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Fantasy SettleTown, a Dark Tragedy

jenkins, slowly, turned and stared at Heraklius, but before he could respond, Iulius was standing and screaming, though he did motion at Grimm, who quitely despite his size, made his way slowly to that part of the table as the two legionaries talked.

"well." said Jenkins, and with a nod, Mr.Grimm suddenly, quickly, without a moment hesitation, grabbed Heraklius and pushed him down into his chair, before, brutally, beating his face against the table a good five times.

letting the man out of his grip after another motion from Jenkins, the started returning to his seat, making sure to take the man rifle with him.

"i apologize Hera...klius? but SettleTown has no remained intact by letting hooligans run amok within our walls." he then, slowly, turned and smiled at Iulius.

"i appreciate the offer Tribune, as he does appear to be in need of some assistance. in matter of fact, i give regin over the coming mission to you. i trust you wont disappoint."

suddenly, the server came back out, though waited for Jenkin to nod to serve after taking in the scene. before everyone, he put down a slice of pie, filled with a quite random assortment of fruits.

"well, now that everything calmed down, let us enjoy the last course of our meal." as the Pig..thing, was taken away, aswell as any dishes no longer wanted, Jenkins nodded to Grimm, who unrolled a map of SettleTown and the area onto the middle.

Grimm then cleared his throat.

"as you can see by the black markers, theres many-a thing we need looked into, however some...recent circumstances have made these two things the most important:

in the SouthEast:

a terrifying monster of unimaginable size has claimed a cave in this area as its home. It must be killed. A bonus of a LordsShare will be given to whoever brings its hide back. the skull another.

we believe this beast is the one eating our horses. well be giving ya some supplies to take it out dont worry.

the other thing is:

one of our major contributors sent his own, private shipment of...well, ill put it bluntly, 5 KingsWorths, to us. however the cart is quite late. we need you to travel the Road in detail to see if you cant find out what happened to it..and of course, retrieve the much needed funding.

now of course, we need both done, so expect to be gone quite awhile. well supply you with what food and water we can, but your gonna have to leave some stuff here id expect."

smiling, jenkins added his own thoughts.

"normally we wouldn't send you on a double mission, but given the closeness of them aswell as both their importance, we thought it only made sense. we expect the tasks to take around two weeks or so."

"now, any questions? on anything, dessert will only last so long and youll be needing your rest."
((Just getting out of class sorry for the tardiness))

"Greetings, my name is Zander as you know now, and I am an expert in reliving men of their valuables and themselves. I look forward to working with you in the future," Zander spoke as if his voice dripped with honey. He then sat down next to the legionary taking a bite of whatever the Mayor had procured for them tonight. He didn't mind the texture as it was similar to what game he used to find when hunting in the woods before arriving here a week ago. He was about to inform the other as to what he had seen before they had come a week earlier, but was interjected by the legionnaires' angry outbursts and militaristic duty fulfillments. After they had finished by the looks of things, Zander spoke. "The mayor is right though, wolves, by what i've noticed in the night, are the least of our worries. Even though I've only been here a bit longer than you all, I've heard inhuman cries from the forrest, screams, all the like. We will need to be on our toes if we're going to survive and complete our assignments. I also would like to point out, with my skills, we can profit quite a bit.
(( replying to your post, sorry if it's a double, yours beat mine by a few seconds.))

