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Fandom Shimmering Shade (Always Open) - Additional IC


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Non-Clan Cats


Birchclaw- (undercore)


Falconswoop- (Undercore)




Sorrel- (Shadedrose)



Shadow's Group


Shadow- (Karcen)



Crow- (Jinx)


Medicine Cat


Phenex- (Aqua)


Timber- (Demonkitten)


Venom- (Demonkitten)


Rosebird- (Undercore)


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(Mk got it.)

Crow sighed as she sat on a rock, 7 or 8 cats around her at the bottom. She was by the stream she and timber where at the day before, she missed a little. She shook her head and looked down at the rouges and loners, the looked at her there eyes burning with fury. "Calm yourselves!" She said in a hiss and they all did, no one wanted to get on her bad side. She sighed and leaped down, she walked over to a black cat, male, a kit, (he looked like scrounge) she rubbed her head into the little things fur. "It's ok." She purred, giving the small kit a lick behind his ear. He purred as well and he stopped shaking.

A dog lay in the center of all the cats, the kit, who had killed was shaking, witch was the one she calmed. "Your ok now." She purred once more. "Everyone, this kit is now one of us, he shall be respected and treated right till he is of age to be on his own or if he where stay." She said all the cats noding. She turned and leaped back up on the rock. "Um... Crow?" A cat from the back said. "Yes?" She said narrowing her eyes a little. "I... Uh.... I think it would be best if....." He stopped. "What? Spit it out!" She hissed. He jumped at the sudden roughness of her voice, she leaped down and as she did the cat leaped up his claws out, he turned and started to run. She sighed and flick her tail, cats where in front of the cat before he could make it a fox length.

She padded over the cat and she hissed at crow. "Now, now." She said putting her paw up her claws out. "Why did you do that?" She asked, the cat shrunk and hissed. "Because your crazy and I don't....." Before she could finish crow had her paw on the cats throat and pinned her to the ground. The cat struggled but couldn't brake free, the cat put her paws up and scached crows face, blood driped down her face. She growled and crow dug her claws in the cats throat, she then took her other paw and dragged her claws down the belly of the cat, the scent of blood filling the air, and since there was brezz it went with the wind going in the direction of the clans but it would go to clans it would go to where shadow was.

@anyone really >.<
(I'm going to change my post and he just got in the forest if that's good)

Phenex woke up in a strange place and got up on all 4 paws and shook some stuff out of his fur and his gems started jingling he looked around after wondering where he was and said "where am I this place looks strange and smells weird" he started walking around and was moving around with ease and saw a little puddle and started drinking thinking "man I have to find my way back to the pack" and stopped drinking and he stood while standing his blue beads light up and some water comes up to him and makes a thin layer of water armor while he thinks "better safe than sorry" he said walking along and sees a small creature barely the size of his tail and is just walking and into a alley way he walks up to it and stays about 5 feet away thinking "this creature is weird it's so small compared to me" and he speaks saying to the creature "excuse me do you know where I am" looking down on the creature.


(There changed it enough. ^^)
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Shadow noticed the odd smell of a thing something that didn't belong in the twolegplace, and she could feel how big it was as it approached, but she would not try to run and she did not need to fear. Shadow turned and saw a large thing that looked kind of like a dog , but seemed a bit like a cat as well. This creature also seemed to have powers similar to that of the clans that she had met it was to her a stroke of luck that no doubt had the paw prints of the star clan all over it.

" This is the Twoleggplace, though I have never seen your like in this place. " Shadow said calmly
As the strange creature talked to him he sat down and listened saying "twoleggplace what's that and what's this about the likes of me and besides I have never met a creature so small well I've seen bits and mice but your new" he said looking at her trying to find out exactly what she was and what this place was sniffing around in the air.

