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Fantasy SettleTown, a Dark Tragedy

"Katharin grant me patience." Iulius muttered as he turned away from the carriage. "Let's get a move on then." He said louder as he walked back towards the wrecked carriage.
Waiting for the guy to get out of earshot, Rodea muttered to herself as she got back to the chore of gathering what supplies would be useful to take home: "... wanker."
after wrapping up everything with the half carriage, the group set upon their journey to find whoever had taken the rest of the money.

At first the signs of cut foliage and footprints was clear, but by nightfall, as the made their fire and camp, the signs had already been lost.

The forest was a terrible place, full of noises and nightmares, though nothing seemed to drag anyone away in the night.

It was near on the end of the second agonizing day, as they searched for any sign of their prey, that finally spotted a tree with clear, deliberate marks made into it.

A bit of searching revealed another, and then another. Hope slightly filled the groups heart.

A hidden path perhaps, it seemed best to follow it, as it seemed to be the only lead left.

It was the morning after the third night, the hunters had saved everyone that nights rations by skewering a few, thankfully, quite normal birds for the group.

Ezzion made the quite strange discovery, that his two Rabbitlings not only had opened their eyes, but seemingly over just the three nights were now hopping along next to him on their own, though they stayed near him and were only a tad noticeably bigger.

The other strange thing, though he kept it to himself, was Oleanders saw the maiden from his vision, only for a moment, come around a tree right infront of him, and while he could not hear her, swore she was begging him to turn around and not continue forward.

And then, quite close by, the group hear a women scream. Not a normal scream, but that dark, bone chilling scream of one being tortured without mercy, til they broke and shattered and left the world.

Very close, to the north, was this scream. Ezzions rabbits made a sound like a hiss, hiding behind his legs, hair standing up. Oleanders maiden disappeared, like a flash of lightning, and a blanket of dread covered the group, for the forest, for a few moments, was silent, a thing they had not come to think possible.

And then, the screams started up again.


lost 2 Rations, 2/3 a Gallon of water

Ezzion an extra:

1 Ration, 2/3 Gallon of water

(water is low for 2 characters)
"Well lads," Iulius said drawing his sword, "Some poor unfortunate bitch up ahead of us is meeting a bad end. Would one of you sneaky types like to go scout out the situation? Or would the committee like to charge ahead?" He asked, gesturing in the general direction of the screaming with his blade.
"Sibelia" Oleander growled, his mask distorting around his grimacing mouth. He drew the black blade with a rasp from its scabbard, his eyes burning. He hadn't seen her outside of a blade, a shining surface or in his dreams, for a long time. It boded ill. "I...we have to help" the blade quivered. Imperceptibly his hand was shaking, his eyes creased at the corners beneath the brim of his hat. "But I say we send a scout forward first, aye. Rather not walk into a vipers den without at least knowing how many fangs will be coming for my throat."
Rodea's already gone almost immediately after Iulius suggested that someone scout ahead, vanished and out of sight. Years of evading various kingdom patrols lent her some knowledge on how to move quietly and how to stay unseen in a dark forest.
as Rodea scampered quietly through the foliage of the darkened forest under top, she eventually came to a small cliff drop, nothing major maybe 8 feet down at a nice curve, but what was down in the clearing is what quickly turned her stomach.

inside of quite the stake filled trench, which was filled with many a rotting wildlife, was a small camp of tents, with 3 stone buildings on the far side.

in the center, over a pit of stuff Rodea could only guess at, suspended over the bile below it, a metal and stone table stood on a platform, spiked on all sides and with many a tool clearly made for torture attached, gleaming in the sun with its current wash.

"now now GIIIRLLLL everything is OOOOOOOOOOO....k just enjoy the PAIN given so generously PLEEEEAaaaasee?" a man upon the thing said, covered from head to toe in blood stained bandages and nothing else, as he patted the cheek of what must of once been a women, though disturbingly clearly still alive.

the man laughed, as he flicked at one of the several thin spikes dug into the womens flesh.

"coommmme on my love, WHERE ARE YOU!?" the man suddenly said, angry, and started coughing up black bile, which he aimed at the pit below him.

"more PAIN i must offer, so she will take your vessel...so i can SEE HER AGAIN!" he laughed and quickly dug a few more of the spikes into the women, who offered up another scream.

"oh will you give it a fukkin rest mate?" said a burly Zellander from the looks of him, as he exited one of the tents.