As the dessert came out and the mission objectives were assigned, the quest about the beast seemed to percolate within Zander's head the most and he felt that he needed more information. "Sir, about the beast that is eating your horses, what are its' habits such as patterns of attack, movements and general physiology? Also where can we infer that the beast itself is hiding?
Ezzion half listened to the newcomer (at least, he thought of him as a newcomer. He hadn't shared a cramped carriage with him for four days after all) while he thought about the money that the prizes would bring back. He would be the first to admit, he was greedy. It came of being a sellsword. A LordShare...that could get a man a lot. He nodded as he picked at the pie. "You got any women in town?" he asked the mayor, bluntly and to the point. His expression indicated exactly what kind of woman he meant. Everyone had to earn their wage somehow, and Ezzion wasn't one to turn down a whore if there was one. He glanced at the huge enforcer, 'grimm' "With all due respect of course." Even as he said it, he doubted he'd find the loose women he sought. But still, an empty hope was better than none at all.
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Iulius accepted his assigned duty as the leader with a curt nod, ignoring the others as he poured over the map, taking in every detail while quietly mumbling to himself.
The hunk of pigflesh that Oleander had chosen as his dinner was slowly melting onto his plate, and the wine was nearly gone. Though the bounty hunter had started his second glass, long hours of drinking back home with generous clients had taught his body to keep the burning, clawing fingers of drunkenness from his mind. Choking down the pork and staring across the room at those whom he had been thrown in with. Rare, for him to work with others and rarer still for him to find them as...strange as this bunch. His lips even curled at Heraklius's impudence, though it was more in sharp displeasure than amusement. The legionary would have to curb that tongue of his, if he were to speak to those who employed them. Tact was a trait that they should all learn if they had not already. He turned as Ezzion asked his question.

"You're a learned man, aren't you?" The mercenary asked. The Zell accent tinging his wine soaked words and perking up Oleander's ears.

"I've read many books, and killed several men who could be considered learned. And my old master thought it best that his apprentice know a great deal of things" A moments pause followed, before Oleander continued "But yes, you could say that. Why do you ask, friend?"

