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Fantasy Seven Sins Characters

Ravynne Clave

Professional Hunger Inducer







Sexual Orientation:


Life Story:



Good Habit(s):

Bad Habit(s):







Special Powers/Abilities:


Ambition/Life-long Dream:


Best Class(es):

Worst Class(es):








Best Friend(s):










General Appearance:

Blood Type:








Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:

Theme Song:


Favorite Food(s):

Favorite Color(s):

Favorite Number(s):

Favorite Season(s):

Favorite Holiday(s):

Favorite Time of Day:




Name: Izanagi, Setsuka


  • Setsu (Royals)
  • Setsuka-sama (Nobles)
  • Hime-sama (Knights)

Status: Princess of Pride Kingdom.


  • 18 (physically)
  • 203 (chronologically)

Species: Phoenix

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Birthday: May 9, 1980

Life Story: Her mother was incapable of bearing children, due to an accident that resulted in permanent damage to her uterus two year prior to her marriage to Genjuru. Genjuru, while having known about her disability, had married her nonetheless because he loved her deeply. While devastated that nothing could be done for them to have children of their own, his love for his wife was infinite and he bore her no ill will. Taerin, knowledgeable and heartbroken of her husband's hurt, prayed to Amaterasu to gift them with a child. She prayed and pleaded and begged for weeks on end, hopeful and desperate that she would be heard. Amaterasu, was touched by the infinite love and devotion both held to one another despite being denied what they desired. She granted Taerin's wish, impregnating her with the child she had kept close to her heart in the heavens, in hopes that she would grow to learn that same affection and loyalty the couple possessed.

Genjuru, unaware of his wife's prayers, had been astounded when she'd revealed her pregnancy and the cause. The couple was ecstatic and they loved the child before she was even born. Both were careful throughout the next nine months. Genjuru was attentive to Taerin's needs and cravings, finding amusement in her temper tantrums, as he knew it would all be worth it in the end. Indeed, when the time came for their child to be born they couldn't wait long enough. Genjuru didn't leave the birthing room, staying by his wife's side as she screamed and crushed his hand in pain, but he could see it in her eyes. Through the agony she was excited, anxious for their baby to be brought into the world. And she was the most beautiful being they had ever beheld. Both noted the gold sun symbol of Amaterasu on her lower back, and they both silently thanked the Goddess for their blessing. Over the coming years, they would continuously worship her and she would become the symbol of their household.

Their daughter, Setsuka, flourished in the love of her mother and father. She was taught to make her own decisions, to know right from wrong, to never be biased, and to always judge a person by their own merit not the word of others. Amaterasu watched over the family that held the name of her own father, as she was born of Izanami and Izanagi. Setsuka grew to become someone her parents were proud of, and Amaterasu was fascinated by the upbringing her charge received. She made friends rather quickly and while she made rivals, enemies were never within her sights. Amaterasu had not blessed them with a child alone, Setsuka was a being with great power that would need to be trained. At the age of ten, the Goddess began visiting her in her dreams to teach her and inform her of what and who she was. She, of course, related everything to her parents and they were honored to have been gifted with someone so important. However, they still saw her as their daughter and treated her no differently than they had before.

Over the years, she grew and blossomed under both Amaterasu's tutelage and her parents affections. She was a true prodigy when it came to her power, but she hadn't boasted or used it outside of her own dreams. While the family of three continued their blissful lives, Amaterasu was not as content as one should be. Her brother, Susano-o had once again began unraveling the good she had spread. She could see what would become of her precious people if she did nothing, so she once more visited Setsuka's dream to tell her she was needed elsewhere. The young woman of fourteen was given time to say her farewells to her family and give excuses to her friends. Under the embrace of her parents, she disappeared in a bright light and was instantly placed in the center of a field. A crystalline blue waterfall fell just to her left and wildflowers grew underneath her very feet. It was a place of divine beauty, and she remained there in solitude for a week as Amaterasu suggested. On the eighth day, she was found by a group of hunters from Pride Kingdom.

Stunned by her beauty, the men offered her shelter in their village once they'd learned she'd been staying in the clearing alone. During their hunt they had been unsuccessful in catching anything, but they soon came to realize that Setsuka's presence had seemingly brought forth prey. They returned to their village, laden with meals to last them months and Setsuka. Word spread of the hunt, and while some were skeptical, it was soon erased when she saved the village from a Youkai attack. For the first time in her life, she had used her powers outside of her dreams and had protected Pride Kingdom. After that day she became an honored guest in the village, beloved by the people and there was even talk of an adoption by the Royals. During a bath in a nearby lake, where all the women bathed together, they took notice of Amaterasu's symbol on her lower back. From that day forth she was revered and the village built a shrine dedicated to Amaterasu near the palace.

The King of the Palace, needing a ruler for Pride Kingdom, adopted Setsuka as his granddaughter as he did not wish to replace her beloved parents. While word of Setsuka's power, beauty, and kindness flourished outside of Pride Kingdom, the fact that she had Amaterasu's mark forever on her skin was something not spoken of to any other region. It was the secret of the village, for they feared their Princess would be taken and used if it was known. All this would come to pass in the first two years of her life in Sins Era. Within the next year, she would come face to face with none other than the Royal of Lust Kingdom. A mere visit to the clearing she'd appeared in would result in a friendship that would soon span the ages, etch itself into history, and become the envy of all who hear it.

And while a measly three years had passed in her original time, two hundred and nineteen would pass without her aging in Sins Era. It wasn't until her twenty-second year in Sins Era that she finally moved into Sins Palace to live with the other Royals.


Personality: Setsuka is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. In fact, only those she considers family or friends are allowed to use her nickname. Which is very few people outside of the Royals. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. She's a very prideful person, refusing to expose weakness at any time lest it be used to her enemy's advantage. Setsuka is an analytical person with a curious mind and a stubborn streak. Should something spark her interest, she will not rest until the mystery is solved or she is satisfied with the answers received.

