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I can't be the only one on those site that enjoys cooking! So, I decided to start a thread where we can all share our favourite recipes, because why not? <img alt=" :D " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=" :D " width="20" />
  • <strong>Bacon-Wrapped Chicken</strong> 1 boneless skinless chicken breast 2 tablespoons cream cheese 1 tablespoon green onion, Chopped 2 pieces bacon, Partially Cooked <em>Directions:</em> Pound out Chicken breast so it is about 1/4" thick. Mix together cream cheese and green onions and spread cheese mixture over 1 side of chicken breast. Roll Chicken breast up to conceal cream cheese. Wrap partially cooked bacon around chicken breast and secure with toothpick. Place on baking sheet and back for about 30 minutes at 375F. Broil for about 5 minute to crisp bacon. <strong>Lemon Rosemary Chicken</strong> 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs 1/8 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 1/2 Tbs rosemary (chopped) 1 1/2 tsp minced garlic 1/2 tsp smoked paprika 1/2 tsp seasoning salt 1/4 tsp pepper For best results, cook in an oven. <strong>Maple Baked Chicken </strong><strong><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="1526683_10152092141244500_39116535_n.jpg" /></strong><strong> </strong> </p>

    <ul><li>1/2 cup maple syrup </li>

    <li>1/2 cup tomato sauce </li>

    <li>1/4 cup balsamic vinegar </li>

    <li>2 teaspoons dijon mustard </li>

    <li>1kg mixed chicken pieces, such as thigh cutlets, drumsticks and wings </li>

    <li>2 medium brown onions, cut into wedges </li>

    <li>400g sweet potato, peeled, cut into 3cm pieces </li>

    <li>Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves and salad leaves, to serve </li>

    </ul><p> </p>

    <ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li>Combine maple syrup, tomato sauce, vinegar and mustard in a large glass or ceramic bowl. Add chicken. Toss to coat. Cover. Refrigerate for 2 hours. </li>

    <li>Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Line a large baking dish with baking paper. Add onion and potato to chicken mixture. Toss gently to coat. Arrange chicken, onion and sweet potato in prepared dish, reserving maple syrup mixture. </li>

    <li>Bake for 20 minutes. Baste chicken with reserved maple syrup mixture. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is golden and cooked through. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with salad leaves. </li>

    </ol><p> *I've made this a fair few times, it's simply amazing.

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My family makes ham rolls...I grew up on them and they are delicious!

So you need:

  1. Ham (rectangular in shape and not extremely thin)
  2. Cream cheese (at room temperature)
  3. Pickles (my family uses the kind cut so they're like stretched triangles...if you understand that....)
  4. Napkins
  5. A butter knife and a sharp knife (trust me, you need both)

How to make it:

  1. Take one slice of ham and pat it dry with a napkin
  2. Spread some cream cheese on with the butter knife (depending on how much you want, it's more of a personal preference/trial and error thing)
  3. Take one pickle and shake off the extra juice
  4. Place the pickled on the short end of the ham and roll
  5. Take the sharp knife and cut the roll into smaller sections, about 5-ish/roll (this takes practice and they don't always come out beautiful, but it's okay, I eat the ones that get messed up)
  6. Serve and enjoy (you can stick toothpicks through the tiny sections if you want to hold it together)

My mom taught me after learning from my Nana, I think....she was my great-great-grandmother so it's been a family tradition for awhile....
I'm actually going to culinary school myself! Didn't even know there was a thread for this sort of thing. All of the things I cook for the most part are pretty unhealthy, coming from a Pennsylvania Dutch and Southern upbringing and all. Couldn't hurt to share one or two of them.

Pork & Bacon Fried Rice (Serves 5 with plenty left over)

Probably my favorite breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack ever. It's got this really satisfying porkiness to it that, if you're into that sort of thing, is pretty much out of this world, and is one of the few pork-based dishes I have yet to be sick of despite living on a hog farm. You'll need:

  • 5-6 pork chops
  • 1 pound of bacon
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 to 1/2 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups of cooked rice (Let sit in the fridge for a day ahead of when you cook for best results)
  • Soy sauce (Just to taste. Some like it darker, some don't.)
  • Sriracha (Optional, but if you use it mix it in with the soy sauce ahead of time. Trust me.)
  • Red pepper flakes (Again, optional, but it adds some good flavor to it.)
  • Kosher salt (Table salt is harder to use because it doesn't have such big grains)
  • Black Pepper
  • MSG in a shaker (Before you ask, no, MSG sensitivity isn't real. This stuff is good.)

So, on to preparation. If you're fortunate enough to own an electric tabletop wok like I am, you'll be able to fit about half of it in that and another half in a large stockpot or another wok. If you don't have a wok, electric or otherwise, this can be made in two stock pots.

  1. Cook the pork chops in the Wok and stock pot, sprinkling the top with salt, pepper, and MSG. Flip over once about 1/2 of the pork chop is white, and sprinkle the other half with the same seasonings. Once the pork chop is all the way white on both sides, flip the pork chop once every couple minutes to get a decent sear on it and to heat it to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Check it with a meat thermometer and all that.
  2. Remove pork chops and chop into decent sized chunks (Use your judgement here. Don't make it too big or too small for your taste.)
  3. Begin cooking bacon in both the wok and the stock pot, allowing the grease to collect. Remove bacon to a plate covered in paper towels to allow to drain, and break into pieces once it's all complete.
  4. Swear loudly because you managed to burn yourself from the grease splatter.
  5. Divide up the garlic and onion between the two cooking surfaces and saute in the bacon grease until nice and soft and aromatic, add in the chili flakes if you're including them.
  6. Break and cook one egg in each cooking surface.
  7. Swear because there are now egg shell bits in the pan like my ladyfriend, or act impressed because you're cool and you can crack and empty an egg one handed like me.
  8. Divide the rice evenly between both surfaces, stir until all things in the pan are incorporated and the rice has achieved a brownish color
  9. Add in the sriracha-soy sauce mixture and stir to distribute it.
  10. Start congratulating yourself before you realize you forgot to add the meat, then swear.
  11. Divide the meat between both surfaces, stir to incorporate all ingredients.
  12. Cover with lids, and serve.
Reading these recipes made my mouth water, they sound so delicious.

My personal favourites are these
banana cranberry muffins!

- 1/2 cup milk

- 3/4 cup mashed banana

- 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

- 1/3 cup sugar (I usually reduce it slightly)

- 2 tsp baking powder

- 1 egg

- 1/4 cooking oil

- sprinkle of salt

- as many cranberries as you see fit! (about 3/4 cup when the berries are halved)

Oven 400ºC

In a mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients. Make a well in the centre. Combine wet ingredients (this includes the banana), and add all at once to the flour mixture. Stir just until mixed (batter should be lumpy). Gently stir in the halved cranberries. Lightly grease muffin tins or line with paper cups (I personally don't need to grease, but that may just be my pans); fill until 2/3 full. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Makes 10-12, serve warm with butter.

(idk if this works for you but I love cherry yoghurt)



cherry yoghurt

directions take the waffle out of the waffle maker and while it's hot but the cherry youhurt on it and make it like a burito. It tastes like heaven

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