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Fandom Shokugeki no Souma - Decentralization


School Grounds are Currently OPEN

Class is in session, hooligan.

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A scorching sun! A cloudless sky! Truly, today was a day of promise. Yet again, the gates of Tootsuki swung agape, welcoming a new wave of students into it's infamous depths. Amidst them, hardly a single one held a path different, all converging upon the stark green fields of the school's entrance ceremony.

Below, coating the field with the blue of the school's uniform, the student body of old lay, all those who found themselves returning through these gates, at last, as proud members of the Academy's high-school division. Above, stood the ever-imposing figure of the Demon King of Food himself. Nakiri Senzaemon. Director once again. Against the sea of students, he stood strong. The last of the first years trickling into the field, his voice boomed out across it's breadth, accompanied by neither ceremony, nor warning.

"Welcome!" Times had changed, and such frivolities as the student's badges could wait. "To those before me, I extend my congratulations. As students, and as chefs! You stand here, poised to enter the world of food's elite! And these coming three years will be your launching pad!" With so much force that it could be heard through the microphone, he hammered his hands into the stage's podium. "Here you'll receive training like none other! To those of you who already think yourself masters, you'll be humbled! To those who think your self students, you'll be terrified! But to those of you who endure, those scant few who find themselves standing after the trails the years will present to you... You will find yourself atop this world we call cuisine!" He fell silent. And so did the crowd. Awe. Fear. Respect. Resent. The emotions that ran through it were as chaotic as the school's own nature. And to that fact, Senzaemon was hardly ignorant.

"And to those among you would would claim the title of 'Central'!" He struck the elephant in the gut. It had already been years, after all, he was hard unused to this, by now. "To those of you who carry those ideals that once took root here, I have but one thing to say!" A tremor ran through the crowd. "If you believe yourself to be correct! If you believe yourself to be just! Then, prove it! Survive! Show just where those ideals can carry you, and thrive!" Once again he fell silent, striding off the stage without so much as a goodbye or good luck.

"W-well..." Taking his place, the student speaker stepped up to the podium. Seriously, that was impressive and all, but how was she supposed to follow that up? Start firing a gun into the air or something? "Thank for that, Director Nakiri! A round of applause, please!" Apparently, the crowd was just as stunned as she was, as the sound that followed her words could hardly be described as thunderous. "Right, then!" This atmosphere was killer. Did they not get the memo? Weren't blue skies meant to be for cheering crowds? "Moving on.... We have..." She ran her finger down the paper in front of her. Next up there was-

"A few words from your valedictorian." Another voice sounded through the microphone. A male one.

When the speaker looked up, his face was hardly an inch from hers, leaning into the microphone.


"Sorry, I got a bit impatient." He smiled. "Kayano, was it? You can take a seat now, thanks for introducing me."

Jeez. Just who did he think he was? Despite her indignation, Kayano did as she was told. She'd been here long enough to know to not go digging herself a grave arguing with that guy.

"Fellow students..." He paused for a moment, murmurs running through the crowd. Still as unpopular as ever, he could see. "Now, I'm afraid I won't be able to deliver quite as riveting a speech as our dear Director's but... I at least hope to appeal to you from an angle he can't." As Senzaemon before him, he placed his hands onto the podium, albeit with significantly less of a racket. "As a fellow student, of course. Now, well all know that... Well, that most of us probably won't be seeing eachother after this year. And I guess you're all as scared about that as I am, but..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "But... As a fellow student, I request this! Whatever roadblocks are in front of you, and however you're held back... Never give in! Reach towards the top until the very end!" Hopefully that had as much of an effect as he'd hoped. He certainly wasn't hearing and booing from the crowd, at least. Stepping back, he bowed, his speech complete. "Oh! And one more thing!" He smirked in the Kayano's direction, leaning back into the microphone for a moment. "Next up we'll be meeting our exchange students! Wish them well!" With that, he strode from the podium, stepping away from the stage as silently as he'd stepped onto it.


Dammit. For a moment there, she'd actually bought into a speech a little, and then he had the gall to steal her job like that... Served her right for believing a word out of that dirtbag Oshiro's mouth.

"T-thank you for that... Oshiro..." Behind her lips, she gritted her teeth. Keep composed, keep composed... "Well, like our valedictorian just said... Next up is the transfer students..." God she hoped they wouldn't be a pain. Oshiro had carried that duty out more than enough on his own.

"In this order, please step up onto the stage and introduce yourself!"

Behind the stage, a speaker repeated her words, the school's newest students all laying in wait under it.