Even while speaking with the sellsword, he was still watching the dispute with Heraklius, the displeasure on his face turned to amusement as the grizzled old timer, the Legion officer who Oleander had already pegged as a man to follow into a fight, chewed the ear off of his subordinate with the sharp ministration of discipline. Grimm's discipline on the other hand, leaving Heraklius's face a mess, was less expected. And far less desirable in an employer - fighters were not toys to be damaged, not if you wanted their loyalty.
Ezzion turned back to Oleander, grimacing at Heraklius's battered face. He'd need to talk to him about that shorty. "How long ago was the Legion defeated?" He nodded at the legionaries. "Because between you and me, bar their training, there's not much similar between Herak and this Ex-Tribune. I was given to believe the Legion was a bit..." he searched for the words. "Done."
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"That's because they nearly are" The wine had stopped burning, which was unpleasant. Oleander already missed the fire it put in his chest. "They were slaughtered in an uprising years ago, and now we see an old warrior of their ilk and a younger man determined to be their leader. I remember the legionarys who used to visit my mother, back in Toln. All fought for the Empire, but in their hearts they fought for one another and for their gods." Oleander grimaced and pulled down his mask farther, revealing his throat. He dropped the aristocratic airs for a moment, his voice becoming a throaty growl to accent the long white scar across his neck "And one of the bastards gave me this".
Zander saw that one the the legionnaires, the one that chewed the other one out and the one that was sitting right next to him, was quietly looking over one of the maps muttering to himself. He leaned over and spoke quietly, "What sort of basic information can you infer about our beasty troublemaker?"
As he talked to Oleander, Ezzion nodded towards the door, "Let's talk outside." and both of them stood up. "Come on Herak, let's see to that face." Ezzzion waved his companion to them, and the marksman staggered over. They stepped outside into the night air, and Ezzion looked around for a rain barrel to help douse Heraklius's face. "Go on," he said to Oleander. "Sorry for the interruption, but it was growing a tad smokey in there, and Herak's face wants looking after."
Oleander's coat was once more hanging its comfortable weight over his shoulders and he pulled his mask and hat back into their customary positions. It always felt best to be properly dressed when stepping outside. Nodding to Tribue Ilius as he walked past and hooking his thumbs into his sword belt, he followed Ezzion into the gloom of the street outside. His ears sharpened as the oppression of the dark added its weight to his mind, and his eyes flickered around the street. This job was giving him a bad feeling, one he'd not expected when he got aboard the carriage. Of course, he would not abandon it - not on his honour. "Talking to him" Oleander gestured to Hiarklius "about the legion will probably get you more information than talking to me. I was never one of them, though one or two tried to get me to go off to battle." The soft, refined tones had made their return, and slid out into the cold air - the only warm sound in the street, amongst shadows that seemed to crowd close.
Iulius turned away from the map at the much younger man's voice, looking over his shoulder he took in the man, what was his name? Zander? Trying to measure him, he found is answer after a moment, underwhelming. He was lean, too lean, not enough muscle, wouldn't last long in a shieldwall. Pretty too, unscarred, unmarked, unreliable. A man whose never seen real battle, a waste. Sighing he turned back to the map. "What I can infer upon the nature of our quarry is that it is at least eight hundred pounds in weight, probably twelve to fifteen feet tall, aggressive, carnivorous, and strong enough to throw Mr Grimm over there like a stick." His hand fell to the short sword hanging at his hip, taping steel fingers against the steel pommel. "I can deduce that killing it will require far more blows than this measly lot could ever hope to land, more arrows and musketballs than we have to shoot at it, or a smart plan and a carefully laid trap."
After listening to Iulius' explanation and catching his gaze, he deduced that Iulius thought little of him by the judging stare he gave off. "So what's the next best thing if we can't attack it with brute force and gunfire? We use it's own weight and instincts against it. A beast like that more than likely has a pea brain so it won't think twice upon seeing a baited trap and only go for the bait not noticing the trap. I've done that with other animals in the past when I hunt and it's worked more than once. It's weight will also need to be a contributing factor as its' velocity upon entering the trap will have to be fast enough so that whatever we use to pierce its' skin will need to be sharp and long enough to hold it in place for a coup de grace masterstroke. What say you?"
"You lose." Iulius said, seeming unsurprised. He straightened up and turned, meeting Zander's quizzical expression. "First rule of warfare: Never underestimate your opponent. Violate that rule and you have already lost." He shook his head, "Never, ever, violate that rule again, lest you damn yourself and the men beside you."
"True enough," Zander shrugged, "I'm using past experience as a cornerstone. I've hunted bears, wolves, the occasional dire beast here and there, and other large animals. This specimen on the other hand, our hulking brute, probably has more intelligence that I'm used to. In that case we'd need to account for that anyway, So what would your plan of attack be in this case?"
"Third rule of the chain of command: Your commanding officer will tell you what you need to know when you need to know it." Iulius said dismissively, turning back to the map. "You will know your role when the time comes for you to fulfill it." This boy was starting to annoy him, presuming to know more than he actually did, and presuming to be more important than he was. Whatever this beast was, it was nothing like anything this Zander had hunted in the past. The veteran Legionary was not unaccustomed to hunting, before the fall nearly every raw recruit served in the scouts, tracking through the woods, hunting game to feed the troops, after the fall he never would have survived without the ability to hunt, this beast was unlike anything he had ever seen however, it would require caution to track, bait and trap. He doubted this charge of his had the patience for it, time would only tell for the rest of them.
"Very well then, I'll await further instructions, until then, I'll be back at home base then sir." With a two fingered salute to his forehead, Zander turned heel and proceeded out the door heading back to the "Home base"
The huntress ignored the idiotic antics of her companions, and made the most of hte situation. The... unfortunate texture was worse than her first attempts at cooking on her own, after her parents were executed. Far worse. But it clearly wasn't poisoned. The milk was a nice treat, as was the cake. The violence and irrelevant argument going on around her was completely ignored, as she managed to eat almost half of the fruitcake while the others were talking amongst themselves, unnoticed by the others until it was too late.