Setsuka is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind before underhanded tactics to get what she wants. While skeptical she is not paranoid, and she's intelligent enough to know when to cut ties with a liability. Even when to sink her metaphorical claws into assets. She's in no way arrogant- Spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's humble and kind despite outward perception. She enjoys time with her loved ones better than being praised by acquaintances. She doesn't particularly like walking around in the palace; she prefers flying in her Phoenix form in the forest. When there is nothing to do and the other Royals are busy, she's either reading, helping the villagers, or relaxing in her bedchamber. She's brave, but not in a reckless way, deciding to plot before heading into anything dangerous. However, she does have a tendency to place herself in danger for the few she holds dear.

Setsuka doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her powers to disarm those against her. She's proficient in manipulation and seduction. While she doesn't use her body for any actual purpose, she does know how to tempt someone with her beauty without tainting herself. While a vixen she may appear to be, she is in no way eager to give her chastity for any purpose other than love. Her quick mind, sharp tongue, cold disposition, flawless beauty, and soul-searching eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayals kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit. Which can be a fault when it comes to dealing with other Royals.

Setsuka, however, has a dark disposition despite the grace and poise she usually emanates. The young woman has a keen interest in poisons and toxins and thrives on the macabre aspects of life such as homicide and torture. It isn't something she herself would do, but she's fascinated by the psychotic and sociopathic minds that are drawn to such acts. Due to her interest, she does have a sadistic sense of humor and even some unconventional tendencies. For example her art tends to be more gore and massacre than landscape beauty, and her personal journals are filled with the history of serial killers and homicidal maniacs and their tactics. One most find strange, though, would be her insatiable need for blood licorice. Due to this quirk, Setsuka comes off as an unapproachable and brooding young woman to those outside of her kingdom and the Royals. To her people, though, she is nothing but compassionate and caring and kind. She's the epitome of what a princess should be.

Good Habit(s):

  • Waking up before dawn.
  • Baking and cooking when asked.
  • Spends quality time with the other Royals.
  • Visits Pride Kingdom daily.
  • Assists the Sins Palace servants.

Bad Habit(s):

  • Chewing on her lower lip when nervous.
  • Pulling on strands of her hair when angry.
  • Glomping Royal Envy for fun.
  • Acting cold and indifferent to people of the other regions.
  • Does reckless things that result in injury.


  • Peonies, Cherry Blossoms, and Chrysanthemums.
  • Reading in Sin Palace's library.
  • Spending time with Royal Lust and spoiling Royal Envy.
  • Foxes, cats, bunnies, horses, and ferrets.
  • Cooking and baking, because she has a fatass living inside her that refuses to come out!
  • Poking dead/unconscious things with a stick.
  • Flying in her Phoenix form.


  • Pastels. She feels like they're burning her eyes.
  • Bees. Not only are they ugly, but she hates the colors.
  • Politics. Even as a Princess, she doesn't like it. She barely tolerates it.
  • Being waited on hand and foot.
  • Gossiping and judging people. Especially without actual facts or personal knowledge.


  • Tennis
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics
  • Horseback Riding
  • Competitive Archery
  • Writing short stories.


  • Being buried alive. She's not claustrophobic but even she's not fond of being trapped in a small space several feet under the ground. Do that shit when she's good and dead! And you better triple check she's dead, or she's coming back to haunt your asses!


  • She makes her own judgements on people, and she doesn't take what others say at face value.
  • She believes helping others can teach compassion and kindness.
  • She's able to use different facades for different situations.
  • She only uses her powers unless an issue can be solved diplomatically.
  • She's honest but isn't rude.


  • She's a closet sadist.
  • She's Pride, and she's very vain and immovably stubborn.
  • She's not all that kind when it comes to strangers.
  • She doesn't tolerate gossipmongers or critical people.
  • She's hyperactive and a serious prankster.

Special Powers/Abilities:

  • [Fire Manipulation] User can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.
  • [Healing Tears] The user has tears that can heal any wound it touches. They can heal any living being including humans, animals, plants, etc. If the healing properties in the tears are potent enough, the user can cure poison and diseases.
  • [Ash Resurrection] Upon death, the user's body turns into ash (the body may slowly turn into ash or even burst into flames until it is ash) and come out anew. It is a passive ability, so it happens the instant the user is killed.


Ambition/Life-long Dream: To better Pride Kingdom and help Sins Era prosper.


  • Middle School 2nd Year (formerly)
  • Princess of Pride Kingdom
  • Amaterasu's Charge

Best Class(es):

  • Japanese Language
  • English
  • Music
  • Fine Arts
  • Homemaking
  • Health
  • Physical Education

Worst Class(es):

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Industrial Arts
  • Social Studies



  • Father: Izanagi, Genjuru
  • Mother: Izanagi, Taerin

Sibling(s): The Sinnies.

Children: N/A.


  • Adoptive Grandfather: Okamo, Raiku

Pet(s): A small blue and white dragon, approximately 6 inches tall, named Tempest.

Best Friend(s):

  • Meidi, Sojiro (Male)
  • Aikino, Daria (Female)


  • Furukazen, Hirozu (Male)
  • Bishou, Roshi (Male)
  • Otomiya, Karin (Female)
  • Yoshiko, Imari (Female)

Crush(es): N/A.


  • Aizen, Umina (Female)
  • Jerouzikawa, Harashin (Male)

Enemies: N/A.


Category: Akitsumikami

Alliance: Amaterasu

Weapon(s): Silver daggers with sapphires embedded in the hilt.


General Appearance: Her physical appearance would be described as pleasing and innocent. Her hair is a golden and orange mix, almost pale in the moonlight, and stops just inches above her hips. Small ears barely poke out from the curtain of multi-colored strands. Doe-like cerulean eyes rimmed with long and thick lashes look out from her angelic face. Her facial features are doll-like with sunkissed tan skin, rosy cupid-bow lips, a cute button nose, high cheekbones, and delicate pale eyebrows. Standing at five feet five inches and weighing a mere one hundred and ten pounds, her body is toned with luscious curves and long legs. All in all, she has a beautiful face with a curvaceous body to match. Her voice is sin personified or a nightmare incarnate depending on her emotions and tone when singing or speaking. All in all, she's a gorgeous specimen to behold but deceiving because of it.