"Carlos Backins! Cobalt Blårstrand! Gerd Sanchez! Hikari Fuji! Kafuka Amano! Toshio Maearashiro! Alexei van Gogh! Malak Naji! Adaline Daichi! Andie Blackthorn!"

@The Dinkster





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Carlos Backins

What a drag.

It had to be him. Him. The first one to go up and talk to the crowd? Why did they need to introduce themselves as foreign exchange students anyway? Like...he didn't resemble half of them in the slightest anyway; couldn't they see he wasn't from around here perfectly fine the hallway?

Walking out and up to the podium, the boy nodded to the short girl standing by that introduced him and opened up the way.

"Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all. My name is Carlos Backins and I'm from the country of America."

Pausing, Carlos trawled his mind to find something else to say. He thought back to the jokers in his elementary school taking every opportunity to interject onto a public stage and say something funny, really, stupid, but Carlos wasn't like that. He had no reason to think anything said would help him get on with these people. He didn't want to make troubling waves either.

"I hope we all have a good year. Thank you."

Slightly leaning forward into a bow, Carlos stepped away from the lectern and re-turned to his position with the other transfer-students gathered off to the side.

@Edward Valentine
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Cobalt Blårstrand

Cobalt was jittery waiting to go out onto the stage. It wasn't was because he was nervous. He had stood out with his family before stages of thousands before. No! it was these stupid shoes! UGH!!! Kayano announced there names one by one and Cobalt had enough. He was fed up. As Carlos walked outed onto the stage, Cobalt clenched his fists and tightly then like break shackles he bent over.

It was time for Cobalt to walk out onto the stage. However when he did, he probably wasn't something people were expecting. Dressed in the school uniform was a probably barely average height teenage boy with hair so purely blue it was almost white. His alabaster skin seemed to reflect the sun and more his blue eyes vibrant. And over his shoulder were his school shoes. Yea. The laces tied together and dangling over his shoulder like accessory or a bag.

He had a soft expression on his face. No more agitation.

"I am Cobalt Blårstrand from Ålesund, Norway."

He said to the crowd of students in a thick, yet feminine, Norwegian accent in broken Japanese. It was obvious he was having trouble with the language and it just added to the cute/weird thing he had going on. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited satisfied as he wiggled his now free toes on the stage.

@The Dinkster
Gerd Sanchez

Gerd was sitting down in the middle of the six transfer students. Letting out a sigh, he leaned back with a large grin on his face while waiting for his turn to introduce himself. Luckily for him to previous two people had short introductions so he didn't have to wait for long.

Getting up he walked out to the podium and looked out at the crowd, smiling, "Hallo, Hallo! My name is Gerd Sanchez. Call me G or San or Sanchez or Gerd... Doesn't really matter!" He paused as the crowded just looked at him with confusing expressions, "I'm from Germany, Munich to be exact, so I can handle my beer." He chuckled, before continuing, "I'm half German and Half Mexican."

His voice was rather gentle for how loud and some would say obnoxious he was being, it was smooth, like a well crafted Bavarian Beer. He stood their for a brief moment, letting the crowd gather on the edge of their seats. He wore the school uniform, the tie was loosened to give the poor boy some air, after all, school uniforms were like straight jackets and had some large headphones around his neck.

"I like to do a lot of things in my spare time..." He droned on for a moment, at this point it was obvious that he was trying to annoy the announce lady, Kayano or whatever her name was, "Well, I have taken enough of your time, Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm round of applause for whoever is the next student! Yeah! Woo." He bowed slightly and offered a grin before walking back to the other transfer students

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"In this order, please step up onto the stage and introduce yourself!"

Hikari sighed as the names of those in the same room as her were called. As the first person, a boy by the name of Carlos, went up on stage, Hikari felt a sense of pride and adrenaline rush through her. She was here. This was all real. She was at the pinnacle of teenage cooking aspirations, and she was representing the Fuji's name. Hikari grinned at the thought as the next student, also a boy, went up on stage.

Hikari looked towards her skirt and straightened it, pulling her messy bun tight, though not paying much heed to the loose pieces framing her porcelain skin. The kid that just went up had a short introduction and the third student, again, a boy, went ahead to introduce himself. Hikari tugged on the red ribbon of her uniform, which was quite uncomfortable mind you, with the jacket and all. It might not seem that way to most, but when you're used to wearing t-shirts and shorts all the time, formal attire becomes tedious and impractical.

The boy had returned and Hikari grinned to herself, standing up and walking towards the stage. Every step was practiced, poised and elegant, but yet it seemed natural. She stood at the podium and spoke clearly and carefully, making sure everyone could hear, whether they wanted to or not.
"I'm Hikari Fuji, or Hika for short. I'm from Tokyo, Japan, and well, I sincerely hope I'll have a pleasant, and peaceful time here." Hikari stopped to breathe, before speaking again, but this time, it sounded much more menacing.