Aside from the great feast she participated in-- she's had better, but isn't complaining-- Rodea took in the information given. Five kingsworths? She could live a lifetime off of just one. What exactly would they do with five? And a giant, horse-eating beast? Perhaps it was linked, somehow, to the one that overturned her wagon. She still has some knightslayer arrows intended for that thing, if it is indeed what she is thinking of. She'll want the others to take its ire as she tries to kill it of course, and she'll have to call dibs on flaying its hide. She's the only one here who likely has any experience in doing so, regardless.
"Ah yes, I suppose dinner is just about done anyways." Jenkins said to the group leaving, to which Mr.Grimm himself got up and left somewhere into the back of the building, taking Herakliuses rifle with him.

Turning to address ezzion, the mayors smile grew and with a shrug he said " I'm afraid of what two women we now have neither are of that kind...well, I have not asked myself at least, but your free to do so yourself."

"And I'm sorry to say zander, but besides it being quite a dark shade of black and big enough to carry away an armored horse, we only know the marked general location it seems to nest in. We will provide you with five barrels of gunpowder to take it down, of course. Sending you in with nothing but conventional weaponry would be less then ideal." He said with a chuckle.

Standing up and stretching, the mayor took a small bow.

" as for me, I must be getting to my own bed. Feel free to do the same as you see fit, you'll be leaving after breakfast sometime. The map is yours Iulius, treat it well" he said, giving the old veteran a calm friendly pat as he walked by and out into the crisp night air of SettleTown, leaving the group to their own devices.

(Finish up whatever you wish and once everyone's good and asleep I'll jump things forward)
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Iulius nodded as the mayor departed, carefully rolling up the map he turned to his last remaining companion in the building. The girl was young, lean. The body of an outdoorswoman. She claimed to be a huntress, she certainly looked the part, time would only tell if her skills matched the claim. "Get some rest Miss, Rodia was it? We'll be setting a sharp pace and I'd prefer no one falls behind." With a curt nod he turned away and headed for the door, "Oh," He called over his shoulder, "and whatever that sellsword, Ezzion says, don't fuck him, you'll never get the bastard off you." A sharp laugh punctuated his statement as he departed the Inn, stepping into the warm night air. He found the rest of his band bandaging up Heraklius' face outside. "Pleased with yourself Legionary?" He growled as he approached them. Snorting at Heraklius' weak attempt to salute him. "I'd suggest you lads get as much sleep as you can, you'll find the pace of the Legion hard to keep up with without it. Any questions before I turn in?"
"Dawn waits fer no lass yea?" She looks toward Ezzion's general direction, and shrugs. "Heh, th'posh roy o'er there ain't me type, 'sides, m'thinks he secr'ly fancies lads."

Content with her dinner, Rodea Cain heads to her makeshift mattress in the attic, in order to attend to maintaining her tools and weapons, and checking to make sure there's no rot in her armor. Can't afford any weakness if the beast is as badass as the townspeople claimed, and given Grimm's displayed badassery, it seems prudent to take their claims seriously.
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Heraklius, bruised and battered and his pride broken heaved an internal sigh upon hearing the tribune's words.

"No sir, I am not pleased with my misconduct. I would preferably find a way to prove myself to you as a fellow brother of the legion, which means combat is what we will need." After dousing his face in the cold water for the last time he turned to the tribune, saluted in a hopefully more acceptable manner and left for the sleeping quarters, he hoped he would find his rifle still intact in the morning.
Iulius watched Heraklius depart disdainfully, "Maybe there's hope for that dog after all." He said to no one in particular. Shaking his head he turned back to the other two present. "We never would have tolerated that sort of behavior back when the Legion was together. Don't think either of you lads are old enough to have seen it though."
Ezzion shrugged. "I was asking Oleander here what he knew of it, but to hear it happen it fell when I still thought the world turned on fog and fish." H dried his hands on his surcoat. "Never heard how it fell though, just that it did."
"My experience with the Legion after the fall is...limited" Oleander grunted, hand unconsciously playing with his coat collar. Though he knew that the man who had come after his throat had been unusual for the warrior cult he still found his skin crawling at the idea of being too close to more of them. What if they went the same way? Decided to take their rage out on those around them? He didn't get that feeling from Iulius - the old veteran seemed too dignified - but it was never foolish to be careful.

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