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Fantasy Shattered Souls Character Sheets


An artist trying their best
[Just as an FYI, shattered/corrupted soul characters will be introduced later, but you can still make a form for them now if you want to~]

Age (18+):
Appearance (can be a picture and/or written)
Soul color/Weapon(s):
Capabilities (strengths and weaknesses):
Background info:
Additional information:

[Feel free to add things to your character sheets, but at least make sure you have this stuff down first please~]​
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The Yellow and Corrupted Soul


"I may not be perfect, but at least I don't pretend to act like I am." - Jayce Stowell

"I'm NOT insulting you. I'm describing you~" - Xander Graf

"So, if you're cooler than me, does that mean I'm hotter than you?"- Jayce

"You ask why I'm doing this? Well, let me just tell you one thing; Good can imagine evil, but evil can't imagine good." - Xander

Jayce's Basic Information
Standing at 5’11," 19 year old Jayce has brown side-swept hair that is barely long enough to get into his eye every now and then. Normally, both his eyes are an icy blue-grey color unless his soul abilities are activated -causing his right eye to turn a bright amber/yellow and occasionally spark along with his hands and/or weapon doing the same. He has two black piercings on his left ear and constantly wears a black choker (‘cause why not?). Along with his attire, he always wears the same jacket everywhere -it being jet black with yellow markings on the shoulders, elbows, and inside the hood.
Jayce's Personality/background
Jayce is known to be someone that wont necessarily take something seriously, always shrugging it off as not a big deal until realizing a little too late that there might be a problem. Whenever he does get serious and put his mind to something (this usually occurring when he’s using his abilities) nothing can really distract him or move him away from that something until he’s finished or completely passed out from exhaustion. He rarely ever gets angry at someone and tries his best to always light up the mood and the people around him.
Background: Jayce grew up outside the quarantined zone where Corrupted aren’t allowed in, so he’s really never had a hands on experience with them except for when he was just a baby, but he doesn’t remember what happened that day. He’s one of the lucky few that has never really had to deal with possible corruption or meeting on; however, that may not be so lucky once it comes to having to fight them later on. He's led a rather carefree life, doing his best to help others in need and often forgetting about his own necessities until someone reminds him or he nearly passes out from hunger.
Jayce's Magic/Weapons/Skills
If he doesn’t have an actual weapon with him, Jayce will just use his hands, specifically his fingers. Due to his energy based attributes, he is able to build energy in his fingers and fire it off in quick bursts. However, it is much more powerful and concentrated if he uses guns as they can store and build up much more energy than his fingers can. Not only can he pool energy into his hands, but also throughout the rest of his body -for example, if he pools his energy into his feet, he'd be able to sprint in strong bursts of energy that practically hurl him forwards as incredible speeds.
Jayce's Strengths/weaknesses
The main problem with Jayce's abilities is that he's really only a long range combatant, not being good or able to do any sort of close range fighting. However, because of this, he has honed and enhanced his long range skills, making him one hell of a sharp shooter.The only other downside to his powers is that, over an extended period of usage, his body wont be able to keep up with the strain he puts on it. Meaning if he pushes himself too much, he may not be able to walk for move for a while until he's healed

