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Shelock holmes romantic case files (kiri and ever)


The blood elf hunter

Chapter one: The study of love.

Watson and mikah watched the pacing. were looking at Sherlock very confused like. since their new lady flat mate Christina Conlin arrived as a multi talented artist looking for a flat to do her artwork with a large fluffy wolf dog hybrid they had never seen him this crazy in wanting to 'study something he cant understand'. Mikah sighed and went to continue the interview while Watson 'petsat' the wolfdog. "I am honestly impressed with that a adorable child is the landlord here." Christina said smiling. Mikah smiled. "My aunt was the owner here and she gave me this home when I was sent to a prep school nearby. She did warn me about Mr Holmes' habits. Do you have any I should know of?" Mikah asked and Christina nodded. "I play guitar when I'm trying to get inspired. I play in a Christmas light show band too." Mikah got excited. "Oh can I visit!" Chrissy nodded "Yes its a public show. Also when I can I do book readings and I was the voice actress of Irene Alder in The mid fall murders. I honestly cant believe they animated my bloopers when I got the hiccups out of nerves." Mikah wrote some notes down and looked up. "Any allergies?" "Just to mold dear. If I inhale it or taste it I get hives and my throat swells up and ill look like I'm choking." Watson smiled looking at her stuff that was put in the new bedroom area and some of her things were in the living room. "She sounds nice." Watson said


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A lady with short snow white hair and sky blue eyes walked into the room Sherlock was pacing in and sweatdropped, " he is still at it?" She whispered to Watson who just nodded. The white her sighed a little and looked at Sherlock, " I got a ca-" she didnr even have to finish her sentence as Sherlock walked over and snatched fhe file out her hand. A tick mark appeared on her head and took the files back and smacked him in the face with it, " how many times have I told you not to do that!"

" 201" Sherlock said and the lady smacked his face with the file again. "just ahow me the case you crazy lady" which earned him another smack. Everyone sweatdropped at the display. Zalia finally handed Sherlock the file and sat down with a huff.


@kirisuto12804 (you can decide on a case)
john chuckled "And that makes 500 smacks to sherlocks head." john looked at chrissy who walked over "Everything signed?" John asked and Chrissy nodded "Yep I'm in the room across the hall that mikah made. he said it was a lil small so I would have to put some of my stuff in sherlocks study for a bit. I hope he doesn't mind." Lady the wolf dog began growling at a certain letter and began barking at it. Chrissy knew that warning back and nervously walked over to get that letter. "Sherlock sir.. I believe that bill on the 12th from the bottom is mine..c-can I have it?" John was a lil surprised that she knew where her mail was from the pile. then she explained "Ounce a month I get a certain letters from people who cant wait to see my art and ive helped fashion designers but, as of late ive been getting perfumed letters threatening to take my artwork and my dog to science labs." john gasped "I had to move in secret here because they were stalking me.. I know you guys take requests and all but if I try you just might think its silly. I know Sherlock only takes cases he can sink his teeth into." She calmed lady enough  and smiled at sherlock unaware she accidentally invaded his thinking palace when she was thinking about him. 'wow hes much cooler in person and think were gonna be neighbors. I wonder if he wont mind me playing music with him someday.'
Sherlock's ears twitched slightly when h heard the case and gave Zalia the case flie back after looking at it and looked at Chrissy. " Wait Sherlock d-" Sherlock held the girl's arms and and smiled, " Ill take it!" He said happily and Zalia sweatdropped. 

"Well.... that just happened" she said and was about to walk off but Sherlock pointed at her, "and Ill take that case too!" He said to her.

" Sherlock. You cant do two cases at the sam time" Zalia said.

"I can and I will" He said to her.

