
Modernis Mundi, or The Long Second Age is an alternate setting that I did a while back.  

It's a setting where the Second Age has gone on for another 2000 years or so, with the Realm expanding, the Empress surviving for that time, only recently disappearing, and has a lot of Mystech and technology based on Essence, while still giving it a more modern feel.  Think Firefly, think Equilibrium, think Bladerunner, but with a lot of magic.  Demons and Spirits powering vehicles, tapped ley lines, a Mana-Net that uses the Dragon Lines not just for power, but for communication, and a Creation that has been expanded from the efforts of the Realm by reclaiming lands from the Wyld.  

It has its Steampunk elements.  It's got its Cyberpunk elements.  It's got its Western elements.  It's got its Exalted elements.  Tell your tales of high adventure, but with Gunklaives, pistols, and flying carriages, as well as 400 story cities, with deep cores that no one goes to.  Think Dragon Bloods with spelled suits instead of Superheavy Plate, and a lot of odd bits of mystic based technology.  

You can find it on my page in the Submissions section, or just click the link   below my signature, and it will take you to the page where my stuff hangs out.  Send lawyers, guns, and money...
Modernis Mundi, or The Long Second Age is an alternate setting that I did a while back.  
It's a setting where the Second Age has gone on for another 2000 years or so, with the Realm expanding, the Empress surviving for that time, only recently disappearing, and has a lot of Mystech and technology based on Essence, while still giving it a more modern feel.  Think Firefly, think Equilibrium, think Bladerunner, but with a lot of magic.  Demons and Spirits powering vehicles, tapped ley lines, a Mana-Net that uses the Dragon Lines not just for power, but for communication, and a Creation that has been expanded from the efforts of the Realm by reclaiming lands from the Wyld.  

It has its Steampunk elements.  It's got its Cyberpunk elements.  It's got its Western elements.  It's got its Exalted elements.  Tell your tales of high adventure, but with Gunklaives, pistols, and flying carriages, as well as 400 story cities, with deep cores that no one goes to.  Think Dragon Bloods with spelled suits instead of Superheavy Plate, and a lot of odd bits of mystic based technology.  

You can find it on my page in the Submissions section, or just click the link   below my signature, and it will take you to the page where my stuff hangs out.  Send lawyers, guns, and money...
i looked over a bit of it.

if you organized it a bit and added a touch here and there you could easily have a  book deal from white-wolf. i mean if you have a following on the net maybe they would take it seriously. heck for all we know maybe they check this site every now and then.
From what I understand of game publishers, he'd have to either:

1) Take all the Modernis stuff down from the public domain, and subject the material to the necessary polishing and re-organization, or (most likely)

2) Write a whole new setting.

 Publishers really don't like to publish work that was originally available for free, for obvious reasons.
Actually a few of the developers already have the Modernis stuff--they got it when Haku was hosting it.

It is something to put on a resume, not as a publishable work--because it is based on their copyrighted property.   I'm working on getting an agent at this point, and when I am secure with the first two novels, then I can see about getting something together for the folks at WW...
Easy there, tiger. That's right, exhale, or you'll faint. Now breathe in, and out...and don't do it too fast, or you'll hyper-

[thud as CW falls to the ground]

 [sigh] Too late.
*wakes* I had the most wondrous dream...Modernis was the real future of Exalted...and you were there...and so was that Rashamon bastard...he was some kind of Deathlord...
Just for the sake of watching CW post another emoticon, I already did an Adventure and Mage setting for Shadow of Doubt--my first novel that CW has been reading for me to help me spot continuity errors.  

Shadow of Doubt and its Atlantis and the Hierarchy already exist, and in hard copy form, as a d10 based game.  I've got three copies right now.  With expanded versions of Hollebomb and Himmellicht weaponry attached...
That's because he hasn't seen Tomas No Shadow's character sheet, or Dr. Rashamon's for that matter.

Or exactly what the heck a real Quistarche Magus-Colonel can do...

My favorite bit in the whole setting is the Hollebomb--a Mystech H-Bomb.  Rather than blow the crap out of something, the weapon slides a mile to five mile area into the Infernal Realms, and dialates time.  In the second of the blast to the outside world, the interior of the effect is transported to Infernal Realm for a full year.  After the "blast" clears, the section is regurgitated back into the world--somewhat worse the wear for spending a year besieged by demons and Infernal types--most folks being long dead, carried off screaming into the night by things that have never been summoned to the Mundi, and the land itself is blasted and corrupted for its year merged with the Unholiest of Unholies...the survivors rarely are sane, and all are touched by the corruption that pretends to be air in those Realms...

if you have not done so i recommend you check out samuria 7. i started watching it and i really like the 1st 4 episodes. they made me think of your Modernis world. take a look sometime.
Haven't  seen it.  But then again, I killed my cable this winter to get some work done.  I may be turning it back on relatively soon, and then I will be making forays into media again.

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