As a Phoenix, Setsuka's feathers are a bright lilac with hints of blue within. The longer tail feathers are a variety of sapphire, violet and silver swirls interspersed within the bottom of their plumage. There is a crown upon her head, blue in color with silver flecks near the glowing cerulean eyes. The beak is a startling white, sharp despite its small size. Her claws are a silver color, with the feet a porcelain white that contrast greatly with the feathers. All in all, she's a rather magnificent bird with feathers that seem to burn eternally with a blue fire.

Blood Type: A-

Height: 5"5

Weight: 110 lbs.

Outfit(s): Setsuka tends to wear a multitude of colors ranging from white, blue, black, silver, gold, and violet. She wears jeans and shorts more than anything, but skirts and dresses are within her wardrobe, saved only for occasions when she actually needs them. She wears boots rather than heels unless it's absolutely called for. Despite her appearance, Setsuka has a fondness for clothes that offer more comfort than something extravagant.

Accessories: Her favorite accessories are scarves, hats, and fingerless gloves. She wears a silver chain about her neck with an oval sapphire pendant, her kingdom crest in the center.

Makeup: Setsuka doesn't tend to wear it too often unless it's to outline her eyes with eyeliner and mascara. A little lip gloss for added effect is the most she'll do unless it's a big event. Should it be necessary, then she'll up the glam factor with some eyeshadow and blush.

Scent: Cherry blossoms, cinnamon, and raspberries.

Hairstyle(s): Usually it's left to curled down around her face. In some occasions, she'll put it up in a loose bun to keep it out of her face, but she never does anything elaborate with her hair.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: N/A.

Theme Song: Dangerous - Before You Exit

Quote: "I'm a sarcastic, slightly homicidal, sociopathic, narcissistic sadomasochist! And I'm completely in love with my bewbs! Add vanity and pride and I'm a badass package of rebellious bitch!"

Favorite Food(s): Shrimp Fettuccine ("I can't help it. It's my two favorite things in one meal! Seafood and pasta!")

Favorite Color(s): Violet and Blue ("Do you see my hair? I think it should be obvious how great these colors are together! Don't question me about this again!")

Favorite Number(s): 5 ("I don't have a particular reason for favoring this number. It might be that it very much reminds me of the letter 'S', but I've never delved too far into figuring out why I like it.")

Favorite Season(s): Spring ("Despite what many believe, Spring is the best season. Amaterasu's light shines brightest between April and May, isn't that reason enough to love Springtime?")

Favorite Holiday(s): Golden Week ("Can't you see it? Amaterasu's light is shining brighter than usual. These are days to be cherished and celebrated, for she is in exceptionally high spirits.")

Favorite Time of Day: Morning ("It's the time Amaterasu awakens to grace us with the sun. To rise with her is an honor to watch her very presence spread across the horizon.")
Last edited:

Name: Akira Otani

Nickname(s): Aki (But she hates it)

Status: Royal, Lu

Age: Looks 19, is actually 122

Species: Siren

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Birthday: May 26

Life Story: Her parents abandoned her at a young age and she grew up in a orphanage. From an early age people were drawn to her, but many times they didn’t have the best intentions. In order to protect herself she started putting up walls, and distancing herself from people. Even with that people were still drawn to her. Eventually a young couple wanted to adopt her and the process went through. While there she went to one of the best schools in the country, but a scandal arose with one of her fellow students and she was asked to leave. Her “parents” were devastated with how her failure had affected their image and promptly returned her to the orphanage. She remained there for several more years and quickly became obsessed with winning people over. She wasn’t going to allow her failures to disappoint people ever again. She eventually caught the eye of the king and was adopted. She struggled to adjust when she arrived in the sins kingdom but did her best to hide it. She studied and worked to become the ideal princess. She maintained friendships with the other royals, but was(and continues to be) afraid of rejection if she got too close. Instead she kept up a flirty facade to keep on people's good side.


Personality: She is multifaceted. On one hand, she’s a flirt. Most of her free time is spent seducing anyone and everyone who catches her eyes. However, most of them are just led on. Only the best are allowed to remain at her side. On the other hand she is lonely. Her reputation makes it hard for her to have a real connection with people. She is also a strong leader. She does her best to be fair and rational in her choices, but is often guided by passion instead of reason.

Good Habit(s): Wakes before dawn every morning and has strict routine, completes all her duties in an orderly manner, maintains a friendly(if not more than that) relationship with everyone in the palace

Bad Habit(s): Leading people on, chewing her nails when she’s nervous and has no concept of personal space

Like(s): Reading, walks, balls, beautiful people

Dislike(s): Being alone, sunny days, heat, and war

Hobbies: Reading old history textbooks, flirting and singing

Fear(s): Being alone, Being forgotten, Oblivion, Failure

Strength(s): She is charming and almost impossible to resist, people like her and thus follow her

Weakness(es): She is physically weak and cares too much about what people think/tries too hard to be perfect

Special Powers/Abilities: Her voice/presence compels people/she can also use it to control people at close range


Ambition/Life-long Dream: She wants to be the best she can to further her kingdom and be someone people will remember/come to love

Occupation/Job: Royal Princess

Best Class(es): She was excellent in english and music, but her grades suffered in other classes

Worst Class(es): PE, running made her look bad and she wasn’t good at it. Math, it was confusing and she is unable to do much more than basic algebra.



•Father: Unknown

•Mother: Unknown

Sibling(s): None

Children: None

Partner(s): None

Relative(s): An aunt and uncle, both recently deceased

Pet(s): A small grey tabby,

Best Friend(s): None

Friend(s): The other royals, although she isn’t super close to any of them. The closest would be Pride, but she often wonders if she’s only friends with her out of obligation

Crush(es): Open...