Xander's Basic Information
Most of Xander’s appearance is the same from when he was still a normal human being (hence the reason as to why he appears to be in his 20's, yet no one knows his true age now), but the only thing that’s different are his eyes. The whites of his eyes are a deep red followed by a dark grey, yellow, and white slitted pupils. He remains at a height of 5’7’’ and while he may not be the tallest person ever, he can still pack a punch when it comes to fighting. Half his hair is a dark brown and the other is light blonde shade [that being the same for his eyebrows]. Along with his eyes being different, the shade of his skin has more of a darker greyish tone, although it can be hard to see depending on if his abilities are active or not -his skin growing more grey the longer he uses his powers.
Xander's Personality/background
Xander before used to have a rather quiet and shy personality, but now it’s replaced with a more sadistic, cunning, and overall malicious on. He doesn’t personally care about anything other than curing his boredom and will do anything in order to keep himself entertained -even if that means killing his own kind.
Background: Instead of being taken over by a negative emotion flooding his soul, Xander was corrupted by another person [human-like corrupted person in this case]. He doesn’t know what happened to that person or where they’ve gone, but he doesn’t particularly care. Nearly all of his memories from being human has been wiped, so he personally thinks he was never human in the first place now.
Xander's Magic/Weapons/Skills
Not being one to carry around weapons, Xander just uses his own body and his surroundings. Every human being resonates at a certain frequency, well his main ability is being able to do so at a much higher frequency that any normal human wouldn’t be able to withstand., Because of how high a frequency he resonates at (plus the increased strength and speed due to the fact that he is no longer human) Xander is able to cut through people with his bare hands. If he doesn’t kill someone right away doing this, his frequency will react with a normal human's bones and will cause them to break until their entire body is left broken from the inside. The only problem with this ability is that he is unable to use knives or any other sort of weapon as they'll eventually shatter in his hands due to the unnaturally high resonate frequency his body produces. Along with this, he has one final ability which summons what appears to be a sort of mist, however, whatever comes into contact with this will immediately begin to decay.
Xander's Strengths/weaknesses
Being the complete opposite of Jayce, Xander is truly terrifying when it comes to close hand-to-hand combat. With both his abilities plus the fact that he now has inhuman speed and strength, he's practically unstoppable in a close range fight. However, he's extremely weak against long range battles, not having any sort of ability that stretches very far to attack others. Another weakness of his is wind. If it's extremely windy, his decaying mist will become less dense and disperse elsewhere. Plus if he uses the mist too much, parts of his hands will even begin to turn grey and crack as if they were slowly decaying as well. In total, he has about a 15 to 20 minute time limit of using this ability until this happens.
no slide

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  • Name: Alexander Sokolov

    Age (18+): 20

    Gender: Male

    Appearance (Please, be descriptive. Details, small things that identify your character.): He stands proudly at 5’4 ½” , more if his hair is especially spiky on certain days. He prefers to not stand out too much- as a traveler, it’s best to simply blend in- and so refrains from dying his hair any other color besides lighter and darker shades of brown. He prefers to wear contacts to glasses, as glasses are easily lost or broken, and it also allows him to experiment with eye color. He’s not tan, but he’s definitely not pale from his travels. He dresses a shade more formal than most, usually sticking with a nice pair of jeans and a pretty nice shirt, but pairs it off with tennis shoes. Often found with some form of pack slung over his shoulder, and a jacket tied around his waist, with a watch on his left wrist. There’s a necklace on him that’s brimming with various small charms he’s picked up (although he’s convinced a couple are more curse related objects from the back towns he’s visited.) When he does use his powers, his eyes settle into a darker shade of green before it fades- this doesn't ever truly last long due to the fact he doesnt usually keep his abilities running for extended periods of time, preferring short bursts.

    Personality (Again, please be descriptive!): He finds it hard to get attached, but he knows how to hide it. Part of getting places is connecting with people, and he does that very well, although he tends to keep it on the shallow level. Join them for a week, then cut them loose. He has issues with sticking with plans, instead preferring to drop and run once things get out of hand. Very go with the flow. He is nosy as shit, though. Doesn’t know when to drop a topic (or perhaps he doesn’t care), and then that’s perhaps the only thing he’d be set on.

    Capabilities (Strengths and Weaknesses): Okay, Alex is not an offensive fighter at all. He's the strategic type, providing support from home base- put him on the front lines? He'll be flailing and trying to stab all he can reach while sustaining injuries of his own that usually accumulate quicker than his enemies. As a defense, he fares slightly better, however, shifting the earth in small patches to defend those closest to him and unbalancing opponents. Still gets distracted like that though, making him susceptible to ambush attacks. Or blitzes.

    Background: An only child with an absent mother and constantly working father, Alex loved the idea of seeing the world from a young age; partially stemming from his father’s wondrous childhood tales of faraway places with rich cultures. He’s made it his goal to first visit as many places in America as he can before he will move on to the next country, which currently looks like Australia.

    Soul Color (Only 5 Shattered): Dark green.

    Weapon: A Roman Gladius, typical in weight and size. He's not...entirely skilled with it. Mostly flails and stabs wherever he can, an opportunist. Also can shift the earth in small patches or summon rock to shield his allies, albeit temporarily.

    Anything else we need to know?:….he loves fluffy things.

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Name: Blaine Verity
Age: 26
Gender: Female
AssetsBlaine's soul is unknowingly orange. Meaning she can take aspects from animals to enhance herself for a limited time. She hasn't discovered this yet and is rather oblivious to the different types of souls however not what has been happening in the world around her. Aside from this she carries a small knife on her that she isn't all that skilled with as her only weapon. More to give a sense of security than anything else.

