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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- MAIN.




Don't post here until me or @karmaa have started the roleplay.



Date: August 8th (Monday).

Time: 8:00 AM

It's currently the first day of school for all the kids. School starts at 8:40. You can walk, drive, or take the public bus to school.

(This is a setting update. Every time the date changes in the roleplay, I will post one of these. Don't post here until I have written my first RP post.)

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Dimitri 'Petrie' Bilinski




Bilinski home






Other then smacking his lips together to try and get rid of the feeling of cotton mouth Petrie didn't move from the position he had woken up in. Laying on the edge of his bed, on his back, with his head hanging off the side and the comforter wrapped around him. Trapping him. He had woken only a minute ago and already his mind was getting kick started. Am I going to wake up this position all the time? Really I had hoped it was a one time thing. Not a tenth time thing. I really don't like the thought that every morning I might either fall out of bed or remain trapped in my own blankets. Speaking, or rather thinking, about blankets I could have sworn I had tossed mine to the ground. Wow, it's getting really hot in here.

Maybe if I...
Suddenly feeling really hot within the fold of his blanket Petrie tried to stealthily move up and away from the edge while untangling himself from the blankets. He didn't succeed. Letting out a wounded yelp as he felt himself manage to slip off the edge and hit the hard wood floor of his bedroom harshly. That didn't go as planned. Not that I really had much of a plan but still. Pursing his lips Petrie turned his head so he was looking at the wall and not the floor feeling his jaw throb from where it had hit the floor. That's going to bruise.

"Petrie stop playing around and get up! It's time for school." He heard his godmother yell from the bottom of the stairs. Can't you see I'm trying woman? He thought in irritation as he began wiggling around. Moving his arms and legs to free them from their hold. Well I guess you can't considering your downstairs but still! He yelled in victory when he was finally able to crawl from the blankets hold. He dramatically collapsed beside the heap of cloth arms and legs thrown astray now much cooler without the added warmth and cackling. "I'm free! I'm free!"

"Maybe, we really should dish out the extra cash for that psych evaluation your teacher mentioned." His godmother said idly as she leaned against the doorway, watching her godson flop around on the ground and laugh. Petrie paused glancing at his godmother in surprise. He hadn't noticed her arrival. When did she..? Trying to play it cool Petrie smiled, only a tad sheepishly, and pushed himself to his feet. Suddenly starkly aware he was only in his boxers when he saw his godmother arch her brow at him. Clearing his throat he crossed his arms across his chest and avoided her gaze, cheeks flushed. "A little privacy would be good right now. You know so I can get ready for school."

"Ah." His godmother hummed with a knowing smile. Moving away from the door way she shut the door behind her as she left. "You do that then."

"Will do." Petrie muttered and the moment the door was shut he hurried to get an outfit and get to the shower. "I know the woman practically raised me and changed my diapers but can't she respect my desire for privacy. If only in the mornings."

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Emery Gallagher

mentions: @ the gallaghers | outfit: xxx | location: gallagher home

7:45, her eye's flicked open before her alarm clock had a chance to wake her. she had been organizing the kids' morning routines for so long that her body woke her before her alarm even had to. stretching out her arm she let out a long yawn before she hopped out of bed to get to the daily school morning grind. it may have been the first day of school but all her motions and rituals came back to her as if she had never stopped.

her feet landed on the ground with softness, as she didn't want to wake her sleeping brother that was just across the hall from her. slipping off her t shirt she grabbed the closest top she could find. the top was one of her favorites, she never quite knew why, maybe it was the color or the way it fit her. who knows. as she yawned once more her ears perked up, she could hear the stirring cries of her baby brother.
"shit." she said under her breath. he was never up this early. she stumbled out her bedroom door as she struggled to pull on a pair of shorts. doing a quick shimmy in front of toddlers door, she buttoned her shorts and peaked in the room with a big smile on her face. "good morning monkey," she said as she tiptoed with open arms across the room. the toddler let out a happy little giggle as emery scooped him up. despite him waking up earlier than normal, looking at his cute little chubby cheeks was the best way for her to start her morning. turning on her heels, she held daniel on her hip as she made her morning rounds.

the house set up was simple, four tiny bedrooms on the second floor, and a full bathroom that everyone got to share. one hall connected everything. emery knocked on the door of each room and popped her head inside, simply saying
"8:00, time for school monkies." heading down the rickety steps she made her way to the kitchen. popping daniel in the high chair she went on to get breakfast and lunch going. but first, coffee. she pulled out a container of leftover coffee from the fridge and poured it over some ice. she had never liked the taste of hot coffee, she only ever drank it in emergencies. the first sip slipped down her throat, leaving a trail of coolness behind. ah, that's better, she thought to herself. with that she started to get some pancakes going for breakfast. typically she wouldn't go all out for breakfast, just throwing together some cereal for the kids, but today was the first day and she felt like doing something nice for them. even though they were little monsters sometimes. the dark hair girl moved about the room, jumping from one counter to the next. it was all a sort of dance for her. slapping some mayo on this bread over here and flipping a pancake over there. never once did she fall out of line or mess something up.
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Outift: here Location: Caputo's household, Gallagher's household Mentions: Chase Caputo and the gallagher clan.
Hunter wakes up and looks around. She sees walls that aren't her own and wonders where the hell is she until she hears a groan on the side of her. She looks down and sees Chase, with a drool coming out the side of his mouth and giggles. She remembers now, her and Chase stayed up late talking about school and how shitty it was going to be. She was suppose to return to the house by like 1 am but they were just so busy talking and she needed some non-sibling time. They ended up crashing at 2 am and it's now 5 and she has to get out of there before Emery wakes up and sees she's not in the house. She gets out the bed and shakes Chase awake while getting her shoes and socks on. He wakes up groaning yet again and says

"What Hunt? Don't you see it's fucking 5 am in the morning?" She giggles and says to him "I gotta go Ace, the family is going to freak out when they see I'm not in the bed. I see you when I come and get you for school alright?" He nods already going to back to sleep. She just shakes her head and kisses his forehead softly and climbs out the window using a ladder that they store up there for her when she does sleep over and need to get back to her house quickly. She runs to her house and uses a different ladder, her siblings uses to sneak out the house late at night to get back to her room. It was now 5:40 and she was going back to sleep, so she can sleep for another hour and half. Hunter closes her eyes falling peacefully back to sleep.

When she woke up again, it was 7:20 am and it was time for her to wake up again. She looks across the room to see her twin brother who thank god is a heavy sleeper still knocked out. Oh well, she wasn't about to wake up that fucking idiot, Em would do that just fine. She gets up and hurries up taking the first shower as always and 20 minutes later walking out with underwear and a bra on. Her brother still sleep as she hurries up and get dress. Her
outfit of the day is what was normal for her. It wasn't anything special, just a blue plaid t-shirt that was kinda dirty and ripped jeans that just got washed. Plus black converses and blue bracelets given to her by Em for her birthday last year plus two other things that she just put on so it won't seem like she isn't trying to look good.