Rival(s): Open...

Enemies: None


Category: ?

Alliance: ?

Weapon(s): A set of silver whips with a pair of snakes engraved on the handles


General Appearance: Physically she is the “ideal woman” if a bit short. She has a petite build with a hourglass figure. Her dark brown hair falls to the middle of her back in beachy waves. The dark strands frame her face giving her an innocently seductive vibe. One of her most noticeable features are her sea green eyes, tucked above high cheekbones and a small heart shaped face. Her lightly tanned skin contrasts perfectly with her dark hair, making her look more sun kissed than she actually is.

Blood Type: AB-

Height: 5’2

Weight: 115

Outfit(s): When she has duties at the palace she normally wears dresses. In her free time however she prefers jeans and shirts, the tighter the better. She knows she has a good figure and often takes advantage of the fact. She like wearing bold colors, however most of her wardrobe is various shades of red, black, and grey.

Accessories: She doesn’t like a lot of accessories, but she is always seen with a locket she’s had since birth and occasionally wears black fingerless gloves

Makeup: Unless she has a formal event she usually only does eye makeup with some kind of lip color. She favors bold lipstick but it depends on the situation.

Scent: Lavender and Jasmine

Hairstyle(s): She usually keeps in down and curled in loose waves or curls. She has been known to do her hair in a messy bun or straighten it on occasion

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: She has her right cartilage pierced 3 times and her doubles. She also has a small wave tattooed on her left ankle.

Theme Song: “If it means alot to you” A Day To Remember

“Please don’t let me be misunderstood” Lana Del Rey (This is how she feels people see her)

Quote: “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.”

Favorite Food(s): Sushi, specifically unagi

Favorite Color(s): Sea foam green and maroon, but never together

Favorite Number(s): 10

Favorite Season(s): Winter

Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween (Surprisingly valentine's day is her least favorite, it reminds her that she’s alone)

Favorite Time of Day: Midnight (The stars are out and the world is quiet and peaceful...plus it's the time of lovers ;) )
~Wrath Royal~


Name: Paine Lynch

Nickname(s): N/A

Status: Queen of Wrath Kingdom


  • 22 (appearance)
  • 275 (chronologically)
Species: Kitsune

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Birthday: September 18

Life Story: There isn't much to say about Paine. She was born from a royal couple who expected only the best. The kingdoms loved and adored her since she seemed so perfect, but in truth, her parents thought she was a disgrace to the family. They believed she would never live up to being the queen their people deserved. Even when she did something right, it still wasn't good enough. She never did reach her parent's expectations. Behind the castle walls, her parents would beat her every time she "messed" up anything, hence the scars she has now. They ingrained it in her mind that she would ever be good enough, so that's why she works so hard all the time. Not many know of the pain she endured as a child, and she doubts she'll ever speak of it. Eventually, she could possess the crown if need be, but her parents refused to give that up, still claiming that she wasn't good enough, and to the public, they thought her parents merely didn't want to burden her with the responsibility of ruling just yet. Unfortunately, her parents died tragically while heading over to one of the kingdoms, and Paine felt no remorse for their deaths. If anything, she was relieved and haunted at the same time. Paine took the crown, becoming the Queen of the Wrath Kingdom. She hasn't been ruling for that long, so she is still a bit inexperienced, but she's learning as she goes. If you didn't know that, you probably wouldn't have been able to tell since she handles everything well.


Personality: Paine is a bit impulsive and violent at times, but when nobody is looking, she can be helpful and endearing to those who need it. She doesn't like showing any weaknesses whatsoever, which is why she tries to be perfect in every way. She focuses a lot on her politics, duties, and education for the sake of her kingdom. She believes whole heartedly that a queen should be devoted to her people, and that the people must be loyal and devoted to her in return. She's not the kind of person you'd want to mess with though. If she's angry enough, she will throw you in the dungeon and torture you with her own hands. She likes inflict pain on others, and sometimes, she loses herself to her wrath and anger. When she does that, normally she has to calm down before she can regain herself once more. Pane believes that she's not meant to rule the kingdom, despite the fact that she has royal blood pumping through her veins and the dedication to her role is above what's expected of her. People say she works too hard, even over little things, but she believes that it's her duty and responsibility. Paine is very good at masking her boredom when dealing with work or politics. When she's alone, she enjoys expressing herself through art-- more specifically, painting. It's a secret she keeps to herself since she's seen as someone always so responsible and dedicated to her work.

Good Habit(s):

  • Being productive
  • Tries to convince the sinnies that they should be more dedicated to their work
  • Helping others without them knowing it.
("Exactly, well said.")

Bad Habit(s):

  • Too dedicated to work
  • Being impulsive
  • Sarcasm
  • Cursing
  • Using her hair to hide her face
  • Hurting herself
("I-I have no bad qualities! Lies! All of it! What do you mean hurt myself- No! I really don't cut myself... I get angry and sometimes hit the wall or something, but I'm not stupid! Wait- no, I didn't admit anything! This list is obviously a fake and a lie!")

  • Inflicting pain on others
  • Chaos
  • Small time of solitude
  • Books
  • Magic
  • The moon & stars
  • Being secretive and elusive
("Got a problem with that? Didn't think so.")


  • Arrogant brats
  • Loudmouthed people
  • Rumors
  • Peace
  • Snakes
  • Spiders
  • Dogs
  • Swimming
("Can you blame me? That list is reasonable enough. What do yo mean there's nothing wrong with swimming? It's a waste of time, and I can clearly get cooled off or warmed up in a nice, clean shower or bath! Honestly, swimming in lakes and ponds... how putrid.")


  • Reading
  • Horseback Riding
  • Archery
  • Practicing Magic
  • Volleyball
  • Hunting
  • Painting
("I can assure you that most of it is true-- except for painting. Haha, I can't paint... I'm always too busy! Haha, of course! Where did you hear of such a thing? I'd like a name.")