When learning of her power, using it would not only cause her eyes to glow a slight orange but slightly modify her physical form to compensate for the added/heightened ability.

Her strength is clearly adaptability, seeing as she could have something for almost situation. But then theres the many downsides of not knowing she has access to such a thing yet, but also because of the type of person she is. Its rather unlikely that she would engage in a fight with someone but rather try to avoid one at all costs, if she could speak up of course.

PersonalityThe woman is a shy individual, having a secluded upbringing would do that to someone. Blaine would rather sit back and silently observe, not really preferring to speak up and if she would, its slightly awkward and quiet. Overall she is a more than passive woman who would never willingly get in a fight much less an disagree with another person, even when provoked.

BiographyWhen raised mainly within your own home with little contact with the outside world, it can do one of two things to a person. Make them rebellious, or in Blaine's case, ruin any chance they have at developing social skills. Her mother didn't mind that, however, being all too paranoid for her own good which made her keep her daughter at home with her where she could keep her safe. Or in other words shelter her beyond all belief. Her father didn't really approve of this method, and after she reached the age, he convinced her to allow her to attend a public high school to see how she did and if she liked it. Her mother was reluctant, but eventually caved and enrolled her daughter.

Her freshman year was a living hell.

It wasn't so much being messed with, as she was mostly invisible within the large school. But learning of things she didn't even believe to be possible. Her father would help lessen the blow by explaining that the world wasn't as pretty and perfect as her mother told her it was, the woman slowly coming out of her naive shell but while remaining pretty hopeless at interacting with other human beings.

After she had finally went off to live on her own, she was enjoying her new found freedom, although not without her mother checking up on her daily. Now years later, she has adjusted to living such a life but something is going to soon change that.

☾ ☾ ☾​
Character Profile

Name: Alasea Pierce
Age: Nineteen
Gender: Female
Appearance: Not daunting whatsoever. She is thin and short, standing at 5'4" - in heeled boots. She comes off as a bit frightened and wary of most things, and her wide hazel eyes have an always doe-like effect to them; in other words, she is about as innocent as someone can look without being a newborn wrapped in soft blue sheets being cradled against his mother's chest. She is often dressed as inconspicuous as possible- jeans, tennis shoes, and a baggie hoodie are staples of her rather limited wardrobe. When her soul abilities are activated- which has yet to occur in Alasea's lifetime- her eyes shine in a brief, bright shock of yellow-white light before settling into their normal color once more. She has no piercings (other than the common earlobe sort) and wears very limited jewelry.
Personality; She is fiercely protective of those that she loves- however getting to that position can be the greatest feat of a person's life. She keeps people at a distance, and while she may be friendly with them- it does not mean that she trusts them. She is what you might can an introvert and does not speak her mind much- an observational person, if you will. She has a generally nervous and paranoid personality, though this is bound to change as the plot develops. Extremely impressionable.
Soul Color: Light blue. {Visual attribute; creating illusions, can momentarily see into the future/predict future}
Capabilities: While Alasea has a strong(ish) mind and even stronger values, she is remarkably weak physically and will lose almost any fight that she gets in- unless her soul powers are activated. Even then- illusions? Could they really save her in the long run? Her moral compass is there, albeit weak- what can she believe, anymore?
Background Information: Her father hung himself when she was four. Tragic, right? Such a familiar character flaw. Perhaps this is the root of Alasea's problems- a lack of trust for those that she should feasibly trust. Though it is not nearly something that she holds as a main part of her past. When telling others of herself she often leaves the event out- one, because she could never remember him other than faint memories of birthdays and hugs, and two: she couldn't care enough to mention it. Her mother became her main support system, though she always kept others at a distance just like her daughter, Alasea included. She moved in with her grandparents at fourteen and had a rather regular upbringing from then on.

code by pasta
Name: Aoni Arembur
Age : 24
Gender: Male

The only difference is that he wears dark glasses to cover both his eyes and most of his scarring.

Personality; Even though Aoni should be cursed with a negative, the gift that he isn't exactly sure how he got, has renewed his passion and love for simply being alive.
Positive and sarcastic in even the most bleak scenarios, he will be making jokes even when times are as rough as they could be.