"And if you plan on destroying my hope for peace and want to cause chaos, I hope you're prepared to die."

She smirked slightly, most of the students looked scared. But some seemed to toughen up at her words.
"Ciao." She walked back to her original position, gesturing for the person next to her to go up on stage.

Kefka Palazzo

Kafuka Amano

So that was Senzaemon Nakiri. This was the first time she had actually seen him, and just his appearance alone made her shiver, in both fear and reverence. What a foreboding presence he emanated. Power and prowess seemed to leak from every pore of his body, and she, one who was drawn to strength, found him absolutely magnetic. This was the man she was supposed to impress. While she never doubted her ability, the thought of that feat made her, Kafuka Amano, weak at the knees.

When her name was called, her knees went even weaker. She was no good at introductions. She never was really any good at talking, just acting. As the rest of the students made their introductions, she clenched her fists in anxiety. Though, to whoever was looking, it just seemed as if she just wanted to crush something in her hands. When it came to her turn, she leapt up from her seat, bounding across the stage to the podium as fast as she could. The sooner she got this over with, the better for her heart it would be.

Gripping the microphone, she leaned forwards, cleared her throat, and spoke, her contralto echoing through the expanse of the school hall.
“Kafuka Amano, Japan.” She paused, hoping that no one would recognise the second half of her appellation, then opened her mouth to continue. She froze when she realised that, unlike the others, she was nothing special. She was only picked up by the school, not because of her family name, but because she started a fight. Studying the events that led up to this moment, she became very aware that pretty much most of it had been all up to pure luck. A fluke.

Very slowly, in full view of the other students gathered in front of her, she raised one clenched fist, her head bowed as she tried to hide her scowl and gritted teeth, a dark shadow cast over her features. She breathed in, counted to twenty, thought happy thoughts, emptied her mind, all in an attempt to cool off the growing despair that coalesced in her heart. There was a moment of what seemed to be frozen time for many, as the girl with the bleached hair stood, her fist outstretched towards the heavens, for what seemed to be an eternity, before she finally brought it down.

And brought it down she did, like a gavel in the court. In science, most would learn that, when force is applied to another force, one would have to give. In this case, the podium did. Her fist almost seemed like it passed through the podium, but the shrapnel that scattered throughout the stage betrayed that illusion. The back of the podium was swiftly utterly demolished by just one swift blow. A hairline crack ran down the front of it, cutting through the school’s logo. Breathing hard, the girl finally looked up at the crowd, her eyes narrowed into a severe glare that, if looks killed, would have landed her in a penitentiary for mass genocide. She straightened up, lifting her arm from the oaken podium that threatened to give way, and shook the debris free from her banded arm.

“May your ambitions stoke my own flames. I hope you’ll take care of me.” She bowed slightly, and, as sheepishly as one who had just smashed through a whole podium could be, offered the stand to the next student, before returning to her seat. Her one last unintentional glare left no doubt to most of the student body that ‘taking care’ of her was synonymous to ‘acting as her punchbag’. As she settled back in her place, she buried her face in her hands, and hoped that lessons, whatever they were, would start soon so she could get out of this Kafkaesque nightmare.
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Toshio Maearashiro


Toshio had been sitting there, knowing that he was one of the last to go up the stage and tell everybody his piece of mind. It was something that he did not really enjoy to do but it was not like he could get out of it either. He felt stuffed when he looked at the stage, hearing people say their ‘speeches’ one by one before returning back to their seats. Why did they even have to do this in the first place. It was not like everybody was going to stick around in this place in the first place since there were just too many people that got expelled every year. Hell, graduating was even an enormous task for this school.

The way that people talked was actually quite intriguing as they all had their own characteristics to go with. Also, the aura around them was quite different from the ones they had in normal high school. He guessed that how more prestigious a school was, how weirder the classes were going to be. But well, that was what made it interesting after all. He wanted to see something new and now he was going to get it. His eyes followed the people who were walking on and off the stage until it was his turn to speak up.

He reluctantly got up from his seat and made his way up there. It was almost as if he was already graduating but only the diploma was missing. He scraped his throat as he was standing behind the microphone. His eyes fixated on the people in front of them who seemed to be looking straight at him too.
”Good morning, my name is Toshio Maearashiro. I’m a transfer student too and have come here to broaden my skillset of cooking. I’m looking forward to working with you all.” He said in a simple manner as he didn’t feel like he had to say more about this.