  • Being alone
  • Losing the throne
  • Losing her powers
  • Love
  • Caring for others
  • Her parents
  • Losing herself to her own wrath
  • Hurting one of the Sinnies.
("Who gave you this.. inaccurate.. information?")


  • Serious
  • Organized
  • Academically gifted
  • Well trained with weapons
  • Observant
  • Doesn't accept excuses
("Sounds about right. At least you get something right.")


  • Her past
  • Her vengeful, sadistic thoughts
  • Inability to sometimes keep her sanity in check.
  • No relaxation
  • Takes everything too seriously
  • Can't appreciate jokes
  • Inability to understand that love is a powerful element.
("Where did you hear about this? I-I've never said any of those things! I can too appreciate a damn joke!")

Special Powers/Abilities: She can create and cast blue fire at will. She also has the ability to make someone feel instant pain all over with just her mind alone; however, she can't hold it for very long since it really drains a lot of her energy and strength. She also has the ability to get visions and see bits of someone's pain in the past or someone's pain yet to come. ("Would you like me to practice my powers on you? I'm sure you're just dying to experience them.")


Ambition/Life-long Dream: Paine has always wanted to leave the kingdom in pursuit to "find" herself. She's been given a role and life that she felt that maybe it wasn't ever meant to be hers. Her parents merely gave her the role-- she didn't choose it. ("I've always wanted to leave... wait, why the hell am I telling you this? Next damn question.")

Job: Princess of Wrath Kingdom (Previous)
Queen of Wrath Kingdom (Current)
("...Who the hell do you think you're interviewing? Come talk to me when you at least have some kind of an education. I have standards.")

Best Class(es): Science, Mathematics, Art, Athletics, History, English.

("I'm proficient with all my classes. You may see the my GPA and class ranking. Only the best of the best for the Wrath Kingdom.")

Worst Class(es): Homemaking, Ag mechanics.

("Those classes? Of course I was good at them! Who keeps telling you such lies!")


•Father: N/A
•Mother: N/A ("Do you not know the lineage of the kingdom? You would've been alive during their rule. Imbecile, they're dead. Their names aren't important to me, but to you, you should be kissing the ground since you're in the palace they used walk around and live in.")

Children: (N/A) ("Does it look like I have children? What kind of question is that? Fuck off.")

Relative(s): None. ("I've always been a single child. Even though I'm supposed to consider the other rulers as my family, I don't. We're partners, nothing more.")

Pet(s): Raven ("Quoth the Raven 'Nevernore'.")

Best Friend(s): ("To hell with friends. I only have acquaintances. What about my family? No, they're more like... business partners. I'm sure they feel the same. What do you mean they consider me family? Is that supposed to be a joke?")

Friend(s): ("I've already answered how I feel about friendships of any kind just a moment ago. Are you that forgetful? How'd I end up with a pitiful interviewer like you?")

Crush(es): N/A ("A-A crush?! How dare you insinuate that I might have lowly feelings such as love! Love is the weak, and besides... nobody is capable of loving a monster like me. I mean... next question.")

Rival(s): Everyone. ("I must crush the weak and break down the strong to surpass everyone. You don't think I'm capable? Think again.")

Enemies: N/A ("Enemies? I don't have any enemies alive to deal with. I assume you're competent enough to know what happens when you get on my bad side. After all, I'm not the Queen of Wrath for nothing, am I?")


Category: N/A

Alliance: N/A

(I actually have no idea what to put in the two above xD)

Weapon(s): Sword, Bow & Arrow, and a scythe. ("So what? I can handle more than just one weapon. A ruler must be prepared to use any weapon if need be. I'm already perfecting my use of knives- in your case, I suggest you watch your back.")


General Appearance:

  • Human Appearance
  • Kitsune Appearance
Blood Type: AB+

Height: 5"3

Weight: 120

Outfit(s): She typically wears formal outfits everywhere she goes. On rare occasions will you ever find her wearing a dress, and you will hardly ever catch her wearing something comfortable. ("The public is always watching, and Royals must always be professional. If you can't keep your image up, then you're clearly not fit to rule.")

Accessories: A necklace with a ring attached; however, she always wears it, whether or not it's visible to everyone else. ("I'd rather not discuss this. What I wear is my choice, do you have a problem with it? I will see to it that you're head is put on a silver platter if you bring this up again.")

Makeup: She is always wearing make up. She normally wears mascara, lip gloss, eyeliner, eye shadow- the whole nine yards, and it's all just to show that she's perfect to the public and other rulers; however, when she attends parties, it seems she somehow manages to look even better than before, despite the fact her make up looks perfect on any regular day. ("Appearance is everything in the world, and if you don't know how to use it to your advantage, the world will crush you without hesitation. Make up is like armor in a sense. If you get too emotional, your makeup reminds you that you mustn't cry. You're...You're not going to tell anyone about this conversation, right?")

Scent: Vanilla, Lavender.

Hairstyle(s): See picture above ^^ ("Hair styles? Don't tell me you honestly think I have time to think about playing with my hair. If you're that incompetent, why the hell are you here?")

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: Scars. ("You know, that silver platter is looking rather lonesome without your head. I think you know where I'm going with this.")

Theme Song: Lost it All by Black Veil Brides.

Quote: "You're seriously asking me for a quote? Does it look like I have the time to deal with stupid questions? I could be working right now, but here I am with you. How pitiful."

Favorite Food(s): Any kind of Soup. ("I enjoy many delicacies, but something like soup will suffice. Chicken and gnocchi is simply divine though.")

Favorite Color(s): Silver, Black, White, Turquoise, Blue, Green, Red. ("I enjoy many colors, is that a crime?")

Favorite Number(s): 7 ("If I had to pick a number, it would be 7. Why? What the hell do you mean why? I just like it- that's all. What do you mean you 'guess' that it's because there are 7 Royals? What kind of an interview is this?")