Zalia sighed, " Fine... do what you want.. as usual"


Chrissy blinked in confusion of what just happened and john just smiled and looked at zalia "I believe this house just got livelier. Miss conlin do you want help unpacking anything?" Chrissy snapped out of her daze and nodded "Yes my easel needs to be set up and um..i guess ill have to put my paint box somewhere where its not in the way.." she looke about. "I can put my guitar next to sherlocks violin if he doesnt mind. Then theirs my paintings..I would have to go to my mind museaum to find all of them damn it!"  john blinks "Mind museum?" chrissy realised shes being a nerd and tried to explain. "Well its my version of the mind palace method...since i have a artistic memory and i remember facts well if i can connect it to an emotion and paint it...there fore the mind museum. I also have a theory to connect 2 mind palaces as one temporary empire but its awkward." She saw she was being to nerdy and tried to make an escape. "Ill just go make my bed now." she began going to her bedroom. John was unaware he scared off sherlocks crush. But noticed lady stayed and wanted to lay on the couch.
Zalia sweatdropped, " I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing"  she said to her as she tilted her head and the mind museum. Sherlock intently listened to Chrissy and hummed a little as the girl walked off, " Sherlock... I think you should g-"

Sherlock put a finger on her lips, "shh. I am thinking " he said. Zalia stared at him and smacked his finger off her lips.

She handed the file to Watson, "anyway... i have some paperwork to do... if you need me. Call me." She said and walked off.


watson sighed whistleing his dog charleston the english bulldog to bed and looked at lady still on sherlocks couch. "Okay i respect your choices miss lady.. Night sherlock." Watson said as he closed the door. Lady got off the couch and began trying to push boxes looking for her bed. She found it and tried to get sherlocks attention gently by making small polite barks.It was ladys box but also in it was one of chrissys books involving the theory to fuse mind palaces to make the rumored mind empire.

James was with his two favorite assistants Sebastian and jack and he smiled when he heard the door opeen. "Kitten im over heeeree come here my kitty kitty." james said in a tone that would get to her.
Sherlock looked at Lady, " what?" He asked the dog before looking at the box, " ohh..." he said as he walked over and took out Lady's stuff from the box and set it down for the dog. " there you do" he said as he ruffled her hair.


Zalia was driving back to the station until she got a phone call from one of her assistances. She answered it and was immediately scolded by Dante, "You left without doing paper work again. How many times have I t-"

" I just went to drop of some files Dante and Leo should be there doing paper work as well"

" he finished his half" Dante said with a sigh making Zalia sweatdropped.

" I see... well Ill be there in a bit"


James was very cranky that he couldnt snuggle with her so he 'punished her' with shirtless selfies.

the next morning mikah was up and excited john looked at him "why are you up so early?" Mikah pointed at lady who was at the door. "Miss chrissy said she trained her to do a morning routine since she was a puppy. we get to see it." Lady looked up seeing sherlock watson and mikah and when she heard the milk man and the paperboy she opened the door by herself when the auto lock unlocked and got the milk first. then she got the paper and closed the door very gently she then walked over putting the paper infront of them and continues. she went into chrissys room and barked in her ear. "IM UP! im awake!" lady licked chrissys face and she sighed. "Morning to you too go make coffee" Lady barks and goes to the kitchen and john was amazed of how smart this dog was. "Oh my god. you would think this dog was a human." Kiri walked over "Hi boys borrowing sherlocks bathtub mine isnt working yet." she said holding her bath caddy and lady growled. "Oh lady its either i give you a bath or the boys do!" "Lady grumbled walking in the bathroom but chrissy screamed in some fear seeing a spider. "EW EW EWWWWW!"  
Leo walked into Zalia office and saw the lady asleep next to  her complete pile of paperwork. He sighed a little and put his jacket over her and went of to make some coffee for the lady and get her some breakfast as well. Zalia continued to sleep peacefully.


Sherlock was watching the dog intently, " well it is known fir dog to become smart enough t-" before he could finish his sentence he heard Kiri in the bathroom and walked over to see the spider. " Watson I though I told you to make that spider was dead" he said to the male.