After that, he went back to his seat. He still disliked doing that sort of thing but he had gotten better at it. He thought of it as a skill that he could use later on when he would search for a job. He had to have a nice appearance though his personality grew more serious as he was cooking. If one would drop a pan next to him, he wouldn’t even notice unless it was his own. Almost as if he was wearing an invisible headset during cooking.



Alexei van Gogh

"One from Norway... One from Germany..." Alexei looked between the two fellow transfer students. These two might be nice to get along with... who's the next--

Chibii said:
"And if you plan on destroying my hope for peace and want to cause chaos, I hope you're prepared to die."
"Eh?" Alexei watched as the girl introduced as Hikari Fuji returned to her seat. A cold bead of sweat dripped down his cheek. Die? Is she serious? Perhaps he'd steer clear of that one... although he got the feeling that their next meeting would be inevitable. At least the transfer students weren't all outwardly violent. That'd be a proble--


A loud, resounding crack filled the air, making the silence of the student body even more palpable. What was that? Kafuka Amano... A half-broken podium? Alexei's inner voice was going louder and wilder with questions. Clearly there was something dangerous about these transfer students. You just broke a podium! At least pay for the damages after. What's wrong with them? Clearly something murderous. Frankly, the very idea of sitting near them right now was somewhat frightful. Oh God why? Alexei thought to himself as the person after came back from his brief introductory speech, and an awkward silence ensued, before he could feel the eyes on him now. It was his turn. Walking up to the remainder of the podium, Alexei straightened his bow tie and sweater, before he stood there, taking a deep breath.

"Good morning!" Alexei quickly blurted. That was good. Just get it all out right now and it'll be easier as you talk, "I come from Luxembourg, so I'm not fully immersed yet... but I'm Alexei van Gogh, you're to-be favourite schoolmate. I'll begin cooking with you from now on, nice to meet you." Alexei beamed, before returning to his seat.
That could've been worse.

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Of those among the ones called, there was a single one that had a complete lack of care for anything the old-man on stage was spewing out.

It was not that he lacked a desire to learn, but what the man spoke was certainly not to the regard of an entertainer such as him, in fact..He almost forgot the name and identity of the man by the time he had finished speaking, although he scantily remembered that he was the director of the school. Yet, his attention seemed to perk up as we watched his peers walk on the podium, his gaze was not one of assessment, nor malice, nor one of joy. It was the gaze of a magican, deciding exactly which form of illusion to entertain each. Mentally, as they introduced themselves, he had marked them each down for a different performance, of which he would make sure to instigate rather quickly upon meeting each individually, they would be a treat to entertain, certainly.

Regardless, it came time to bring himself up for introduction.

Malak found himself upon the stage in much the fashion a fish finds itself in a fish bowl, surely it had to have taken some movement to get there, would it even recognize its change in scenery? To Adalet, the stage was as his water, whether it be for entertainment or introductions. The act of getting there was unimportant to him, it could be assumed he had waltzed up in some dancing manner, spinning and skipping as was normal when he failed to pay attention to anything, save getting on stage as fast as possible. He also had assumed the prior student had sat down, and although he recognized the broken stand in front of him, yet it dissipated from his vision as stage-props often do.

As he gazed upon his peers, he pursed his lips in the smugly painted smirk of an illusionist far too confident in his tricks, his arrogance practically trickling from his lips.

"Namaste, my new friends and peers. Malak Adalet Méabh Medraut Naji, at your service. Of equal Irish and Arabic heritage, although it seems those prior to me on this stage have taken a more active introduction, As an Alghidha' Alssahir, A subdued introduction is far more fitting. If you have any hint of enjoyment, I suggest to my peers that they seek me out of entertainment of any regard."

After speaking his somewhat long-winded sentence, Medraut took a bow that was completely unfitting for a student introduction and waltzed off the stage, much as he had come on, returning to his seat with a satisfied look upon his face.

Adaline had been waiting for far too long to introduce herself, so long spent gazing down at the positive ocean of the uniformly blue-clad horde that she was starting to wonder off into the distance, though paying attention to the words of her contemporaries and masters. Surveying the introductions, the styles of speech, and the way they were conducted, the young french girl was beginning to piece together a mental map of prospective friends and foes, much to her visible delight. She was, by no means, in a hurry to market herself, unnecessarily, with empty flourishes and graces, to a crowd who would never understand her true style, but since her name was called out with such grandeur, and her presence, and the same airy statements were expected by this lacklustre crowd, Addie stood at the sides of the stage, brushing a long piece of thick, golden hair from her face, her caramel-brown eyes peeking, with great inquisition, at her podium.