When Emery came in the door and told her it was time for school. She was already ready, grabbing her backpack soon after Em left. She looked at her brother who was getting up but not fast enough so she threw a dirty sock of Benji onto his face and says
"Get up weirdo. We got school and I have to go pick up Chase before we go to school so get up now or I'm leaving your ass." She always walked Jake to school knowing that the kid would skip if he could. Hunter runs downstairs and says good morning to her older sister and sits down taking out her classes for the year. She sighs when she sees that she has math first. This is going to kill her. This whole day is going to kill her since there was no doubt that Jake is going to do something for the first day of school and she was going to have to bail him out of it, the little shit.

Hunter puts up the paper and takes little Daniel from Emery. She giggles when he touches her nose and giggles.
"Whose a cute little brother? You are!" She giggles as he just has fun playing with her hands. Then she looks at Emery and sighs "So what is the plan for today big monkey sis?"




Location: Home Mentions: the Caputo Clan


By the time eight o'clock rolled around, Desmond had been awake for nearly two hours. He had risen, as usual, at twenty minutes after six, an early hour that always gave him ample time to get himself together before work started at nine, and had traded his simple white t-shirt for a nicer gray article and a pair of jeans. This morning was different from what he had recently become accustomed to, however, in that there was much more to be done. After the slight reprieve that summertime had granted, it was now time to get back into the swing of the school time routine. And so, after downing a single cup of black coffee and going over in his head for the hundredth time all that needed doing, he had he set to work.

Lunches were made and set neatly in the fridge to be retrieved when it was time to leave the house. Book bags were placed by the door, lest they be forgotten by either of his brothers. His final task before rousing the two from slumber, one that he was still in the process of completing, was making breakfast. The scent of frying bacon wafted through the kitchen as Des stood by the stove, taking all necessary precautions to avoid any intermittent pops of hot grease. Two plates, one stacked with waffles, the other holding a sizeable pile of eggs, already sat beside him on the counter. He had hoped the smell of cooking food would rouse his brothers from sleep, but as he finished up with the cooking and carefully loaded the bacon onto a third plate, it was obvious that this was a lost cause.

Wiping his hands on a dish towel, Desmond made his way to the upstairs hallway that housed his brothers' bedrooms, stopping first at that belonging to Chase, the youngest.

"Alright, Muddy, up you go! School starts today, remember?" he called out, his voice accompanied by a series of quick but sharp taps upon the door. Part of him wished he could have let the poor kid sleep a little later. He had his suspicions that Hunter Gallagher had been visiting the night before (he had vaguely heard hushed voices at around one in the morning), and if this was the case, then sleep probably had not come as early as it should have. It was funny, almost sweet, the way that they felt they had to sneak around. Des found no disapproval with Chase being in Hunter's company, and had thought to mention it once, but had ultimately decided against it. It would do them good to have that sense of adventure.

"You too, RJ! Rise and shine!" he continued, moving to tap on the next door over, belonging to Roy, the elder of the two. "Breakfast is downstairs! Come and get it!"

As he returned to the dining room to set the table, Des found himself, for a moment, worrying about the day ahead. Mostly for Chase, to whom many of his classmates had not exactly been kind throughout the year prior, but also for Roy. Truth be told, he was always worried for both of them. He brushed the thought aside, however, in favor of convincing himself that everything would be alright. No use to upset them by appearing upset himself.


Jacob had stayed up until two last night, planning for the big day. Hunter was out with the weird Caputo kid, and he had the room all to himself. Tomorrow was the first day of school, the annual "fuck shit up" day in Jacob's book, right alongside the last day of school. Jacob, like the little rascal he was, had bought himself some fireworks. Some big fucking fireworks, which he thought would explode nicely right under Mr. Jackson's desk. Would serve that fucker right. Not only did the asshole of a teacher move him to a permanent front seat and ridicule the boy constantly, but he failed Hunter in math every single time.

He went to sleep with a grin on his face that night, because for once in his life he was excited to wake up for school in the morning.

"8:00, time for school monkies."

And yet, when the fourteen year old boy woke up, he still groaned and moaned like any other day. A sock was thrown at his face which he flung off in an instant, face twisting in disgust.
"Get up weirdo. We got school and I have to go pick up Chase before we go to school so get up now or I'm leaving your ass." A smirk rose on his lips as he sat up on his bed and pulled on a pair of ratty old jeans. "Go pick up your boyfriend or whatever." Jake said, only the slightest hint of bitterness on his tongue but the troublesome smirk overpowering any distaste for Hunter's friend. "I'm not skipping school so you don't have to cart me around like I'm five for once." He grumbled before Hunter disappeared down the stairs.

He threw on a t-shirt with a hole in the side that was easily covered up by a jacket, and slipped into his sneakers. His explosives, among other various tools of torture. Thumbtacks, switchblades, and even a ninja star he'd found in the trash had been hidden rather cleverly under all his books within his giant backpack made specifically for hiding such things. Jacob was a smart kid; he just wasn't smart in the right places.

With his backpack slung over his shoulder he trudged down the stairs, watching Hunter pinch Danny's cheeks like she always did and Emery hop and skip about the kitchen like every other Tuesday. Letting a hand slide over Daniel's mess of curly hair in what could be considered as a loving head-pat, he landed right behind Em as she hovered over the stove.
"Pancakes?" He said, clearly surprised. "Alright," He said, pleased with the breakfast being made as he flung open the fridge door and grabbed the milk, spinning the cap open and gulping straight from the bottle.




The Gallagher Crew


Gallagher Household



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Outift: here Location: Caputo's household Mentions: Hunter Gallagher and the caputo clan.
Chase was having a wonderful dream, one that had Emma Watson and a loving beach until he was getting shaken up by no other then Hunter Gallagher. Hunter had stayed up with him late last night talking, they must of fallen asleep around 2 am or something. Chase groans and slightly opens his eyes to see that fucking sleep ruiner. "What Hunt? Don't you see it's 5 am in the fucking morning?" He says looking at clock by his bed. She giggles at him and says

"I gotta go Ace, the family is going to freak out when they see I'm not in the bed. I see you when I come and get you for school alright"
as she finishes getting her shoes and socks on and gets up from the bed and kisses his forehead. All he does is nods going back to sleep. Chase doesn't go completely sleep coma until he hears her jumps down from the ladder safely. He goes back to his dream with Emma because he wasn't completely done with her yet.