" hey, I was busy with stuff" he said as he walked over and picked up the spider with a tissue paper and threw it out the window ans closed it. " there" he said ti her.


chrissy sighed in relief "Thank you now..i dont mean to be rude but.." She pushed both the boys out. "coffee is downstairs ill make you boys breakfast when im finished."Then she closed the door and began her shower. Watson looked at Sherlock as they went to the kitchen. "Sherlock um..your behavior has been a little different since miss conlin came. For one you never take 2 cases at ounce unless their connected and two.." she took a photo of him she showed him the extremely rare 'im in love' smile. "This never appeared before her..only after her..i may not be good at deductions sherlock but i know love...im gonna guess the man that never knew it is starting to fall in it." 20 minutes later a few squeaks bean to happen an a running wet dog was tryng to escape the bathroom "Lady no!your gonna get all of herllocks things wet yur only 50% dry!" lady ignored her and opened the door and began running. "RUNAWAY WET DOG!" Chrissy called out as she chased after lady. Chrissy was dry now but her hair was a little wet still and smelled like cotton candy.She wa wearing what looked like her workout outfit of yoga pants and a shirt that said 'rebel child.'  Watson and mikah attempted to help her grab lady but she was slippery.  she was only corned because of lady's werid fear of stairs. "Good girl come on. she gently got her over and began drying her."You silly girl your embarrassing me in front of everyone." She looked up at Sherlock. "Oh um just a curious question..How did you know i was scared of spiders?"

Jack stillman was amused this morning because James was petting the little princess he askes sebestian to pick up from work, Zalia.  Nobody was allowed to make any sudden movements to make sure she got her full rest. 
Sherlock looked at Watson and tilted his head a little, " Me in love? Prepostutous. The feeling love arebonly chemical in-" before he could finish his sentence, Lady ran past them. He didnt really help with catching the dog and just watched quietly, obswrving the reactions of hia friend. When Chrissy asked him about the spider and was about to go into a very long, detailed explanation when Waston put a hand over his mouth, " You dont want to heard the explanation. So let's leave it at he figured it out easily and.. yeah" Watson said to Chrissy. Sherlock tilted his head and just nodded to Chrissy.


Zalia smiled a little in her sleep and soon started to wake up at the smell of her favorite chocolate mocha capaccion. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Leo set her coffee down and sandwiches. " thanks...." she said in a sleepy voice before looking at Jack and smiling, " hey... " she said to him softly as she started to sit up and stretch.


james smiled and kissed her. "Morning misses Moriarty." He teased. "Did you give my interesting case to sherlock like i asked you?" Sebastian walked over. Being loyal to james he kept quiet but jack spoke. "heh this is more entrertaining then dicecting a body." james glared. "Quiet you viscious dog im making sure my princess woke up gently." "Woof!" jack replied now being quiet.


Chrissy smiled making breakfast for everyone and was humming. She puts their pancakes down 1st and then prepares the coffee but being safe checked for any weird things. "Okay thats one hot chocolate for mikah, one classic for john, one espresso for Sherlock.." when their fingers brushed for a moment she blushed and tried to keep composure "A-and one pink mocha for myself." she said smiling gently pooking at her pink whipped cream as she sat down. John was looking at it curius. "So im guessing thats strawberry?" "Oh strawberries and cherries. I would have my other version which is more fluffy but its not cherry blossom season yet." Chrissy looked at sherlock. "Um if your not busy may i show you how it all started?"
Zalia smiled as she kissed him back,  " I slept well.. but it too early in the mornong to yell you know" she said to him as she leaned on him as sipped her coffee. She saw someone send her messages and looked at it. She blinked and started coughing as she set her cup of coffee down, " James.... why did you send me.. these?!" She asked showing him the shirtless selfies as she face slowly became a light red color.