And now, it was time to give ''Adaline Daichi'' more identity than ''the French one''. Of course, Adaline was more British than French, with Japanese heritage too, but ''French'', as Adaline had, perhaps later than her peers, learnt, was the only label that really stuck out in culinary establishments such as this one, so, as reluctant as she was to promote herself in this way, forwards she stepped onto the stage, grinning ever so slightly at the collapsed podium, wondering how she'd get on with the laugh of a student who caused that.

''Good morning, my contemporaries!'' Adaline announced, in a swift, but slightly exaggerated, slightly girlish, but sleek Japanese sentence, the language coming rather naturally to her, despite being in Japan for but a few weeks prior to this, she had learnt from her dad the basics, and went on from there. ''I am pleased to meet you all, and yes, I'm Adaline, but addressing me as Addie should be favourable to you all, non? I'm excited to be here, certainly, but..'' Once Addie had settled on the stage, she could show her true intention, and a little smirk crept onto her perky face. ''I think you'll all become even more excited to see what I'm about to bring, because, you may not understand right here, but...''

Adaline walked forward, her elegant pumps padding neatly on the stage.

''I'm quite...avant-garde.'' Lifting her head slightly and examining the mass in front of her, she continued. ''That means...Tootsuki...you had better watch what I do!''

This catty sentence could be interpreted as brash, but for Addie, it was simply just explaining her plight.


Marching back down from the platform, Addie blew a kiss to the crowd, waving girlishly, and posing like an idol with a peace sign, something she had learnt from touring Akihabara with her pop-obsessed sister, Avril.

The open-jawed looks of the crowd she had addressed gave her all the necessary confirmation she needed. Though she was hardly as culinary-bred as the others, she was not out to be underestimated. Apprehensive as she was, she'd ought to give them...a little taster...

Which she did, gloriously.

Really? A cracked podium?


Abruptly, Kayano remembered she was dealing with transfer students. Of course they were going to be a pain. They were ALWAYS a pain. But, seriously, a broken podium? Wasn't that pushing things just a little too far? She pushed back the urge to sigh into the microphone.

"Ok... Thank you for those..." She cleared her throat. "Memorable speeches... Everyone! A round of applause for your new classmates, please!"

The crowd barely responded. Serves them right.

"Now! That'll be all for today! Everyone please make your way to your assigned classes!" The sounds of the crowd firing up as students began to funnel out of the field, Kayano reached towards a switch at the base of the microphone- which had fortunately survived the white-haired girl's wrath- and flicked it off. She grimaced. Now, she had to deal with those pesky, well, mostly pesky, transfer students herself. Seriously? Why was she the one telling them where to go? Wasn't this the sort of job for the Mr. Valedictorian?

Then again, she doubted he'd do it even if the Director himself told him to. Ah... Was this what they called the price of duty? Whatever. She'd just hand off their details and be on her way. Hopefully before that German kid tried to get cute again.

"Hey." She greeted, her annoyance clear in her voice as she stepped back stage. "These are for you all. Your classes. Directions are on the back." In a single motion, she stepped past the new students, dropping a stack of printed, A4 paper onto the desk, noiselessly. Almost as noiselessly as she stepped out of the room, not so much as bothering to say goodbye. At least she wouldn't be seeing them anytime soon.

All of them in one class! A masterstroke decision! Perhaps to compensate for the fact that so many of them had made their way in this year? She shrugged. One less thing she had to worry about, either way.

Though, she did feel a little bad for whatever poor unfortunates got stuck with them for the next... God knows how long.

@The Dinkster



Now the introductions were over, and once she was out of the gaze of her not-exactly adoring crowd, Addie slumped against the wall, watching the blatantly discomposed, but swift girl who tossed her and her classmates' schedules at them, bustling around. Addie had no opinion of her, and stared at the students filing out, as she waited for her own lot to start shifting towards their designated classroom.

Addie picked up one of the pieces of paper, gently moving it closer to her line of vision so she could see the print. ''Well, it seems as if we are to be lumped together.'' She announced, with an obvious curiosity, as if wondering how that would work, pulling a face, hopefully not very noticeably at the news, and tucking the paper into her pencil case. Glancing at the open door longingly, Addie's attention shifted to her peers.

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Gerd Sanchez

All the introductions were over and Gerd sat in his chair in the back, with all the other unique students. Some had given quite the introduction, which was always good, meant they would be interesting friends.