He wakes up again at the sound of his brother calling him and banging on his door. He yells out at him
"I'm up! Des I'm up so stop with the fucking knocking!" Chase gets up quickly knowing it was only a matter of time before his other brother, Roy takes the shower over. He grabs his things that he needs for the shower and runs out to the shower and gets in. It only takes him 10 minutes to take a quick shower and get out but it was a victory for him. His brother Roy, would have taken all damn day in that shower if he didn't get there first and then Hunter would have killed him and Jake....he doesn't know what Jake would fucking do but that kid is nuts so he wasn't going to take any chances.

Chase walks out of the bathroom fully clothes. His
outfit today was a old batman shirt that was once was Des's and a worn out pair of ripped jeans with a black hoodie. He was also wearing a beanie and black converses. It was simple for him and he really didn't care about clothing but Hunter also with talking last night chose his outfit for the day. She was like his clothing guru. He runs to his room to throw his dirty clothes on the bed and kinda make up his bed but not really and grabs his lighter and cigarettes. Chase then runs downstairs and sees Desmond setting the table.

"Hey Des. What's for breakfast?" He sits down at the table as he bounces his knee. He takes out a cigarette and lights it. He couldn't help himself, he was freaking out about school and all the shit that he and Hunter was going to face. Jake, no doubt has a plan for the first day of school and going to get Hunter in trouble which Chase is going to have to get her out of. It was just a very very scary day for him. He has been loathing this day from coming, the first day of him being a Junior and the first day of Hunter being a freshman. Luckily he and Hunt has math together because of him constantly failing freshman math. He smokes his cigarette just thinking but stops knowing that Des was in the same room as him.

He then looks at Des and smiles at him softly knowing his brother was worried about school like he was. Des was like a dad. He was a dad raising Roy and him while our real dad was off in Jail. He worries about all the stress getting to him.
"After school today, I'm going to work. Get you two fresh cars and don't say nothing. I know what I'm doing, seen you and Roy do it enough and I have done it a couple of time. Plus some guys say that today, the tow lot is going to be unsupervised seeing the dude is going on vacation, I'm just going hit up that." He was serious and wasn't about to get talked out of it. He needed to help out in some way and this was the only way to do it.

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Location: Home | With: Caputo Clan

Roy had stayed up until two, then woken up again at four, and once more at seven-thirty. He was just drifting off for a few more precious moments of slumber when he heard the knocking on the door. He grumbled, tossing a glare toward the sound of his older brother’s voice, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he sighed and rolled out of bed. He made his way to the window and popped the lock, reaching over a row of questionable plants growing on his windowsill to lift the slab of glass. Roy heard Chase’s door open, and he knew he’d have to wait for the shower. Whatever. He’d let the runt have it without a fuss today. Plus, it gave him a solid ten or fifteen minutes for an early smoke.

Roy snatched the pack of Camel Blues off of the bedside table and dumped a cigarette out of the box. He faced the window and lit the end, squinting at the sunlight as he tried to convince himself that the first day of school wouldn’t be so bad. It wasn’t working. He hated going to class, and he should have graduated last year since his dad had started him at a young age. Roy’s birthday normally fell right around the beginning of the school year, which made him one of the youngest kids in his class. That is, until he failed tenth grade. Now he was one of the oldest kids in his class, and yeah it was cool, but he would rather not be in school at all. If it was up to him, he probably would have dropped out by now— but it had never been up to him.

After hearing the bathroom door open, Roy put out the cigarette and headed for the shower. As soon as he stepped out into the hallway, he could smell the bacon and waffles. He shook his head and closed the bathroom door, turning on the faucet. He really should have known by now that Desmond would go all out for breakfast on the first day of school, but Roy hadn’t even thought about eating something other than cereal this morning.

When he finished showering, Roy pulled on a white t-shirt and some charcoal jeans before walking back to his room to complete the monochrome ensemble with a tattered pair of black-and-white Vans and a black button-down shirt that he left open. The boy could feel his stomach growling as he joined his brothers downstairs. “Mornin,” he said, stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles. A goofy grin slid onto his face as he approached his older brother. “Dezzy Dee, you shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble!” he exclaimed, ruffling Desmond’s hair before realizing he was already dressed for work. “Sorry,” Roy mumbled, attempting to flatten Desmond’s hair back to its original state and only halfway succeeding. He sat down at the table next to Chase, his gaze quickly falling on the cigarette that had been lit not long ago. Chase was nervous— for good reason, honestly. School had never been kind on the poor kid, especially after recent events. Roy’s attention snapped back to the conversation at hand when Chase mentioned stealing cars.

“Really, Muddy? Why don’t you just focus on getting yourself an ed-ju-ma-cation first—“ Roy paused, flicking Chase in the back of the neck before continuing, “—is what Dad would say if he were here, but he’s not, so…” The middle child turned to look at Desmond, who was acting as their stand-in dad, and quite frankly, who Roy thought was doing a much better job. Roy wasn’t sure if they should really be encouraging Chase to join the family business, but the kid had a point. He’d seen his brothers do it a million times—not to say that seeing it a million times meant it was always easy to actually execute the process.

“You going to school with Hunter today?”Roy asked, his mouth full of waffles. He could never be sure if Chase was going with her or riding with him. He didn’t mind either, but he sure didn’t want to leave Chase behind if he needed a lift. During good years Roy got to school early so he could hang around with acquaintances and make a few deals, but during bad years he stayed home as long as he could and got to school just before class started. It was too early to tell what kind of year it would be, but Roy was ready to start it off with a bang.


i'll add in a banner tomorrow i don't know why i'm posting this so late

Evangeline Nazari

Outfit with tights| Location:: Nazari Household

Evangeline had been planning out this day for weeks. A week's worth of clothes hung from the knobs of her closet with accessories to match; Eva even had different cosmetics lined up for each day. She refused to let anyone see her as anything less than perfect. The first day of school always was the one that brought the most anxiety to Evangeline. She was too much of a perfectionist to treat the first day back to school in months as a normal school day. Eva wanted to turn heads right from the start. Even though it took very minimal effort to actually look decent, Eva genuinely enjoyed spending an hour or two on getting ready.

Being too anxious to actually sleep in until her alarm rang, Eva (at a quarter till seven in the morning) was bent over tying her shoes in front of the entrance of her home dressed to go out for a run. If anything could calm her at this point, it would be the feeling of the morning breeze hit her face. She did this often on the morning of a big test or game, so it was not very odd for Eva to leave the house early. Slowly getting up, Evangeline opened the door, locking it behind her. She didn't have much time to run, but even thirty minutes of jogging did wonders.

When she arrived back home from her morning run, the first thing she wanted to do was take a shower, relieving herself from her heated skin with a cold shower. Evangeline, however, was not surprised when she noticed that someone was already using the bathroom. Instead of banging on the door and yelling, Eva waltzed into her room and plopped down on her bed, crossing her legs as she waited for the perpetrator to exit the bathroom. About fifteen minutes later, it turned out the person was none other than Axel. No surprise there. The only thing more upsetting than having to use the bathroom after Axel was that he had to be the first face she saw first thing in the morning.