Sherlock home sat down as he took his coffee from Chrissy. " of course. Go ahead, your case intrigues me..." he said to her.


she drinks her coffee showing she was nervous and pulls out her laptop after waving goodbye to mikah when he said he was going to school. she showed the file of all the odd emails from an unknown sender and some of them had stalker photos.  "Okay this is creepy.." john noted and one caught his attention and pointed at it.. Chrissy smiled "Oh that was when i was rescuing Lady from the breeders.. she was about 3 months and scared of everything.that was what scared me the most because i went alone to bust that breeder." John looked at her "Why would anyone want her?" "She is a grey wolf German Shepard hybrid. Her bite is as deadly as a wolf yet she is the biggest sweetie on this planet and only attacks when i say the password. I did plan on breeding her only ounce to see if her genes would go through as wolf since her father was the german and her mom was the wolf.  the only way was to find another german or a breed to compliment it." she went to the other stalker like photos  and she circled one where she assumed she saw a shadow at her favorite cafe taking said photo and the same shadow when she was sketching.


James smiled "Punishment kitten..you were late for my snuggles.You gotta admit they look goood" James kissed Zalia's neck as they relaxed. jack began t prepare to go to work and james smiled "You can get revenge on me later kitten i have to teach calculus..i am a university professor" Jack made snoring sounds and james threw a piece of bread at jack "My lectures are not that boring jack!"
Zalai just blushed and nodded in agreement about the selfies. " You cant blame me... i was busy with work" she said to him softly and blushed more when he kissed her neck. She sipped her coffee and looked at Jame before looked at Leo, " we found a suspect " he said to her knowing she knows the case him and Dante have been working on. 

" be right there..." she said as she finished her coffee. She kissed Jame's cheek and grabbed a sandwich before walking off to watch the interrogation that Dante was going to do.


" a wolf dog huh... never thought that there could be one" Waston said as Sherlock was thinking. 

" Miss Collin.... can you tell me about youe next painting? " he asked her as he looked at the pictures.


"thats how rare they are in england and yes i can." christina smiled goes to her art files titles ' experiment paintings' and john paled a one. 'p-painting with BLOOD!"  "Oh ya it was just a challenge i had. I made a pegasus with it. Oh and i did a gun powder one too but that one was more tricky because the room had to be at the right temperature so that theirs no sparks then the sealent..AHA!" she shows the in progress photo of her wolves painting.  "I call it 'the howls of love.Its gonna be done with crushed crystals and gemstones. Basic indian painting skillbut i use a sensitive brush so all the gems get on the glue. but as you can see im painting it 1st. The reason is if i paint it i can do the paint by numbers tactic to put the right color gem or crystal to match it." John was amazed. "And you done something like this before?" she nodded and showed a gorgeous gem painting of an angel. "That one is about $500,000..Give or take my new project i say over a mill in its process." she smiled seeing their interestshe gently closed her laptop and prepared to put it away. "Its almost time for lady's walk I go to a special place of the park to go to my mind museum." john smiled "I would join you but i got work. but im sure sherlock would love to join you if he isnt busy with this." Chrissy smiled "Oh i would love to show him how i think the mind empire would work someday." Lady whined and scratched the door leaving her clawmarks. "Okay okay lady let me get your leash and my shoes." she walked upstairs.


meanwhile george lestrade was not amused by mycroft and the others toying with him Mycroft was the head of new scotland yard so  poor zalia had to answer to him. "Zalia..time to use your interrogation tactics. a certian idiot that shall not be named wont crack him." george growled. "I tried my best!"
Sherlock hummed a little as he stared at the ceiling thinking. She snapped his fingers, " Miss Collins! We are coming along on your walk!" He said as he got up and grabbed his jacker.

Watson raised an eyebrow, " you're planning something..."

Sherlock hummed, " ih what ever are tou talking about?" He said with a slight smile.