Gerd just blinked at Kayano as she handed the student's their schedules and directions to get to their class, "Why thank you, Miss Grumpy-pants." Gerd offered a small smile before looking at the paper he was handed. Looking up he looked over at the French Girl who was very good with her manners, "It does appear that way. Who would've ever thought; us, a bunch of rag tag students, would be lumped together in a class."

Gerd looked at the other students with curiosity, "So we have..."

"Mr. Edgy." He glanced at Carlos.

"Pale-skin." Gerd looked at Cobalt.

"Miss Pretty Death-Threats" He offered a smile at Hikari.

"Typical Shonen Heroine." He acknowledged Kafuka, she must have lots of plot armor!

"Toshio. Don't have a nickname for ya yet." Gerd offered a shrug before continuing.

"Egotistical Rich-boy" He eyed Alexi.

"And lastly, Arrogant Manners" He stood up now, looking at Malak before looking back at Adaline. Clearing his throat, after saying so many nicknames you would also be a bit parched, he walked over to Adaline, offering a small smile, "Yes, let us be off, Addie." He walked over towards the door and out of it, paper in hand.
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Addie turned around, hearing a fellow student of hers beginning to appoint her contemporaries some snazzy nicknames?

They sounded...fitting? Well, did they? Though Addie certainly had a good perception of what her new peers may end up being like, she wasn't too sure how to go about naming them, and though she was sure she had the necessary 'naming sense', she'd feel a bit awkward about giving names to people she'd just met! Well, at least this new classmate of hers was upfront. Not that she could see many meek-faced ones.

Addie quickly nodded, in response to the first comment. ''Yes, we are indeed! I'm sure we'll have a very varied time!''

Varied was the term she deliberately chose; no sense of impending doom, but no overjoyed delight either, as she wasn't so sure what they'd have to face this semester, but it'd be varied, yes! Full of interest!

''Onwards, then!'' Waving a hand as to indirectly usher the others out, Addie followed Gerd out the door.

Toshio Maearashiro


Toshio blinked as he received the piece of paper with all the necessary information about where he had to go now. And what everything was going on about. This was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment of freedom. It was like there was a bowl of freshly made spaghetti waiting for him on the other side of the door. The delicious aroma slowly making its way to his nose and seemingly pulling him towards it, making him float in the air instead of walking. However that dream bubble popped and was brought back to earth where he was needed. Well, it would be weird if he just sat there spacing out to who knows what place inside of his head. Sometimes those places would be pretty scary for those who didn’t know him all too well.

However when he caught some weird nicknames being said by someone, he moved his body towards the male in question and laid his hands on both his shoulders, attempting to stop him in his tracks. If not, he would just walk with him and be his, maybe a little, annoying self. His smile widened as he could now just be himself without having to be anxious about a teacher jumping up behind him because he was dosing off at the speeches.

”Yah, why don’t I have a nickname? I’m pretty nice. And awesome. I want to have a nickname too !” He almost screamed to the other, bowing to the female next to him as it was the polite thing to do besides just barging into their conversation. ”You don’t have a nickname either?” He asked the girl, almost having a look of utter shock plastered on his face as he said so.

Addie began slipping out of the door, until she heard another yelp, and she turned once again in response to see another student protesting..vocally about his lack of one of those funky names that were being handed about!

Well, she could relate.

She, being the wonderful Addie, had managed to be left without a groovy name of her own, an implication that she was bland?

Addie noticed a rather sleepy-eyed, but cheerful-looking peer of hers skipping about behind, gabbling something about possessing the adequate traits for a nickname.

''Non, I guess I was just too lacklustre for one!'' She winked. ''I had better get one soon!'' Addie playfully ordered, addressing this at Gerd, and stopping at the door for her chat, she adjusted a black grip in her hair, serving very little purpose, as the thick sandy-blonde strips drooped down and coiled around of their own will. 'Eh', she dismissed the state of those strands, and continued on her way. ''We'll get nicknames soon.'' She muttered in way of encouragement, and winked, posing. ''I'll name you: ULTIMATE NICKNAME SEARCHER! On a quest in search of the perfect nickname! You'll get there soon, ma chere! I believe in you!'' Addie burst out in a stream of hopefully not overbearing and hopefully motivating babble, patting her classmate's head jokingly.

''That alright?'' She felt as if she was addressing a child, not a teenage something-or-other! Ah, well!

Gerd Sanchez

Katty Tantrums an COI!

Gerd stopped a bit as Addie and Toshio both followed him, the latter throwing a bit of a fit that he hadn't gotten a nickname. Biting his lip he put a finger on his chin before clapping his hands, "Got one for you, Toshio." He paused for a few moments, luring the poor soul into anticipation, "Catty Tantrums!" Gerd offered a grin before then looking over at Addie.