Favorite Season(s): Winter & Fall ("Winter and fall signify the end of Spring and Summer. It symbolizes death and change. If you can't accept change, then you'll be left behind by society.")

Favorite Holiday(s): Halloween ("I enjoy this holiday because it's the one time of the year to go out into the villages of the Wrath Kingfom and be in my Kitsune form without anyone fearing me. Halloween is a time for monsters and fear. Wouldn't you agree that it suits me?")

Favorite Time of Day: Night Time. ("The tranquility of the night can't be described in mere words alone. It is the time where the shadows go to hide from precious light. It's the only time that I can look up at the sky and see the very same darkness in myself. Is that all you wanted? If the interview is done, beat it. I have business to attend to.")
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Name: Ezmeralda (meaning ''the prized green emerald'') Virdius (''green'' in latin)

Nickname(s): Emmy, Emerald, Mera (only the other Sinnies may call her these)

Status: Queen of the Envy Kingdom

Age: Looks to be around 20, but is actually 108

Species: While Emmy looks to be human, she is in fact a Naga-- a half snake-half-human hybrid

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Birthday: June 12, 1909 (assuming that this RP takes place in 2017)

Life Story:

Emmy's backstory isn't really that eventful. Born on June 12, 1909 to Queen Merida Virdius , and King Fearghall Virdius , Ezmeralda was the King and Queen's first and only child. Being that she was the princess, her mother and father taught her on the ways of being one at a young age.

At around her 17th Sin year , Emmy was sent to a school with advanced classes, in which she learned stuff such as Physical Education, English, and such. Stuff such as politics, however, was taught to her by her parents. At around this age, Emmy's envy started to settle in. Her envy started out small, such as wanting things other people had, such as clothing, for an example.

Years passed, and Emmy had graduated from said school. It was only some time later that her parents died from old age. As soon as she could, Emmy became the new Queen of the Envy Kingdom, and immediately moved in with the other Sinnies.

And this is where her paranoia began. Furious that every kingdom was ruled by different people instead of one, Emmy became Envious of the other Sinnies, constantly wanting what the others had. But, because of this, she began to fear that the Sinnies would find out about her envy of them, and kill her.

The paranoia had started to consume Emmy's life. Constantly, she was alert for any signs that any of her siblings knew of her envy. When away from the Sinnies, she planned (and still does) ways on how to get rid of each and every one of them.



Towards the Sinnies, and the Envy Kingdom

Emmy is a mature and respectful Queen, and is possibly the best model of a Queen. She never shows any hint of her being an envious person, which can lead some to wonder why she is ruling the Kingdom of Envy. Emmy never raises her voice when angry, and only does so if needed. You could say that she's an workaholic, as she spends much of her time tending to the politics and needs of her kingdom.

Real Personality

Behind her supposed calm exterior, a constantly stressed and paranoid interior exists. Emmy is such an nervous wreck, as paranoia consumes her. Emmy hardly ever gets enough sleep because of this, and tends to wake up late, trying to get some extra hours of rest. She also tends to be extremely violent, and snappy, and will even go out of her way to inflict pain on people who cause her to snap.

Good Habit(s):

- Will respect others, no matter how much she hates them

- Will actually help out other Sinnies with politics

- Meditates every morning

Bad Habit(s):

- Sleeping in way too late

- Speaking Latin instead of English

- All work, and no play


- Snakes

- Speaking Latin

- Sword fighting

- Politics


- The other rulers of the Kingdoms. Sure, some can be tolerated (Such as Pride), but most just increase her paranoia.

- Pomegranates (Allergic)

- Physical Contact (''Culpo te, superbia,'' (I blame you, Pride)


- Sword Fighting

- Planning her complete and utter takeover of the kingdoms

- Meditating (helps with her paranoia)

- Blacksmithing


- Atychiphobia- Fear of failure

- Genophobia- Fear of sex

- Necrophobia- Fear of death


- Her knowledge on Politics

- Physically Gifted

- Determination

- Leadership


- Her paranoia (Can be used easily against her)

- Her affection towards Royal Pride (Although she plans to kill all of the Sinnies one day, it would be extremely hard for her to exterminate Pride, as she spoils her. Because of this, she will do almost everything Pride asks her to do)

- Her Envy (Besides her paranoia, Emmy is envious of the other Royals, and their kingdoms. She constantly wants to take control of the other kingdoms, and rule them as her own. Because of this, paranoia has set in, making her think that the other Sinnies will find out about her envy of them, and kill her)

Special Powers/Abilities:

- The ability to morph into her true form, that being a Naga. This process take only a few seconds (around 10-20), but causes some pain to Emmy, as her legs are becoming that of a snake's tail. Several of her features become more serpentine, like her eyes (which the whites are completely gone, and are replaced with a pair of hazel slit-pupialed snake eyes), and teeth (which become retractable fangs).

- Heat vision (Can only be activated in dark places, or places with very low light. Through Emmy's eyes, it looks just like looking through an heat vision camera)

- Deadly Venom (Produced in venom-sacks located above her fangs. Said venom can be used to coat weapons, such as swords, and arrowheads. The venom has the same effects as Black Mamba venom. Venom can be sprayed out of fangs, like a Cobra's, but won't do any damage unless it A) Enters any open wounds, or B) Makes contact with the eyes. Biting a person infects them with the venom)


Ambition/Life-long Dream: To successfully kill all of the Sinnies and their Nobles (excluding hers), and become the rightful ruler of all of the Kingdoms. (Ravynne, shall we discuss?)

Occupation/Job: Queen of the Envy Kingdom

Best Class(es):

- Latin (Has always loved learning and speaking it)

- Physical Education (It's pretty important for when you have to kill your siblings)

- Politics (As the ruler of a kingdom, you got to know how to run it)

Worst Class(es):

- English (As I quote, ''Quid si ego anglicus discat cum omni lingua Latina est maxime momenti?'' (Why should I learn English, when Latin is the most important language of all?)