Soul color/Weapon(s): Indigo Sound attribute (controlling and altering sound waves/ can cause vertigo if done correctly on a person's hearing.)

Capabilities: Though mainly used for his improvised echolocation, Aoni's ability to manipulate sound waves goes much, much deeper. This ability
allows him to increase or decrease the frequency of sound waves allowing him to find nearly any objects resonant frequency and cause it to violently vibrate often causing collapse.
Furthermore he can muffle or amplify and sound that he is aware of, letting him hear distant conversations or muffle louder ones nearby. This works conversely however,
if he is startled by a excessively loud noise while intent on amplifying a different one Aoni will often be overcome with extreme nausea, leading to uncontrollable vomiting and
blackouts. While he carries a cane to assist in his blind look, he does not need nor does he have any combat skill with it, Aoni relies solely on his gift to see him out of situations.

The accident wasn't something that could have been forseen, something that couldnt have been stopped. The surgeon had described it perfectly, "There is no reason that this
boy should be alive, let alone to escape with only losing his sight." An automobile accident had sent a plethora of windshield shards into Aoni's face, tearing it asunder.
The gruesome part came from the jarring of the wounds from the second impact, as a third vehicle slammed into the back of his own. While he had been wearing his saftey belt,
the fixtire itslef snapped in the mayhem, the jolt from the impact snapped Aoni forward into the steering wheel, where the shards were forced deep into his eyes. He remained
conscious for a few brief moments after that, just long enough to watch the entire world fade to this abysmal black, never to return.

For sometime after the accident Aoni was inconsolable, he would barely eat and almost never sleep. There was nothing for him but everlasting darkness, it almost swallowed him
whole, almost devoured his entire being, almost took him to the very end. He was sitting the the chair the nurse had placed him in, Aoni knew he was facing the window as he could
feel the warmth washing over him. The clock ticking on the wall was driving him insane, he turned towards the sound and noted the time, "Wow, is it four already?"

Aoni froze.

How could he know it was four o'clock? Was his vision back? As he turned he saw that this was not the case, as the clock ticked an image was put into his mind,
each second a new image, a still frame swiftly replaced with the next. A wave of nausea passed over Aoni and he quickly sat back down in his chair, he could no longer
see the clock, he wondered if he only imagined the whole thing. This would continue for weeks while he was in that recovery room, he would watch the clock longer and longer,
eventually losing the nauseating aftereffects. After the 3 months required of him to be in the hospital, Aoni could clap and roughly map his entire hospital room. This
echolocation, he decided it was, was unfailingly accurate but he could not quite get precise measurements yet. The sharper a noise, the clearer the image, but the louder
it was the more he could see.

It took him a year to be able to walk outside without earplugs, but he could now walk freely down the street with his metal tipped cane tapping slightly louder than needed
and a new smile painted on his scarred visage.

Alvin Pavonox​



Soul Hue:Dark Blue

H | W: 5'10 | 155lbs

  • Standing at 5'10 Alvin is a dark-skinned individual. His hair is cut to a close shave cut, he's clean shaven and has no visible whiskers. His body is moderately fit from a majority of the running he does and the few occasions he used to go to the gym. He also has has one small dark dot that could be considered a birth mark below his left eye.

    His general expression comes off as dull bordering on tired expression through his dark brown eyes. On his left trapezius down to his lower back he has the tattoo of a viper. A dare he took up with his older sister the week before his 21 birthday.

    For weapons, Alvin carries a AMT pistol without a magazine, bereft of bullets, or anything capable of actual harm. The gun itself is actually broken, the chamber doesn't work as it should and is jammed and he only pulls it out as a defensive mechanism when he's not near any source of water or has any on him. If the gun doesn't work he has a retractable army knife.


Born into a family of sophisticated college graduates would make one think that household time would be one filled with strictness. One would be wrong. In a family of six, two younger brothers and one older sister, Alvin Pavonox was the second eldest of four other siblings in the constant burning state of Arizona. Childhood life wasn't one filled with much parent supervision, since mom and dad were either too busy managing a class or patients and not enough time with the little ones. So that left Uncle Tom to babysit if not on weekends, then on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, otherwise it would've probably been for most of the morning and afternoon on most days minus holidays.