Thankfully, over the past few years of growing up with her lovely siblings, she had gained the talent of quickly getting ready. True to her gift, she walked out of the bathroom after only a little bit over twenty minutes. Evangeline made her way to her already ready outfit and took the clothes off the hanger. Shimmying into black tights, she cursed silently at how much effort it took to get them on. If it weren't for the fact that she got cold so easily, she wouldn't wear the cursed article of clothing.

Evangeline finally finished getting ready (most of her time spent on getting the tights on) and lugged her tote bag with her as she made her descent down the stairs. "Mom," she called out, wondering whether or not she was already downstairs.​

Benji Gallagher

mentions: @CloudyBlueDay & gallagher clan | location: gallagher home

"8:00, time for school monkies." em's voice slipped in through the crack in the door and made it's way to the ears of the sleeping boy. his hair was a disheveled mess as usual and his face was almost stuck in a distorted sleep state. jolting awake with half snort half gasp, the male looked about the room while his eye's adjusted to the light. letting out a long groan he pulled his blanket over his face and wished the day away. sure it was this was about to be his senior year, but that just meant getting slapped in the face with teachers pushing him to go to college. that just wasn't his thing. he was going to school only because em was making him. if he had it his way he would be on his way to GED land and having a full time job to help out as much as he could.

after he stopped pitting himself, he hauled his lazy self out of bed. jumping down from the top bunk his feet landed on the ground like two stones.
thud. thud. blinking a few times he gazed about the room with a dopey look on his face. his still sleeping brother was across the small room, sprawled out in his bed. shrugging his shoulders benji walked out of the room. it wasn't his fault is the dip stayed in bed all day, besides that meant he didn't have to race anyone to the shower.

the water was luke warm, which only meant that someone had beat him to the first shower of the day. oh well, he still did have to fight over this one so it wasn't that bad. once the waters started to turn icey he had to call the shower quits. sucked if owen wanted to take one. hopping out the shower he walked down the hall in his boxers. you'd think that in living in a house solely of your siblings he'd be more modest, but at some point he just stopped caring. snagging a, what he hopped was clean, shirt off the bench in the hall he slipped it on. giving the shirt a good sniff he decided it was clean, well clean enough. jogging down the stairs to the kitchen the wafting smell of pancakes reached is nose and he couldn't help but smile. pancakes were his favorite.

out of the corner of his eye he could see jake drinking straight out of the carton. snatching the carton from his hands he raised his brow to him and gave him a discouraging look that morphed into a smile.
"we didn't buy this so you could us it as kissing practice," he said as he took a sip from the carton. carton in hand he scanned over the schedule that em had tapped up on the side of the fridge. "hmph, gas bill is due tomorrow." he paused as he scratched his head, "i've got about $35 saved up to pitch in." he said as he slumped down into the kitchen table chair.

Emilie Nazari


with: axel/eva/mom

@H A N A K O - @Yumekibo
It was a blissful morning in the Nazari house, at least for Elle anyway. The young teenage girl was yet up again, sketching away her first day jitters at 5am in the morning. She knew that her parents would kill her if they found out about her staying up like this, and maybe even her older sister Eva but Emilie didn't mind, drawing calmed her nerves, and the fact that Axel was out doing 'business' also terrified her. Emily promised her older brother to keep her mouth shut at all cost, she would never break their little promise. Her relationship with Axel was all she had that was precious, sure her parents sort of loved her and maybe Eva but Axel was special to Elle. It was nearly five in the morning when Elle heard footsteps downstairs. She jumped down from the top bunk bed and raced to the top of the stairwell, she listened carefully to the stranger's footsteps and the occasional bump into boxes that laid on the floor in shambles. Elle quickly gasped and hid behind the wall as she heard the footsteps slowly coming up the stairs. She began to doubt her actions and she raced back to her room, quickly climbing back to her top bunk and hid under her bed sheets. She would just have to wait in the morning to see him.

Birds began to chirp outside Emilie's window, signalling her to wake up for school. Emilie slowly woke up and read the time on her phone, 7:30am, she woke up past her alarm again. Jumping off her bed with a thud, Elle began to prepare herself for the day. She watched as her older siblings fought for the bathroom, Emilie knew that she was going to be last for the bathroom like always, she simply shrugged and began to dress herself with the only outfit she had out of the boxes. It was simple yet pretty enough to look nice for the first day of school. Emilie grabbed her sketchbook along with her sketchbook and went downstairs for breakfast. She jumped into one of the kitchen bench's stool and placed her things down, noticing the bowl in front of her was filled with cereal. "Good morning mom," Emilie smiled at her mother as she ate. As Eva came down, Emilie shot her a smile as she continued to eat. After her breakfast, Elle grabbed her rucksack and began to stuff it with things she needed for school. It wasn't like Elle to be prepared for school so quickly, usually she would try to fake being sick or leave everything to the last minute. But she didn't want to stay in the house, she missed her home, she missed her friends. Now she has to start all over again. "Axel, are you ready?" she called out, tucking her pencil behind her ear. She would never leave Axel behind, besides. She wanted to know what he was doing last night.

im so sorry this was short. i wrote it on my iPad :(



I remember the easy confidence of her smile, the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most about Tiffany was the look of fear in her eyes. Tiffany had started to realize her world was unraveling. And for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.
Her Good Friend Leslie

Location: Her Happy Humble Home // Tags: Her Fam // Outfit // Time: Early

Tiffany could barely sleep in their new home. She had so much anxiety about the neighborhood they were in and if they were gonna get shot up or robbed or something crazy. She was also worried about the new school and the new kids. She was also nervous about people finding out that her life wasn't as perfect as she portrayed it to be. However after a cup of sleepy time tea and an ambien she managed to sleep until she heard one of the kids moving around. She assumed it was Axel getting some water or a snack or something. Axel was a growing boy after all. Tiff layed in bed next to her husband who was snoring loudly until about 6:30. Then she decided she better get ready for the kids first day. Tiff felt absolutely horrible that their home was full of boxes on the kids first day of school. She thought that they could unpack everything but her husband had a rough day at work and just needed to sleep. Well... That's what Tiff chose to believe. She knew in reality that he had probably had a fight with his mistress and wanted to get drunk so he wouldn't have to deal with his real family. But that wasn't the world Tiff chose to live in. She chose to live in the world of the family portrait that hung in the family room. Everyone is dressed in their Sunday best, everyone is smiling, everyone looks perfect. In that world her husband isn't an abusive drunk who is cheating on her, she isn't poor, and her children are all well behaved. There were only a few moments when this world she lived in shattered and she was determined to not have one of those moments for a while.

