mental exercise for me. i meant no offence.
when i used to be a christian and went to church camp one of the leaders brought that up, and said something along the lines of "god cant bend the laws of physics he is omnipresent and omniscient, not omnipotent, so atheists saying this proves god isn't real are wrong!!!"

which.. .. . i don't know how much sense that made or actually how true to the bible it was....

or if I'm remembering the terms he used correctly. it could've been something else, as this was... years ago

in the shower i tend to be internally sighing at how my knees/legs hurt standing in the same place too long lmaooo

or spacing out and dissociating

and then staring at my hands because of how weird they look and how detailed they are and how pretty veins are

maybe i'll think about eating or play anime songs in my head
Ghost said:
when i used to be a christian and went to church camp one of the leaders brought that up, and said something along the lines of "god cant bend the laws of physics he is omnipresent and omniscient, not omnipotent, so atheists saying this proves god isn't real are wrong!!!"
which.. .. . i don't know how much sense that made or actually how true to the bible it was....

or if I'm remembering the terms he used correctly. it could've been something else, as this was... years ago

in the shower i tend to be internally sighing at how my knees/legs hurt standing in the same place too long lmaooo

or spacing out and dissociating

and then staring at my hands because of how weird they look and how detailed they are and how pretty veins are

maybe i'll think about eating or play anime songs in my head
Wow, you seem so normal. I can't not over think most things... Like, how can god create the rules, and then not redefine them at will - or create new ones? either way - thanks for the actual comment, I am still new here and I am reluctant to actually immerse myself. Nice people like you, however, do inspire me to actually try. also, hand staring is fun... people often say eyes are the windows to the soul, but I think hands are in turn the blueprints.
Almosegosum said:
Wow, you seem so normal. I can't not over think most things... Like, how can god create the rules, and then not redefine them at will - or create new ones? either way - thanks for the actual comment, I am still new here and I am reluctant to actually immerse myself. Nice people like you, however, do inspire me to actually try. also, hand staring is fun... people often say eyes are the windows to the soul, but I think hands are in turn the blueprints.
me, normal? That's the first time I've heard it!! :D tbh i don't take what he said very seriously, i just think it's interesting that it was brought up in the first place. i bet if you google it you can find ways christians explain their thoughts/answers to it, but i think your thoughts on it are pretty interesting. and i don't have an answer for that myself. but at this point i don't care much outside of "something interesting to consider", I'm not religious anymore.

aww <3 we're a pretty friendly forum and the staff work to keep it that way, so i hope you can comfortably immerse yourself.

hands are just... so pretty, idk. so much detail and so many different colors. the way the tendons and veins look under the skin are so cool.
"would it be utterly ridiculous of me to buy a New 3DS Xl just for Pokemon SUN and/or MOON?" - or if you want to be Philosophical about it, would I be able to live with myself knowing that I bought a semi-expensive piece of technology to follow and sate what is essentially a singular desire to play a game - while at the same time I am not using my resources to help others and so far it has gone mostly into sating my own selfish whims or desires. Should I try to assuage my guilt by giving what paltry amount I am willing to spare to some cause, in order to try and justify this purchase - or is this pretence of caring, and what is essentially moral bribery not worse than just buying the thing in the first place? Is it then best to not do anything at all, and pretend i never wanted the thing in the first place... or is that not even worse still, my guilt having quashed not only my desire for the product, but then aslo my willingness to just give the money to someone else. its not enought to actually make a difference in someone's life beyond a few days of comfort - or am i now trying to justify keeping the money by minimising the suffering of others? Because I still want the damn thing.

crap... that went on a little bit more than expected. But yea, if nothing this lets me vent. Maybe I might even get some direction... IDK.
Almosegosum said:
"would it be utterly ridiculous of me to buy a New 3DS Xl just for Pokemon SUN and/or MOON?" - or if you want to be Philosophical about it, would I be able to live with myself knowing that I bought a semi-expensive piece of technology to follow and sate what is essentially a singular desire to play a game - while at the same time I am not using my resources to help others and so far it has gone mostly into sating my own selfish whims or desires. Should I try to assuage my guilt by giving what paltry amount I am willing to spare to some cause, in order to try and justify this purchase - or is this pretence of caring, and what is essentially moral bribery not worse than just buying the thing in the first place? Is it then best to not do anything at all, and pretend i never wanted the thing in the first place... or is that not even worse still, my guilt having quashed not only my desire for the product, but then aslo my willingness to just give the money to someone else. its not enought to actually make a difference in someone's life beyond a few days of comfort - or am i now trying to justify keeping the money by minimising the suffering of others? Because I still want the damn thing.
crap... that went on a little bit more than expected. But yea, if nothing this lets me vent. Maybe I might even get some direction... IDK.
Yes. Yes my friend.

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