Basically, Alvin's parents were always busy. At least for a majority of his childhood, they hardly showed much interest in him unless he had some kind of bad report. If he got good grades, he got freedom. If he got bad grades, too many phone calls from the school, or had acted out in some inappropriate way at his private school, he'd get an earful. Most of the times he got in trouble it wasn't even his fault, but no one really cared. They just wanted him to behave. When he got lectured, he acted out. When he acted out mom and dad turned to his friends to talk some sense into him. And when that happened, he'd just rebel even more till he eventually calmed down.

By the time high school had rolled by he'd lost most of his friends and by the time he'd realized it wasn't his parents fault it was too late. So, he tried to change. But the change was difficult. Pressure from trying to drop bad habits of procrastination even though he knew he had a good memory if he tried, made things difficult. Struggle brought attention. Attention brought ridicule. Unfair ridicule and honest criticism lead to Alvin dropping out of his private school and going to a public one. Shame and anger brought determination, but that didn't change the small rumors he'd hear spread every now and then not long after his arrival.

At 17, years of pressure from mom, dad, atmospheric pressure from friends, aunts and uncles, as well as school made Alvin have enough. He ditched his parents house, moved with his sister who was in Phoenix and began trying to start fresh. It didn't go smoothly, but it was manageable. Got into a community college a year after moving in and generally seemed to be doing alright from there on. Aside from the hiccups here and there and the occasional bad decisions with an ex once in a while.


  • Alvin has pretty good stamina. Running long distances for long periods is his strong suit, throwing punches not so much. He can throw a punch but not without hurting himself in the process. He's got some muscle on him from weekend nights spent at the gym, but not enough that he trusts himself to win in a straight up brawl and fight. Aside from this direct confrontation isn't something Alvin tends to do in a fight. He prefers to keep to the shadows, strike out of sight, and make a hasty retreat to recover.

    Tactical advantage in situations that involve a certain level of pressure is where he thrives.

Margaret Kim
the white soul

Margaret Kim

Nickname: Mars

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: In question

Ethnicity: Mixed, African American & Korean

Pronouns: She/Her

Soul: White

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Body Type:Slim, not very muscular but in shape

Clothing Style: She feels most comfortable in jeans, usually dark wash, a nice shirt and a light jacket. Either that or shorts and a t-shirt. She doesn't like to wear clothing that's fitted or too tight, preferring looser or clothes that fit just right.

Appearance in detail: Mars is of average height, standing at about 5'5". Her figure is slim and willowy except for her hips which are rather wide. They curve into a nice, round firm bottom that extends to two long legs. Her arms and fingers are long as well with narrow shoulders. She doesn't have much by the way of breasts, only filling about a BB cup.
Her hair is long and thick with a natural wave pattern to it. It is well kept so it's texture is silken to the touch. It is a warm, dark brown almost black color and reaches well past her shoulders.
From afar her eyes appear black but on closer inspection you can see that they are a warm, inviting brown. Dark as they are, there is an inherent warmth to them and they light up when she smiles. Only when dancing does she seem to move with any grace, her normal demeanor is slouchy and nonchalant as she’s usually very relaxed.

The Light Within

Personality: A lot of things can be said about Mars but none more true than her capacity to care for just about everything and everyone. She has a big heart that she's willing to open to anyone- that combined with her outgoing friendly nature has Mars finding herself at the center of her social circles, never without a friend by her side. Her warm energy attracts people to her while her open honesty keeps them. Being extremely close to her family has taught her that taking care of those close to her is the most important thing in life. As a result Mars values her close relationships with people very highly and works hard to keep them intact even at the detriment to herself. Ever since she was a young child Mars has been committing selfless acts for those around her. One couldn't put it past her to give up something in order for others to have what they need. She's not one for material things, especially things she doesn't need so it makes it easier for her to sacrifice. Mars is very in tune with her conscious and lets it guide her every action. Mars' optimism is unparalleled along with her ability to always appear relaxed and at ease. She refuses to let herself be bogged down by the weight of the world, preferring to look on the positive side of things. She's incredibly kind and generous as mentioned before however that does not mean she can be easily taken advantage of. Mars can be a little pistol when she wants to be and she's got a good head on her shoulders. She's a quick thinker, light on her feet and can squirrel her way out of a hairy situation if need be.

Though she does not mind putting others before herself, it is quite exhausting. She's taken to dancing, ballet specifically, to help express herself and let off a little steam. It's just about the only time the girl shows any bit of grace as she's quite a skilled ballerina.