She turned on the water of her new shower and stepped in. Tiffany smiled at her fancy fufu hair products that sat in the shower. They were a reminder of the life that she was so accustomed to and made her feel at least a little more comfortable in the new home. She cut her shower short so that there would be enough hot water for the kids and hopefully Axel Senior. She toweled off and continued to get ready quietly. Tiffany looked at her expensive clothing inside the closet which was so much smaller than what she used to have. However if Tiffany prided herself in anything it was her sense of fashion. She would never be caught in some frumpy, ugly mom clothes. She needed to dress like the beautiful young woman she was. She picked out a nice white dress to symbolize new beginnings, a dark brown jacket and heels. It was simple but very fashionable. The white dress clung to Tiffany's curves and showed off her perfect hourglass shape, she had to make a good impression on everyone in the neighborhood and knew that showing off her assets couldn't be a bad idea.

Tiff snuck down the stairs of her home, through the maze of boxes and into her new kitchen. It was probably time for her to start breakfast for the family. She begun to dig through what she had in the kitchen and sighed angrily. Everything she needed to prepare a wonderful breakfast were all packed up in the sea of boxes. The only thing she could serve them was cereal. She hated to serve her children cereal but it was her only option at this point. Tiff lined up 3 crystal bowls with 3 silver spoons up for her children and couldn't help but laugh. All their belongings were too fancy for where they were. However the fact that they still had some nice things kept Tiff from losing it. The beautiful woman stared at the portrait on the wall with a calming smile on her face. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be. Not a thing was misplaced or wrong. The sound of her children's voices brought her to the present and she spun around with a warm smile.

"Mom," she heard a voice say from the top of the stairs. It belonged to her beautiful daughter Evangeline. Tiffany smiled at her daughters beauty. She had gorgeous blond hair and stunning blue eyes, she was gorgeous. Aside from her beauty she was also very good at anything she applied herself too. The next voice she heard was her youngest, Emilie. Emilie was her little baby and also very gorgeous, all her kids were.

"Good morning mom,"

"Goodmorning beauties. How did you guys sleep?" she asked pouring the cereal, then the milk before looking at her daughters. The only person they were missing was Axel. He finally came down the stairs and Tiffany smiled a little brighter. Now parents weren't aloud to have favorites but every parent did. Something about Axel Junior made her heart melt, ever since he was a little boy. When he was a baby, he would just look up at her with his beautiful blue eyes and giggle and that is all Tiffany saw when she saw Axel.

"Goodmorning sunshine." she said ruffling her sons curly hair and looking at him.

"Are those Evangeline's jeans?" she said giving her son a playful smile.

"Okay guys so today is your first day of school. Im going to be taking you all to the high school but first you need to eat then I want to take pictures of you all. I expect you all home by 6 for dinner. And we are new to this neighborhood so I want you to all be on your best behaviors. When you leave you don't just show them you, you are showing this town our family. Okay? Now finish breakfast so we can take pictures and head there." she said smiling.

Tiff made her way up to her bedroom to Axel Senior. She sat down on the bed and caressed the face of her handsome husband.

"Goodmorning sweetie... It's the kids first day and I tho-"

"What?" Axel Senior spat our coldly, his breath stinking of booze. Tiffany looked down at the man she used to love. His hair was a curly mess, he had scruff all over his face, and the twinkle in his eyes was dull. It had been dull for quite a while, however she will never forget the first night he came home with that sparkle back in his eyes. It was the day Tiff found a press on nail on her bedroom floor and lipstick on the elastic of his underwear. Tiffany didn't feel anything for her husband anymore but would never admit it.

"Jesus christ Tiffany. Cant you just shut the fuck up and let me sleep?" he growled before turning over and covering his head with his pillow. Tiffany stood up, tears dangerously close to spilling out. She put those tears in a box and filed them away for a different time, replacing them with a smile.

"Oh. Im sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. Sleep well honey." she said before going back downstairs.

"Well kiddos, your dad has a headache so its just us... Who's ready for pictures?"

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Location: Home Mentions: the Caputo Clan


It was always nice to have the two of them in the same room together, just sitting and talking together as a family. Admittedly, that hadn't really happened much while their father was around, unless it was done while he was out, or in a secluded part of the house where conversation was always over shadowed by the fear of Steve's interruption. Besides, while they were there with him, it was easy to see that his brothers were safe. It was easier not to worry.

Desmond stiffened slightly as Roy caught him off guard with the motion of ruffling his hair, before chuckling good-naturedly at both his new nickname and his brother's halfhearted attempts to smooth his hair back into place. He dealt the younger boy an affectionate punch to the shoulder as he made his way to the table.

"Don't worry, I'll probably be putting a hat over it anyway," he consoled in response to Roy's apology as he turned to fix plates full of food for the other two. "And to answer your question from earlier, Muddy," he continued after a moment as he set the plates down in front of the younger members of the Caputo clan, thankfully not noticing the cigarette that had previously been held in Chase's hand, "eggs, bacon, and waffles. Hardly five-star quality, but I figured it would at least be something special for your first day." Satisfied, he finally set about making his own plate before settling down at the table himself.

The soft smile that made itself present on Chase's face as Desmond sat down across from him nearly made the man's heart melt. Sometimes he forgot just how much that kid could see and how much he understood. Of course he was always worried about Chase and Roy, but sometimes he just needed some time to sit back and remember that they were probably just as worried about him. His own smile crossed briefly over his features, a sort of thank you to his younger brother, before it was replaced by a look of concern as he spoke. His first instinct was to shut down the idea outright. There was no way that he was going to let Chase get involved in business such as the one that he and Roy were forced to take on in their father's absence. What if he was caught? It wasn't that he didn't trust Chase, or that he doubted that he was just as able as his two older brothers. It was just that he couldn't bear the thought of any more misfortune befalling the boy. He'd already been through too much in his short lifetime. The last thing he needed was to be incarcerated.

Roy, however, beat him to speaking, and his words served to halt Desmond's curt "no" right in his throat.
What Dad would say if he were here. Thiswas where Desmond faced a dilemma. He in no way wanted to replicate their father. To do so would mean that he had failed at being a better guardian, which in turn would mean that he had failed his brothers. This was the last thing that he wanted. But what kind of guardian would he be if he let Chase put himself at risk of being carted off to a juvenile detention center? The oldest Caputo son heaved a heavy sigh. This whole parenting business wasn't as easy as it was cracked up to be. For a moment, though, he caught Roy's eyes, and he could have been wrong, of course, but what they were seeming to say was, "Why not give him a chance? It's not like he hasn't seen us do it before." And it was true, as much as Desmond hated to admit it. Chase wasn't as innocent as he would have wished him to be, and he cursed Steve Caputo in light of that fact every single day. And he had said that the tow lot would be vacant for the night, and the extra money brought in would be helpful, to say the least...Not to mention the fact that the look on Chase's face said he'd do it whether Desmond approved or not.