" Two legs are the creatures that build these nests and paths and I am a cat. What are you?" Shadow said holding a polite tone to the thing which didn't seem to know anything meaning it didn't even know where it was she was sure that it hadn't gotten here by any normal means it had to be some kind of sign or gift, a true clan member perhaps.
"Two legs...." He thought for a moment and said "do these two legs wear garments and are very tall, and I am a fox" he said towering over her and starts sniffing again thinking 'I swear I know this scent but from where...no first I need to find out where am I' and looks back at this so called cat.

" They are taller than a cat or a dog that much is true and they have removable pelts, you seem to know them well enough for never having heard of them [/b]" Shadow said wonder just what this fox was it was so very odd seemingly knowing what things were but not know what they were called " Tell me where do you come from " Shadow half asked.
Phenex looked at the cat and said "I come from a place where animals don't go near where what you would call twolegs and I'll call them that for now so I don't aggravate anyone and we stay in the woods and in packs so we are not hunted by other animals so technically a place where it is eat or be eaten" he said smirking almost forgetting why he was telling her about where he came from
" I see that is very interesting for here it is different, many stay near the twolegs though sadly there is not much food and it is kill or be killed here it makes monsters as there are no groups, packs, or clans all cats are on their own. The forests despite being full of prey and space are even worse thanks to the clans that live there, where I am sure once they were noble they have fallen they see only themselves and their enemies with little grey area in between. They are empowered by their dead and use these powers to kill all those that enter their forest when they could help all the cats here with ease. " Shadow explained being basically as honest as she could be when explaining the clan cats.
Phenex looked up to the sky saying "hmmm.....now that I know that this works is full of cats I don't have to fear....and what are these so called monsters" he said in a curious tone and looked back down on the cat and said "if you tell me I'll tell you anything about the place I came from" he said with a smile.

" If you mean the clan cats they are not monsters, they are just stagnant and blind, they have forgotten that a clan is meant to protect cats from their enemies, but the clans see everything that isn't in their clan as an enemy. They have forgotten that at one point even their clans were just a bunch of cats that came together and see all outsiders with fear and hate. They are not evil just stupid and I will correct that " Shadow explain being completely honest they clans where corrupt and blind they needed to be made to see no simple task but she would help them see.
"Hmmm" Phenex looked up again saying "now that I know I'm the biggest at least I don't have to be afraid for now" he said as the beads hanging from him blew and the thin water armor around him came off and went into a little arrow type form and shot off somewhere and looked back at the cat saying "so what do you want to know".
" Well if I had to ask it would be where did you gain your power, each of the clan cats has something like that and I did not know anything but them could gain such powers " Shadow said as it had really been bugging her that a thing like a fox had similar powers to the clan cats who were obsessed with the idea the star clan who were only cats gave them powers.
Phenex looks at the cat and says "hoho...I knew you were going to ask something similar to that"Phenex said while standing up he walks over the cat and his big bushy tail hits her going by and he sits leaning against the wall saying "well I was born with it and one of my ancestors met with one of these 'two legged ones'.." And he pauses and laughs a little saying "that name is so ridiculous" and laughs a little and gets back to the story saying "well my ancestors met one of them and they got a interesting stone and they bring it back to the clan...but they didn't like the appearance so they shattered it making it into these beads and passed it down the pack to the one that it responded to and lucky me I was the one it responded to when I was born" he said laying down and his tail hits the ground hitting a pile of dust and sends it everywhere.
It was as if this fox came from another world with how his power seemed to come from. Still this had to have something to do with her quest, it was just too perfect. She did wonder what the fox called the two legs if that was such a silly name.