While Mars may seem like the perfect individual she has her difficulties. She tends to be unorganized and though she does not lack confidence she tends to get in her own head and is her own biggest critic. While she may be a responsible young adult it is a wonder she can get anything done with her serious habit of procrastinating. Losing things has become second nature to her and no matter how hard she tries it's impossible to swim through the clutter around her. Many seem to think that she has a short attention span as she tends to suddenly go quiet after talking a mile a minute, but that's only because her mind is racing with thousands of thoughts. It gets pretty scrambled in there at times. Mars can also be a bit naive as she so desperately wants to see the best in people. This desire has lead her to trust people she shouldn't but she's capable of learning from her mistakes. Somewhat foolishly, Mars believes that people are not inherently evil and that anyone can change.

History: Coming from a family with six children is tough, especially in a blended family. But the Kim family makes it work. South Korea was entirely too closed off for a family of their kind so their parents moved the whole clan to America sometime after Mars turned 8. Being the oldest girl, a lot of responsibility for her younger sisters and brothers was put on Mars’ shoulders but she never minded much. She loved them dearly and took great care of them. As a result the bond between all of the children is seal tight; it’d take a hell of a lot to come between them. She took on the role of their protector from an early age. She can still recall the names of bullies she beat up on playgrounds to protect her siblings.

Her childhood into her young adult life has been mostly uneventful. A rather normal existence by all standards. The most exciting thing to happen was her acceptance to a wonderful private school in her teens that helped further nurture her dance talent. From there she’s tried out for several productions but has yet to be cast in one. Always optimistic, Mars continues to dance hoping that someday she’ll become a big name in the ballet scene.


Mars is light on her feet and her quick thinking plus creativity enables her to think of imaginative strategies on the fly. She’s not physically strong but she’s fast and will have a good handle on her abilities once she learns to use them.

She has a strong affinity with light and can become empowered by sunlight itself. When in direct sunlight it strengthens her abilities and allows her to use them for longer periods of time before needing to recharge. On the downside, because she’s like a solar energy panel she doesn’t really work at night.

Soul Shield - Forms a shield of light to block incoming physical attacks. She can break the shield into pieces and fire them off as projectiles.

Photoportation - Mars can teleport from photon to photon. Anywhere there is light she would be able to move however at this stage she can only travel 4-5 feet in any direction.

Light Healing - Using light she can heal small wounds. Only works on herself.

She does not currently use a weapon but is not against getting one. She particularly loves Valkyrie’s and their use of swords, shields and spears and wouldn’t mind learning to use all three.


coding by cychotic


"I'm just here to establish an alibi."
basic information
NAME: Henry Engelhart


AGE: 21





WEIGHT: 120lbs


EYE COLOUR: Pale blue

MARKS: Tattoos I Small scars



PERSONALITY: A self-serving rogue with vague morals, H has made his living in the sketchy underworld ever since he was sixteen. He’s a sarcastic fella, using just enough charm to get what he wants, or throwing charm out the window all together to start a fight. Never one to take on leading role, or a following for that matter, H tends to stay at the sidelines gathering information until he can determine what course of action is best for his own interests. If there is a heart of gold somewhere in him, it’s deeply buried and carefully hidden.

BACKGROUND: Raised by a single mother who slipped further and further down the economic scale up until her soul shattered and fourteen year old Henry was left to fend for himself. Initially he did so by taking jobs wherever he could find them, but an inherent desire for the better things in life and a thrill-seeking attitude led to him getting involved with criminal activities and he didn’t mind one bit. He’s stayed out of gangs, preferring the freedom of doing whatever he felt like, and not having to worry about anyone else.

weapons and capabilities:

WEAPONS: Due to his rough past and tendencies to get in fistfights, H prefers melee weapons such as knuckledusters, baseball bats, etc. The knuckledusters are his favourites due to their small size and him having conjured them up as many times as he has, making them an effortless creation.

CAPABILITIES: H can create physical objects out of thin air, using only his own energy. The objects can only be created within arms length reach of him, and only up to the size of a basketball if he wants to avoid getting tired. The more complex the object the more exhausting it is to create it so anything mechanical is impossible, therefore he prefers solid objects made out of a singular material like stone, wood, or metal. Keeping the objects real requires concentration and they have to be in his line of sight or they disintegrate, but if the objects are small and simple he can have up to three at the same time.

coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar

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