"fukkin ritual of yers almost nevr works and ya know it ya damn psychopath." he said as he doned quite the nice veteran hat as he finished puttin on a FullIron chest piece.

"jes finish er off, tha othrs be back soon enough, specially wit all dat racket yer causing." he said as he sat down ans start sharping a great sword.

"oh im SOOOORRRRRRY i dont seeee YOU trying to bring her here again!" the bandaged man said with clear spite, even throwing one of his extra spikes at the man, who merely expertly leaned to dodge.

"yeah cause i know shell only come if she wants ya damn buggered bastard."

with a grumble of curses, the Bandaged man went to whispering in his captive ear and giggle to himself, while the other simply sharpened his sword.
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Making sure to avoid snapping any twigs or rustling leaves, Rodea made her way back to the group.

This place is fucking bedlam.

"Few bonnie mad boys down yonder. Cultists, m'thinks. Wie butch'ry an'all." she motions towards where she just was, providing all the information she thought was relevant in a few short sentences, as was her way of talking, not really thinking about saying any more particularly.
"A cult eh?" Iulius said, toying with his sword absentmindedly, "The old legends say a whole Legion army once tried to invade the northern part of this forest, to drive out the cults and the beasts, the legends never mention any Legionaries ever returning." He shrugged, "Best to be on our guard, take it slow, take it carefully."
"Sir, I've got a suggestion, how about Rodea and I maneauver to a relatively hidden position so that when the ambush starts we can fire at them from a safe and hidden position. Means we would also not be in the way of the more experienced fighters." Aside from the laughable pretentions of these cultists even a wrong ideology could give one willpower. After all even those that didnt accept that Heraklius was the greatest and destined to godlike status were able to fight in the names of their many gods.
"A decent plan Legionary," Iulius said turning to his subordinate with an appraising glance, "But what information are we missing in order to determine the tactical viability of that plan?"
"The layout of the area and if there are good ambush positions to begin with, sir." Heraklius had learned basic pathfinding as a marksmen and so he knew that if you wanted to pull off an ambush you needed certain factors, most important often were being obscured and the high ground, chokepoints were often handy too.
"Correct Legionary." Iulius said, nodding in satisfaction. "Ms Rodea, if you would so kind as to inform us of the layout of the area."
"Aye. Camp's b'low a wee cliff, wie timb'r stakes on th'curve. Thray stoan build'ns innae center, an' mony tents roun'."

She used her shortsword to draw what she meant as far as shapes go in the dirt.

"An' an altar o' pain in tha middle, 'ere ye."

(encampment, scale a bit off)

(left bottom corner strip is the cliff)
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"Hmm." Iulius said, studying the crude drawing and listening to the huntress' explanation intently. "Very helpful Huntress." He said straightening up. "Anyone have any suggestions?" He asked, shooting glances at Oleander and Ezzion, "Or is it up to the old man to create a plan of attack?"
"Did you spot any ranged weaponry miss rodea?" Heraklius inquired, seeing the situation they could essentially trap their foes inside the encampment and pick em off from a distance.

"If they are not equiped with any reliable ranged equipment we could maybe either secure or destroy the drawbridge and subsequently eliminate the foes from range. We can position ourselves on the highground and use the element of surprise too."
"Nay, no waepons out." She shrugs. "Th'stone build'ns ned'a canon, tho, if'n we were ta not try ta cross."

She shrugs.

"Tae tell ya th'truth, i'd mark it on'ae map an' tell th'people of Settleto'n. Wiser 'eds an ours can deal."
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"Sadly Miss Rodea it is most likely that these men have the gold we're after." Iulius said, looking over the crude map again. "Which makes it our duty to fight them." He stroked his chin thoughtfully, "Camp isn't big enough for more than, what'd you think Heraklius? Twenty or so? Thirty at most?" He stabbed an armored finger at various points on the drawing. "If we put Rodea, Heraklius and Zander at various points around the perimeter they'll have clear lanes of fire into the camp, a few well placed shots ought to be enough to draw the defenders out, where myself, Oleander, Blakemore and Ezzion can fight them on the drawbridge. If we can set the tents on fire that will further split up their forces as they'll try and protect their belongings from the flames, cutting down on the number the bridge team have to fight and giving the ranged fighters plenty of time to pick off targets."
"Camp's 'alf empty, wot're wie tae do if thae come'n back soon?"

These military types and their desire to get stuck in combat. Didn't they value their own skins?

edit: Klim, you're gonna want to pull Admiral's post, I think, because she hasn't actually said anything about that yet.
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