Addie and Toshio seemed to be getting along which was good I guess? It didn't really affect Gerd all that much so he didn't care. This time he had trouble thinking of a nickname for Addie, she was a bit more of a hard one to read. She spoke diligently and choose her words carefully, which in truth threw the German boy off at times.

Crossing his arms he snapped his finger in excitement, "I have one for you, Addie~" He almost sung the words. Truth be told he was thinking for a good minute with a face that just yelled, Oh lord, the diarrhea is coming! Clearing his throat he looked at Addie with determined eyes, "Cautiously-Optimistic Idol! OR COI! It is said like coy, y'know since you are also pretty coy." He offered a large grin before continuing, "I was trying to incorporate your Frenchness somewhere but couldn't, either that or 'French Vixen' "


Addie turned away from a newly nickname-baptised Toshio, nodding in satisfaction at the ,nickname her new classmate was given, though thinking that it was slightly cruel to him, so Addie awkwardly addressed Toshio with a reassuring glance.

Gerd seemed to be a very spirited person, Addie thought. Well, so did Toshio. They were both very lively, in actual fact. Addie did spot a few slightly more...passive ones amongst her new (presumed!) comrades. Of course they were comrades, she had no reason to forge unfounded rivalries...if she ever did, they would certainly have reason, but for now, she definitely viewed them as allies. Putting this pondering aside, Addie gave Gerd a little pout at his glance, wondering what sort of nickname she would get, and her hands slumping, pretending to perform this action unhappily, looking unimpressed

''Coi.'' Addie remarked, a grin twitching at her lips. ''I'd like to say I am in no way coy, but..'' She alluded to his final comment. ''I am also in no way a vixen!'' She pulled a strange face. ''The two contradict each other.''

''But if you want to hail me an idol..'' Addie began, flourishing a hand in the air, half-raising her bracelet-laden arm and tossing, showily, a strand of honey-blonde hair. ''By all means, don't hold back!''

Chuckling, Addie advanced to the door, waving everyone out excitedly.
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"Egotistical Rich-boy?" Alexei picked up the paper, watching the transfer students begin to go off. Maybe the first part is true? Or rather... did it matter? No, it didn't. Nicknames don't matter, he'd still stick around; this school might be pretty interesting after all.

"Perhaps that's true." the blonde laughed as he picked up a bag stylised like a ghostbuster vacuum, "We should all begin catching up. The entire student body has left already." Alexei studied the timetable and map on the paper as he continued walking, approaching a facility in the distance, "We've got homeroom first... oh? What's this one?" the blonde's gaze focused on one of the class codes in the list of classes, "This class code is the French Cuisine class, isn't it. Is that any of your specialties?" Alexei asked aloud without sparing the transfer students a glance; there was no one else in the vicinity for him to ask apart from them, after all.
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Addie heard another classmate of hers, who had initially not spoken echo out his given nickname, and Addie, hopelessly, toiled over masking a very vocal snicker.

''They have, yet we are here...'' Addie replied, gazing around. ''Well, we should be going about now, and oh, that sounds like fun..'' Addie grinned slightly, listening to Alexei's recital of the timetable, which sparked a look of amusement from the supposedly coy golden haired girl, and her eyes directed onto her new acquaintance.

She noticed how he watched them all, greeting her classmates with questioning glances. It was all very well, but she had ought to give him an answer.

''Technically, yes...However, not the run of the mill...classical cuisine.'' Addie giggled a little, at what she assumed as edginess.

Irritation. Pure irritation. Though it wasn't apparent on her face, Hikari disliked 90% of the people that were in this batch of ruffians. Too noisy, chaotic and bubbly. They weren't in ALL her classes, right? Hikari sighed and stood up, patting her skirt and pulling her hairband even tighter. There wasn't much hair to tie up, considering if she let it loose it'd just be slightly below her shoulders, but who cares, it kept that mess out and away from her face while she was cooking.

"Miss Pretty Death-Threats."

Hikari's eyes flickered to the boy that'd just given her a rather odd nickname, though it was fitting considering she did threaten to kill the entire student body just a few moments prior. But the fact that'd he called her pretty took her by surprise.

But Hikari, being Hikari, showed no sign of her shock as a smirk found its' way onto her face.
"Isn't that a nice compliment... What was your name again? Greg?" Hikari genuinely could not remember the boys' name as she shrugged, but not before acknowledging that he wasn't too hideous and was actually decently cute.

As the rag-tag bunch were left to chatter, Hikari picked up a sheet of printed paper from the stack and studied her schedule, smiling as she saw the stop for Chinese cuisine. Her eyes scanned the paper to also realize that her second field of expertise, desserts was not too far away from the start of the curriculum.