Heaving another sigh, Desmond gave a response that he just knew was going to contradict every ounce of his better judgment.

"Alright," he said, nodding his head in Chase's general direction. "But
only two cars, and only at the tow lot. And...you take Roy with you, if he's willing to go. I know you're not new to this, I just...want to make sure you're safe." Maybe someday he would feel safe with him going out on his own, but today was certainly not that day. For his part, Desmond would be out doing work of his own that night. He'd received a tip-off that a certain local dealership was set to go out of business, and would be left unattended for a while. He wanted to make use of this information before the opportunity passed him by. "And if you find out by chance that those guys were wrong about it being unsupervised, you don't do it at all."

Des was relieved when Roy redirected the conversation towards Chase's mode of travel for that morning. This relief was short lived, though, as the mention of Hunter Gallagher brought back nearly forgotten worries about school, and about her brother, Jacob. If he knew anything about that boy, it was that he was always bound to find some form of trouble, and that he had to be at least partially responsible for the lines of worry etched across Chase's brow.

"And another thing, Muddy. If anything happens today - and I mean anything at all - just call me. I'll come and pick you up, no questions asked. Hunter, too, if she needs it. Alright?"


Dimitri 'Petrie' Bilinski




Bilinski home and work






"Morning, dad!" Petrie said deliberately loudly as he finally wandered into the kitchen where the scent of bacon and fresh coffee hung in the air. His dad winced in pain grunting into his coffee cup in protest at the loud noise, still dressed in his white wife beater and sweatpants with the scent of last nights whiskey stuck to him. At least this time he didn't come down in nothing but his boxers with a bottle in his hand, Petrie fought the urge to shiver at the memory. That was not a good morning. His dad still had trouble with his drinking even though it's gotten better since Marie, his godmother, took charge. "Morning Dimitrie."

"Morning ma'am." Messaging his jaw idly, careful of the large bruise, Petrie slumped into his seat with a cheeky grin, dodging the swipe Marie made at his head for his smart ass comment before she went back to making breakfast, and swiped his father's bacon. It isn't good for him anyway. He is getting up there in the years. Sticking his tongue out at the glare that got him Petrie chuckled knowing his father wouldn't do anything to retaliate. He was in to much pain from his hangover. He was much more chipper now that he was away from evil blankets and after a hot shower, well semi warm. Shoving the bacon in his mouth he caught the muffin thrown at him by Marie as she finished making breakfast. Something she always tried to do when she was home in the mornings. Right alongside cleaning up the whiskey bottles and beer cans that usually littered the living room and kitchen after a night of his dad alone with his alcohol. Before Petrie could do it.

Glancing at the clock that hung above the sink he inwardly cursed. He was going to be late! Ah, shit. I didn't think I got up that late. Mr. Harris is going to kill me! And I still have to check by the store. "I gotta go. I'm late, and dead. So dead, like even deader then dead!"

Getting up he hurriedly shoved his feet into his boots, not bothering to waste time tying them up, and grabbing his book bag he stumbled out of his small two story house. All under the eyes of his bemused godmother and resigned father. Glancing at the aforementioned clock his father shook his head glancing at the brunette that practically ran the house and managed to keep him semi-sober as he asked, voice horse. "He does realize that clock is twenty minutes late doesn't he?"

"Who knows." Marie giggled plating the bacon and waffles she was making and putting them up for later. "Maybe we shouldn't tell him. It looks like he will actually get to school on time today."​

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Emery Gallagher

mentions: @ the gallaghers | outfit: xxx | location: gallagher home

the stillness and peace that once consumed the kitchen slowly became no more as each of the gallagher kids made there way down the pleasant smelling kitchen. emery was just finishing up the pancakes when jake popped up behind her and surprised her. jerking her head to the side to meet the young boys face, she looked him discouragingly as he brought the milk carton to his lips. just as he was about to say something benji yanked the carton from the boy's hands. the two of them bickered all the time, but she had to say, she never really saw the two of them fight that much, if at all. she guessed that after her mother skipped town and her father partially moved out, benji took on a fatherly role, even thought he acted more like the cool uncle.

leaning on the counter she sipped on her coffee and directed her attention to her siblings.
"i'm picking up a shift for carol at the diner tonight so that should bring in enough for the bill." pausing for a moment she thought about the plan for today. "i need one of you home right after school to take care of daniel so we don't have to get a babysitter. also scrap up whatever money you can find for the gas bill in case tips don't cover it." she said the last part with a stern voice as she eye'd her siblings.

sliding the pancakes onto a plate she set them down in the middle of the table.
"eat up," she said as she gestured towards the plate. the morning may have just started but she could feel that a shit storm was coming their way. it had been a couple days since their father, robert, had been at the house which was an anomaly for him. typically he'd be stumbling home piss ass drunk or someone would be dragging him home just to leave him on the back porch. it was cycle em had gotten used to. find him passed out, drag him into the kitchen and leave him there until the morning, it was always a 50/50 if he was going to be there in the morning. they were lucky if he wasn't there in the morning or else he would have one thing or another to say about how the kids don't respect that at that they are simply living off his money. but the truth of it was that rob lived off of stolen money that he pissed away at the bar every night. if anything he was the one living off their money.

grabbing a pancake for the plate emery went back to putting together the lunches. she placed each of the items in the bag in a way that they wouldn't squish the other items. she had spent her early teen years as a bagger at the local super market and this was just one of those things that she picked up. the brown bags crinkled under fingertips as she folded the paper over. she lined them up on the edge of the counter and grabbed the basket of laundry that was left unfinished from last night. she glanced up at benji as a thought popped into her head,
"isn't some kid a couple streets down having a party tonight?" she questioned. she was aching for a night off and to let go since her weekend plans fell through.




OUTFIT: here | LOCATION: Nazari Household

The first things Axel noticed were his Elle, his mom, and breakfast. In that order. Elle was giving him this specific look that he knew oh-so well. That kind of "you'd better tell me what the fuck you're up to" kinda look. His attention was then brought to his mom. She ruffled his hair,. and told him good morning, like she did every sday. "Good morning, Mom." Axel gave her a soft yet warm smile. Axel loved his mom so much. He held a special place in his heart for her. She could be weird or crazy or controlling sometimes, but she always means well. Axel is allowed to say she's crazy sometimes, but if he heard anyone else say it, he'd be extremely pissed. Axel walked over to the seat next to Elle, completely ignoring his sister Eva, and sat down next to her. You might think he's being a little harsh to Eva, which maybe he is, but he just can't stand her. She hasn't done anything to him recently, but it's all the things she's done to him in the past that she never bothered to apologize about. And when you don't apologize to Axel when he truly deserves one(or he thinks he deserves one), he isn't going to be nice to you. He began eating his breakfast, and decided that he would tell Elle about what happened last night when there wasn't such a judgmental audience around. After he finished his plate, he heard his mom comment on his clothes. "Are those Evangeline's jeans?" She asked him with a playful smile. He chuckled softly "Nope, all mine."