Zalia sweatdropped at George, " Um... Dante is suppose to interrogate the suspect and he is off getting the files.... who are you talking about?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she looked i to the interrogation room. Leo walked in with information on the suspect. 


mycroft smiled and showed a dark file about a suspect that 'stole one of chrissys paintings when she was moving to 221B "Have fun with this one later" he said leaving. George whimpered he hated that she had to go undercover to the blue roses location and he couldnt protect her.  he was honestly throwing a mini tantrum in his mind


Chrissy blinked and smiled. as she tied her shoe and got her backpack with some of her things and lady's workout stuff. She puts the sled dog like harness on lady and she began getting excited."Easy girl easssy.." she clicks both the hooks and waited for watson to open the door and lady was out the door pulling chissy in tow. "Woahh easy girl i know were going to our spot in the park just calm dowwwn!" 
Zalia blinked, " wait you cant ju- and he is gone" she sighed a little and opened the file to read and see what she is suppose to do this undercover work. She looked at George and smiled, "why are you worried? You know I can handle myself silly" she said with a chuckle.


Sherlocked chuckled as he folllwed along with Watson, they were right behind the artist. Sherlocl hummed as he followed her happily. 


george nodded " I know cuppy cake but your in a scary situation. and without you her eim the plaything to these guys." points to the other members who were holding silly things "were just trying to tell him what you like.." one of them said. "Also the girl taht stole the painting  knew somethting about the blue roses."


watson lowered his speed to let lady have privacy to pee on a tree and looked at sherlock. "Just admit you like her if not i WILL make you confess.." he whispered.showing a letter from Sherlock's mother saying she was visiting tomorrow because she heard though mycroft that he got a girlfriend. "Or i tell your mum you lied.."

Mycroft was actually infront of them talking to chrissy about the weather,an app that can help with her art and that hes sherlocks brother. "Wow your his brother? You dont look like him.." Mycroft smiled "Ya sadly for sherlock we share the same genepool So is it true that your dating my little brother?" Chrissy blushed red and began to stutter. "Ummm i-i d-d-do like sherlock he is cute but im respecting his space...i might not be his type..He looks more like he wants someone whos more smart than artistic." Mycroft smirked. and gives his number. "If you ever want that app let me know ill connect you to the beta list." she took the number and smiled. "Okay" she waved to him as he left.
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Zalia sweatdropped a little ans shook her head, " You guys... please dont make me regret leaving to go undercover. I dont want what happened last time to repeat.  " she said with a small glare.

" oh come on Chief, you can trust us." One worker said.

" I almost got fire last time!.." she sighed as Dante walked over with a raise eyebrow.

" did aomething happen?..." he asked.

" leo will fill you in.. just go interrogate the suspect... and finish this case up quickly. You and Leo are in charge with deal with this " she said waving the file a bit and walked of to the office. (In case you are confuse. Leo and Dante are working on a homicide case. )


Sherlock slight turned pale, " You! Your not suppose to know that!" He said to Watson. " and what kind of friend threatens their own friend?! Sure I do it, but this is different!"


"Im calling this revenge for throwing me in the ice cold river back in north london and saying you were 'replaying' how the murder might had happened. I almost became hypothermic!" Watson blinked seeing that chrissy was about to cross the street and followed. "This park is huge." Chrissy smiled "I know and its the only one with a magical spot." she led them to the spo which was titled 'swan lake' Its was basicly a lovers spot but no lovers were there and here was a bench hidden by a willow tree. Lady sniffed about and chrissy sat on the bench. but was still holding the leash. she smiled peacefully as she began sketching. she almost looked like a princess. Watson smiled giving sherlock the letter. "Good luck romeo." watson said as he excused himself to work in the hospital. meanwhile a man was at a decent distance where chrissy couldnt see and was taking photos.


george sighs when it was over and walked over to zalia " soo zalia when can i have permission to kiss your cheeks?"
" watson! You are evil! And a traitor!" Sherlock yelled as the sidekick walked of. He sighed ans turned around and ran looked to see that someone was taking pictured if Chrissy. He want really that surprised. In fact he expected this to happen, he snucked up quietly behind thr person and tackled him to the ground. " gotcha!" He said but ended up in the a struggled.


Zalia blinked and looked at George, "when you have the gut to ask me out on a date" she said with a wink before booping his nose and walking off get ready for her undercover assignment.



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