- Social Studies (Really doesn't understand why this class exists, and why she had to take it)

- Music (Look above)



•Father: King Fearghall Virdius (Dead)

•Mother: Queen Merida Virdius (Dead)

Sibling(s): The Sinnies

Children: N/a

Partner(s): N/a


An Aunt and Uncle, and several cousins, which Emmy has never met.

Pet(s): N/a, for now.

Best Friend(s): N/a, for now. If any, shall only be any of her nobles.

Friend(s): N/a, for now. If any, shall only be any of her nobles.

Crush(es): N/a

Rival(s): N/a. Only has Enemies.

Enemies: All of the other Sinnies, although they don't know it. (As I quote again, ''Et occidit omne quod me novi illum! Singula eorum Et tantum superesse possum imperare, nec se!'' (They will all kill me, I know it! Every single one of them! Only I can survive and rule, not them!'')


Category: Uh, can someone care to explain?

Alliance: N/a


- Venom (Natural Weapon)

- Snake Tail (Natural Weapon, used to strangle. Can only strangle one person at a time)

- A longsword made out of pure silver, with emeralds embedded in the hilt ( Used in Naga or Human form. Emmy created this sword herself)


General Appearance:

Human Form

Ezmeralda Virdius is a 5'9, 160 lb female with ''Ivory'' coloured skin. Her face shape is known as Diamond (meaning that her is highly angular, somewhat bony, and is widest at the temples), nose shape is ''Aquiline'', eyebrow shape is ''S-Shaped'', lip shape is ''Uneven'', eye shape is ''Deep Set'', and body shape is ''Triangle''.

Emmy's hair is wavy, jet black, and reaches down to her middle back. Upon close inspection, some strands are emerald green. When light reflects off of her hair, these strands reflect said light, making it look like tiny crystals are imbedded in her hair. Same thing goes with her eyes, only that they're more of a forest green, and have small flecks of gold.

Naga Form

From the waist up, Emmy keeps her human appearance. But, from the waist down, her legs become that of a snake's tail. This tail is six feet in length, and is covered with mottled green scales, and tan under-scales. Emmy's eyes shift into hazel serpentine eyes, complete with the slit pupils. Fangs replace the top and lower rows of Emmy's teeth, and are able to spray venom from them, which is clear. Mottled green scales also appear on Emmy's skin, commonly around her lower back, upper arms, and waist. Emmy's tongue is also now that of a snakes.

Blood Type: O-

Height: 5'9

Weight: 160 lbs

Outfit(s): Emmy commonly wears a floor length emerald green A-Line dress, which has gold stitching along the hem-line, which extends up towards the top of the dress. The neckline of the dress is known as ''Illusion'', which means it has a Sweet-heart top, and translucent fabric (in this case, emerald green), extending from that. The dress has no sleeves, and doesn't show the back.

In Naga Form, the dress stays the same, but has an opening for Emmy's tail. When Emmy transforms into Naga Form, the dress changes along with her.

Accessories: N/a

Makeup: N/a

Scent: Oranges and Vanilla

Hairstyle(s): Emmy normally wears her hair down, with nothing done to it (excluding brushing and washing).

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:

-Emmy commonly wears a simple gold chain necklace, with small emerald fragments imbedded in the links

- A long, jagged scar runs from the left side of Emmy's forehead, along the bridge of her nose, and onto her right cheek.

Theme Song: N/a

Quote: "Years from now, when I'm successful and happy, ...and they're all dead... I hope I'm not too mature to gloat."

Favorite Food(s): Oranges, and dark chocolate (the more cocoa, the better)

Favorite Color(s): Emerald Green

Favorite Number(s): 47, and 106

Favorite Season(s): Fall

Favorite Holiday(s): Doesn't care about holidays

Favorite Time of Day: Evening

Please, feel free to ask me to change anything. I'll gladly change whatever you'd like.
Name: Eriukun Ejishiro

Nickname(s): Eji-kun

Status: Expendable (Joking but = a WEAKLING) Knight. (Works for the PRIDE Royals)

Age: 14

Species: Rabbit-Man (Has long fluffy ears but has human form)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Birthday: 1st February

Life Story: He saw his own mother die... So he decided to become a knight. He charged at a dragon and attacked, but he failed. To his comedy, a large rock fell ontop of the dragon squashing it. It counted as him killing it and apparently he threw the large rock at him. But those are really just rumours that he doesnt like. His pride is totally crushed.

---ABOUT HER--- ( did u just assume my gender? im a him thank you!) - ABOUT HIM <<<<

Personality: Wimpy, Scared, Kind though. Cowardly but not so much of a coward if needed to protect his very best friends, that doesnt help him though.

Good Habit(s): Eats healthily, and always checks the royals food so its not poisoned. He is poison-proof, its how he has been raised.

Bad Habit(s): If you anger him, expect him to ignore you for the rest of the day, exposing you to poison food if it has been poisoned (Damned assassins!)

Like(s): The sun and he loves swimming in the water.

Dislike(s): Cloudy and windy days, its his cryptonite like.

Hobbies: Hums songs when bored, takes strolls, and practices by using his dagger on dummies.

Fear(s): He is practically scared of anything. Even if an mean face is made at him, he will go under a table hiding.

Strength(s): He has REALLY GOOD LUCK. Just like that dragon, its like some kind of angel is watching over him. (IF YOU ALLOW FAMILLIARS THEN LETS JUST SAY I HAVE A SECRET ONE I DONT KNOW ABOUT)

Weakness(es): Anything can be a weakness to him..

Special Powers/Abilities: He has a Familiar that activates when he is in danger. It is invisible and is called the angel of luck. It will find anything that can save him. Such as when he was fighting a dragon, he was about to die, a crack in the large boulders above helped the angel drop it on the dragon.


Ambition/Life-long Dream: To become an Honourable Knight

Occupation/Job: Wimpy Knight

Best Class(es):
He failed all of them.