"Axel, are you ready?" Asked his little sister. Before he could reply, his mom came back downstairs, informed everyone that their dad had a headache, and asked about taking pictures for the first day. Axel gave Elle a shocked look, as if he had just witnessed her kill someone. "Elle? What are you, crazy?! How could you forget about the pictures???" Of course, he was being sarcastic. He'd never allow his family to start their day without a little sarcastic comment or joke. Axel thought the pictures were kind of childish. Taking pictures on the first day was something that people usually did in kindergarten, but he wasn't going to tell his mom no. If it mad her happy and it didn't hurt anybody, he'd do it.

Axel walked over to the front door with his backpack over his shoulder, and turned around to face his mom. He stood there and waited for his siblings to join him for the picture, glancing at the time every few moments. It was getting a bit late, and Axel really didn't want to be late for school on the first day.
"Mom, can you give us a ride to school? It's getting late and I wouldn't want to be late on the first day." He said in an innocent tone. The real reason he wanted to be on time is so he could get a head start on seeing what kind of people he had to deal with for the next two years. Also, Axel loved to watch drama, so he decided that he wouldn't exactly stir up drama between other people, but maybe just give it a helping hand. A little push to set it off and watch it all go down. Kinda like dominoes. Of course he wouldn't do this to anyone who was nice, but he was kinda hoping that there would be some designated mean girls at the school. They're always fun to mess with, and Axel is always going around sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, so this should be a really fun next two years.






Outift: here Location: Caputo's household Mentions: Hunter Gallagher and Jacob Gallagher and the caputo clan. @CloudyBlueDay @MidnightAnew @Angst
Chase shakes his head chuckling as Roy says the same words that dad had said to him five millions times before, when he wanted to go out and work with them. The thing is that even though he's a pretty good student except for math and some anger issues everything people bother with Hunter and made fun of her, he's a fucking caputo through and through. He was born with the gift of raiding and grabbing cars. It wasn't fair that just because he's the baby of the family, he shouldn't be out there with them. He has right to do it as Roy and Des did. He needed to pull his weight around this place since soon enough he'll be out of high school and will have to go to work.

Chase feels a pain at the back of his neck and groans while rubbing it.
"Seriously Roy? That fucking hurt like hell and we both know that the serious father role isn't for you. Plus who needs a father figure right now when we have our mother Desmond." He grabs some food stuffing it in his mouth and nodding at Roy who asked him if Hunter was picking him up. "Yea, she should be around in a hour and half or how fast the little shit gets dress and since this is the first day of school. I give it about 10 minutes for a knock on the door. And good food Des, it's delicious." He then looks up to Des to hear his answer.

It seemed like forever before he opened his mouth and says
"Alright." He nods in Chase's general direction adding. "But only two cars, and only at the tow lot. And...you take Roy with you, if he's willing to go. I know you're not new to this, I just...want to make sure you're safe." Chase nods understanding where he was coming from and would be surprising if he didn't say exactly that. Des was always the mom of the siblings since of theirs not being around alot and now being the head of the household. He has to make sure that Chase and Roy kept out of trouble.

Des added something else to the deal.
"And if you find out by chance that those guys were wrong about it being unsupervised, you don't do it at all." He nods and says "Got it Des and don't worry. If it's not the real deal then I'm out. I'm not about to be another caputo locked up." Chase finishes eating and was getting his dark grey backpack and lunch when Des said something else. "Yea Mother Des, and I'll tell Hunter that. She would appreciate that since Jack the little shit is probably planning something and we might need a escape ride." Chase grins at Des and looks through his bag making sure everything is there including his phone which should only be use in emergencies....which happens alot because he gives it to Hunter to use so her family has an extra phone to use so they don't have just one.

He waits to hear the doorbell to sign that Hunter is here with the little shit.


Outift: here Location: Caputo's household, Gallagher's household Mentions: Chase Caputo and the gallagher clan.
Hunter hears Jacob comes down the stairs and Benji being all Father role saying that he should drink from the carton and then drinking from the carton himself. She was surround by complete idiots, she swear. All the boys in this family except Daniel are idiots. She placed Daniel down in his high-chair that they found in the used lot for $5. She looks up at Em and nods "I'll come straight home but might leave with Chase later with Daniel. I promised I'll help him out with something but I don't mind bringing the baby plus we'll be around the park." She gets up running back upstairs grabbing her wallet in a hole in the wall that was covered by a poster. She looks in it seeing the $40 bucks, she got from babysitting and helping up around the neighborhood.

Hunter runs back downstairs taking her wallet with her.
"I got $40 to pitch in and I might get some more by tonight if this thing I'm doing with Chase works out. " She grabs some food and starts eating and feeding Daniel while she was feeding herself. She then throws Em the phone that she needed for doing a job. "Chase is going to give me his phone for today since we don't have many classes together. And if something happens, I'll call you and probably get a ride from Des if he's feeling up to be our escape car. " She finishes eating and feeding Daniel then gets up putting on her shoes and getting Jacob by the ear as he was eating and pulling him to get his shoes on.

She then throws him his lunch along with hers.
"Come on, we'll be late if we don't leave now and I'm pretty sure that you don't want to be late. And yea, it should be a big party but me and Chase gonna ditch so we can watch Danny tonight too. " Hunter kisses Benji and Emery cheeks and gives Daniel a Eskimo kiss as she drags Jacob out the door and runs across the street to Chase's house and rings the doorbell as she waits for him to come out. Hunter turns to Jacob and glares at him "I don't care what your prank it is for today but it better not be life-threatening and it better be long so we can escape and when it happens. you run and I'll be right behind and so will Chase. We got your back. "

She wanted to make sure that Jacob knew that he might be a little shit but he's our little shit and she won't let anything happen to him.

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Jacob smirked as he saw Emery jump to face him, knowing she had startled her gave him pleasure as he continued to chug from the carton. Then Benji popped up, snatching the carton from his hands, eliciting a "Hey!" from the young teenager's mouth. "We didn't buy this so you could us it as kissing practice," He said with a discouraging look that very quickly turned into a smile just like Jake knew it would as the older brother took a gulp from the milk carton as well. Jacob gave a quick laugh as the conversation topic changed to the gas bill. Fumbling around in his pockets, he pulled out a two dollar bill, seventy-two cents, a piece of chewed up gum, and a Canadian penny, and slapped them on the table. He only shrugged in response.

