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Fantasy Shadowhand speakeasy



The one who made Aerth
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Ooc is here so talk, plan or ask questions here i guess

To start it off...

There's a prophecy that has been foretold by light elves before the green plague of orks infested aerth 600 years ago.
When the five banished clans of Baanwin unite again, the Draghart family will fall
The clans are Shrouda, Cloudeye, Naza and two others with unique magic.
Shrouda mana allowing one to create ghostly weapons,
Naza mana allowing one to teleport,
Cloudeye mana being the strongest mortal electricity,
The other two would be awesome in its own way aha

These five clans lived in Baanwin long long ago but they served the dragon king as Mercenaries for hire never joining the army or swearing allegiance.
The king wanting powerful children requested women from each clan to be his wives but each clan refused. Both sides knew the others strength and knew to win against one another would result in massive loss of life.

The Dragon king instead banished the five clans from Baanwin to forever roam as criminals unwelcome in any land that flies the Draghart flag.
The clans took the out and left to roam Aerth. While some split from their families to strike out alone the five clans kept to themselves roaming as Mercenaries for hire. Their names became famous as elite warriors and skilled Knomages, most find themselves in the guild at some point.
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Just a note, I have to be a bit less active, I can at least do one reply today, but after that I don't have a lot of time, I have a lot to do, maybe I'll get out at least one after, not sure. But I could make my character be in a position that he doesn't have to be active for a while? I think it would be nice if I still could join in later, as this is a pretty cool RP, though I just wanted to say this so you don't have to keep worrying about me (;
Yea it's no problem, if you think you're gonna be busy for a bit how about since he is new to the guild and they need a small team Yahno assembles the rest and puts him on a different mission delivering a important message to the Ohnee chapters.
EtherealShadows EtherealShadows
If your fine with it, you post asmuch as your able to but if I post before you, I probably won't tonight or tomorrow cause of shit.

But whenever I do I'll just add into it that Yahno gives him a coded message and a destination before slapping his ass like hiyah! Like the wind boi
And he goes like the wind, whenever your able to make posts again more confidently he's heading back with another coded message for Yahno aswell as one from HR about slapping peoples asses like horses
I wasn't really gonna add the ass slapping but you know what? Aerth is fucked and needs some dumb jokes
Sonora Sonora i can do a small post if that helps, but if you want to post making a introduction I'll post tomorrow after work responding to all of you
NeonFlow NeonFlow I can definitely post again! It will have to be later today. I am about to go into work so apologies for that!
No need to apologise over work, life etc

I only said something cause I noticed your user name at the bottom of the page as I read over posts aha
phibglib phibglib Sonora Sonora post order can be ignored for now as its basically our characters in this mission now.

Zambi Zambi i hate to say this after asking if you'd join but your character joining the mission now wouldn't make sense with him being more beast then beastkin, with his backstory I see him coming back with Sylvius from the Ohnee farmlands.

If you wanted to join in right away he could rock up late and be assigned to help Yardal with npc stuff or be with Yahno assuming the plan goes off good allowing him to teleport himself and wolfman into the targets area.
Thats fine, I didn't know if you wanted beastkin to look more human or beast like, so I went more beast lol
phibglib phibglib Sonora Sonora post order can be ignored for now as its basically our characters in this mission now.

Zambi Zambi i hate to say this after asking if you'd join but your character joining the mission now wouldn't make sense with him being more beast then beastkin, with his backstory I see him coming back with Sylvius from the Ohnee farmlands.

If you wanted to join in right away he could rock up late and be assigned to help Yardal with npc stuff or be with Yahno assuming the plan goes off good allowing him to teleport himself and wolfman into the targets area.
Looking beast like is fine though it doesnt help the current plan lol
For said plan he'd be extra muscle assuming they can get near a draghart.

I was more talking how he's only learning to tolerate other races and rocked up somewhere the guild was at. Probably take a bit before they send that guy off to help others. Wouldn't send a wild mutt to help in what they assume is a detailed operation
Looking beastl like is fine though doesnt help the plan lol
For said plan he's extra muscle assuming they can get near a draghart.

I was more talking how he's only learning to tolerate other races and rocked up somewhere the guild was at. Probably take a bit before they send that guy off to help others
Ahh, right, yeah. Gotta keep him under control so he doesn't bite anyones head off lmao I'll probably have him hunting farm animals at night or something in my first post as he is technically still a bit feral.
If you don't mind, I'll tag you when to make a intro post cause another player had to drop out for a tad but plans to come back. If they do or don't your guy has a better in to the story then
Hello everyone, particularly our esteemed GM,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to discuss a small hiccup that occurred in the latest round of posts. In the excitement of the roleplay, it appears there has been a misunderstanding on my part regarding the geography of Aerth, specifically the location of Fiefallah and its relation to Baanwin.

When my character Sylqarin mentioned that she could draw a map of Baanwin from memory, I was under the impression that Fiefallah was located within Baanwin's borders. I understand from Yardal's reaction in the most recent post that this isn't the case. It seems that Baanwin is, in fact, located on the other side of the world, which makes my character's claim comically out of place.

I'd like to request permission to edit my post to correct this inaccuracy. As we're all here to build an immersive and engaging narrative, I believe that maintaining consistency in world-building elements such as geography is quite important. In the edit, I would have Sylqarin draw a map of the local region instead, which should line up better with Yardal's response and the overall storyline.

This experience has definitely served as a lesson to better familiarize myself with the world's geography. I'll be sure to double-check details in the future to prevent similar misunderstandings.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for considering my request.

Best regards, phibglib
Sorry, I thought from us discussing your characters backstory you knew no one starts at Baanwin, I think in the first post I had yahno or Yardal say something like how its surprising a draghart came so far out to Fiefallah.

I understand i haven't a map to show anyone yet so geography can get tricky but I was under the assumption Sylqarin had been in Baanwin at some point and was trying to show off aha

A need for maps of the city they are in currently isn't so unavailable they need to draw one
Hello Neon Chilli,

Thanks for your feedback! I understand where you're coming from.

To clarify, my thought was not to imply that Sylqarin was unfamiliar with either Fiefallah or Baanwin. My intention was to suggest that in the heat of the moment, she may have mistakenly referred to Baanwin instead of Fiefallah. It's not so much about geographical ignorance, but more about a slip of the tongue, something that can happen to even the most focused and intelligent of us.

Given Sylqarin's nature as a conscientious, humble, and notably intelligent character, I believe that her acknowledging and correcting this minor mistake could provide an additional layer to her personality. It could show her humility and her ability to admit when she's made an error. We all know she is sharp as a tack, but this would give her a touch of relatable imperfection.

In my next post, I could include a moment where Sylqarin graciously corrects herself, leading to a potentially enriching interaction. It wouldn't be a comedic moment, but a display of her admirable character traits.

Does this sound more in line with what you were suggesting?

Best, phibglib
Whatever is fine, I hope you don't take my post as rude or something. I was writing it with the assumption she was showing off her skill and actually wanting to plan the end game invasion aha

But yea if you wanna edit your last post I'll change mine afterwards. If your happy to keep on its all good.
Sorry i haven't posted, am mad sick atm and when I'm normal I'll be back

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