"This class code is the French Cuisine class, isn't it. Is that any of your specialties?"

Hikari raised a brow and sighed. If only she'd paid attention when her father was teaching her about french cuisine. She knew how to cook the basics of course, but anything too complicated wouldn't turn out as great as say... Someone who's well versed in the subject. But she did want to know everyone's specialties.

"Well, my specialty is Asian cuisine... Specifically dim sum and most other dishes from the Southeast Asia region. I can also whip up some appetizing desserts. Both western and Asian." Well wasn't this a rare sight, Hikari expressing even a hint of excitement. As she realized this, Hikari's face dusted pink before returning back to her cool and aloof persona.

"We should get going then."


Gerd Sanchez.

Gerd stared blankly at Addie, the cringe was almost enough to kill the poor boy, idols were something he wasn't a huge fan of, so her proclaiming herself to be one was too much for Gerd to handle, "Good thing I find Idols repulsive so you shall not be getting any praise from me Ms. Coi French Vixen!" Truthfully he himself had no idea where he was going when it came to Addie's nickname, so he just combined the two he thought of.

"Oh... Cool Vacuum, didn't know the school let you bring it to the school...? Is it to cleanup the tears of your victims? Or is it for the tears of your daddy problems?" Gerd questioned apprehensively, it was obviously he was just joking and he didn't mean any ill-will to Egotistical Rich-boy. So Homeroom would be first, seemed normal... French Cuisine though... Fun, not his favorite type of Cuisine, but a fairly accessible and easy one.

"Well then Addie, you should easily fly through French Cuisine." Gerd offered a large grin

As soon as Hikari asked him what his name was, then calling him Greg he looked around, then pointed at himself, "Greg? I see no Greg around here. Are you named Greg?" He looked over at Alexei before offering a smirk, "It is Gerd. Like Greg but Gerd. Like Curd but Gerd. Get it yet? Feel free to call me whatever though." He paused, "You're welcome, it is true, both you being pretty and you giving out Death Threats."

After a few moments of awkward silence from everyone his attention returned to Hikari as she said she specialized in Asian cuisine, Southeast to be exact, and luckily he caught her blush, "Ohh! Miss Pretty Death Threats can blush! Who would've thought?" He chuckled, teasing her was fun, "I specialize in... Being an all rounder..." He Shrugged, not knowing how else to explain it.

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Alexei van Gogh

There was a sudden silence from Alexei, although he didn't look quite down. His face merely went blank in face of Gerd's reckless remarks. How should I reply to this? An inner voice mumbled to itself inside Alexei's head. Gerd Sanchez was quickly becoming Guuuuuh Sanchez. Wrong choice... Alexei's inner voice sighed as he regretted approaching the blonde kid.

"That's mean, I don't make people cry." Alexei pouted at Gerd after a moment of thinking to himself, "On the contrary, I tend to be good company. I'm not talkative all the time, so I can make a good sounding board, yeah." Alexei nodded as he ended his sentence. So what if Gerd blabbers insensitively? He didn't feel down much over the father he'd lived without for the past couple years.

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Addie scowled slightly, turning away in embarrassment. Surely, her posing was not supposed to be that much of a repellent? R-repulsive? ''I apologise, then.'' A cool reply twitched off Addie's tongue, and she gave an apologetic grin. ''However, I am the master idol!'' She suddenly heard a flippant, jokey comment from Gerd, and frowned, not particularly fond of the way his comments were executed. He looked quite affected, so Addie asked if he was okay, and then directed her attention onto Gerd's next string of insincere comments.

He was not yet agitating her at all, but she might as well counter his comments.

He seemed to hold a very unruffled attitude towards the classes they would be faced with! Taking it lightly, in fact.

''Fly...through?'' The brand of cuisine was so complex, Addie, was actually fairly shocked to hear it described in that way.

''I doubt it. I understand French cuisine well, but I have never, and very few have ever mastered it, so it is no matter you can undervalue like that. However, I appreciate the compliment!''

Addie smiled in glee when they were discussing specialities, grinning primly.

''I..I do quite a few things myself! All in all, I am an artist, fusing the characteristics and mechanics that I have been entranced by since I was a child with the art forms and musings I now enlighten my field of vision with, but I concentrate on nouvelle, or contemporary, cutting-edge French cuisine that concentrates on flavours and presentation, fused with traditional Japanese and middle eastern elements when applicable. What about the rest of you?'' Addie finished her statement, gazing at everyone with a not entirely threatening, but curious stare.

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