His grubby hands were the first to snatch a pancake from the stack, and he scarfed half of it down in one bite. He liked these mornings -- when their deadbeat father wasn't around and it was just them, working like a well-oiled machine. Of course, Jacob didn't quite help to oil said machine, but eh, his siblings always took care of it. Jake rolled his eyes at the mention of a party he very obviously wasn't going to attend. He sat at the table, contentedly watching the chaos taking place around him, eating what was probably his third pancake now.. when Hunter yanked him by the ear and jolted him from the peaceful moment of what Jacob considered to be serenity.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow!!" He shouted, mercilessly dragged around the kitchen as Hunter went through and kissed every family member while still tugging on his ear. And then all the way across the street to the Caputo house. The only goodbye he was able to give to his elder siblings was a quick wave accompanied by another yowl of pain. "I don't care what your prank it is for today but it better not be life-threatening and it better be long so we can escape and when it happens. you run and I'll be right behind and so will Chase. We got your back." Jake rolled his eyes again, the smallest hint of a smile creeping up on his face.

"Thanks for the support, but I think it'd be really nice of you to let me keep my ears intact." He of course expertly avoided actually speaking of his prank plans. He was a bit iffy on the fact that Chase was tagging along so closely but if Hunter liked the kid so much, Jacob supposed he'd have to get used to him. He glanced back at the door, waiting for her friend to appear. "Make sure you're ready to go by the time Mr. Jackson's class rolls around." He said with a smirk, hands shoved in his pockets, keeping his gaze on the door.




The Gallagher Crew --> Hunter + Chase


Gallagher Household --> Caputo Household



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tags: gallagher household | outfit


THE slam of the car door was definitely what woke Owen up completely as he let his eyes linger on the sight that was his house. He could already hear the rag-tag group of individuals he called family stirring about and felt a sizable grin stretch across his face. Climbing the steps eagerly, he adjusted the collar of his jacket to attempt to hide his (very much so) noticeable tattoo of a bird on the right side of his neck. It was unarguably an act of impulse, but not one of those that Owen regretted. As he waved a goodbye to his friend, he watched him speed off, his lips still pulsing from their affair earlier this morning before the drive.

Owen was not entirely ecstatic to be entering somewhere he could not
truly be himself, but could not bring himself to just come out with it either. With everything that was going on, between Em's holding up the household and all, they didn't really need to be burdened with Owen's sexuality. This is why he found it that much easier to console himself into a numbing silence. A silence that was not around when Owen encountered certain people that resided in this town.

He thought about how his family might react to the tattoo considering he just went along and acquired it without real consent from Em, and decided it was better not to care much. Owen thought perhaps Benji or Jacob at the least would find it quite interesting, and he could survive whatever lecture Em may deem fit to throw his way. Knuckles turning white as they gripped the doorknob, Owen turned it and pushed open with ease, stepping up into the lovely abode.

Inhaling the rich scent of whatever happened to be burning off the bottom of the stove and leaking onto what smelled like pancakes, Owen called, "What's cookin, fuckers?" He appeared in the kitchen, dropping his stuff nearby as he began to greet his family members with various hugs and cheek pecks. He made sure to give his littlest brother quite the snuggle, and sat down in the nearest open chair, exhausted from the drive and all the...
pit stops.

"Say, I don't suppose it's alright I just go into school late today?" Owen inquired, knowing full well his oldest sister would not approve of that on the first day of school, especially with that tattoo being quite the tease of disobedience. Exhaling, Owen drummed his fingers against the counter, hoping that at least someone he could stand would approach him at school that morning.




Location: Home -> School | With: Caputo Clan, Hunter & Jacob Gallagher

Roy finished eating his waffles and listened as Desmond gave his permission and set the terms for the crime. He could've seen it going either way—Des saying yes or saying no wouldn't have surprised him. Roy would've said no himself if it had been maybe a year or two ago. "Ain't no way in hell I'm trying to play some shitty-ass dad role," he mumbled in response to Chase. He constantly had to remind himself that Chase wasn't much younger than he, and that even the runt wasn't much of a kid. Roy hated when their dad thought he wasn't old enough to do things, so he made an effort not to shelter Chase as much since Dad wasn't around to do it for them anymore.

"Not like I have anything better to do tonight," he agreed when Des said Chase should take Roy when he nabbed the cars. "It'll be fun bonding with my little sbrother," he grinned. It was almost an unnoticeable slip that one might easily mistake for his usual goofiness; he hadn't missed a beat with the quick correction. He sometimes still struggled to switch pronouns after having a little sister for most of his life so far, but admittedly, he did find it easier to treat Chase like a brother. Roy normally got along better with guys, hence his closeness with the oldest Caputo brother. Of course, Roy had attempted to be there for Chase in the past, but now he wanted to make sure the kid knew he was still okay with them no matter what. Hell, he was already convinced that Chase would be a better man than their dad—trans or not, it didn't matter.

Roy got up from the table and cleaned his dishes before he heard the knock on the door. "Incoming Gallaghers!" he called out after taking a peek to see who was there. He opened the door and greeted the pair of younger Gallagher kids with what could have been either a smile or a smirk. "Mornin', munchkins. Come on in; I think Chase is about ready to go." He held the door open and then closed it behind Hunter and Jake after they were inside. Roy was used to seeing Hunter at their house, though he never went out of his way to interact with her. Jake, on the other hand, wasn't over as often, although he often saw the other boy out and about since they lived across the street. "I imagine you've got plenty of things up your sleeve," Roy said to him, raising an eyebrow at Jacob's large backpack. Nobody carried that much for the first day of school. Roy's backpack was almost empty in comparison—only a single folder that held a few sheets of paper, one pen, one pencil, plus a jacket that hid two flasks and a pack of cigarettes.

"All right, losers, I'm off! Good luck!" Roy called out as he grabbed his backpack and one of the lunches Des had made from the fridge. "Thanks for breakfast, Des. See ya," he said, patting his older brother's shoulder on the way out the door. He also gave Chase a shoulder pat and Hunter a crisp nod, finally delivering a light punch to Jake's ribs before walking out of the house. Roy hopped in his car and pulled out of the drive. Despite their family business, it was nothing special—partially because Dad never let him have nice things (probably one of the man's smarter decisions, honestly) and partially because Roy knew kids at school would demolish any good-looking vehicle.

The Joy Division album ended as he parked near the edge of the lot and slung his bag over his shoulder, pulling the key out of the ignition and stuffing it in his pocket. Roy greeted a few people on the way in, exchanging nods and a few quick words with those he recognized—mostly potheads, dealers, and delinquents. He avoided making eye contact with the mistake from freshman year and swiftly dodged the clingy disaster from junior year. He walked through the hallway unhurriedly toward his first class—the scent of preppy perfumes, weed, and shattered freedom welcoming him back to the cesspool.

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