" Well where ever you came from you are here and I doubt you will be able to get back." Shadow said walking over to stand before the much larger fox. " I would like to think that you appeared before me at this time for a reason, as I have recently been tasked with making a clan to teach those of a forest their errors and care for all the cats and anyone who wishes to join. " She said letting the implied invitation sink in before actually offering it " So how about you join me in my quest as the first true member of my clan, and perhaps my right paw " She said being a bit dramatic.
Phenex looks at the cat for a moment thinking 'wait I migh not be able to get home....wait dosent that mean more adventure and if I am the biggest thing here at the moment I could have a advantage if in a pack" after thinking Phenex said "sure little kitty you got yourself a deal he said smiling standing up and said "well I'll join ya so hop on it'll be faster if you travel on my back since I can get to places faster because of my size" he says laying down and is still bigger than her and just waits for her reply.
Shadow could live with the fox he was his own kind of entertaining though his assurance based on size was not exactly a good thing as training and wit could beat size in a fight and cats that killed dogs were proof of that. Still he would make a good ally as she felt he wasn't that ambitious, yet he was strong and had a clan or pack mentality already he might make a good deputy.

" Very well" She said easily hopping onto the fox's back " And my name is shadow '
As soon as shadow jumped on he said "nice to meet you shadow my name is oh phenex" he said trotting away out of the alley and down a street saying "and hey maybe if you gain a lot of my trust I'll tell you all about them that created your twolegged place city" he said snickering while the beads on his body started to glow as water around them and started to go around there body while not touching it and Phenex says "I call this invisible barrier I make a wall around us that's as strong as concrete and the good thing is that it is so thin I can keep it up and around me for hours without end" he said smiling because his sneaky schemes.
Shadow was a bit confused by Phenex and what he talked about she guessed concrete it was some kind of stone and she did not care much for the two legs, despite the offer of knowledge she knew what she needed of them . Still one thing she didn't need was a magic barrier between her and those she approached riding in on Phenex gave an impression of power but being defended by magic gave off weakness. and fear.

" While it is good that you can muster such defense we will not use it , holding a shield between those you wish to talk to signal you fear and do not trust them, I have no reason to fear those that I wish to bring into my clan, besides you are intimidating even without the power . " Shadow explained her voice holding the tone of a confidant leader just like she was becoming. " Out first stop will be some ground just outside the territories I have heard some cats congregate there.
Phenex looked at her and said "sorry I'm used to having this up sense animals way bigger than me usually came after me and this was the only thing that kept them back" so after saying that the water around them goes to phenexs feet and big claws were formed from the water giving him more traction on the ground so the ride for shadow wasn't all flop and he said "outside the territory your going to have to give me some directions shadow" he said looking around and felt a little rain and said "oh for fucks sake it has to rain as soon as I get damn" he says out loud while he also looks around saying "and besides I hadn't seen any more of your species in this territory not much smell them in a two mile radius all I can smell is huma..." And stops his sentence before he can finish it.
Shadow paid great attention to Phenex's words or rather his last word, huma, it was unfinished but she could tell it was part of his name for the two legs. There would be plenty of time to get answers out of this strange fox, but for now she had work to do.

" Go down the next ally and keep going till you reach a tiny river they should be near there. " Shadow explained having no trouble actually riding the fox.
As soon as Phenex stopped talking he knew shadow was wondering what he was going to he just didn't have the courage to tell them the truth yet so he just kept walking when shadow told him the directions and said "okay I got it" as soon as he was done saying that water came around Phenex and strapped on making it to where shadow couldn't move and said "better safe then sorry" he said before he started running off at high speed and the water claws started digging into the ground and he jumped onto the alleyway walls and kept running at high speed.
Timber stretched from his long nap. It had been while since he went out with Crow and he was getting a bit restless. Timber had started to notice shadow moving around speaking to other cats about something like making a tribe or some mouse dung like that. It was interesting enough and now he listened to her talk to some odd looking dog? Or perhaps it's a weird cat? He wasn't sure but surely it wasnt a fox. He remained where he was listening to the two below
While ruining Phenex started thinking "was it me or did I smell another cat" he said looking up to the sky and thought "huh a new world....I guess that means a new life for me to I guess" he thought smirking a little and when he got out of the alley he made it to the outskirts territory he sat down panting a little since that's what bigger animals do to catch there breath faster.

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