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Futuristic Shattered Universe OOC


Senior Member
[Copied from original thread]

You're the crew of an advanced starship, a Subarashii that's armed to the teeth and able to take on much larger (or smaller) vessels. You choose a role for yourself among the crew, and we will take on missions together. I will play the Science Officer so I can control the setting, but all other positions are up for grabs. Instead of me telling you what positions there are what they do, you'll tell me. We can add functions and features to the ship based on the roles you want. There are, however, a few minimum specs:

  • There are at least two fixed forward-facing guns.
  • The ship uses thrusters to maneuver in Newtonian space.
  • Shields are flat projected fields. The ship needs at least 4 shield faces (pyramidal) to protect from all directions, but 6 (cuboid) or more is preferable.
  • The ship has a sensor suite able to detect small objects beyond visual range.
  • Docking occurs on the port (left facing forward) side of the ship.
  • There are built-in auto repair functions that repair everything at once by default.

These are the roles I've thought up so far for the crew members. The ideas were taken from the Artemis Starship Simulator and tweaked for forum roleplaying.

Captain: You tell people what to do. You are responsible for the ship and everything in it. Its crew, loadout, workplace culture, everything about the ship is your choice to make. That doesn't mean you can't ask for advice, though.

Weapons Officer: Responsible for managing and dispensing munitions, firing weapons, and locking targets. He has joint control over the shields with the Helm Officer, able to toggle them On or Off. He can also set the frequency of beam weapons, which is important for piercing shields. The Weapons Officer can also Lock onto a target, which overrides manual aiming of turreted weapons and ties them to the targeting computer.

Helm Officer: Responsible for steering the ship. The ship is equipped with enough thrusters so it can move in any direction you want, be it forward, backward, left, right, up, down, sideways, etc., you name it, the ship can do it. The Helm Officer also has control of the shields (jointly with the Weapons Officer), the cloaking device (toggle On or Off), thrust regulators (throttle), and the docking gear. Thrusters point the ship where you want it, impulse engines propel the ship through space, and the warp drive moves it at faster-than-light speeds to different sectors. The impulse engines can also vector thrust to a limited degree, giving the ship impressive agility.

Engineering Officer: Responsible for repairing damage, constructing or modifying equipment, and directing power around the various subsystems. The basic powered subsystems are Guns, Sensors, Thrusters, Impulse, Warp, and Shields. The Engineering Officer can build additional power controls as needed, like if you wanted to adjust power to a newly-installed tractor beam or wanted more control over which specific guns received power. You're free to de-power, over-power, or otherwise regulate the abilities of the subsystems. The ship's reactor produces enough energy to power everything to 100% with no net loss. You will be responsible for keeping track of the ship's energy levels.

Comms Officer: Responsible for handling communications and issuing Red Alerts. You can taunt enemy ships, demand an enemy's surrender, request permission to dock, coordinate with allies, and such like. Issuing a Red Alert instructs the crew to prepare for battle, which involves rushing to battlestations, sealing off cargo bays, locking hatches, and arming personal defense weapons (for boarding action). Please turn it off when the Red Alert procedures are complete!

Science Officer: Responsible for collecting sensor data and analyzing the environment. The sensors can only tell you when something is there and where it is, not what exactly the thing is unless you take the time to scan it. Scanning an object reveals its identity, what's inside it, and what it can do, respectively. I will play the role of Science Officer.

Turret Gunner: Controls a particular turret on the ship. In the absense of direct commands from the Captain or overrides from the Weapons Officer, you can choose your own targets and set the frequency of your beams (if you're manning a beam turret).
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Currently working on the lore. Since this is a reboot of the original (which was made before the whole site transfer) and I'm still confused about how the site works, I don't know how much information you guys have on this series.
>Timeline anomaly detected!<

There are no human crew aboard the Crescent Warp Fighter "Undine." You were supposed to play as A.I. subroutines. Please make sure you are not using your permanent characters, because this vessel is unlikely to survive the coming conflict. Issuing timeline correction...


>Timeline correction<

The Undine possesses human monitors to ensure the ethical and effective operation of the vessel. You may override the autonomous systems at any time.

Welcome aboard the Undine.

o_o but playing as an AI doens't give much depth to the characters lol....no emotions or weaknesses we can harness for a story..
(also don't worry about using my registered char....i made a new char wif a personality which is the opposite of  xD)
*pulls out his hair*

I thought I made it clear that this assignment as A.I.s was temporary!? Was nobody reading anything I said about it?

In the main thread, I opened with the following:

Location: Eta Sector, Void Terrirory

Primary Objective: Learn How to Roleplay in "Shattered Universe"

Secondary Objective: Eliminate the Void presence

Vessel Selected: Crescent Valkyrie-class Warp Fighter "Undine"

Then later on, when asked about putting up character sheets before starting, I replied:

"Will do. Please take advantage of the tutorial in the meantime. No characters are needed for being nameless computer modules."

How hard could it possibly be to understand what "learn how to roleplay in [this game]" or "in the meantime" means?
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Okay. I will spell it out for you guys one more time.

You are A.I.s. aboard the Undine.

This is only true for this one mission.

The purpose of this arrangement is for tutorial.

Once this mission is concluded, you will begin the main RP.

In the main RP, you will play as human crew aboard the Subarashii.

Have I made myself perfectly clear yet?
I'm sorry guys, I'm just frustrated. Rebooting this RP has been a nightmare, trying to remember or track down all the lore and critical background info. I think most of the important stuff is up now; scroll to the top of this page to see how the crew roles work.
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*pulls out his hair*

I thought I made it clear that this assignment as A.I.s was temporary!? Was nobody reading anything I said about it?

In the main thread, I opened with the following:

Location: Eta Sector, Void Terrirory

Primary Objective: Learn How to Roleplay in "Shattered Universe"

Secondary Objective: Eliminate the Void presence

Vessel Selected: Crescent Valkyrie-class Warp Fighter "Undine"

Then later on, when asked about putting up character sheets before starting, I replied:

"Will do. Please take advantage of the tutorial in the meantime. No characters are needed for being nameless computer modules."

How hard could it possibly be to understand what "learn how to roleplay in [this game]" or "in the meantime" means?

I'm sure all of us knew that its temporary lol. There was never any issue regarding that. Which is why I refered to character as GUNNER002 instead of a name.
Also, if its a tutorial....the best way for u to "teach" us to roleplay is by example.....u play as one of the AI and we'll follow suit.
As it is, we're kinda flying blind here (at least most of us, i believe). Like me, personally, I've always played as sentient characters in my RP's so being an AI is rather new experience. xD

Even if its temporary and just for practice....

Okay. I will spell it out for you guys one more time.

You are A.I.s. aboard the Undine.

This is only true for this one mission.

The purpose of this arrangement is for tutorial.

Once this mission is concluded, you will begin the main RP.

In the main RP, you will play as human crew aboard the Subarashii.

Have I made myself perfectly clear yet?

Clear as a whistle. ^^
In my post however, I tried to give the AI emotions cos thats the only way I know how to RP... lol

So in essence, there's no need to get worked up over it....
I'm sure the main RP will be awesome, as planned. ;)
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