Worst Class(es):
All of them practically.


•Father: Deceased
•Mother: Deceased

Sibling(s): None

Children: None

Partner(s): None, hoping to get one as he goes.

Relative(s): None

Pet(s): He always carries around a baby monkey. It usually hides in his hood

Best Friend(s): None

Friend(s): None

Crush(es): One of the Pride Royals (shh secret)

Rival(s): None

Enemies: Any that threaten the royals


Category: Care to explain, i dont get it?

Alliance: None

A blade that has the poison of a indian cobra on it. (Renews the poison every day if used)

General Appearance: rp3 weapon.jpg

Blood Type: B

Height: 4.5 ft

Weight: 95 pounds (UnderWeight)

Outfit(s): Apart from the appearance picture, he has light armor on, and has roughed up clothing concealing it

Accessories: Has a ring on his thumb that cant be taken off, its a part of his skin. It's the familiars ring that he has contracted.

Makeup: None

Scent: Despite the wimpiness and stuff, his scent is like blossoms and flowers encouraging you. A good aura huh, isnt that nice.

Hairstyle(s): Shown in appearance

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: A scar on his chest, but he always hides it.

Theme Song: (Im sorry its undertale i couldnt find anything)

Quote: "Leave it to me!"

Favorite Food(s): Sushi

Favorite Color(s): Green

Favorite Number(s): 6

Favorite Season(s): Summer

Favorite Holiday(s): New years due to the fun that everyone has together ;-D

Favorite Time of Day: Sunniest time, doesnt matter what time.



"Yeah, my name's John Doe... What do you mean that's not my real name? If you knew it, why did you ask in the first place?
Name: Absalom Aeternalis
Nickname(s): John Doe
Status: Royal Sloth
Age: 419 (True) appears to be 20
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: February 29

"I'm male, just so you know".​

Life Story: Not much is known about the Aeternalis line except that they are lazy, really, really, really, really, lazy. Now normally, such a trait would be found in the most minor and short-lived members of nobility, the ones clutching their meager power one day and somewhere dead in an alley the next, but to the rulers of this kingdom, its a right to be upheld; a testament of their glory. As such, the current ruler, Absalom, was raised to be the laziest creature existence. Often found lazing about in his chambers, Absalom would spend the days doing absolutely nothing if he could help it, either idling away the hours and simply staring at the ceiling or in deep slumber that could go on for weeks if undisturbed. The old king and queen allowed such behavior since it was within their nature to do so, and that in leaving him alone, he would grow only when he himself chose to. And against all odds, grow he did. He was a splendid prince, accomplishing tasks and solving problems with either stunning efficiency or ruthless brutality. The Kingdom of Sloth was never one of excitement to begin with, but whenever such a problem arose, it was delegated to the prince and was easily dealt with in a matter of days. Soon enough, once the king and queen found themselves tired of making excuses, they passed the crown on to him. Rumors say that Absalom was the reason that his father and mother died hours after his coronation, but to this day most believe that he was much to lazy to act in a manner while the kingdom was enjoying such peace. One of the older residents of the Sins Palace, he has always tended to keep to himself, unless his thoughts compel him to wander the halls.

Personality: Absalom is lazy, but that isn't to say that he is incompetent. He knows all he thinks he needs to know and acts in a manner that would accomplish his goals in the least amount of effort. He often finds himself doing strange things if it means avoiding superfluous problems, even if it does not suit royalty, though he does so in the name of pragmatism. If, and this does not happen often, he is pushed to a breaking point, he would act in a swift and often brutal manner, eliminating the problem with a show of force, before once more settling to 'go with the flow'. Like much of the Aeternalis Family Line, he embodies the saying "Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon"

Good Habit(s):
  • Always speaks last
  • Listens before speaking
  • Never starts a fight
  • Always acts with efficiency in mind

Bad Habit(s):
  • Sleeping EVERYWHERE
  • Sleeping Anytime
  • Only acts quickly when forced
  • Almost unreachable when angered
  • Sleeping

  • Anything involving what he views as work.
  • Getting angry
  • Any task that can't be done in a few hours
  • Dealing with the other Royals (at least in the political arena; those kids are fine)
  • Being woken up randomly
  • Sleeping
  • Reading
  • Games
  • Eating
  • Messing with Wrath
  • Losing the throne
  • His best not being good enough
"None of your business, really"​

  • Strangely competent as a ruler: can solve most problems easily without effort
  • Lazy, just so damn lazy
  • Will not act unless forced to
  • Will ignore the problem until the last possible minute

Special Powers/Abilities:
  • Empowered Narcolepsy: Can learn things while asleep, usually through the sense of hearing. Will defend himself while asleep without negative effects to performance.
  • dragon.jpg
    : Can assume the form of a large dragon along with the usual plethora of powers.

Ambition/Life-long Dream: To be able to live a happy life.

Occupation/Job: King of Sloth

Best Class(es): N/A

Worst Class(es): N/A

"Really, I mean, Really?"​

Parent(s): Both Dead

Sibling(s): None

Children: None

Partner(s): None

Relative(s): None

Pet(s): None

Best Friend(s): None

Friend(s): None

Crush(es): None

Rival(s): None

Enemies: None


"This stuff is optional, right?"​

Category: None

Alliance: None (All?)

Weapon(s): None Needed


General Appearance: "What you see is what you get."

Blood Type: O

Height: 6'5

Weight: 205 lbs

Outfit(s): Dress Shirt, Slacks

Accessories: None

Makeup: None

Scent: Camomile

Hairstyle(s): Unkempt but somehow passable.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: None

Theme Song: 4'33 by John Cage

Quote: "Take the Path of Least Resistance, or make one: whatever is easier."

Favorite Food(s): sashimi

Favorite Color(s): White

Favorite Number(s): 1

Favorite Season(s): Winter

Favorite Holiday(s): Everyday is a Holiday

Favorite Time of Day: "Time for Bed, which is anytime really"
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